The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



THE agenda for the quarterly meeting today was the same old topic about rebels, dissidents, space pirates, and alien races seen close to the border of the galaxies under the role of the Empire. Wulfric barely listened. 

He truly wondered why they couldn't just have some kind of virtual conference instead of having this face-to-face meeting. It's not like there's a huge difference between the two. They could still discuss whatever they wanted to discuss. The only reason he could think of why they insisted on this kind of meeting was because they wanted to annoy each other.

He hadn't been a general for as long as the other four. In fact, compared to them, he would probably still be considered as a baby chick. After all, they had already passed their hundred years while he just reached his 30th year. And even if he had the title of a 'general', he didn't have a territory that he was required to protect unlike the other four. 

Since the stabilization of the Empire's power after the war 3000 years ago, there had always been only four generals at a time. This was done so the power could be divided equally with the four generals keeping each other in check. 

A fifth general only appeared because of Wulfric. His brother, the Emperor, promoted him to that rank despite the objection of a lot of nobles in the parliament. Because they thought he was unstable and out of control. If he was given more power, they're not sure of what he would do. 

But his brother didn't listen to them and just proceeded on promoting him. Then asked those people objecting to his decision to tell him right to his face that his brother didn't have the strength to be called a general and he would take back his decision.

Of course, those nobles and even some military personnel who objected this promotion couldn't do that. How could they say that the only person in the Empire with a double SSS level physique and mental strength along with tons of military merits under his belt didn't deserve the rank of a 'general'? josei

And that's how Wulfric became the fifth general of the Empire.

Those jealous of him would say that he was just a redundant addition to the ranks and should not have the right to speak in such meetings. But no one could ignore the power in his hands. His Fenris Squad could easily decimate a small planet if he wanted to. No matter how much they try to make him irrelevant, it just wouldn't happen. Because he's just that strong.

That's why even these four seasoned generals couldn't simply ignore him.

The meeting ended with Wulfric not listening to most of it. He stood up and couldn't wait to get out of the conference room when one of the generals called to him.

"Your Highness, a moment, please," General Schwartz said.

Wulfric glanced at the general with fiery red eyes. He felt a slight push behind his back. There's no doubt that it's Leland. That overly careful guy probably thought that he would ignore General Schwartz. He almost turned around and rolled his eyes at him. Why would he ignore General Schwartz? Out of all the generals here, he was the only one that Wulfric genuinely respect.

Despite being a bit boring, Blake Schwartz was the epitome of how a soldier should be. He truly put the safety of the Empire at the forefront before anything else. How could Wulfric hate that type of guy? Especially if he compared him to the other three generals.

General Thorne was like a sly vixen, General Radcliffe was an incompetent fool, and General Lancaster was a greedy bastard. So, basically, General Schwartz was the only likable general here in his opinion. 

"Is there something?" he asked.

"I hope Your Highness could spare some time to attend the opening ceremony of the Imperial Military Academy. There's a lot of young people who idolize you. Your Highness can simply give a short speech. I'm sure it's more than enough to motivate a lot of them."

A crease appeared on Wulfric's forehead when he heard that. Without speaking, his face was full of reluctance. But before he could speak, his lieutenant already spoke.

"Of course, General Schwartz, Your Highness is more than happy to attend."


Wulfric didn't speak and just nodded towards the other before walking out of the conference room. He glanced sideways at Leland. "'More than happy to attend'? Since when did I say that?" 

"My apologies, Your Highness. But I think it would be good for your image to attend that opening ceremony. It would show that you're supporting the younger generation dreaming to become soldiers," Leland said, pushing his glasses up, totally not looking apologetic at all.

"Since when do I have to worry about my 'image'?" Wulfric asked. "Besides, what younger generation? I'm still on the same generation as them."

With the life span of at least 300 years, that was indeed true. But Leland still said, "All the more reason to show them that Your Highness is a great role model."

"And what if I refuse?"

"Then I, Hildred, Slade, and Edmund could only do our best to tie up Your Highness and bring you personally to the academy."

Wulfric scoffed. "Ha! Do you really think you four are enough to stop me?"

"We can only try. But I do hope that Your Highness could pity us. Because if we all get injured, then Your Highness would have more work in your hands."

Wulfric only gave his lieutenant a sideway glance. Because it was so obvious that the other was blackmailing him.

"You better lessen my workload if attend this thing," he finally said.

"Of course, Your Highness," Leland said, the small smile on his face showed that he was really happy. "Where is Your Highness next destination?"

"The palace."


 Wulfric was walking in the imperial palace's corridor. Every step he took, he could see its magnificence and resplendent. The servants he passed by all bowed in respect, most in fear, as they saw him. It was not something new to him. Not that he cared anyway.

He was told that the Emperor was in the royal garden. That's why he was walking towards that direction.

Soon, he arrived at his destination.

The royal garden was filled with all kinds of beautiful flowers. That's why the moment he entered the area, his nose was immediately assaulted by the different fragrance of flowers. He didn't stop and worked towards a particular area. 

There, in the middle, he saw a tall and slender man wearing simple white shirt and black trousers. His golden hair was glistening under the sun. His pair of golden eyes were looking gently at the butterfly that landed on his hand. He was beautiful. Like a work of art.

"Cyn," he called.

The man turned towards his direction. A pleasant smile appeared on his face when he saw him. "Wulf, welcome back."

This man was the Emperor of the Moon Empire – Cynric de Lunaris.

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