The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



ASTRID got out of the flying taxi that stopped in front of the Polaris building. He hailed the taxi from a ride-hailing service. He chose one that was driven by an AI robot instead of a human. This way, he didn't have to cover himself to go out.

Not to be narcissistic or something, but he had a feeling that after the release of the EMMA perfume ad, more people would recognize him. And even if they didn't recognize him, if they saw the billboards spread across the capital, they would immediately know who he was.

One evidence was the increase of his [Cyberspace] followers. Just after the release of the ad, his followers had increased by more than a million. And that's only after one night. He would probably surpass 10 million within the following week. And for a newcomer who only started his career a few months ago, that's definitely a lot.

Anyway, because of that, going out carelessly was no longer an option. He could disguise himself, like he did when he went out with his brother, Ash, and Snow. But removing it again once he arrived at his destination was just too much work.

Covering himself from head to toe was also an option, but it would be too obvious that he was hiding his face. Then people would just be as curious. There's also the option of asking Ellis to drive him here. But considering that he didn't have an official schedule for today, asking her to be his driver was just too much.

So, what was he doing on Polaris despite not having a schedule today? Well, he's here to visit Kiran. He heard from the other this morning that he was stuck in the recording studio. It seemed that the other was having trouble finishing the last song Polaris had commissioned him. If he was a writer, then it could be said that he's having a 'writer's block'.

Since he didn't have anything to do today and Reas was leaving for his 'date' with Lauren, he decided to visit Kiran and bring him a home-cooked lunch.

Astrid actually wanted to invite Snow as well, but the other was filming something today. Snow didn't tell them what it was. Adding that he wanted it to be a surprise. Considering Snow's happy tone when he said it, it must be something big, or at least something he really wanted to do. Either way, Astrid just hoped that it would be a big help to the other's starting career.

He entered the building. He greeted the two receptionists with a smile before walking towards the elevator. As he was walking, he heard the conversation between the two.

"Wow. I still can't get used to it, even after seeing him a couple of times," one said.

"That's star factor right there," the other replied. "By the way, have you seen his ad?"

"Yes! I don't know how it's possible for someone to look cool, cute, and sexy at the same time."

"Right? After that ad, I don't know who won the jackpot, him or EMMA?"

Astrid scratched his cheek, feeling a bit embarrassed. The two probably didn't think that he could hear their conversation. But having A level physique, he could hear them clearly. Maybe the two thought that his physique level was on the low side. With his looks and his height that was slightly shorter than males his age, that would be the natural assumption.

He shook his head and just entered the elevator. The AI inside asked him about his destination and once he said that it's the music division, the elevator moved. It didn't take before he arrived at the floor.

He walked out towards the hallway, looking for the recording studio where Kiran was. He made sure to come nearing lunch so he wouldn't be a bother to the other.

As he was looking for the recording studio, one of the doors to the right opened and Kiran walked out. He was about to call the other, thinking that Kiran probably left the studio to eat lunch. But before he could do so, the other already saw him and called him first.

"Aster!" josei

Was it just his imagination, or did Kiran sound relieved more than surprised? After all, he went here to surprise the other, so that relief in his voice was kind of unexpected.

Before he could think more, Kiran had already arrived in front of him. The other actually ran as if he was being chased by someone.

"I don't know why you're here, but I'm so glad that you are," Kiran said. "Let's go, let's leave quickly."

Astrid didn't have time to respond or to even ask because Kiran had already pulled him towards the elevator. But when it opened, because Kiran was clutching at his wrist, he felt the other visibly stiffened.

It didn't take long for him to know why.

"Oh, Kiki, are you here to welcome me?" a melodious voice suddenly said in front of them.

Astrid turned his head and saw a woman walking out of the elevator.

She had long wavy pink hair and a voluptuous body that the white flowing dress she was wearing couldn't hide. Her pink-colored eyes were smiling happily as she looked at Kiran.

Astrid then turned to Kiran, who had furrowed brows as if he didn't like hearing what the other said or even seeing her. Astrid raised his brow. Because he didn't feel like Kiran disliked the girl. It's more like he found the other troublesome. Or maybe someone he couldn't handle.

Now, Astrid felt a sudden interest in this situation.

"I'm sorry, but it's not like that, Miss Carter," Kiran said. "My friend and I need to be somewhere now, if you'll excuse us."

Kiran was about to pull Astrid once again towards the elevator, but 'Miss Carter' quickly stepped directly in front of them. Kiran planned to bypass her, but she just moved in the same direction, blocking them again.

"Kiki, don't be so cold-hearted," Miss Carter said with a pout. "And won't you introduced me to your friend?"

As someone standing near him, Astrid could clearly see the veins on Kiran's forehead that were about to pop off.


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