The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 267 - The Competition

Chapter 267 - The Competition

Even the securities were wondering the identity of the person. Somewhat, he looked familiar to them. Anyhow, they had no idea why the blonde young man suddenly squatted.

A while ago, they felt a strong Intimidation coming from that blonde young man. But after his opponent lifted his hood, the blonde young man squatted on the ground out of a sudden and canceled his Intimidation.

"Wait, could it be an Intimidation as well?" One of the securities said in doubt. However, they could not feel any pressure like the pressure from the blonde's Intimidation ability.

The reason that the others could not feel it was also the reason why his Intimidation was stronger than the blonde's Intimidation.

He was using a Focus Intimidation! 

Once one mastered the use of one's skill or abilities, one would come to learn the advanced use of it.

It wasn't only about Intimidation, it was also true to other abilities. That was why it was important to learn and master one's ability.

Regardless, when the strong pressure befell him, the blonde young man found himself unable to move.

The others came to attack the young man in dark cloth, which is Yman in disguise. Two friends of the blonde came rushing to attack him while screaming, "I don't know who you are! But die!" They summoned and enveloped their hands and feet with magical auras to boost their power and speed.

Yet, they stopped on their feet and seemingly held their breaths. The others, who were watching the scene, had no idea what was happening. After that young man, Yman, snapped his fingers, the two approaching youths went to a sudden stop.

Right, they were under his illusions. In their vision, they were drowning in the deep sea. On their necks, there were mosquitoes, injecting their host-like mouths into the two comrades of the blonde.

They were the mosquito-model enhanced fire dolls and they were all over the place, always ready to suck their victims at his command. Well, for caution purposes Yman let them fly everywhere.

Not only his mosquitoes, but also the bees, ants, and even the birds were scouting the whole place. They were everywhere. 

Any hostile intentions towards them would be easily detected by him. Summed up with his high perception, he was like a super radar with high security. It was only natural to be so cautious since he was guarding an important figure of two powerful countries, the Mangrove kingdom, and the Encantasia Empire.

So he couldn't be careless with his guarding.

A moment later, the two who were under his illusions had fainted. Although most of the people around could not understand what was happening to them, some were able to discern the reason.


"Yes, those two are probably under the illusion. It's easy to guess just by looking at their reactions."

"I-I see."

Said some people around them.

"In that case, did he multicast two abilities at the same time?"

"Hmm… multicasting two abilities are not impossible but. The problem is, he's using two high-level abilities." 

The people around were whispering to each other. But none of them had realized that he wasn't multi-casting.

Nonetheless, the one who was under his Intimidation ability still could not move. The person tried to struggle but to no avail.

The crowd of people noticed one thing.

"He defeated these people from the top 9 academies with ease?"

"He didn't even sweat."

"And look, he's as young as them!"

"Right. Just who is he?"

Just then.

"What's happening here?!"

Everyone heard a yell, asking for the reason for the commotion. They glanced and saw a group of young ladies.

"Wait isn't that Miss Almina and Miss Maena together with their party members?"

"Miss Almina!" The securities went to Almina and her party, then reported what they saw.

Almina glanced at where the involved party was and knitted her brows.

"Eh, aren't they from the Human City Zone 20?" One of the members in Almina's party asked upon recognizing their uniforms.

"Wait, that academy who took the 9th rank last year?" Another one asked.

"Yes, yes, I mean that."

They started talking about it.

Almina narrowed her eyes. Even if they were from that city, they made a commotion here. "I see, so they were causing trouble to the people. They must be taken for questioning and be punished accordingly if they were proven guilty and such," she said.

Maena, on the other hand, had remained silent.

Since Almina and Maena were members of the Special Squad who monitored the perimeter of the city, they both had the authority. Also, both of them were quite popular in the city so most of the people around were able to recognize them immediately.

"Okay, Miss Almina but…" they noticed the skeptical faces of the guards.

"What do you mean, but?" One of the members of Almina's party asked the patroller.

