The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 242-247

Chapter 242-247

242: Beverly

Feng Ting wasn’t fully convinced because there was no way to verify it. Jiao’s reputation for being unreliable was well-known throughout all of countries in the ancient east. You could only believe half the words that came out of her mouth. The only ones who’d believe her unreservedly were her kids.

She knew Yi Tian wouldn’t lie to her. She didn’t completely disbelieve the story either. For obvious reasons, it was impossible for her to completely cut all ties from her aunt and her cousin. Even if she was willing to do it, there was no way the family would allow it. So, she made up her mind to keep a certain distance instead.

Regardless of Feng Ting’s internal conflict, Feng Wu was nearly done with her assessment.[notes]

Feng Wu killed a monster and dug its core out with her sword. It was the fifth core so she had successfully killed five monsters.

Monsters in the special world beyond the doors had no sentience so Feng Wu had no problems killing them. Had they been sentient she would not have been such an efficient killer.

After getting all five cores, she used the teleportation to return to the main room. She was the first to finish so it was only her and the teacher in the main room.

James nodded at her appearance, satisfied with her performance.

Soon after Feng Wu returned, two more students appeared. From the injuries it was obvious what kind of fight they had. One of the two was Ou Meng. He glanced at Feng Wu curiously, wondering what happened to that other girl in the forest.

Although he wanted to know the juicy details, he decided to not ask. He and Feng Wu weren’t close. And if he asked a question like that, she might think he was trying to suck up to her because she was demi-god’s disciple.

A half hour later time ran out and the rooms were automatically closed. All the students still inside were forcefully teleported out.

The returned students looked bad. Their faces were marked and their clothes were torn with blood stains all over.

One particularly ugly girl stared at Feng Wu with bitter eyes. She looked like she wanted to kill Feng Wu’s entire family.

“I will announce the names of those who passed. Listen carefully. Those who completed the task today should remember to be humble. Those to failed should not be discouraged. I hope all of you will perform better next time.

In first place: Feng Wu. For eliminating five monsters and completing the task she gets three extra points.

In second place: Pei.[notes]For eliminating four monsters he gets two points.

Third place is tied with three people: Louna, Ou Meng, and Ink.[notes]All three eliminated three monsters. Each person will get an additional extra point.

Now for the students who completed the mission. Xi, Josephine, Mei Li Sha, Aidu Lun, Julie, Wei Si, Ansi, Aner . . .”

James managed to speak all the names in one breath.[notes]

Out of the twenty-three people who entered the virtual world, only fifteen completed the task. Basically, eight failed. Their points would be deducted, but they would be not penalized for failing. Loss of points, was in and of itself, a serious punishment, so there was no need to give them further penalties.

James praised the five who ranked and gave encouragement to those who didn’t complete their assignment. After announcing the end of class, he asked all the injured students to go to the clinic to get healed.

The clinic at school was free, so it was easier to heal there. To get healed outside of school meant finding and paying a native doctor or magician with healing abilities. The clinic at school was not only free, but was staffed 24/7, so it was also convenient.

James promptly left after making his announcements. The remaining students looked at one another. Some took out medicine from their space rings, while others stood up with support, intending to find a doctor for their injuries.

Feng Wu didn’t have anything to do, but she was hungry after all the fighting earlier. Food was required when stamina dropped too low in the virtual world. Feng Wu would feel weak if her stamina dropped below the minimum threshold, even walking would be difficult.

All activities, whether running errands or killing monsters, required energy. Everyone felt hunger when the amount of energy expended became high enough.

Feng Wu was hungry. She touched her tummy thinking she would find Master to cook something for her.

Of course she would think to go to her master when she got hungry. Back on Yuehua mountain, she always went to Master when she got hungry. The two would eat whatever he made. He did the cooking because Feng Wu had always been a poisonous cook. The only way he would let his precious disciple cook was if he wanted to die.

It was a good plan on Feng Wu’s part, but unfortunately, she was stopped before she could walk through the door.

