The Messenger of Death

Chapter 317

Chapter 317: the immortal body clans' downfall

Gustavo took a deep breath and concluded it with a loud sigh.

"That is the story of the mythical beast Penny and my ancestor. The location where Penny's remains are is imbued in our bloodline. So long as a member of our clan awakens the bloodline, these memories, the one of Penny and the ancestor's life will be part of our memories. Like they were our past life." Gustavo continued.

"Penny suffered so much, why did he have to suffer? He didn't do anything wrong?" Emma sobbed, trying to take control of her emotions.

"Because he was an abomination to the universe," Adrian answered.

"Then why didn't the universe end Penny before he was born or right after he was born?" Emma asked.

"The chances of two different species that are Class-1 Primordial beasts, copulating successfully and giving birth to a child almost 0%, although it is said that Primordial beasts are favored by the Heavens, they have a lot of restrictions placed on them by the Heavenly Daos. The universe wasn't going to punish its favorites when they have done nothing wrong. Only until after Penny was born did the Heavens unleash its wrath.

His mother died right after giving birth, which was Heaven's doing, his father was nowhere to be seen too, that was also Heaven's doing." Gustavo shared a piece of his knowledge with them.

"Then why did the Heaven's let Penny live after birth?" Katherine asked this time.

"The life of a beast is tenacious and even more tenacious if it's a young beast from two Class-1 Primordial beasts. He went months without eating anything and he still survived, despite not knowing anything about QI." Gustavo answered.

"Why wait until he was bigger before sending a Heavenly tribulation his way?" Emma felt bad for Penny, she too had been thinking that the Heavens were wicked.

"If you see a fly mortal that you dislike, will you use everything you have as a cultivator to kill that mortal?" Gustavo replied with a question.

Emma frowned and thought about the question for a few seconds before giving an answer. "No,"

"Exactly, wouldn't it be more insulting to you, for you to use all you have as a cultivator to kill a mere mortal? It's the same with Heavens, why use all it has to kill a weakling? The Heavens will release their wrath as they see fit."

"A Heavenly tribulation and a Heavenly punishment, what's the difference?" Adrian questioned. He wanted to ask this for a while but didn't want to interrupt Gustavo's story.

"The Heavenly tribulation is something that every cultivator will face if they wish to become strong and go against the constraints of their nature.

The first tribulation will come when a cultivator is about to reach the Spirit transformation realm.

Heavenly tribulation is the test of will, and the tribulation lightning contains the Dao of life, meaning that if your willpower and Dao-heart is strong enough the tribulation lightning will not end you, even if you are about to die, you might even be lucky enough to get enlightened. But if your Dao-heart isn't strong enough, you will perish underneath the tribulation.

While the Heavenly punishment… it's just as its name suggests, it is Heaven's form of punishing. It is a type 0f tribulation too, only that this tribulation is for people that the Heavens want to destroy. The lightning in the Heavenly punishment is destructive and has no life Dao in it. Its purpose is to extinguish all signs of life that it comes in contact with, it is rumored to the Supreme Heavenly Daos in it." Gustavo explained.

"Supreme Heavenly Dao? What's that?" Adrian asked.

"What do you understand by Dao?"

"The path I walk," Adrian answered confidently.

"Correct, and what exactly is the path that you walk?"

"The path of a cultivator."josei

"Correct and incorrect… You are indeed walking the path of a cultivator, but that on this path, what route are you following?"

Adrian frowned, he was confused by Gustavo's question and didn't know how to answer.

"You are walking the path of sounds, the Dao of sounds. Although the category in which your Dao is, that I have no knowledge of, I have never even heard of it before.

However, there are 3 categories of Dao, The Mortal Daos, The Heavenly Daos, and The Supreme Heavenly Daos. This is one of the major factors that cause such a huge difference between cultivators with higher cultivation bases and those with bases.

Right now most of us here in the 3 Plain realms, under the Spirit Transformation Stage, are utilizing The Mortal Daos. Emma should be a wood cultivator, with a special type of body that resonates with the world, all wood cultivators use Heavenly Dao.

We can only start using the Heavenly Daos after we undergo the Heavenly tribulation. And for the Supreme Heavenly Daos, I was told that after ascending, one might be able to touch upon the Supreme Heavenly Daos, but it's not for certain."

