The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 248-250

Chapter 248-250

248: Everyone’s Here

“Xiao Wu, someone gave those to you?” But how? How could someone pursue Xiao Wu without him knowing about it? He hadn’t heard of anyone interested in her enough to give her crystal roses. Such a move . . . the guy had to be experienced.

Jier’s mind whirled with how to deal with this new guy trying to play with Feng Wu. He couldn’t leave any wounds and he couldn’t leave any bruises either.

“No, I want to give these to Senior Ming Xi.”

Jier’s eyes widened. “You want to give Ming Xi flowers?!” He had to have heard wrong.

Feng Wu nodded.

Jier felt unwell looking at that nod.

“Where are they holding the challenge for the fifth-year top ten?” Feng Wu couldn't figure it out so she asked.

“At training ground number 5.” He had replied reflexively. He immediately felt bad when the words left his mouth. He tugged at Feng Wu as she was about to leave. “Xiao Wu, are you really going to give him flowers?”

He wanted to tell her ladies didn’t give men flowers; it was the other way around. No lady had ever given a man flowers before . . .

He could just imagine Ming Xi’s amazed expression.

She was about to answer when a familiar voice shouted from behind.

“Xiao Wu?” Luis[notes] called out from a distance; his voice a little uncertain.

Feng Wu, still holding the bouquet, looked behind her to confirm the identity of the person calling out to her.

“Senior Luis.” Feng Wu hadn’t seen Luis and the others in a while so she was happy to have this accidental meeting.

“What are you doing? Are these flowers a present from a suitor? Such a big bouquet of crystal roses, it most have cost close to a hundred gold.” Luis was very curious. He reached out, wanting to touch the fresh-looking crystal rose, but Feng Wu stepped aside, preventing him from doing so.

“Ninety-nine gold.” Feng Wu corrected. After thinking for a moment, she said, “These aren’t from a suitor. I want to give these to Senior Ming Xi.”

“Xiao Wu, just for your courage, I will support you! Let’s go together. I know where Ming Xi is.” This was going to be great! He couldn’t wait to see Ming Xi’s face when given the flowers. Should he use an imprint stone to record it? Later when Ming Xi pissed him off, he could use the recording as a threat. It was a good idea. Definitely worth a try!

“Yes.” Feng Wu nodded and followed Luis with the flowers in her arms.

“Wait! Wait for me!” Jier yelled after them. If things went poorly, he wanted to be there to help Feng Wu escape. He was definitely not following them because he wanted to watch the show . . . No way would he admit that. Yep, he was only following because he was looking out for Feng Wu’s best interests.

Feng Wu had rejected Luis’s offer to help carry the flowers. She walked into the area with a large bouquet and two men flanking her sides. The two guys had expectant expressions on their faces.

Feng Wu’s face was hidden by the large bouquet of flowers in her arms, so people didn’t recognize her. Although she made for a conspicuous figure, her appearance only garnered a few side glances. It was the top-ten tournament, so there were a lot of exciting things to watch.

“Where’s Luis? Why isn’t he here yet?” Elena asked Tian Ya and Gerasi[notes] as she stared at the door for training ground number 5.

“I don’t know. He said he’d be here after breakfast, so he should be here after he’s had breakfast,” said Gerasi unconcerned.

“What is he a pig? Still want to eat on such a big day. I heard the eighth-seat from the fourth years want to challenge him. It’s like he has no sense of urgency.” Elena said, disappointed he wasn’t living up to potential.

“Don’t worry. He’ll definitely show up before it starts.” Gerasi was certain Luis wouldn’t be late for such an important event.

“See if I don’t flay him alive if he’s late.” Elena muttered bitterly.

Ming Xi closed his eyes while Tian Ya slowly and methodically wiped his sword. Neither of them were interested in the conversation.

“There he is! Look Sister Elena, he’s finally here.” Thank goodness. Now Gerasi could finally escape Elena’s nagging. He was so happy to see Luis and give his ears a rest.

Elena turned around and saw the hereto absent Luis. She wanted to go over and scold and twist his ear, but she didn’t expect him to walk behind a girl holding flowers.

It was definitely a girl based on the skirt she was wearing. But who was she? A new girlfriend? This kid was definitely rich, sending such expensive flowers. You couldn’t get a bouquet that big without spending a hundred gold.

Because Feng Wu’s face was so small, the flowers obscured her. Luis hadn’t approached yet, so it was no wonder Elena hadn’t recognized the flower girl was Feng Wu.

“Is that girl Luis’s girlfriend? That big shot ate out with his girlfriend. He actually bought a first year such an extravagant present.” How did she not not notice how flirtatious this guy was?

“I don’t know. I haven’t heard about him having a girlfriend.” Gerasi was confused. He and Luis were good friends for a number of years now. To think this guy had a girlfriend and didn’t tell him about it. He needed to take him out to lunch and get all the details. Seriously making people suffer so much PDA early in the morning.

