The Messenger of Death

Chapter 318

Chapter 318: the immortal body clans' downfall ii

A war started, a war between the Immortal Body clan and the Divine Eye sect.

The Divine Eye sect killed my clan's people and we killed their people too. This war lasted for over 2 years, and the death count was beyond thousands. Despite everything, despite having immortal bodies, we, unfortunately, do not have immortal souls. That is the weakness of our ability, we are susceptible to soul attacks. 

Because of this, the Divine Eye sect was still winning the war. They came with people as strong as the ancestor's fifth generation of children.

And when the whole clan was on the verge of being destroyed, the ancestor and his children, and their children all came out of seclusion.

They came to our rescue and for the first time since the war started, we were winning. The first set of people that came were not strong enough to deal with the ancestor's grandkids. They tried to use the Karma in Penny's blood against us. But Karma is a very tricky existence.

My clans' people had gathered so much good Karma during the years that they dominated that world, so much so that it could suppress the Karma of having an abomination's blood essence flowing through us, to an extent.

The extent to which that Karma had been suppressed was enough to help the ancestor and his children, and their children, change the tide of the war.

Even the Divine Eye sect that claimed to be able to see the future did not see that coming. The ancestor's grandkids were enough to send the Divine Eye sect back from whence they came, forcing them to retreat.

Although we won the war, the ancestor was pained that so many of his descendants had perished under the wicked reality of war. He became scared for his descendants, knowing that the Divine Eye sect will not give up and that they hadn't sent their strongest yet.

He had fought with the sect before, so he was clear on how strong they are. Fearing that his descendants might one day all perish, the ancestor gathered all that remained of his descendants and arranged us into 7 groups, all under his 7 children, respectively. The descendants that came from his first child were all gathered in one group, and the rest were arranged this way too.

The ancestor revealed that he was going to send his descendants away, to worlds where the Divine Eye sect couldn't afford to enter just so they kill us-"

"Just how many of these worlds are there? I don't really understand." Drake interrupted.

"According to my father, above the 3 Plain realms, there are 10 planetary worlds. Only after ascending would one be able to reach these 10 planetary worlds. My clan originally came from one of the 10 planetary worlds. He said that it is the world of Sovereigns." Gustavo explained.

"My father told me that in this Galaxy, there are actually millions of worlds above the 3 Plain realms, but they are considered minor worlds when compared to the 10 planetary worlds. Even when cultivators ascend, they won't ascend to any of minor worlds, only the 10 planetary worlds."

"Amazing," Camron muttered.

They were all amazed and unable to imagine what they just heard. To them, the Celestials alone, from the Celestial plain realm were already existences that they couldn't fathom. Now an existence above that was mind-blowing to them.

Gustavo resumed his narration when he saw that there were no questions for him, he said;

"The ancestor sent each group, to a new minor world. However, doing this took a lot of energy from the ancestor and his children, and their children.

Cultivators that were too strong weren't included in the groups, because of the Laws of the Heavens, they couldn't be sent to a world that could crumble because of their cultivation. So they too stayed behind with the ancestor.

A few years went by and it remained 2 groups that hadn't been sent away. The ancestor was preparing to do so when the Divine Eye sect arrived again.

They came with a more terrifying ability, the ability to use Karma to summon Heavenly tribulations. And because we possess the blood essence of a Mythical Beast, an abomination, the tribulation that they summoned was the Heavenly Punishment.

The Divine Eye sect even did something more evil before showing up with their new ability. They murdered every descendant that the ancestor had sent to the minor worlds.

It was as if they could already tell what would happen, and where the ancestor would send his descendants.

The ancestor's children burst with rage and began unleashing their heaven-shaking might. Only the ancestor remained calm, he was still focused on sending the last 2 groups away.

Knowing that if he sent the rest of his descendants to minor worlds, the Divine Eye sect will still be able to reach them, he decided to take the risk and send his descendants to the Celestial Plain realm, even if it could cripple their future. If the Divine Eye sect tries to come down to the 3 plain realms, the Heavens will release their wrath on them.

Before the Heavenly punishment that had been summoned could lock on the last 2 groups of descendants, the ancestor sent them down to the Celestial Plain realm. That's how we got here…" Gustavo finished.

Silence filled the room for a while, before Drake broke it with a question, "What happened to the ancestor after that?"

"We don't know. After being sent to the Celestial Plain realm we lost contact with the ancestor. But we suspect that everyone that remained with the ancestor has perished. After all, a Heavenly punishment was incited on them. Even Penny, a mythical beast couldn't survive it, how were they to survive such too? Gustavo shook his head at the end of his reply.

"Oh… Sorry about that." Drake apologized, realizing that his question was a bit bashful.

"Don't worry about it," Gustavo said. "Then for how we got down from the Celestial Plain realm to them Ordain Plain realm, it was still the doing of the Divine Eye sect.

However, they were unable to attack or contact us directly. They sent a shred of their soul down to the Celestial plain realm and commissioned strong families. They taught them how to use a bit of Karma to kill us.

But that technique wasn't needed. It was for people that had almost reached the Pinnacle of the Immortal body. Those that had achieved the stage of the undying body, which can only be achieved after awakening the bloodline.

And unfortunately for most of us, we couldn't awaken our bloodline as its purity had dropped.

The families from the Celestial plain realm struggled to hunt my clans' people, and in return, many of the families perished. The same thing happened over at our side, a lot of us died. And when we saw that a lot of us had perished, we decided to run to the Ordain plain realm.

Knowing that there was a rule that restricts cultivators on the Celestial plain realm from taking action on a lower plain realm. But still, these families from the Celestial Plain realm refused to give up on our heads. They waited for years, watching and monitoring my clan in the Ordain plain realm.

And my clan continued to decline, there were only a handful of people that could awaken their bloodlines. My mother, she's from the Ordain plain realm. Her family, are cultivators affiliated with one of the families that were tasked with hunting my clan's people down. She met my father and fell In love with him, instead of killing him, she had 3 children with him.

She left her family and joined our clan. Her family hated our clan the more for this. They planned and got allies, and at our weakest, they attacked.

My mother took me and my siblings away, running from the hands of her family, but alas, while running they were caught. I don't even know if they're still alive or not.

I spent 2 nights alone in a forest, crying. I hated life itself at that point and was thinking about committing suicide. But why do that when I have pursuers that could do that for me? I purposely revealed myself, waiting for them to find me, and a day later, I was found.josei

That was when I first met Nana. She had been in the forest all this while, watching me from afar, well aware of what had happened to my clan right from the Celestial plain realm. In mere seconds, everyone that had been pursuing me was frozen to death, turned into ice sculptures.

Nana said that the only reason she chose to take action was that, those people made too much noise and she hates noise.

I begged her to take me along, I would follow her and go wherever she's going. I even asked her to make me her disciple, and she answered me with a question. 'If you had my strength, will you avenge your family?'

As a weak child, I didn't have an answer for her. Although she didn't accept me as her disciple, she still brought me along, bringing me to the Lower plain realm with her."

"So Nana is from the Ordain plain realm?" Katherine asked with a pale expression.

"No, she's from the Celestial plain realm," As soon as Gustavo revealed, Katherine slipped from where she was sitting and fell to the metal ground.


Her fear for Nana multiplied by a hundred…

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