The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]




Remembering what Aster just said, he quickly responded, “Are you talking about the special episode of [Blind Justice]?”

”Oh, is Wulf also familiar with the show? Are you a fan?” Astrid asked with interest.

”What? Of course—” Wulfric stopped. He almost said that ‘of course not, I only know of it because of you’. Wasn’t that directly telling the other that he was stalking him on [Cyberspace]? He might as well admit that he was ‘White Wolf’. He coughed immediately to cover up what he had already said. “I mean, yes. I love the show.”

Aster didn’t respond immediately. Wulfric suddenly felt nervous. He almost resisted the urge to squirm. Could it be that the other was starting to get suspicious of him? 

”I see,” Astrid said. 

He was trying hard not to smile too much. He could tell that what Wulfric was about to say was definitely not that. There’s no way the other would have known about [Blind Justice]. He would bet he probably didn’t know any actors or actresses. Much less their movies or shows. 

The only reason he could think of why Wulfric knew about it was because he was following any topics about him quite diligently on [Cyberspace]. It would explain why he could quickly defend him within minutes after those malicious comments about him surfaced.

Really, how cute. 

”Then, if you have time to watch it, I hope you will enjoy this coming episode,” he said. “It’s the first time I will officially appear on any media. So, I hope it would be a bit of success.”

”It will definitely be a success,” Wulfric said, full of determination. “And yes, I will definitely have time to watch it.”

”By the way, how did you know that the show I will appear in is [Blind Justice]?” Astrid thought of asking.

”I saw the trailer. You’re in it. So, of course I knew.”

Astrid raised one of his brows. “But the trailer only showed my back. How did you recognize that it was me on the trailer?”

”I could recognize your back anywhere,” Wulfric said, matter-of-factly.

Astrid surely didn’t expect such an answer. Especially the way Wulfric said it. As if it’s the most natural thing in the world. This answer, it definitely brought warmth in his heart. Filling it to the brim.

”I’d very much like to hear your opinion about it once you finished watching,” he said.

”I will definitely do so,” Wulfric assured. 

The two of them talked some more before Wulfric bid farewell. Because it’s already getting quite late and he couldn’t possibly sleep here. Even though he wanted to.

”Before you leave, I still have a couple of dishes left from dinner. Do you want to take some back?” Astrid asked.

Wulfric didn’t even think and just quickly answered, “Yes!” Realizing how enthusiastic he sounded, he cleared his throat and added, “I mean, please.”

It was the dishes made by Aster. Of course, he would want it.

Astrid smiled. “Wait a bit.”

He stood up and walked to the kitchen. He put the dishes in different containers and stack them together. After that, he gave them to Wulfric.

”I will eat it well,” Wulfric said before carefully putting the food containers in his space stone ring.

He was still very reluctant but he knew that it was now time for him to go. But before he could open the door, Aster called to him. He glanced back, asking what’s the matter. 

”Thank you, Wulf.”

Wulfric was a bit confused by this. Because he felt like he was the one that should be saying thanks. “Whatever for?”

[For your unconditional protection.] Astrid just smiled. “Nothing.”

Even though he didn’t understand much, Wulfric still grinned. “I’ll go now.”

After walking out of the apartment door, he quickly contacted Leland. 

”I want you to buy an apartment building.”

Leland, who was just about to sleep, completely woke up because of what the other just said. “What do you mean, your highness?”

”Just that. I want you to buy this specific apartment building.” Then he said the name of the apartment building where Aster lived. “After you buy it, make sure to install the top-of-the-line security system on the whole building.”

This way, he would be more assured.

Leland’s sleepiness completely disappeared. “Wai- wait- your highness, what do you need an apartment building for?”

”Just do it, Leland. I promise, this is not something that will get any of us into trouble,” Wulfric said.

How could it be when he just wanted to give more protection to Astrid’s living environment?


The next day, Astrid went to school without any problems. As if he wasn’t embroiled in another issue just yesterday. He attended his morning classes in peace. Many gazes landed on him since the moment he entered the school gate. But he ignored it all. He only secretly paid attention to the things the people around him were saying. Especially those related to what happened yesterday. 

From what he gathered, Jesse Norris was expelled by the school and was no longer a student here. Aside from that, the school also tightened their security even more so that kind of incident would no longer repeat.

Well, he hoped this time they did a much thorough job.

He was on his way on his last morning class. It’s one of his general classes that didn’t have anything to do with acting. He was about to walked into the classroom when he saw a familiar figure ahead of him.

”Snow?” he called.

The other stopped in his steps and glanced back. “Astrid? You’re also in this class?”

Astrid walked towards the other. He wanted to ask why he didn’t see the other here last week when he remembered that this guy probably took a week off because of what happened and only returned yesterday.

”This is probably the first class we have together, right?” he said instead.

”I think so,” Snow said. “Do you want to sit together?”

Astrid smiled. “Sure.”

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