“Stop! Don’t think that just because you’re a disciple of a demigod, you can bully people. I, Beverly, am not afraid of a despicable person like you! Just boldly stealing other people’s magic cores! I won’t let you leave until you give me an explanation!”

It was the same girl Feng Wu saved earlier. Apparently now she wanted revenge for the magic core. The way the strange girl stopped Feng Wu made people wonder if there was merit to the accusation.

The girl wasn’t born beautiful, but had become a lovely beauty as she got older. She wasn’t an aristocrat, but she was a spoiled child of a small grocery store owner. At her previous school, she only interacted with other common children. Her background, when compared to them, was among the best. The teachers loved her because of her talent and her family background. Everything changed once she enrolled at Xingguang though. At the academy, no one paid her any attention.

The other students didn’t crowd around her, or look at her enviously. She hadn’t realized just how big the gap between commoners and nobles were until Xingguang.

The young noble misses were disdainful of her and had no interest in associating with a common person like her, while she disdained putting in the effort required to make friends with them.

Unlike some of the other common girls, Beverly felt it was beneath her to suck up to the noble girls. As a result of this, she was like a lone wolf with no friends in class.

But she looked pretty and had an easy temperament, so certain boys didn’t mind paying her attention and being her knight.

243: Can’t Withstand the Scrutiny

Beverly wasn’t an idiot. She knew unattainable things were always the best, so she prettily showed gratitude to the boys who protected her, but never allowed them to go too far. Her attitude made people think she wasn’t a vain girl vying for attention. Her repuation among the boys was good because of this.

She didn’t have a good relationship with any of the girls though, and at first it didn’t bother her. But then Feng Wu appeared. She never expected a girl with a ruined reputation, a shameless hussy who gave birth out of wedlock, would be accepted by a demigod. Beverly couldn’t help but feel jealous.

That jealousy turned into hate after Feng Wu stole the magic core from her. If you were to ask her why, it would be because Feng Wu was stronger than her. The monster that chased her, nearly killing her, was so easily taken down by Feng Wu with just two slashes.

Being overtaken by someone inferior and with a worse reputation, Beverly wasn’t the kind of magnanimous person to not mind! Hate for Feng Wu easily sprouted in her heart.

Feng Wu didn’t know Beverly hated her so much. She stood quietly in front of Beverly before asking, “Who are you?”

Yes, that’s right, Feng Wu had already forgotten the girl.

What was going on? The onlookers watched even more closely. One said she was robbed while the other party claimed to not know the accuser. Interesting!

Healing can wait! It wasn’t like they were going to die from their injuries. Eating can wait! Their energy wasn’t going to plummet that fast. Watching the show was more important!

Of all the reactions Beverly thought Feng Wu would have, she never expected Feng Wu to act like she didn’t remember. Beverly’s face flushed. This shameless liar! She thought.

Feng Wu didn’t know it, but her not remembering aggravated Beverly even more.

“Still won’t admit your crime?! You stole my magic core! I was about to kill that monster, when you jumped in and stole my kill then stole my magic core! It’s your fault I couldn’t complete the assignment! People like you are shameless!”

Suddenly the story from Beverly’s mouth was different. She hid the fact that she was running away from the monster, only highlighting Feng Wu’s role in stealing the kill, and her role as an innocent girl who was wronged.

Those who didn’t know the truth, were on Beverly’s side. Who knew how many people were jealous of Feng Wu for being a demigod disciple? If these accusations were true, then would the demigod choose a new disciple? Their hopes were rekindled.

Those who thought this way immediately spoke up to denounce Feng Wu. It didn’t matter if it was really true or not, as long as it could be turned into truth. There weren’t many who thought this way, but there were a few. Most people were watching for the entertainment and to be messengers of justice later.

“Feng Wu, this is your fault. Didn’t expect you to be this kind of person.”

“Yeah, I know, totally shameless.”

“No wonder she doesn’t have any injuries and still managed to come out before anyone else. She was stealing kills from other people!”

