The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



”Are you alright, Astrid? We heard what happened. How could Jesse do that?” one said.

”It’s the height of evil I tell you. It’s a good thing he’s already expelled,” another one added before turning to him. “But are you sure you’re alright?”

Astrid smiled. “Yes, thank you for asking.”

”Did those men try to do anything to you? I mean, I heard you’ve been there with them for quite some time.”

Astrid turned to the one who spoke. It was a girl. Although she looked like she was worried about him, he could still hear the underlying malice in her voice. It’s like she was trapping him into saying that something indeed happened with him and those four bastards.

He smiled and was about to turn things around when Snow, who was sitting beside him, suddenly stood up. 

”Nothing happened because I arrived there on time with my bodyguards,” Snow said in a cold voice to the one who just spoke. “If you’re trying to take advantage of that issue so could put Astrid on a bad light, I suggest you stop now. You don’t want to end up like Jesse Norris, don’t you?”

The girl suddenly shuddered. “N-no, I didn’t—I just—”

Astrid looked at Snow with interest. He also stood up from his seat and said to the girl with a smile. “It’s alright. I know you didn’t plan to insinuate anything. Your words may just have come off that way because of how you said it. But I’m sure that not what you really meant. After all, it’s not like you hate me, right?” 

”Y-yes, of course,” the girl said, immediately agreeing.

Astrid smiled brightly. “I knew it. There’s no way you’d be like Jesse Norris. Hating someone without any reason, it’s something I can’t understand.” He said that last part with an expression as if he’s holding back the sadness in his heart. “Anyway, thank you everyone for worrying. I’m really alright now.”

Most of the students surrounding them showed a moved expression, as if they were touched by Astrid’s words. Snow could only shake his head to this. If he so wanted, Astrid could probably trick all the students in this school that he was a sweet and harmless kid. 

That’s definitely a talent in itself.

He walked past the students surrounding them. It didn’t take long before Astrid walked beside him.

”Do you want to eat lunch together?” the other suddenly asked.

Snow glanced at Astrid and then shrugged. “Sure. I don’t see why not.”


Kiran was waiting for Astrid at the greenhouse. He was walking back and forth, feeling all anxious. He just found out about what happened to Astrid. It’s hard not to know about it when it’s the topic of everyone’s talk since his first class this morning. 

He had wanted to send a message to Astrid since earlier. But he thought that he might bother him, so he decided to wait until lunch. 

When the door to the greenhouse opened, he quickly turned to look in that direction. He saw Astrid walking in. He was about to walk towards the other when he saw the person walking beside Astrid. 

It was a guy probably around the same age as him. He was tall and lean with pale white skin. His light silvery blue hair curled around his small face. Just one look and anyone could tell that the other was a noble.josei

A frown imperceptibly appeared on his face. Because of his life experience, he had no good opinion on nobles. But he also knew that he shouldn’t judge a group just based on the few rotten apples it had. Although, if he’s being honest, most nobles he came across with were certainly more bad than good.

But since the other was with Astrid, he was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Surely, Astrid wouldn’t associate himself with someone who had a bad character, much less brought them here.

”Kiran,” Astrid called. Once he and his companion walked over, he quickly introduced the other. “This is Snow Campbell, he’s from the same department.” He then turned to the guy standing beside him. “Snow, this is Kiran Hope, my friend. He’s from the music department.”

Snow glanced at the teenager in front of them. He looked to be much younger. Not just because of his shorter height but also because of his much petite body. Snow could see that it was not because it’s an inherited trait. It’s more likely caused by the lack of nutrition. 

The other probably had a rather hard upbringing. It’s understandable why Kiran’s eyes were so guarded. His gaze unconsciously softened as he looked at the other. 

”Nice to meet you, Kiran,” he said.

Kiran was a bit startled by the other’s friendliness. “Yes, hi. Same to you.”

”He’ll be joining us for lunch,” Astrid said. “Is it alright?” he asked Kiran.

”Of course,” Kiran said. “But first, I just found out what happened yesterday to you. Are you alright? Is everything already solved?”

”I’m alright, Kiran. The culprit has already been taken care off. And Snow here helped me on time, so nothing really happened.”

”Please, I didn’t really help that much,” Snow said with a wave of his hand. “Honestly speaking, I’d say you saved yourself.”

Hearing that Snow helped in saving Astrid, his guard certainly lowered by a mile. “That’s good. I was really worried, you know?”

In fact, if he hadn’t heard that this Jesse Norris was already expelled, he might have just searched for him at school so he could give the other a piece of his mind. No, rather, a piece of his fist.

He was about to ask what really happened when they heard a video call notification.

”That’s mine,” Astrid said. “Excuse me.”

He walked a few steps away from the two before opening his Terminal. He saw that it was a video call request from Ellis. He didn’t hesitate and quickly answered it.

”Astrid, you got it! You got the role!”

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