The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



"HOW was the quarterly meeting?" the Emperor of the Empire asked.

"Same old boring stuff," Wulfric answered, shrugging. "If you didn't pester my lieutenant to attend, which resulted in him pestering me and even threatening to give me more work, I wouldn't have come."

Cynric chuckled. In the whole Empire, no one dared to talk to him like this. Especially after he became the Emperor. But he didn't mind. Wulfric's attitude towards him gave him a sense of normalcy. As if he was still the same older brother who took care of him and spoiled him constantly when they were younger. 

"You're a general, it's only right that you do your duty. And attending the quarterly meeting, no matter how boring, is one of them."

Wulfric only scoffed. He wanted to say that he didn't need that rank and the responsibilities that came with it. He just wanted to fight. To have an outlet for the abundant violent energy inside him. And being a soldier was the perfect solution. But ultimately, he chose not to say it.

He might not need this military rank, but Cynric does. He needed a strong army that would not betray him no matter what. Fenris Squad was that army. With his brother at the very helm, there would be no doubt for their loyalty.

If someone heard that thought, they might laugh at the Emperor. Instead of being too trustful of his brother, he should be guarding against him instead. After all, both of them were still young. How could he be sure that this brother wouldn't try to usurp the throne in the future? 

It's also one of the reasons why those high-ranking nobles and military officials opposed in promoting Wulfric to a general rank. Because this would give him too much power in his hands. What would they do if he indeed staged a coup d'état and seized the throne? They would end up having a tyrannical ruler. They still preferred the calm and gentle Emperor. At least, he was much easier to control.

What they didn't know was that Wulfric had no intention of being an Emperor. Why would he do that when he knew how troublesome it was? He didn't want to be restrained and the title of the 'Emperor' would surely do that. He was simply not fit for that kind of job. If he ever became an emperor, he was sure that he would drove this Empire to war in no less than a year. 

If those people would just look beyond what they see on the surface, then they would see that he was not really interested in that position. But sadly, they couldn't get passed this. And all they could see was his violent temper and overwhelming strength. 

But Cynric was different. He knew just how much his younger brother hated this position. That's why he's confident that the other wouldn't betray him. Besides, even if he was trying to hide it, he knew Wulfric was still feeling guilty about the past. And Cynric had no qualms using that guilt to his advantage. 

"Did you accept General Schwartz' invitation to attend the opening ceremony of the Imperial Military Academy?" Cynric asked, changing the topic.

Wulfric tsked. "Are you the one responsible for that?"

"Well, I know it would be hard for you to reject General Schwartz, that's why I asked him. If it was the others, I'm sure you would turn down without a second thought," Cynric admitted honestly.josei

This was something not many knew, but his younger brother had a hard time dealing with General Schwartz. Probably because when Wulfric was younger – the period when he was very naïve and innocent, he really looked up to the general like an idol. But if you asked him this now, this younger brother of his would definitely deny it.

Wulfric narrowed his eyes at Cynric. He wanted to threaten him to not do something like this again but he knew the other wouldn't listen. So, why should he waste his saliva? He'd just make sure not to interact frequently with General Schwarz just in case he fell into his brother's scheming again. 

Seeing his brother's reaction, Cynric knew that Wulfric was really annoyed by what he did. So, he said; 

"This coming school year would be the 3000th anniversary of the Imperial Military Academy. It's an important year because it also coincided with the year our Moon Empire won the war of the four nations. The students admitted this year were all carefully selected. They would surely be the future pillars of our Empire. If you go and speak during the opening ceremony to welcome these incoming students, it would definitely improve your image among the young cadets."

Wulfric brows furrowed. Again, with this 'image' shit. Why were Cynric and Leland so obsessed with that when he, the person involved, didn't even care? Besides, how could him speaking during that occasion helped with improving his image? He simply couldn't understand the logic of the two.

"Why do I even need to fix my 'image'?" he said irritably. "I don't need the approval of anyone."

Cynric sighed. "I know. But this is important for the future of the Empire. Since I plan to pick the successor to the throne from your line. It's better if your image becomes better. That way, choosing your son as the next Emperor won't face too much opposition."

Wulfric became even more annoyed hearing that. Now, he regretted coming here even more. "Are you still talking about that nonsense?"

"It's not nonsense. You know I don't plan to marry or even combine my genes with another person to have a child."

Wulfric, of course, knew why Cynric was saying this. The other had been too emotionally, psychologically, and physically injured by their monster of a father. It left too much of a trauma in him that it was almost a miracle that he could still function today like a normal human being. But still.

"And you think I do?" 

Cynric nodded. "Even if you don't have that idea now. There will definitely be a person who would change your mind in the future."

After his brother said that, a certain image of a black-haired teenager with a pair of big black eyes suddenly appeared in his mind. 

Annoyed that he thought of Aster again, he just glared at his brother and walked out of the garden.

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