The Messenger of Death

Chapter 330

Chapter 330: onwards to the island ii

Step by step, the large group of women marched through the forest. Making their way towards the shore, but at the moment they were still in Kymani's territory.

Such large movement couldn't go unnoticed by those strong enough to sense the movement of mass auras coming from Kymani's side. Scar, whose territory was closer to Kymani's territory, noticed it first and called all his men. 'Did that fool Jarja do something to Kymani that I am not aware of? Her people are marching towards his territory' Scar thought.

He told his men to prepare for a possible battle that might happen between Kymani and Jarja, and who they would support if it began.

Now, Scar had no way to know that Kymani had already broken through to the Heaven cultivation realm. If he was aware of this, he wouldn't have given the directions he laid out to his men.

Over at Jarja's territory.

Many of the brutes here were feeling uneasy, they could feel the auras approaching them. "Cha cha, Kymani's people are on their way. I can smell them from miles away." Chari announced.

And even without his announcement, they would have been able to tell on their own, just who it was that was coming to their side. They had fought with Kymani's people several times.

The only reason that they were feeling uneasy at this point is because of Scar. Normally, in the past, when their side fought against Kymani's side, Scar and his people were always on the neutral side of the conflict. But after their last scuffle, Scar warned that if a fight took place because they went to look for trouble, he would support Kymani.

"Ayy, we ain't dzone nothing yet." The one-eyed man with a bar head exclaimed. They hadn't done anything yet to infuriate Kymani. He looked up at the mid-afternoon sun that seemed to have gotten brighter. The one-eyed man couldn't tell if it was because of the uneasiness that he was that made him see the sun like that.

Since the day that Jarja returned, after speaking with Scar, he had been furious and they had tried their best in attempting to soothe his anger.

"Perhaps they have finally realized that they need dicks in their life." A dwarf man thought out loud. Letting his fantasy cloud his rationality on reality.

Most of the people around just looked at the dwarf and ignored him. They were all aware that it was impossible for all the women with Kymani to suddenly feel such. If it was just 1 or 2 women, they could consider such fantasy, but there were a whole lot of women heading their way.

"Men!! Get ready, let's go and find out what those pussies want!!" Jarja's voice echoed throughout his territory. His men gathered as quickly as they could, and they marched towards the incoming auras from Kymani's side.

While advancing towards their destination, Kymani could tell that Jarja and his men had already gathered and were subsequently heading for them too. She sneered and thought; 'Just wait until I meet you. The moment you say something that I find insulting at me, I will crush your nuts and squeeze the life out of your brain.'

Kymani then released the aura of a peak Sky realm cultivator. This action of hers was awarded a glance from Xander.

['What is this lady thinking of? She just changed her aura back to that of a Sky realm cultivator.'] Xander wondered.

['Look at her unconsciously clenching her fist. She must be itching to give someone the beating of their life… the real question is who?'] Al pointed out.

The sun had slowly started to set and the night was on to grace them with its darkness. It was at this time Kymani and her women reached the borders of Jarja's territory.

What divided Kymani's side from Jarja's territory was a path that they cleared in the forest. They uprooted the trees in-between, creating a long visible line of a cleared path in the forest.

A large number of Sky realm cultivators stood across Kymani's people, staring at them hungrily as they licked their lips…

And while Kymani's people were having a stare-off with Jarja's people, Scar and his men arrived at the center of the two groups. Now normally, Scar wouldn't have gotten this close to them, but he saw Xander from afar and couldn't help but get closer to them.

"Ah, you caught the boy alive." Scar exclaimed as he approached Xander.

"I didn't catch him or anything like that, I struck a deal with him," Kymani revealed, rather morosely because of Scar's expectations.

"Huh?" Scar paused and arched a brow at Kymani and then looked at Xander, seeming to search for some kind of flaw about what Kymani said, on Xander's face.

However, Scar was met by the ever-cold expression of Xander, not even flinching at the aura coming off Scar.

"What type of deal?" Scar couldn't help but feel agitated. His instincts were telling him that something was out of place.

Right at this moment, Jarja and 6 of his strongest men arrived behind Scar. They didn't want to go any closer, fearing that they might instigate the start of a battle if they did.

While Jarja did intend on battling Kymani, it was never his intention for the fight to have come so soon. He wasn't done preparing.

"Hand the boy over to us if you are too soft to snatch his things," Jarja spoke with a domineering tone, trying to intimidate Kymani as much as he could.

Xander arched a questioning brow at Jarja and then returned his expression to his default chilling gaze.

['This must be the guy she referred to as 'dicks for brains' and also the person she's itching to give the beating of his life. My guess is that he's the one they call Jarja.'] Al commented after noticing Kymani's fist clench some more as she glared at Jarja.josei

She looked as if she was doing her best to hold herself back from punching Jarja. The muscles on Kymani's neck got stiffer as she tried to retain control over her urge to kill. She forcefully tore her afternoon away from Jarja and faced Scar.

"We are heading for the island," Kymani said after a while.

The revelation of news gained a few gasps from those that heard it.

"Have you finally given up on living!?" Jarja chuckled viciously.

But Kymani pretended as if she didn't hear him. "And the boy will be going with us." She added.

"Is that the deal you struck with him?" Scar questioned.


"What do you stand to gain from this?" Scar asked calmly.

['Kymani did say that Scar was a person with morals, albeit a twisted one. He sounds diplomatic, the way he speaks…'] Al mentioned.

"I have already achieved my goal," Kymani replied.

"Just hand over the skinny boy." A fairly muscular man with a vulgar voice from amongst Jarja's men spoke. This man was barely 6'0" tall and was shirtless. "Damn, his mother must have been one hell of a poor bitch for her to give birth to a skinny kid like him."

"Hahaha!!" A few of the men around laughed at this man's comment.

Suddenly, this man saw his world turn upside down, literally. Before he could react, he saw a lightning flash and everything in his sight turned surreal. This was because Xander's sword had cut through his neck in one swift and decisive strike.

Xander activated his blood Qi, causing his cultivation base to rise by 7 ranks, and with the support of the lightning, Xander's speed was amplified.

This sword strike of Xander was terrifying and bizarre, it transcended the laws of cultivation, from the point where it was drawn from its sheath to the moment when it slashed through the man's neck. Everything happened in a second, if not less.

It was so fast that even Xander was stupefied by his sword strike. He was well aware of what he was capable of, and this strike was something that Xander couldn't fathom.

The edge of his blade was wrapped in the same red glint that he had been trying to comprehend for the past few days, the only difference is that the glint at the moment made his sword sharper and feel lighter.

Xander's sudden attack caught everyone off guard. More accurately, the speed and profanity that was within his sword strike caught them off guard. While the speed at which he crossed the distance between him and the men was something that they would normally be shocked by, it couldn't compare to the sword strike at all.

Shaking off the feeling of shock, Xander proceeded to attack the nearest person to the man that he just beheaded. He was going to kill him because he laughed at what that muscular man said.


Xander slashed his sword at the next person, but the moment he did, he knew that this sword strike wouldn't be able to take the man's life. The strike didn't even contain a quarter of what the first strike contained, and this puzzled him greatly, unable to understand why it was so.

The man dodged this strike and was about to make a counter-attack when Xander instinctively pulled away, trying to get back to his previous position beside Kymani.

However, as he was making his way, the man that he attacked caught up with him and was about to pitch a blow at Xander when a hand stopped it in its place.

It was Kymani, she had come to Xander's aid.

"You… you've already broken through!" Jarja uttered despairingly as he felt his chest clutch in fear…

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