The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 204 - Full Moon

Chapter 204 - Full Moon

Yman continued fighting every wave of dummies without a rest. Whenever his stamina went low, he would summon one of the Type-A Third Version Ant to inject Stamina Elixir on him.

Though he couldn't waste it as it was so expensive. Thanks to him being able to swindle the swindler vendor, the real price was cut to an affordable price.

He jumped to the branch to evade the spear that was thrown to him by a Flying Goblin. This type of goblin wields a spear in their hand. And on their back, bat-like wings were attached. This was one of the many kinds of goblin around this world.

In the Outerworld, there was only one type of goblin. So seeing these different types of goblin surprised him.

But Yman had no time to be surprised.. Again, he snapped a branch then fortified it with his Strengthening and Durability spells.

After the branch was good enough, he used it like a javelin and threw it to one of the Flying Goblins.

Just an instance that the branch javelin traveled the 20 meters distance from him and his target. The enemy let out a grieving howl when its grotesque face was pierced by it.

It then fell on the tree before it proceeded to crash on the ground.

Yman continued the pace of killing them one by one while evading their attacks at the same time.

The fight had become a hide and seek. Both parties were throwing their weapon at the enemy.


Another fortified branch flew. It then dug in the stomach of one of the enemies.

But the enemy, although it was pierced, it managed to fire the javelin in hand at the tree, to where the attack came from.

"Dang it!" A cursed escape from his mouth when his foot slid before he managed to evade the attack. 

Yman let out a sigh when the javelin just grazed his face. That almost hit him in the face though. He wondered if he was saved by the slide or the slide caused him to be grazed by the javelin.

Regardless, he didn't waste another time and jump to the neighboring tree.

The dummies saw a shadow leaping from tree to tree.

Yman did not settle on one tree. He took another leap and another to confuse the Flying Goblins.

He tied several branches on his back, using the vines that could be seen hanging around the place. He even used the vines sometimes to whip the enemy.

When the opposite end of the vine entangled the target, he would pull them and drag them down.

Then beat up the enemy once they were reachable by him. He then proceeded to hide and hunt the other dummies.

Rea and Cinde understood the situation. The dummies were having a hard time catching him as he was easily able to slip from the bushes and to the trees.

He was using a sneak tactic to confuse his enemy and shot them one by one when they were unaware of his presence. Though there were quite a number of them.

However, they also noticed that the Flying Goblins were having difficulty in maneuvering. Especially that they were in the forest. They became easy prey for him.

It didn't take long when he wiped out all of them. Thanks to his area advantage and speed. But the fight wasn't easy. After all, they didn't die on the spot. And many times that they almost hit him.

The Flying Goblins are the 8th wave of the second stage.

Rea and Cinde were watching at the large glass window like they were watching at a large monitor. For some reason, they could not find him. But they believed that he was hiding somewhere, waiting for the 9th wave of monsters to show up.

They understand why he needed to hide. The enemy was going stronger and their number was increasing every wave. Also, his stamina was depleting.

Weirdly enough, once they thought that he was at his last stroke. He suddenly became energetic again the next second. Like his stamina was replenishing on its own. They didn't notice him taking an elixir and drinking it.

So it was weird to see him last long without taking any elixir. They even noticed sometimes that his strength and speed would suddenly increase. They just assumed that he was hiding his real strength.

Rea and Cinde had no idea about his Third Version Ants. And their abilities. Though they already knew about his First Version which sucked mana from its target and helped them fly, they had no idea about the other version of it.

It was also the reason why they were so amused at him.

On the other side of the glass window, the scenery started to get dimmer. Rea and Cinde noticed the sun started to sink. 

"It even had that kind of effect?!" Cinde, who also had no idea about the academy's Training Pavilion exclaimed in surprise.

Rea beside her chuckled at her reactions. Actually, not only she was surprised at it.

Even the one who was currently hiding around was gaping in shock.

He wondered how they made this Training Facility. It just too advances. He remembered hearing that the Encantasia empire was leaning towards magic and Artefacts. So basically, this whole facility is not made by the modern facility. It was made with a combination of magic and artifacts.historical

Such a facility, if only the Human City Zone 7 could have even one of it. He was sure that it's easy for them to level up and become stronger.

After all, humans love creating and combining spells. They could certainly produce awesome spells while at the same time advancing their breakthrough at a faster rate.

Wait, could it be possible to combine artifacts, spells, and modern technology? A question came to his mind. But Yman shook because the things he waited for had finally arrived. He perceived some presence around him.

Since it was started to get darker, he believed the next wave of dummies were modeled from nocturnal creatures.

Just as he thought about it, red eyes were peeking everywhere.

While the sun sunk, the moon rose. It was a beautiful full moon. It was Illuminating the whole forest with its brilliance. But they didn't feel good about this moon.

"It somewhat looks scary," Rea muttered while hugging herself.

Rea noticed the girl in front of her having her eyes starting to turn red. 'This is bad!' Her thought. She then sent a fist on top of her head.

(Ugyuk!) A cry escaped from Cinde's mouth when suddenly he felt an impact on her head. A big bead of tears was visible in her eyes. "Ella you are mean!" She shouted at her while crying.


"Humpf!" Rea pursed her mouth. "Are you an idiot? You almost transformed, you know…" she wondered if Cinde could not control her berserk mode. Canine people were very sensitive to the full moon. If they didn't train their willpower. They would succumb to it. It was a must Attribute to the Canine people to control the bloodlust whenever they were under the caress of the full moon.

"Sigh, s-shank you…" she said thanks to her, but her tongue slipped. Rea side glanced at Cinde. She noticed she was sweating. Looks like she was trying to fight the urge to transform.

Thanks to Ella, she avoided turning into an ugly berserk woman. Cinde bit her lip to distract herself from the temptation of the moon.

A moment later, the window color changed into greenish like a night vision. With this, it would lessen the burden to Cinde. She glanced at Ella and noticed she was holding a magical tool paintbrush and her eyes were glowing. It was clear that Ella did something to help her. Cinde snuggled onto her and said her thanks once again.

Rea wondered if this wolf-girl was truly a cat?


Their attention went back to the battle behind the window when they heard the low groaning sounds. It sent chills to their spines. The furs on Cinde's ears were standing straight, while Ella's ears were twitching. Though she tried to hide the feeling of being scared.

They knew that it wasn't real, but thanks to the sinister ambiance of the surroundings, it gave them goosebumps. Especially when the red eyes were peeking from the darkness. They wondered what kind of monsters would come out this time. The waves from 1 to 8 were all different kinds of goblins. So this time, no doubt that it would be another type of goblins. But which one?

Regardless, where is their prey? Rea and Cinde asked themselves. As they too could not find him.

Rea even tried to search him using her magic. Now the glass window seemed like a TV screen as she tried to change the viewpoint of the window display. She looks like playing with the channel on the TV screen.

Cinde was staring in amazement. She almost couldn't believe Ella's magic. It was wonderful and beautiful. Very ladylike. Not like hers. Her mouth extended into both sides. She wanted magic like hers. Then she felt a sudden heat coming from the spatial ring on her finger.

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