The Martial Unity

Chapter 1280 Commence

Chapter 1280 Commence

Chapter 1280 Commence

A shocking spectacle had unfolded. The entirety of all the spectators watching had frozen silent.

Not even the commentators had much to say after a while. At most, they tried to keep the atmosphere from deteriorating too much, but they couldn't do much in that regard.

Many had thought that Rui's fight against Senior Frinjschia would go down as the most shocking and impactful fight in the Martial Contest.

Yet, many had already begun to question that.

"AAAAAAAAARGHRGRHRGRHRGRHRGRHRG!" Squire Janeau screeched in agony as Meera pulled out another canine from his mouth. Her powerful body had entangled with Squire Janeau in such a way that she had immobilized him with just the lower half of her body effortlessly, leaving her hands free to focus on extracting his teeth.

She never once gave him a chance to forfeit, unwilling to let him go.

It was a sight that had seared itself into the minds of the horrified spectators.

'She's a fiend.' Rui watched as she extracted yet another tooth. 'I'm actually surprised at the fact that there are no measures in place to ensure that this kind of stuff doesn't happen.'

Senior Deril had an impassive expression on, yet Rui felt like he was itching to end the fight, looking for a valid reason according to the rules.

Yet it appeared that he didn't find any.

This meant that everybody watching had to watch what was nothing short of torture.

Besides was a rather large pile of teeth. All of which had been spawned by Squire Janeau's body. Rui had already realized that his healing factor most likely borrowed from a reserve of compounds and nutrients specifically meant to aid with his fang regeneration.

'On top of that, it most likely borrows from his bone density once that reserve ends.' Rui sighed. 'No wonder this hasn't ended.'

Yet watching her had given him a better understanding of what kind of person and Martial Artist she was.

'She isn't cognizant of her insanity.' Rui concluded. 'Even now, she's merely acting on her aesthetic sensibilities. She cannot help but do so. A compulsive drive to act on her aesthetic sensibilities is nothing short of a mental disorder.'

It would explain the incongruence between how she was in normal interactions and how she was when acting on her aesthetic sensibilities.

His thoughts were interrupted by a new development in the battle arena.


Squire Janeau's body has been tossed by the side, unconscious. An open mouth revealed that his teeth had finally stopped regenerating. It appeared that she had finally hit the limit.

"Mmmmm..." She stretched her hands in the air as an expression of satisfaction appeared on her face. "Finally done..."

"Winner; Champion Meera." Squire Deril sighed, finally getting to end the match.

Not a single person clapped.

Not a single person cheered.

It appeared that even her most hardcore fans could not find it in themselves to support her after what she had done.

A few potions were magically supplied to her out of nowhere via some esoteric transportation system as she restored herself. Not that she had exerted herself much at all, but every bit counted.

Unlike the previous time, she did not leave the colosseum.

"And this brings us to the final match of the Martial Contest! The shocking newcomer Squire Falken will join Champion Meera in the finals. This is it! This is the pinnacle! Whoever wins will have the capital to call themselves the strongest!!!"

This evoked a reaction out of the ground as fiery passion resurged, and a loud roar resounded across the colosseum.

Not even Meera's macabre acts had prevented the sheer excitement of the clash between the two most powerful Martial Squires of the Martial Contest.


Rui drew the colosseum's attention as he stepped into the battle arena. The entirety of the spectators roared in excitement and enthusiasm. Meera's previous sight had set a horror in them, a fear that she was too strong.

Yet the sight of Rui reassured them. Just one glance at him, and even the most Martial-illiterate person would be able to see it.

Power. Sheer unadulterated power emanated from Rui.

Nearly every single person who beheld him couldn't help but feel awe at the sight of him.


He had arrived. The spectators had already begun going giddy at the sight of the first eye-to-eye confrontation between Rui and Meera.

They simply stared at each other unperturbed.

Neither one of them seemed bothered by the other's actions and capabilities.

Had any other Martial Squire of the Martial Contest been standing before either of them, they would have been unable to keep their cool. Yet the two of them were unfazed. josei

"Take your stances." Senior Deril instructed.

Neither of them moved.

Meera smiled at Rui. "I had a feeling this would happen when I first got a look at you."

"...Is that so?"

Ordinarily, the spectators eschewed any delays to a fight. Yet not a single person dared to hasten this one.

"Mhm. I just had a feeling." She nodded. "...A feeling similar to last time, where the same thing had happened."


She shook her head with a smile. "Are you interested in making a wager?"

Rui tilted his head in confusion. "Wager?"

"If I win... I'll do you one favour." She nodded. "But if you win, you must do me one favour."

"That's generally not how wagers work."

"I'm glad we have come to an agreement..."

"Enough," Senior Deril cut Rui off before he could retort with a stern expression. "Do not make me repeat myself. Take your stances."

"I'm good as is." Meera replied.

Rui stared at her deeply for a moment before adopting his classic neutral stance.

"Begin!" Senior Deril commenced the match.

The final battle of the Martial Contest had begun. The spectators held their breath, waiting.

Neither side made the first move.

They simply stared at each other.

Nothing happened.

Something had to give.

Rui sighed. "...Fine."

He rushed forward, lashing out at her with a powerful Flowing Canon strike.

The first attack of the battle had been launched.

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