Luis pulled his collar up as a wave of cold malice hit him.

Jier, who had been obscured before, came into view as the three of them got closer. This naturally allowed them to guess the identity of the girl with the roses.

“Xiao Wu! Who gave you those flowers? Which skeezeball has his sights set on you? Which one is it? This one? This one?” Elena asked as she pointed to Luis and Jier alternatingly.

Even Ming Xi and Tian Ya glanced over. It was hard to read Ming Xi’s dark eyes. It made Tian Ya raise an eyebrow, but that was it. His attention returned to his blade, having lost interest in their conversation.

“Xiao Wu, don’t be fooled by bad men. They’re all full of bad intentions. Come, it’ll be safer in my arms!” Jier and the others couldn’t keep listening anymore. What was this all men were bad? Then were all women good?

249: Beautiful Flowers for a Beauty

Feng Wu kept her eyes fixed on Ming Xi the entire time she listened to Elena’s nagging. She hugged the roses tightly as she walked up to Ming Xi.

“Here for you,” she said as she held the flowers out to him.

Ming Xi: This is the first time a girl has given me flowers. What am I supposed to do?

Gerasi: So jealous. Why don’t girls ever give me flowers?

Luis: Excellent! Excellent! I need to record this!

Jier: Ah . . . I can’t take it. This is too beautiful!

Elena . . . was dumbfounded – her mouth opened in shock.

Tian Ya: . . .

Fortunately they were in a secluded area and were isolated from the crowd. Ming Xi and the others wanted to avoid being stared at so they had specifically picked the location for its inconspicuousness.

Seeing how Ming Xi was just staring blankly at her, Feng Wu remembered Noel’s advice. She added, “Beautiful flowers for a beauty.”

“Puff!” Neither Luis nor Gerasi could hold it in.

Jier stroked his forehead. He felt a headache coming on.

Ming Xi, Elena, Tian Ya:  . . .

Ming Xi still hadn’t said anything, so Feng Wu said something that nearly made a person see red. “You are prettier than a rose.”

Ming Xi’s head hurt. What to do? He definitely could not accept the flowers, but Feng Wu looked so serious. It felt criminal to refuse.

It would be cruel but he squared his emotions. He gently smiled and said, “I’m sorry Xiao Wu. I can’t accept these flowers. Had the corners of his mouth not been so twisted, he could have fooled everyone into thinking he was calm and unaffected.

Ming Xi didn’t accept her flowers. Feng Wu’s mood went downhill and the anticipation in her eyes dimmed. “Oh.” She stopped extending the flowers out and pulled them back to her chest.

Everyone stared at Ming Xi accusingly for making her depressed.

Ming Xi: . . .

“Xiao Wu, don’t be sad. If Ming Xi doesn’t want to take it, I’ll take it.” Jier offered. Jier couldn’t stand to see her so sad so he reached over to take the flowers. It would be alright as long as someone accepted the flowers right?

Who knew Feng Wu would side step his reach and reject his offer?

Jier stared blankly. Seemed his charms were useless in front of Feng Wu. Any other girl would have rushed to give him the flowers; he wouldn’t have even needed to reach out for them.

Jier pretended to be hurt. “Xiao Wu, why won’t you give them to me?”

Feng Wu didn’t hesitate. She looked at him seriously and answered. “You’re not as pretty as Senior Ming Xi.”

Not as pretty as Ming Xi?! Jier wanted to vomit blood. He was masculine, handsome, distinguished, elegant and three hundred other amazing adjectives OK?

Luis and the others snickered. In fact, they had also planned on accepting the flowers, so that Feng Wu wouldn’t feel embarrassed from her rejection. Good thing they weren’t as fast as Jier, otherwise they would have been the one eating humble pie.

It made Ming Xi oddly happy that Feng Wu refused to give the flowers to anyone else.

Right at that moment, the teacher shouted from across the field that the seat challenges for the fourth and fifth years would start soon.

Ming Xi and the others couldn’t chat with Feng Wu anymore, there were things they had to do.

Jier and Feng Wu were the only ones in their group who didn’t have to participate in the top ten challenge.

The challenge allowed students to challenge those in the top ten and take over the spot. However, regular students didn’t have the qualifications to challenge the top five upon entry. They had to first at least make it into the top ten. Students in the top ten could challenge each other. Rankings would change based on wins and losses. josei

250: Persecuted to Death

The girls couldn’t help but yell out when the male god in their hearts appeared.

The boys were screaming just as enthusiastically.

“Senior Ming Xi! I don’t mind that you’re above me!”

“Senior Ming Xi! Let’s have a beautiful baby together!”

“Senior Ming Xi! I love you!”

