The Messenger of Death

Chapter 331

Chapter 331: onwards to the island iii

"You… you've broken through!" Jarja uttered despairingly as he felt his chest clutch in fear.

"How is this possible!? You broke through in a few days!" Jarja asked. The Scar, Kymani, and Jarja used to be at a bottleneck that they couldn't get out of through cultivating naturally, they needed assistance.

Jarja didn't imagine in his wildest nightmares that Kymani would breakthrough in a few days after meeting Xander.

"I told you that this bitch would betray you!!" Jarja bellowed at Scar.

"I never thought that she would." Scar muttered his reply as he began thinking about his actions.

'Was I a fool that became too trusting? No, but wait, she said that she struck a deal with the kid. If she has already gotten to the Heaven cultivation realm and she wants to keep this boy with her, she doesn't need to lie. She can just do so, we are no match for her now.' Scar unconsciously turned his sight towards Xander once again.

He stared into Xander's eyes, trying to figure something out, and to his surprise, Xander stared back at him. Not backing down. This brought an involuntary frown onto Scar's tender face.

['Ah, this man has the eyes of a killer. I wonder what he did that got him into this forest.'] Al commented.

Similar to the comment Al made, Scar commented in his thoughts too. 'He has the eyes of someone that has massacred… a lot of people at that. I can faintly sense the residual killing intent in him now that I'm observing him carefully.'

This sent chills down Scar's neck. 'When he beheaded Jarja's man, he didn't release any of this killing intent that I'm sensing in him. How is that possible? How do you kill without the intention to kill? ' He thought curiously.

"I didn't betray you Scar…" Kymani's voice snapped Scar out of his thoughts and brought his attention back to her. "As I said, I struck a deal with the Young master here." She used her chin to point at Xander.

Kymani purposely referred to Xander as Young master, trying to indicate something to Scar.

'Young master? Why would she call him that? Something doesn't add up here.' Scar thought.

'Ahh!! I wish I could transmit what I want to say to Scar rather than say it out loud. How the hell am I supposed to tell Scar that this kid has someone protecting him here and that person is at least at the Spirit Awakening realm!?' Kymani thought frustration.

'And this bastard called me a bitch, just wait a little bit more, I show just how much of a bitch I am.' She released her killing intent and directed it to Jarja.

She was still holding the hand that sought to strike Xander previously. Out of frustration, she broke the man's neck and ended his life.


The lifeless body dropped the floor, sending chills down the spines of Jarja's men, including Jarja himself. Many of them started to retreat sparingly.

Jarja, who was already beside Scar couldn't retreat now, his pride wasn't going to let him, even if he knew that his death was imminent if he remained here. He glared back at Kymani, not backing down to her killing intent.

"This is a waste of time… let us be on our way if we are not going to fight." Xander broke the tension that was in the air.

He looked at Kymani and noticed that her killing intent was still directed at Jarja. "Kill him if you're going to kill him, there's no point in thinking about it," Xander mentioned.

"I'm not thinking of if I should kill him or not, I'm trying to think of the most painful way to do so," Kymani replied.

['Oh, that should be easy. She just needs to-'] Lex began excitedly then paused when recalled that his brutality scarred the others. ['Sorry,'] He apologized meekly.

['There's nothing to worry about… we should all at least, get used to it… I think.'] Alex said with uncertainty, not sure if he wanted to get used to that.

['I don't think I can ever get used to that, no matter how many people I kill. No offense Lex.'] Al confessed.

['None taken,'] With a chuckle, Lex replied…

"Just get it over with, I am running it of patience." Xander sheathed his sword and started walking forward, making his way towards the slowly retreating gang of Jarja.

Seeing that Xander was fearlessly approaching them, a lot of them got pissed by this attitude of Xander's. But they knew that if they tried to attack him, there's an angry Heaven realm cultivator that will have no qualms pouncing on them.

They started releasing their killing intent in reciprocation to Xander's action, expecting their intent to scare him off. Unfortunately for them, contrary to their expectations, it didn't scare Xander off. His pacing wasn't even affected.

Instead, it brought out the competitive nature in Xander. He too released his bone-chilling killing intent.


A different type of mental pressure fell upon everyone present. This mental pressure made some people jump in shock and fright. Some stared with their eyes opened wide as sweat rolled down the side of their faces.

Even Kymani didn't expect something like this from Xander. 'Just how many people do you have to kill to achieve a killing intent like this?!' She wondered.

Xander's killing intent agitated a lot of people present. If their cultivation bases were low and their mental strength was weak, they would have given in to the pressure from the killing intent and lost consciousness or gone crazy in fear.

"This man is a demon!!" The dwarf from Jarja's gang blurted out. He didn't view Xander as a boy, he was a man that was also a demon.

Like an amplifier, the word demon was in tune with the current disposition that they were seeing Xander in. It made their hearts beat faster. And the fact that the night was setting in only exaggerated Xander's features to match his killing intent.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Every step that Xander took was heard by everyone present, not because their hearing was superhuman, but because they felt threatened by Xander, so much so that they focused their senses on him unintentionally.

"Are you still thinking about how to kill him?" Xander asked without stopping or turning his back to face Kymani.

How nice snapped many of them out of the bone-chilling trance that they were put in by the hypnotic killing intent of Xander.

"No, I've decided to just go with the flow," Kymani replied and charged at Jarja.

Sensing the imminent threat approach him, Jarja quickly took his battle stance. However, his reaction to this was futile. How could he keep up with someone in Heaven cultivation realm?

His eyes couldn't even follow her speed properly. In a second, Kymani arrived in front of Jarja.

She looked like a little girl when standing in front of this giant of a man.

Kymani raised smirked as she raised a hand quickly grabbed something in-between Jarja's legs. Jarja's eyes opened wide in trepidation...

He couldn't even react properly. On instinct, he sent his knee at Kymani's head.


Kymani blocked his flimsy attack and her smirk got wider. "Why think so much when the answer was always in front of me." She chuckled maliciously.

"Ahh!!" Jarja aggrieved cried out in pain as Kymani's grip on his balls got tighter. He couldn't help but make muffled groans from the depths of his heart.

The pain from having your balls being squeezed harshly is something no man should go through. "Barrhhhhgg!!" Jarja cried out again. His eyes were starting to tear up involuntarily.

He couldn't even move properly, it was as if every part of his body had been deactivated due to the pain coming from having his balls being squeezed.

"Never thought I'll hear you scream like a pregnant goat," Kymani commented.

The males that were watching what Kymani was doing couldn't help but guard what was in-between their legs one way or another, and this was all unintentional.

Some of them used their hands to cover their groins, while some instinctively clasped their legs together…

"Sing for me, Jarja," Kymani muttered coldly as she tightened her grip on his balls.josei

"Jahhhh!!" Jarja screamed out, he could tell that his nuts were about to break.


A yellowish fluid seeped out of Jarja's trousers as his consciousness began fading.

"Oh no, you don't," Kymani uttered.

With her hand still holding on to his testicles, she pulled at it, tearing it off Jarja's groin. "Argh!!" The pain from this stopped Jarja from fainting.

With his mouth open, Kymani stuffed his testicles into his mouth slammed his mouth close. "I remember telling you that, one day, I'll make you suck your own dick."

She then held Jarja's head and started to turn it to the side slowly. Breaking his neck, as painfully as she could…


Jarja's lifeless body hit the ground.

"Now I feel better," Kymani said with a satisfied smile on her face.

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