“As for being the disciple of a demigod, with this kind of character, the demigod will definitely reject you!”

“I don’t understand how someone with such bad character was picked by a demigod. I’m better than she is!”

For a while, Feng Wu became the subject of their crusade. Any other girl would have either started crying from the injustice of it all, went on the defense, or drew her sword and started attacking them.

But Feng Wu wasn’t like that. She blinked and stared at Beverly seriously for a moment. A vague impression came to mind.

“I don’t remember doing this. If you say I did, then let’s go to the teacher. He is very good; he’ll be able to tell if I did it or not.”

Feng Wu had a hazy impression of Beverly, but she really didn’t remember doing what Beverly accused her of doing. The other party was adamant so Feng Wu decided to find the teacher. Jier said the teacher was good. If there was a problem, then the teacher would resolve it.

Jier was referring to academic problems . . .

Beverly cried. What should she do? Go the teacher? Of course not! If she did, then he would reveal what happened inside the rooms. She wouldn’t have the courage to show her face.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do. You just want to use your demigod’s name to ask the teacher to side with you. Don’t even think it! I’m not that stupid.”

Beverly shot back at Feng Wu. She didn’t agree or disagree to finding the teacher.

What Beverly said made the smarter students look at her differently. They guessed things weren’t as she said. Better to stand back and just watch.

Of course there were fools in the crowd who failed to see the loopholes in Beverly’s words. They believed her words. A demigod . . . of course the teacher would have to give that person face. Poor Beverly, she would suffer.

Ou Meng stood to the side thinking that people like Beverly had no shame.

“Beverly, you claim Feng Wu stole your core. So I want to ask, how many monsters did you kill in the special room?” Xi[notes] couldn’t help but join the discussion.

“I . . .” Beverly blushed, speechless. She hadn’t killed any.

“You didn’t kill any huh?” Xi pushed the person in front of her out of her way. “You said you couldn’t pass the assignment because Feng Wu stole your kill and took your core, so I’m surprised. Even if Feng Wu gave you that one core, would you pass? Thinking about the assignment, you have to have another core in your possession.” Xi stared at Beverly disdainfully as she spoke.

The other girls covered their mouths and giggled. There was no way what Beverly said earlier would have stood up to scrutiny. You just had to think about it and ask the right questions.

244: Leaving the Matter As Is

Beverly’s face changed from blue to red upon hearing the laughter. She never thought another girl would help Feng Wu. Shouldn’t they all hate Feng Wu together? She was just a commoner, and yet she had such good fortune! They should be united in jealousy against her.

Beverly didn’t understand. It wasn’t that the girls weren’t jealous of Feng Wu, it was just that they weren’t as stupid as she was. Anyways, Feng Wu had the backing of a demigod. You had to give that person face.

Few people at school knew Feng Wu’s identity. Most people thought she was a commoner. It was true she had made some high-profile friends, but that didn’t change her low-born status.

Beverly didn’t know Feng Wu’s identity so she dared move against Feng Wu to ruin her reputation.

“I wanted to get my magic core back from her after she stole it from me, so I had no time to kill other monsters!” shouted Beverly. She wasn’t the kind of girl to retreat from a few words. She babbled an excuse for not killing any other monsters.

“You spend so much time chasing Feng Wu for the core. You didn’t think to kill another monster?” Xi sneered, obviously not believing a word.

“I . . .I was angry at the time. I forgot OK?!” Beverly raged at Xi.

“Oh, sure. Your results are your own. No one controls what you do.” Xi shrugged.

The other students watched Xi nearly make Beverly blow up in anger. This was getting even more fun.

“You . . . Stop bullying me! I know you’re roommates with her! You’re helping her by purposefully making it hard for me!” Beverly bit her lip, her eyes glistening with tears, a victim of bullying.

The other girls looked at the little white lotus[notes] with disdain, before turning their heads away one by one. This status-less girl couldn’t even understand her own situation.

