The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Yifu's Reputation Plummets

Pharmacists didn’t do any better. At their peak, they could earn a lot, but they couldn’t make much at their current level.” Ink[notes] was well informed and kept the gossip flowing.

“Oh yeah, that Yifu[notes] girl, the one in third place, don’t know what crazy rules she broke, but she got some major demerits. They even requested she drop out, but she got lucky. Zi Cheng[notes] vouched for her and even gave the prize for first place up, said Yifu knew her wrongs and would change yady yady ya. Anyways, that’s the only reason Yifu didn’t get kicked out of school.”

Ink had been surprised when he heard the news initially. School rarely gave out major demerits, never mind three at once. It was the kind of thing you’d instantly get kicked out for; you wouldn’t get a chance to make up for it. The official report was a violation of school rules. But what rules did she break?

“Hey either of you know anything about it? We haven’t had such a big scandal in ages. They’re not sharing anything other than there was a violation of school rules. Really vague. Everyone’s itching to know!”

“Right? I’m curious too. I wish the school would tell us what she did, you know as a warning. That way we won’t make the same mistakes.”

“Come on, something so big as to get her expelled? It’s gotta be collusion with demons.” josei

“Collusion with demons? Buddy, never mind being expelled, she’d be executed. Your guess is way off.”

“Oh… that’s true.”

There wasn’t much entertainment at school, so although Yifu was only a freshman and new to the school, she was hot gossip.

Feng Wu listened quietly. She didn’t know what the story with Yifu was, but she doubted it had anything to do with her. Little did she know, Yifu’s hatred for her was as intense as the fires of hell.

She didn’t care about Yifu and had never paid her any mind.

Elena was a straight-forward, honest person so she didn’t approve of Yifu’s actions. Just because she didn’t say anything while they were in the tomb didn’t mean she was going to let it slide.[notes] She reported it to school administration as soon as she returned to campus.

Administration called Yifu in for questioning. She couldn’t lie and the truth came out. Attempted murder was a serious crime and she should have been expelled, but lucky for her Zi Cheng was on her side.

Zi Cheng ranked #1 in class, and with that status came certain privileges. She exchanged some of those privileges to prevent Yifu from being expelled. This display of loyalty left a favorable impression on everyone. They all thought Zi Cheng was wonderful and kind-hearted, loyal to a fault, even if the person she helped didn’t deserve it.

This was how Yifu escaped expulsion, but that’s not to say she would go unpunished.

Zi Cheng was smart. She knew not to push her luck. She understood the teachers had a limit. Crossing it would reflect poorly on her and make her look pushy and unappreciative. She interceded because she genuinely wanted to help Yifu, but more importantly she wanted to create a good impression and raise her favorability. The display of self-sacrifice for a friend worked beautifully. Her reputation skyrocketed while Yifu’s dropped like a rock. Yifu didn’t care, at this point she would have probably have been willing to die for Zi Cheng.

Zi Cheng gave a shy but happy smile at the outcome. Her rating had risen dramatically.

Ai Lin[notes] watched the whole show from a distance. She thought to herself Zi Cheng truly deserved the heroine title; the girl never missed a chance to look good, and she used whoever she could to do so.

Ai Lin had returned to campus just a little after Feng Wu and the group. That day she used her trump card and escaped after getting the inheritance. Afterwards she laid low, and stayed hidden until the inheritance properly integrated with her. God Calvan[notes] was a wood magician and his treasure was a wood elemental one. She was a wood magician so it meshed perfectly with her, increasing her combat and healing powers by several levels.

She received a cool reception when she returned thanks to Yifu spreading rumors about how she had stolen Zi Cheng's inheritance.

Yifu wouldn’t enjoy the fruits of her labor long, her comeuppance was coming soon.

Ai Lin thought about Yifu derisively. Really please, you think you’re amazing? Want to trap another classmate? Should have done it more deviously. What kind of idiot are you to do it in front of Sister Elena? So stupid. No wonder Zi Cheng has you wrapped around her finger. Too bad you’re such a pig teammate though. Hahaha!

People talked about Yifu for days, but no one really knew what got her in so much trouble. School administrators were tightlipped and kept everyone in the dark, leaving those gossip kings and queens no recourse but to bang their fists in frustration.

They soon had something else to talk about though: the results of the Money Making assignment’s top ten.[notes] Because Zi Cheng gave up her reward, the school only presented 10 individual prizes.

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