The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]




Nicol ran to his grandfather and pull him to sit down on the couch. Then he proceeded to sit beside the other.

Anthony chuckled at his grandson's action. He then glanced at the projector screen and saw the paused video. The scene was that of a frozen lake and standing in the middle of it was a beautiful black-haired teenager.

Because his grandson sometimes showed him pictures of this teenager, he already knew who the other was just by seeing that face. Astrid Townsend. One of the teenagers who saved his grandson during that hostage taking event.

Although Nikki only met the other twice, it seemed that his grandson truly became attached to the other. No, should he say that his grandson became a loyal fan instead?

"So, is our Nikki busy because you're watching another show of your Brother Aster?" he asked.

"It's not a show, Grandpa. It's Brother Aster's new advertisement! The one he made for Uncle Casey's company."

At the mention of Casey and his company, Anthony froze for a bit. If it's a company owned by Casey, then it must be EMMA. Then, did that mean that Casey actually chose this boy to endorse one of their products?

Because of his stiff relationship with his youngest son, he hardly knew anything the other was up to. And because of guilt, he couldn't even dare to meddle with the affairs of EMMA after Casey took over.

The only one to blame for how their relationship ended up like this was no one else but him. Because of how much he was blinded by revenge, he turned a blind eye to everything else, including his children.

It was only when his only daughter practically begged him to act like she's dead that managed to wake up and see all the damaged he had done. But it was already too late by then.

And so, he lost his daughter, and his youngest son treated him like a complete stranger. The only one left by his side was his eldest son. But it's probably not because of his love or loyalty to him. It's only because Thomas felt that he was a sinner no less than him that he felt like he deserved to be punished. josei

brand. That pack of hyenas surely wouldn't allow something like that. But the again, 11:29

Casey must already have a way to handle those people. If not, then EMMA wouldn't be Staying with me, a loathsome father, should be one way to do that.—Anthony thought bitterly.

Anyway, he was actually quite surprised that the executives of EMMA allowed Casey to choose someone who hadn't made a name yet to the industry to endorse their brand. That pack of hyenas surely wouldn't allow something like that. But the again, Casey must already have a way to handle those people. If not, then EMMA wouldn't be as successful as it was now.

Still, choosing a newcomer as a brand model was a huge decision. Did Casey do it because he felt indebted, or was it purely from a businessman's standpoint? He hoped it was the latter.

Although he also wanted to help the two boys who saved his grandson, catapulting them to success in this way without them having to work hard for it would just have an opposite effect. Hopefully, Casey knew that as well.

"Grandpa, let's watch this together with me. Then you'll see how amazing Brother Aster is," Nicol said with confidence.

When Anthony heard that, he didn't take it to heart and thought that it was just his grandson being a dedicated fan. But, of course, he had to humor him to make the kid happy.

"Okay, let's watch it together."

Nicol happily pressed the 'play' button, and the video started to move once again.

Anthony didn't know how long it was since the advertisement video ended, but he still remained staring at the projector screen. He was, frankly speaking, shocked by what he just watched.

He had never seen any work that Astrid had been in, but just by watching that ad, he had the sudden need to watch them. It was simply just that good. No, it's not that the ad was shot beautifully that it turned out well, it was because the one acting in it did an amazing job that it turned out that way.

Just by watching that, he could tell right away that Astrid had a tremendous talent when it came to acting. Not only that, the other also possessed a star quality that easily attracted people.

Now he knew the answer to the question he had earlier. Casey definitely chose Astrid from a business standpoint. The fact that this could boost the teenager's career was just a cherry on top.

"What do you think, Grandpa? Brother Aster is amazing, right?" Nikki asked him excitedly.

Anthony gently ruffled his grandson's hair. "Yes, really amazing."

"Then, since Grandpa thinks that Brother Aster is also amazing, should Grandpa invest in a movie and let Brother Aster be the main character?"

Anthony stopped and then burst out laughing. Really, sometimes Nikki could just take him aback like this.

"Why is Grandpa laughing?" Nicol asked with a pout. "I'm very serious, you know?"

"Yes, yes, our Nikki is serious," Anthony said to pacify the other. But he still couldn't help but laugh a little.

Although what his grandson said was truly not that bad of an idea.


That night, the first episode of [The Great War] finally aired. Since it was only the first episode, most of the main casts did not appear. Instead, it was the child roles of their character that took the spotlight.

Aside from showing the background of the important characters, the world building was also slowly introduced. One might think that it could be boring since none of their favorite actors or actresses were there, but no, the episode was still as gripping and interesting.

The attention to detail, with intricate camera work, careful lighting, and artful composition, showed just how beautiful each shot was. This showed not only the ability of the cinematographer but also the director.

By the end of the episode, it quickly rose to the top five of among the TV programs of the same time.

Whether it would rise even further or began a downward slope would now depend on how well the main cast did their job.


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