The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 268 - Bruno VS Crimson

Chapter 268 - Bruno VS Crimson

(A/N: Pls. send your power stone to the book My Guardian System. Need help!)

The Rules were simple. They just have to win against every opponent they would be facing till the last enemy.

Since there were a total of 300 participants in the first elimination round, 150 participants would be disqualified and 150 would advance to the next round, and so on until 4 participants were left to fight for the championship.

After his announcement, it was followed by noisy applause coming from the audience.

Sitting in the judges' podiums were Head Instructor Stone De Guz Man, Elder Paan, and Chief Henderson. His second in command would be taking his role as the head of the army for the time being.

Although the energy in the plaza was rising, the people in the VIP room were talking about something, not related to the competition. Actually, they were more or less interested in the competition from a less popular academy..

Their reason for coming wasn't actually because of the competition. One of the reasons for coming was to meet with other bigshots in the same field as them.

The other leader from the other academies showed a mocking grin at the back of Principal Mar. Especially the principal from Human City Zone 1, Principal Kim.

He wondered what was in the mind of Principal Mar Marie for holding such an inside competition for his trainees. Hehe, what an unwise move it was. It would only drag them down to the bottom.

These past days and weeks, he was bothered by the sudden rise of the Human City Zone 7. 

Although Zone 1 was always on the rise these past years, having a dungeon in their domain, like the Zone 7, was much fortunate. Because most of the merchants and big shot businessmen would be gathering to where there were resources.

On top of that, the dungeon wasn't part of the World Agreements. So all the resources that could be looted inside it, wasn't part of the prohibition.

It also means they could be exported away, from here to the other world.

Principal Kim could only pinch his head between his hands out of envy. After all, the city could do everything with the resources that could be looted inside it. He could only salivate at this fortunate event that was happening in Zone 7.

If given a few years, this city would rise to an unimaginable degree just by the appearance of the dungeon alone. Especially if it was well-managed by the admins of three major departments.

It could also raise the future trainees to unimaginable strength. Real-life fighting where danger was apparent was the best to train a real fighter. Principal Kim wasn't a fan of modern technology where everyone would be fighting inside the Virtual Arena. Although it helps them to breakthrough faster, the real sense of danger wasn't there. 

And because of it, students or trainees would still be lacking a real combat instinct that a real warrior who experienced and survived through countless battles in which his/her life was on the line. Being high-level could make someone strong, but not stronger, and never be the strongest.

Only those who experienced real life and death fighting would truly ascend to become stronger and might possibly become the strongest.

He even dislikes the immortality effect brought by the resonance with the deities. The reason was as stated previously.

That's why he envied the people of Zone 7.

Actually, he already got information regarding the possible appearance of a dungeon in this city. 

There was one time he visited this place to try to recruit the Ace of this academy at that time. But one of his escorts, a person with a high-level breakthrough sensed something underground.

And that when he started to get interested in this city. Unfortunately, before he succeeded with his schemes of breaking this city, they discovered it. They discovered the dungeon.

But even so, it wasn't like there was no way for him to take over on this land. 

While Principal Kim was in deep pondering, the announcer Instructor Beth had started calling out the name for the first pair who would be coming on the arena.

The fledgling trainees were oozing with fighting spirit. Everyone was excited to perform. Each of them wishing to show their 100 percent in this competition. Especially that some of them had recently been motivated after watching a crazy competition from the Encantasia Empire.

And now, it's their time to shine. They won't be wasting such an opportunity to get sponsorship from the bigshots who were currently present today.

Together with his circle of friends, Kiko had a calm expression on his face. This competition wasn't only a mere inside competition for him. Because his bright future was on the line in this competition.

Not only would he become the Academy's Ace if he became the champion, but he was planning also to officially ask Almina Amulet to become his girlfriend. 

He didn't even mind if she became his fiance. If being a girlfriend wasn't enough for her, then he would be fine being her fiance. 

His eyes scanned the surroundings, then it landed on the specific girl. About 20 steps away to his right, Almina Amulet was staring at the large monitor in front of them, slightly above, while she was surrounded by her circle of friends. Kesha and the blonde were together with her. For some reason, Kesha was waving at him. Kiko smiled and nodded.