"...I mean, the other person who was involved in the commotion had already disappeared…"

He said in reply to the question.historical

"What? Do you mean there was also another party that was involved in this commotion?" 

"Yes, Miss Almina!" The two guards nodded. Not even the people around noticed when he left. 

Then they started elaborating on what happened and described the other party's figure. 

"So it was a young man with messy brown hair huh," one of Almina's party members said understandably.

Almina and Maena looked at each other's eyes and froze. Looks like the two of them were thinking the same at the moment. There was only one person who fit the guard's description.

Almina's heart started to palpate a little bit faster and stronger.

Could it be him? Did he come here? But it was impossible. If he truly left this place at that time, it was nigh impossible that he could return in just a month after leaving this world.

Many questions came to her mind and she wanted to rush to find that person immediately. But Almina stopped when the guards added that the person was able to beat those youths from the Human City Zone 20 with ease. Not only that, based on the guard's words, that person's ability was nothing like Yman's.

Almina sunk back then ordered the guards to pick those people who were a part of the commotion. 

They noticed the sudden change in Almina. It seemed like she lost interest. Even her party members noticed it and asked the other party members why she suddenly looked uninterested.

Yet, none of them could tell. But Maena seemed to know of the reason because she too felt the same.

The other guards came to help and picked the youngsters.

"Let's go!" Almina urged the others.


They replied enthusiastically.

"By the way, Miss Almina and Miss Maena, we are cheering for both of you."

"Right, right, but we won't be an easy opponent when one of you happens to be our opponent!"

"Fufufu…" Almina giggled.

"Wait Amulet, aren't today that Big Sis Ice would return?" Suddenly asked Maena.

Almina stopped with brimming eyes. Probably, excited.

"You're right Maena!" She shouted and hugged her.

"Wait, get off of me Amulet! And don't forget that I will settle our score this time!"



The others started to chuckle. Looks like Miss Almina went back to her playful action again towards Miss Maena. Besides Miss Kesha, she only showed such action to Maena. The other thought.

"Then, let's go!" Almina shouted. Inwardly, she thought that wherever he was, someday they would see each other again. But for now, she wanted to win the competition.

The group went to get Kesha first, then continued towards the Plaza. To where all the participants of the competition would gather.

Around this time, the plaza was already packed with people who wished to watch the competition. Even the big shot guests were already in their VIP seats. 

Everyone was thankful for Ice's effort. It was thanks to her that the invitation was successful.

Not only the big shots in the business world and politicians were present as guests, but there were also the leaders from other Human City Academies.

Ice arrived on time as well. Well, she rushed here after all. How could she miss such an important event for her younger sisters? Since it was only competition for the fledgling trainees, she could relax while at the same time enjoying herself watching them in the competition.

All the participants, already at the front together with their friends. 

Since it was a duel competition, there was a high chance that they would be facing their friend in the fight.

Everyone was excited. After that duel in the training area of the academy, they trained arduously just for today, especially those who were defeated before. They would get their revenge this time. While those who won that time, also trained as much as the others. They didn't want to become someone's stepping stone. They wanted to win and win.

Although the Human City Zone 7 was a booming city, the academy itself was the lowest-ranked academy. So none of the guests expect much about the competition. 

The politicians just came here to show some faces or public appearances. After all, the elections were nearing. While the businessmen's reason for coming was the dungeon and the materials that the explorers looted from it.

On the other hand, the leaders from the other academies came here to witness with their own eyes the young girl who suddenly became popular after defeating some high-level enemies who tried to run amok in the city.

If she truly was a capable person, they would try to recruit her. 

After Mayor Chan And Principal Mar Marie's speech, next was the introduction of the judges.

And the one who took the rule of the referee was no other than Instructor Goki. But for some reason, he seemed to be unusually excited today.

Above the stage, they could see a wide monitor. And in the monitor was currently displayed the schedule for the duels.

Mr. Goki went to the stage and announced the rules.

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