The girls in Beverly’s class were especially feeling it. They’d been uncomfortable with her acting like a holy virgin. The boys in class completely ate her act, never getting tired or it. They loved to gather around her.

The girls would be accused of bullying Beverly, of harboring ill-intentions, if they so much as made a face at her. They always took her side because Beverly would have that pitiful expression. None of the girls in class liked being around her.

Even the few common girls in class didn’t like getting too close to her. Beverly was the kind of arrogant girl who didn’t know her own position. So a friendship with her meant constant fear of being dressed-down by her.

Watching her suffer the loss by Xi put the girls in a good mood. Just deserts! If it weren’t for the brain-dead boys in class, they would have taught her a lesson ages ago.

“I admit Feng Wu and I are roommates. So what? You don’t think I’d be fair? Let’s go find the teacher. But you say the teacher will give face to Feng Wu’s demigod master, so you’re unwilling.

I just said a few words on Feng Wu’s behalf and you already have opinions about it. You say you speak the truth. Why hasn’t anyone stood up for you? Are they deliberately being unkind and trying to embarrass you?” Xi’s sharp words put pressure on Beverly.

“When did I say that? You . . . you bully!” After all her ridiculousness, Beverly covered her face with her hands and made to run away.

She had to run. The girls wouldn’t stand up for her and she could see from the expression on the boys, some of them were already hesitating about helping her. If she didn’t leave, she’d be opening herself up for a verbal attack by everyone.

Ink had wanted to speak up for Feng Wu, but Xi beat him to the punch. It was great, almost like a movie. A pity he hadn’t prepared some snacks and drinks. The show would have been even better with some food.

Ink sighed to himself, thinking how immature he was, but then again what did being prepared have anything to do with maturity?

Feng Wu had become a silent spectator watching Xi verbally spar with Beverly. The whole show had been so exciting!

But with the protagonist of the play gone, there was no reason to stick around. Xi and Ink dragged Feng Wu to the clinic for treatment.

Although Feng Wu hadn’t suffered any injuries and Ink and Xi only had some minor cuts and scratches, the treatment was free, so why not use it?

There was no one at the clinic when they arrived. The other twenty or so people had been quickly seen to by the doctors in the clinic afterwards. Now the only thing left was to replace their clothes. Both Ink and Xi had to get a new set to replace the ones damaged during the assignment.

In the virtual world, you can get different types of equipment either by making it yourself, picking them up as drop items from boss fights, or as rewards for certain tasks.

To get good equipment items, you either had to have the strength to get them yourself or the funds to purchase them from street vendors. Feng Wu didn’t have any high-level equipment items, but she had a good master, so she didn’t have to worry.

The group of three walked out of the clinic together. Ink and Xi had agreed to meet up for a boss fight in order to get some new equipment. Feng Wu decided to go shopping and eat on her own.

“Barbeque! Barbeque! Fantastic grilled magic pork, spicy, fragrant and delicious! One skewer will replenish twenty percent of your stamina! Ten silver coins each! Ten silver coins!”

“Bread! Fresh out of the oven! Five silvers for one! Cheap and affordable!”

“Bronze suit! Fifty gold per set! Only fifty gold! Can be worn by anyone below level forty!”

“Silver weapons on sale! Don’t miss out! Made by passionate master craftsmen! Don’t wait! Come and get yours!”

“Eighteen-year-old youth! Fair complexioned beauty! If you’re interested, chat me privately!”

“Looking for a wife! Live well with your own equipment and upgrades! Real ladies only! Lady posers, don’t try it. Or you’re dead!”

245: Noel

Lively calls sounded as soon as Feng Wu walked out the gates of the academy. People had even set up stalls looking for wives and boyfriends. It was an exciting, lively scene to behold with everyone crowded together.

Feng Wu bought twenty skewers. She was happy to buy and the vendor was happy to sell. Feng Wu was such a cutie that the vendor gave her a free bread roll.

Feng Wu ate the skewers and bread as she walked. The skewers were delicious and the bread was fragrant and sweet with a soft, milky fragrance. She was in a good mood.