There were far more men who loved women, but there were always a few special guys who loved other men. It wasn’t forbidden for one man to love another. In fact, there were several outstanding male couples in Xingguang, so it wasn’t surprising there would be who few who would express romantic feelings for Ming Xi.

Ming Xi had a stiff smile on his face, while Luis and the others had an amused smirk.

“Fourth year top ten challenge starts now!” announced a teacher on the podium.

The fourth-year top ten students stood up on stage one at a time, each with a different expression on their faces. Loud shouts came from those fourth years waiting to challenge them. Those who wanted to enter the top were many, but unfortunately not everyone would have the opportunity to fight for a spot.

It would have been unbearably long if everyone who wanted to challenge the top ten were allowed to do so. Not to mention, it would have been unfair to those in the top ten.

To make things fair, the challengers would get up on stage one at a time and then participate in a melee fight. The last five standing would then be allowed to challenge the top ten.

The area for the fifth-year challengers had just started, but it was already filling up; a melee was inevitable.

Feng Wu and Jier were standing next to the fifth-year platform watching the melee go full blast. Magic balls and swords were everywhere. If the contestants didn’t watch out, they’d be easily eliminated. The top ten watched the scene calmly; after so many years, they were used to it.

“The girl with the flowers is the first year that’s been chasing you recently right?” asked Grace,[notes] her beautiful red lips shaped the words while her eyes held a hint of disdain.

Ming Xi continued looking at the battle ring, ignoring Grace. She had schemed all sorts of things to be the only girl by his side. He had ignored her so far because her schemes hadn’t caused any deaths.

“She looks like a lovely girl, it’s just a shame she has such poor character. I heard she encouraged her friend to bullY her roommate. She’s not married and she has son. A noble prince like you, I don’t believe it will look good to have such a depraved girl around.” Grace casually said.

“Grace, what are you trying to do? Don’t go overboard, stop your scheming.” Ming Xi’s eyes were cold. There were a myriad of reasons why he had been tolerant of her actions, but even his patience had a limit.

“Why? Do you really like that little girl? That kind of girl, it’s best for Your Highness to stay away from her. Our Silver Moon kingdom will never accept such a corrupt woman as an imperial concubine.”

“Grace, out of consideration for our shared childhood, I have tolerated your schemes, however, I will warn you not to go overboard.” Ming Xi’s face was cold, the smile having long ago disappeared from his face.

“Well Ming Xi, allow me to also remind you not to do anything that would hurt my sister’s feelings.” Grace was blunt.

“That would be unreasonable.” The conversation was meaningless and Ming Xi wasn’t interested in continuing. He tossed his cloak aside, got up, and moved to a different area.

Grace let him walk away. No matter what, Ming Xi would be the next ruler of Silver Moon kingdom. She had no desire to battle with him, so she would only cross his bottom line as a last resort.

Feng Wu had no idea people were arguing about her; she was busy watching the battle platform.

“Gurgle . . .” Hunger made Feng Wu touch her tummy.

Jier had no interest in the battle. He preferred beating other people as opposed to watching other people get beat up.

He had watched Feng Wu touch her belly a few times. Wondering if she was uncomfortable somehow, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Hungry.” Feng Wu replied sadly.

She hadn’t eaten as much as she wanted to this morning because she had to make time to buy the flowers. Now her stomach was empty and growling.

Jier sighed. “I’ll buy you something to eat. Be good and wait here until I come back.”

“OK,” replied Feng Wu obediently.

Jier was relieved after she agreed. He knew Feng Wu was an obedient girl. If she agreed to something, then she would see it through. Now he wouldn’t have to worry about her running around.

Jier left Feng Wu alone with her bouquet of roses in front of the platform ring. Many eyes pivoted in her direction, but she was unaffected. It was like she didn’t even notice.

Noel was walking toward the fifth-year platform when he saw a girl holding a large bouquet of roses. Who would send so many flowers and leave the girl holding it? Whoever it was, this guy had no class. Noel went over to take a look.

But why did the dark hair look so familiar?

“Feng Wu! It’s you!” Noel uttered in surprise.

Feng Wu’s eyes got red when she saw Noel. “You lied. Ming Xi did not accept my flowers.” She was extremely aggrieved. She had foregone buying her beloved meat buns and chicken thighs, being frugal all month, in order to save up enough for the roses. She had hoped Ming Xi would agree to marryher after recieving the roses, but not only did he reject her flowers, he was also unhappy about them.

“You sent flowers to Senior Ming Xi?!” Noel doubted his ears for a moment. Maybe he’d heard wrong?

“Didn’t you say to give flowers after creating chance encounters. I did all these things, but Senior Ming Xi wasn’t happy.” Feng Wu was a sensitive girl, so even if Ming Xi was smiling, she knew he wasn’t happy. So of course she was very disappointed.

“When did I say to do that?!” Noel felt unjustly accused. He refused to accept this kind of injustice and immediately defended himself.

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