Yeah, it would be a fun competition. As expected, his dreams had slowly become reality. Especially that the most hated guy by him wasn't around anymore.

But Kiko, silently said his sorry to Almina Amulet, because he couldn't give her the number one spot in this competition because that number one spot was for the King only.

And that King was… 'wait, who is that weirdo?' Kiko thought upon seeing a guy in a suspicious outfit. He scoffed. Most of the trainees here were wearing outfits that were comfortable to them.

So most of them were wearing different clothing. There were some who chose to wear their academy uniforms and some who were wearing their training suit.

However, that weirdo was wearing a cloak, covering his whole body from head to toe.

"Hehe! Idiot!" Kiko muttered and shook his head. Regardless, he felt a weird feeling of dissatisfaction towards that person. Well, 'a nobody' was not worthy of his attention. After Kiko darted his gaze away from the weirdo who was leaning his back on the wall near the entrance, he suddenly heard a loud war cry.


It was coming from that gorilla who always disapproved of his actions. That person who had the name of Bob. He was surrounded by his circle of friends as well, together with that meek-looking girl.

Kiko shook his head and sighed. Then thought, 'another weirdo.' He smirked and sent another glance at Almina Amulet. Unexpectedly, her eyes were still glued to the monitor. "Ahem!" Kiko cleared his throat and focused on himself. He was excited about the start of the competition.

The surrounding was noisy. Meanwhile, they were in the waiting room backstage. Well, it wasn't only an ordinary room. It was a grand hall. After all, there were a total of 300 of them.

Everyone fell silent when they finally heard the voice of Instructor Beth. As she was appointed as the announcer, everyone immediately understood that the start of the competition was finally here after hearing her voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning…" Instructor Beth first greeted everyone. The audience around the arena and even the participants in the back-stage were broke into a loud whistle. After all, Instructor Beth was oozing with heavenly sex-appeal.

After greeting everyone else. She followed with a quick inspirational speech.

Then lastly she called out the participating pair. "And now! Without further ado! Let's welcome our first pair of competitors!"

Everyone started at the large monitor, inside it, a pair of squares could be seen. And the letters 'VS' could be seen in the middle of those squares.

Inside the squares was the fast shuffling of profile pictures of all the participants.historical

Everyone's heartbeat was loudly beating while the shuffle continued rolling.

After 5 seconds, the squares had finally stopped with the shuffle of profile pictures. Then, everyone widened their eyes. 

Finally, the pair who would be fighting first was revealed!!!

"Now, let us call the participants on the screen!" 

"Woohooo!" One of Kiko's friends shouted happily upon seeing his newly hair-cut picture on the screen.

"Hehe, congrats, Bruno!"

"Break the leg! Dude!"

"Sure thing, dude!"

Before saying anything to cheer his friend, Kiko glanced at the monitor first. Bruno's opponent was that weirdo. He didn't know who was behind that cloth. Since they were asked to register their nicknames instead of real names in this competition, he had no idea who was behind the cloth. He glanced around and saw the other members of the elite. Kiko believed that except for those from the Elite classroom, only a few that could be counted with the fingers in one hand had a chance to defeat Bruno.

Especially that Bruno had a considerable improvement this whole month. He was more adept now in using his wind magic and the other element.

Bruno had the nickname of Void, while his enemy was… 'Crimson? Pufft what a joke. That name sounds so nothing special,' Kiko chuckled. "Finish it faster than 10 seconds!" Kiko just said it. Then the two did a fist-bumped. "Alright, it will be done in just 5 seconds!" Said Bruno confidently.

Almina was feeling conflicted. She couldn't settle for some reason. "That person, just who is he?" She mumbled while staring at the back of the person who came to the stage first.

'Crimson?' She uttered in mind while reading the nickname of that person.

Now the two contestants were facing 20 meters away 

from each other.

"Dude, don't you feel hot with that outfit?" Bruno asked sarcastically. But his enemy remained silent and he got no reply.

Just then, "Start!"

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