Two girls wearing the academy uniform approached her. Of the new freshman class, only fifty had made it into the virtual world. They had not received their uniforms yet so the two girls approaching weren’t new students.

Any walking the streets wearing a uniform had to be second-years at least.

“Boa, being here always reminds me of the first time we met. The first time I saw you, the sound of fireworks burst in my brain as you stood in front of me like a goddess. I knew it was love!”

A boy in uniform stood holding the hand of a shy girl. The tender and passionate eyes in such a handsome face caught the attention of a lot of girls.

“Brother Noel . . .” The girl whispered as she lowered her head.

The man selling bronze weapons looked at the couple unpleased. Are you going to buy or not?! You pretty boy! You’re not interested in buying; you just want to pick up girls! I hope the beauty dumps you! This was the gist of the vendor’s thoughts.

Feng Wu looked at the scene with sparkling eyes. This person was amazing!

“Boa, take a look at this one. I think it suits you really well. You look so beautiful people will forget to blink!” Noel passed her the cheapest article affectionately.

Boa made a face, but she took the red dress and gazed at it in front of her body. A sweet smile came to her lips.

“Brother Noel, you have good tastes. I’ll take this one then.” Boa decided happily.

“Boss, this one.” Noel took out ten gold coins and smartly paid for the dress.

The boss took the money but he had some choice words in his heart for this player. Standing in front of his booth all day. Don’t pretend to be some big-shot if all you’re going to buy is the cheapest item.

The couple didn’t notice the boss’s resentment one bit. They walked to the beach to look at the ocean, holding hands all along the way.

The virtual world is like the real world, so it naturally had a beach and ocean. And like any place with a beach, it was a hot spot for couples.

The two walked quietly, watching the water roll in and out, occasionally being intimate and kissing each other.

“Brother Noel, does it feel like someone’s watching us?” Boa kept getting the feeling someone was watching them, but she didn’t see anyone when she looked back. The feeling kept getting stronger and stronger, to the point she couldn’t ignore it.

Noel gave her a pampering smile. “Silly, you’re thinking too much. Everyone here is busy with their own business. Who’d want to watch us?”

It was a hot spot for couples. Looking around, other than the two of them, there were only a few other couples engaged in the same business as them.

“Ah! Who are you?!” Unfortunately, as soon Noel finished speaking, Boa screamed this line out. She had turned her head only to find a stiff face looking at them. Boa nearly fainted from fright.

“Who are you?!” Noel was just as surprised. He hadn’t noticed someone creeping so close to them. His reputation as the third seat for the third years would be tarnished if anyone found out.

“You’re amazing. You can make her so happy!” Feng Wu complimented Noel seriously.

This boy was so amazing. He was able to make the girl so happy with just a few words. She had to learn so she could coax Ming Xi into marrying her.

With this idea in her mind, Feng Wu looked at Noel even more sincerely. josei

“Noel, who is this girl? Is she your girlfriend from outside?”[notes]

“No, I don’t know her!” Noel felt like he was being unjustly accused. While it was true he did have a lot of girlfriends, this girl right now was definitely not his girlfriend.

“You really don’t know?” Boa asked suspiciously.

Noel nodded desperately. “Really, really.”

“I’m not his girlfriend.” Feng Wu understand the meaning of the word and was able to correct the situation.

“Then who are you? Why are you following us?” asked Boa.

“I want to learn how to pursue other people.”

“Ha?” Both Boa and Noel felt like their brains were insufficient to process her reply.

“Continue. Don’t mind me. I’ll just observe.” Feng Wu made up her mind to learn Noel’s pickup technique so she could use it on Ming Xi.

“Go away! Stop following us!” yelled a flushed Boa. She was on a good date. Why was this person bothering them?

Feng Wu shook her head. “Continue.” After a moment of thought she added, “Just pretend I’m not here.”

“Noel, get rid of her!” Boa was getting seriously angry. Was this girl sent by her rival to ruin her date?!

