The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 203 - Second Stage

Chapter 203 - Second Stage

After choosing the <Proceed> choices, the whole room lit up which caused him to be taken aback.

The next moment after the sudden brightness, he found himself in a different place. Yman was stunned for a moment. His initial thought was he was teleported to a far place. In which tall trees and tall grass could be seen around.

Different kinds of birds and nonhostile small animals were scuttering around.

The ceiling of the training room was gone, in exchange, the leaves of tall trees were shading him from the sun.

If not because of the glass window that separates him from the spectators, he would believe that he was teleported to a different place.

He wondered if Rea was in collaboration with the Training Pavilion management. She was the only person he could think of that could create a domain such as this..

Aside from the glass window a couple of meters away from his right side, he couldn't find anything else, even the walls! Only a wide-range forest that he had no idea of how huge it was.

Every stage has a total of 10 waves. In which the trainee would be fighting different dummies. The dummy's power would increase as trainee advances.historical

In an exchange with the floor, now he was standing on the soil. Dry leaves and branches could be seen around him. They were scattered all over the place to where he was currently bewildered by the things around him.

It seemed like he went hunting in the forest out of a sudden.

It was surreal. The experience was so surreal. No wonder that Encantasia Academy was one of the leading academies of magic in all the worlds.

They have such facilities that enable their trainees to train as they like.

Unlike the backwater academy of HC Zone 7. Due to the lack of facilities, the level of power that the trainees out there were way behind from the other academies.

For example, if he compared the trainees from HC Zone 7 to the trainees from Encantasia Magic Academy, it was like comparing a child to a teen.

Most of the trainees in Encantasia Magic Academy were at the rank of False Path expert. On the contrary, the trainees from HC Zone 7 were at most level 5 to level 8.

If these two academies would battle, no need to guess who would win. It was clear that the academy of Encantasia wouldn't fall a sweat in the fight against the backwater academy of HC Zone 7.

Yman learned about this huge difference after coming to the empire. Especially now that he witnessed with his own eyes the quality of their trainees in this academy.

Regardless, he could not find the magic circle on the ground. It was supposed to be the spawning area of the monster.

'Hm, could it be… the monsters will spawn randomly?' Yman thought so.

Just after mentioning it, his ears picked some sounds of crashing. Based on the sounds it must be coming from dry branches and leaves.

His head twisted to where the sound was coming from. To his right side, behind the bushes he perceived some presences, coming from there.

He closed and opened his hand, trying to find if it was stiff. But he felt fine and his stamina was still good.

Anyhow, after his battle with the Shokyo dummy, Sistela reported to him that his CE had increased 7%. It was quite low compared to his previous battle before he was in contract with the demon. Now in total, he had about 10% CE.

He needed another 90% to break through to his current level and reach level 5.

Looks like being in contract with the demon, also lowered the experience that he could achieve. It must be because of his abnormally high stats in which comparable to a False Path Expert.

He also heard some news that the trainee would get less CE as he/she became stronger.

It doesn't matter, he just had to train repetitively if necessary. He got a strong power up but with the expense of his speed growth. Well, his growth was considerably low in the beginning. So no need to sweat it. He knew that it would happen in the first place. And he already made thorough thinking before he decided on the contract.

His only way to break through a little bit faster was to engage himself in a hard-fought battle as often as he could. Though he didn't mean to randomly pick a fight, just in training.

His job as an adventurer was a dangerous path. And it was even more dangerous now that he became the bodyguard of a mysterious princess.

So Yman could not slack off. He needed to find a way to become stronger as fast as he could.

He had yet to succeed in curing his sister. And he was still not in the starting line either. 

His chest heaved up when he made a sigh and slightly shook his head and brushed his hair up to clear his thoughts from all the thinking he currently had in mind.

He needed to concentrate on the coming fight. He first retrieved the scout bee that was still hovering above him. The crimson mana that acted as its veins were glowing faintly than before. It signifies that it almost dried out his mana.

His mouth extended into a smile when he noticed something within it.

But he had no time to be in a daze as the enemies had already come out of hiding.

As expected there were multiple of them and he was surrounded from all sides. They were on the tree branches and some were below. They had grotesque figures that could only be seen in a horror movie. 

<Dark Goblins!>

Sistela cried out.

The dummies were modeled from the monster known as Dark Goblins. They were types of goblin that had fiercer looks and their bodies were in darker green. They had well-toned muscle and sharper claws and fangs that grew about 5 centimeters long. They had bloodshot eyes that had red veins visible on them.

Dark Goblins were known for their endurance and strength. They mostly wield a cub in their hand. And they were ranked with double letters which were ranked BB.

Just like the normal goblins, they also attack their victims in groups.

Without a warning when one of them jumped off from the tree branch and brandished its cub towards him.

The enemy was above him and at his front.

He made a quick count of his enemies. There were a total of 15 Dark Goblins surrounding him.

But before his eyes wandered around, he noticed the fast approaching cub on his head. It has countless nails protruding around it. One could imagine the grim outcome ever it hit them in the face.

He evaded the attack by slightly moving his body to the left, then he followed up with an uppercut. His punch hit straight to the enemy's jaw. It was sent back flying and collided with the huge tree trunk. It caused the tree to shake terribly which caused the dry branches and leaves to rain down.

The other dummies glanced at their comrade's before they raced to attack him.

Some jumped off and directly smashed their cub onto him. Those who were already below waved their wave their weapon vertically.


Before their weapons landed on him, a massive amount of aura burst out from his body. It was the Force Shield, one of the Elder Skeleton's skills that he fought inside Rea's world in painting.

The ant that bit him immediately dissolved after it passed the skill.

The Dark Goblins around him were thrown away from him when they collided on his Force Shield. But the Force Shield only lasted for a brief moment. It was a one time use only, if he wanted to use it again, he needed to summon one of the ant carriers to bite him and pass the skill to him.

He kicked some dry branches on the ground and took some, using Sistela and the demon's mana, he fortified it and shot tree fortified dry branches to the still lying enemies.

(Ngh! Gwa! Gush!)

Three cries followed after the three fortified branches pierced their skins. Next, he threw fortified leaves to the approaching enemies who managed to get them immediately. But they were greeted by the incoming sharp leaves that seemed like blades. It cut their skin in an instance. Though the damage wasn't enough to kill them. They continued rushing forward, disregarding the damage they received. After all, they were not the real monsters, they were just copies of the original.

In replacement of their muddy black blood, particles of light were gushing out from their wounds.

The fight against the Dark Goblins continued until he dispatched all of them. Then another batch of dummies followed. Yman used every means he could use to defeat the enemies.

Rea and Cinde were very amused by watching him.

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