After explaining this, the Seraphim team members seemed to enter a vague state of enlightenment. They were now well aware of the path in which they walked, making their Dao-hearts stronger.


As if someone had removed their bottlenecks, their cultivation base soured. They all broke through from their ranks and made it to the late stage of the Disaster cultivation realm.

"What!?" All of them echoed with a surprised expression on their faces, the person most surprised by this was Gustavo. Just from listening to a lecture about Daos and Dao-heart, their cultivation increased instantly.

"You guys entered a short state of enlightenment!" Gustavo said.

"Is this what enlightenment can do!?" Camron asked ecstatically.

"Yes, Bottlenecks are caused by weak foundations. If a breakthrough is forced, the cultivator's potential to reach higher cultivation realms will be crippled. Now that you've been enlightened, your foundations are solid for now. Gustavo explained, feeling a bit jealous of all of them.

He has knowledge that they don't, and he has had them from since he was young, yet his cultivation hardly improved. Even though the cause of his predicament is his bloodline, he couldn't help but still feel jealous.

Emma giggled, "Just from learning this happened, I broke through from the fourth stage of the Disaster realm to the eighth, just a little nudge and I will reach the ninth stage." She said happily.

"Same here" Camron revealed.

"I'm at the seventh stage," Adrian mentioned.

"Me too!" Katherine and Drake stated at the same time. They paused and looked at themselves. "Eewww!!" They chorused in disgust.

"Oughf!" Drake cried out. Katherine punched him on his stomach.

"Stop copying me!" She warned.

"Yes ma'am," Drake replied with a low, pained tone.

"And I'm still at the early stages of the Disaster realm," Gustavo muttered.

"Tell us more Gus, I would love to be enlightened again." Emma urged.

'Enlightenment doesn't come that easy,' Gustavo wanted to say, but after what just happened, he decided not to. 'All of them are freaks nature, even those two violent couples. How did Alex gather such a team?' He wondered.

"What else do you want to know?" Gustavo opened his arms wide as he asked.

"You still haven't told us of how your clan got to the Ordain Plain realm." Adrian pointed out.

"Alright then, I will continue with my story… I did mention that my ancestor, the blacksmith, almost destroyed the world. He would have done so, if he wasn't stopped by a powerful sect, one that became a plague to my clans' people. The Divine Eye sect, a large group of fortune tellers that walk the Dao of gambling."

"Huh?" Drake exclaimed. "What is that?"

"It is just like the element you use, Earth, theirs is gambling with Karma and Fate. The Divine Eye sect was at first, a mysterious group of people, right until they Divined the end of the world coming.

If not for them, my ancestor would have destroyed the world in which he was born. It didn't matter how strong my ancestor was, they always had a trump card ahead of him. Because of the Karma, he had invoked by himself, and the Karma that he received from Penny's blood essence.

My ancestor failed to best them, many times without number, and when he saw that he couldn't beat them, he decided to run away from that world. He fled to another world.

My ancestor lived in this new world like a mortal for thousands of years before finding a woman to fall in love with and make children with. His wife gave birth to 7 children, all of which had inherited the ancestor's bloodline, and with the bloodline came the memories of Penny. So it is natural for everyone who has awakened their bloodline to hate Empyreans.

The ancestor trained his children to the best of his ability, offering them all of his knowledge without holding anything back. His children grew strong and dominated the world that they were born in. He taught them how to defend themselves from the techniques of the Divine Eye sect.

Thousands of years went by and the ancestor's children all had their own children, who also had kids of their own. They taught their own kids what their ancestors taught them, and their children did the same to their descendants.

After millions of years, my clan grew so much that we could brag that we're the owners of that world, as we owned and covered almost a quarter of land on that world. I must admit, we are professionals when it comes to bragging." Gustavo chuckled at the memory this brought back to him.

"My father used to say to me that bragging was also something that the ancestor passed down to us." He explained why he had chuckled.

This brought about a smile on all of their faces

He then continued; "The ancestor had gone into seclusion, only his children and their children knew where exactly he was. Then, the people of the Divine Eye sect arrived and their plan was to kill every single person that had the blood of the ancestor and Penny flowing through their veins.

They claimed to have seen a future where a person from our clan will succeed in destroying their sect, and to avoid that, they chose to eradicate the whole clan.

A war started, a war between the Immortal Body clan and the Divine Eye sect.

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