Noel looked embarrassedly at Boa before turning to look at Feng Wu. The dark-haired girl was weird, but she was really pretty.

“This . . .it’s not so good. She’s so young, and she’s a girl. I can’t beat an innocent girl up.” Noel always considered himself a knight. He cherished all the lovely ladies at the academy, believing that all the girls were cute and should be spoiled. Have him beat a girl up? He just couldn’t do it.

“What? Why are you reluctant? Whatever, I don’t care. Just make her go away!” Boa pointed an angry finger toward Feng Wu’s chest.

Noel swallowed. He would consider his girlfriend’s feelings. They hadn’t been together long and they’d only kissed three times. He had to get a few more kisses before breaking up.

“Well, miss, we’re busy. Please leave first.” Noel tried to convince Feng Wu. He couldn’t raise a hand against a girl, so he tried a more civilly polite way.

“No, I’ll stand and watch. I won’t disturb you.”

Why were they this way? She wasn’t bothering them. Did they not want to share the method with her? Feng Wu was confused.

246: What Did She Come to Do?

You’re interrupting! Both yelled in their thoughts.

Boa: Make her leave!

Noel: . . .

“Fine, if you won’t make her leave, then I’m leaving.” Boa was so angry that her eyes were red. She turned around and ran away.

“Boa! Boa!” Noel chased after her for two steps before sighing and stopping. He turned around and helplessly asked, “Hey pretty girl, what exactly did you want?”

“Please teach me how to convince someone to marry me.”

“Get . . .get married?” Noel repeated. Was he having hearing issues today? “How old are you? You want to get married so young?!”

“I’m not young. I’m a mother.”

“Haha. Be good and stop joking.” She must be some pet’s mother, thought Noel. If she raised a pet, then maybe she felt like its mother, so maybe that’s why she’s thinking about marriage? Were all little girls this strange nowadays, Noel wondered.

“I’m not joking. I want Senior Ming Xi to marry me and be Xiao Ye’s father.” Feng Wu answered stubbornly as she looked at Noel.

“Senior Ming Xi? The Senior Ming Xi you’re talking about can’t be the same Senior Ming Xi I’m thinking about.” Noel wasn’t serious at first, but upon hearing the name, he couldn’t help but rethink the situation.

Ming Xi was well-known in school. The class president of the fifth years and the school’s number one beauty. His beauty transcended both genders. Who knew how many underclassmen ran to see him, sneaking into the fifth year area just to get a peek.

But then again, it wasn’t just the underclassmen, the upperclassmen weren’t immune either. Quite a few had expressed interest, but Senior Ming Xi was like a winter lotus on top of a mountain. He was never insincere. He studied at the academy for four years, having skipped a grade, and in all that time, his name had never been ambiguously attached to a single girl.

No, wait that wasn’t quite right. There was one girl he seemed to have a relationship with, Senior Sister Elena. But he and Senior Sister Elena weren’t in that kind of relationship. The two had a really good relationship, but you couldn’t really think of Senior Sister Elena as a girl . . . that tomboy.

Noel considered the things he knew about Ming Xi.

“I only know of one Ming Xi,” replied Feng Wu.

“You want to pursue Senior Ming Xi? And you want to marry him? Are you . . . is your name Feng Wu?” Noel was struck by a flash of inspiration.

Feng Wu had been flashy in the first semester. There was the public proposal in the cafeteria, then there were the scandals that followed her, about how she had a baby out of wedlock and was a scheming and vicious girl. In short, it was all bad gossip.

But despite all the scandals, she was alive and thriving at school. There was no news about her making trouble or anything about her being devastated. Her spirit was so strong that even the upperclassmen were talking about her.

There were more rumors about her lately. Most were from the magic division. The rumors said she was a plotting, scheming girl, with a vicious mind and cold heart. Her personal life was a mess.

Jier had beat up quite a few people in the magic division for spreading the rumors. Ink had also been working hard to clear up the rumors in the sword division. The students in her class were fine. Having been with each other for a semester, it was easy for them to see what kind of person she was. There were only a few people in her class who hated her. Most recognized she was a simple, straightforward girl, who was a little naïve.

Under Ink’s leadership, the class had been hiding the rumors so she wouldn’t hear and being sad.

Feng Wu didn’t know any of these things.

“I’m Feng Wu.” Feng Wu nodded obediently. A strand of doubt shone in her eyes. Had she met him before?

“It really is you! I admire you, you know! Meeting you today proved something too! As expected, you can only believe half the rumors. No, maybe not even half!” After staring at Feng Wu for a few seconds he came to a conclusion. Rumors couldn’t be believed! He couldn’t see the slightest truth to any of the rumors. If she hadn’t admitted to being Feng Wu, Noel would have doubted if he had in fact recognized the wrong person.

Feng Wu: I don’t understand . . .

“Seeing that you’re sincere, let’s go. I’ll teach you how to pursue Senior Ming Xi.” How could Noel not join in on such an interesting thing? If he helped get them together, he'd be able to tell his friends all about it.

They walked along the beach until they found a place that wasn’t too crowded to sit and talk. The only sounds aside from their conversation, were the sounds of the wave crashing against the sand.

“I’ve never pursued a man, but men and woman are similar. The same routine can be used. Let me give you an example.” Noel paused before continuing with, “So normally when I see a lady I like, I’ll try to meet her more often by creating a few chance encounters. Then I’ll say something sweet like, ‘Our meeting must be destined,’ or ‘It must be heaven’s will that we meet again.’

Then afterwards I’ll send flowers, like roses, because roses represent love, and woman enjoy getting roses. A note should accompany the flowers too. Something flattering like, ‘Beautiful roses for a beautiful lady,’ or ‘The rose pales in comparison to you.’”

He watched as Feng Wu rushed to take out a pen and paper from her storage space. She began to write furiously. “Hey, you don’t have to take notes!” Noel had a bad premonition.

“What else?” Feng Wu’s eyes shone brightly. Noel was already classified as a love expert in her mind.

“Let’s make sure you understand what I said earlier first before we talk about anything more.” The feeling that he would regret what he said kept getting stronger and stronger.

Feng Wu was excited to pursue Ming Xi using the methods she learned from Noel. After she left the virtual world, she tried to find ways to have a chance encounter with Ming Xi.

In the upperclassman area a familiar scene emerged.

First Scene:

The bell to Ming Xi's room rang one day. He opened it to find an expressionless Feng Wu.

“Feng Wu?” Ming Xi wasn’t sure why she was looking for him.

Feng Wu stared at him for a full minute before turning around and leaving.

Ming Xi: Why did she come?

247: Sending Flowers

The curious crowd in the dormitory: Weren’t you here to confess? Girl, why’d you leave without saying anything? What a let-down, and after we spent our precious minutes waiting.

Second Scene:

Ming Xi sees a dark-haired lolli looking around with interest as she stands outside by the door of the class.

Crowd: Did someone rush to class to confess to Senior Ming Xi? Hurry up and confess your love publicly already! Say it fast, just pretend we’re not here!

Ming Xi stared at Feng Wu, a confused expression on his face. “What’s the matter?”

Feng Wu looked at Ming Xi for a full two minutes, and just as the audience was about to jump in and ask why she was there, she turned around and left. Yes, they didn’t see wrong. She just left, without so much as a goodbye.

Ming Xi and the audience: Why was she here?

Third Scene:

Ming Xi washed his hands after using the bathroom. After washing, naturally he wanted to dry them. He automatically took the handkerchief that was handed to him. He wiped his hands then looked up to return it the owner. It was only a glance, but it made him take two steps back.

“Xiao Wu! Why are you here?!” Ming Xi doubted his eyes for a moment, after all this was the men’s room. Did Feng Wu enter the men’s room by mistake?

Feng Wu watched Ming Xi for a full minute before stating, “We are destined.” After a moment’s thought she added, “The heavens meant for us to meet here.” Then she drifted away silently, leaving Ming Xi to stare at the lettering on the men’s wall.

Feng Wu returned to class in an excellent mood. She had done as Noel said. Would Ming Xi think they were destined and agree to marry her now?

“Xiao Wu, you’ve been running to the upperclassman area a lot recently. What have you been doing?” Ink asked while leaning towards her desk.

“Looking to make chance encounters with Senior Ming Xi.”

Chance encounters? That was not what he’d expected. He prayed for Ming Xi and hoped bad luck would not go his way.

A pity the gods did not hear Ink’s prayer. The incident with Feng Wu going to the men’s bathroom to find Ming Xi had already spread through the upperclassman area and all of the boys’ dorm.

Luckily no one else heard her words, so the only thing about the rumor was how Feng Wu had followed Ming Xi into the men’s bathroom.

As for Ming Xi, he didn’t say anything about it. His answer to anyone asking was the kind of smile that deterred anyone from asking further.

Though Feng Wu’s strange harassment ceased after the bathroom encounter, it would be foolish to think Feng Wu would stop there.

It was the first day of the top-ten challenge for the fifth years. As the number one in his year, Ming Xi had to be the strongest. Though most believed in his strength, there were several strong students who were unconvinced.

So what could those unconvinced do? Well the school allowed them to challenge those in the top ten in the challenge. As the number one student, Ming Xi was a popular choice when it came to challenges.

All the first years agreed Jier was the number student in their class, but he wasn’t officially ranked yet, so it wasn’t possible to challenge him. The top ten seats in their class would only be announced after the assessment.

Since the first years didn’t have a top ten ranking yet, they didn’t have a choice but to go observe the tournament for the other grades.

Feng Wu had gotten up earlier that day to buy a large bouquet of flowers. She intended to send them to Ming Xi. Noel said roses represented love, so as long as Ming Xi accepted it, then it wouldn’t be long until he would also accept the proposal.

Today was the big. Feng Wu counted out her saved pocket money for the month – 100 gold coins. She would use them to buy lots of roses for Ming Xi.

Feng Wu had more than 100 gold of course. Between the money her mom and brother gave her, she had plenty. However, they had said not to spend it randomly and to use it for school related expenses. This was why she was only using her saved pocket money.

Feng Wu had researched which kind of roses would best represent her feelings, which ones would bloom the most beautifully.

The result? Crystal roses. The cost was sky-high at one gold per rose. Feng Wu worked hard for her money, but she also worked hard to pursue Ming Xi, so though she was reluctant to part with so much, when she thought about Ming Xi agreeing to marry her, she was no longer quite so stingy.

She blinked away the distress clouding her eyes.

“Little girl, your 99 crystal roses are all wrapped up. Here you go. Be careful though, they are heavy.” The friendly grandpa helped wrapped the flowers up beautifully before handing them to Feng Wu. But he was worried because they were so heavy, so he gave her a reminder.

“OK.” Feng Fu accepted the flowers. There was some heft to them, but it was nothing for her. She paid the grandpa with the money she prepared earlier. She touched the flattened money pouch – there was only one gold left inside. The food in the cafeteria was fortunately notoriously cheap. One gold would be enough for a month.

“Little girl, did you buy these flowers for your boyfriend?” It was the first time he saw a girl buy a boy roses. The aristocratic boys liked buying roses for the girls they liked because they represented love. As for a girl buying them herself, this was a first the grandpa had seen it happen in all the years he sold flowers.

“For a proposal,” replied Feng Wu seriously.

Pro . . . proposal? “Heh, this grandpa wishes you success!” Though the answer shocked him, he smiled and gave his blessings. He sighed thinking how nice it was to be young.

Feng Wu was focused as she walked back to campus with her bouquet of roses. She realized she had problem once she returned - she didn’t know where the challenge for the top ten were held.

She took out her communication crystal to call Jier over.

Jier was disturbed when he arrived and saw the large bouquet of roses in Feng Wu’s arms.

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