The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 255

Chapter 255: The End of the Top Ten Challenge

Tian only survived because he became a star general. The asura blood race didn’t dare attack Star Marshall hall.

Ai Lin had felt the description about Yanran and the Feng family was fuzzy. For example, Yanran suffered from a serious genetic blood disorder because she was half human and half asura. Asuras looked human but they weren’t the same species. It would be difficult for two different species to conceive, and even if conception was possible, any offspring would be problematic and unlikely to survive long – much the same way interbreeding wolves and sheep or cats and mice would.

Yanran had so many health issues because of the defects in her genetics. She was often cold and lethargic. She would not live beyond twenty if her issues weren’t resolved before then.

But somehow Yanran returned cured after disappearing for a while. Her strength had also increased considerably – to emperor level, the highest rank for asuras.

The story didn’t explain how she was cured or what happened to her when she disappeared. Ai Lin thought it would be explained in an extra side story, but there was no side story about Yanran. She was a mystery.

Although Ai Lin didn’t want Zi Cheng to have an asura blood emperor as an ally, she couldn’t see a solution.

Asuras were not to be pushed around. Xing[notes] might not let her go if she didn’t deal with Yanran.

Xing would be hard to deal with. She didn’t care about anyone other than her husband and daughter. Any concern she expressed was just for show.

Ai Lin couldn’t figure out why Xing was so cold toward the rest of her family, or what happened to make her hate them so much.

She could try to befriend Yanran before Zi Cheng. But considering Yanran’s identity, the difficult would be high. Even Zi Cheng, once Yanran’s identity was revealed, was hunted for a time because of their friendship. Asuras were humanity’s natural enemy, so to befriend one was to betray humanity.

If Zi Cheng hadn’t brought the male lead and male love interest together to defeat the powerful force escaping the virtual world, no one would have forgiven her. Later she was hailed as a hero when, with Yanran’s cooperation, she facilitated a peace treaty between asuras and humanity.

Ai Lin decided not to approach Yanran after considering the consequences of such a friendship. She wasn’t Zi Cheng; she didn’t have a cheat system that gave invulnerability against Yanran and Xing. The affection system helped Zi Cheng maintain a good relationship with the two women. josei

Ai Lin wasn’t sure how she would fare if she switched roles with Zi Cheng. She was too weak to provoke Yanran, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have any options.

Secretly preventing Zi Cheng from getting cozy with Yanran and being friends was probably the safest bet.

Ai Lin spent over the half the competition thinking it over.

Those in the top ten understood each other’s strength. The 9th challenged the 8th, the 6th challenged the 5th, and the 3rd challenged the 2nd.

The 10th, 7th, and 4th did not participate. They watched the fight with Ming Xi.

Ai Lin smiled coldly as she watched the 9th seat challenge Elena[notes] As expected, it was Yifu’s brother. This poor sport intended to take advantage of Elena’s injuries to rise in the ranks.

Feng Wu and Jier looked at Yifu’s brother. “Challenging Senior Elena at this time, 80% is to take advantage of her injuries. This 9th seat guy is no good.”

“Bad guy.” Feng Wu agreed. Her cheeks puffed out like a pufferfish in anger.

“This guy thinks it’ll be easy to defeat Senior Elena because she’s still recovering from her injuries. He thinks it’s going to be an easy fight, but he’s going to leave crying.” Jier was sure.

It didn’t take long before Yifu’s brother surrendered, leaving the ring with an ugly face. He’d wanted to use the opportunity to go higher; he never expected Elena to be so merciless.

Seeing the 10th seat sneer at him only made him angrier, but he knew he couldn’t say anything. The more he said, the more people would ridicule.

After the three groups finished fighting each other, Grace, who was the 2nd seat, turned to Ming Xi to submit a challenge. Refusal could only be allowed if a higher seat challenged a lower seat. In this case, Ming Xi couldn’t refuse.

It was a simple and quick battle. Ming Xi easily proved he wasn’t just a pretty face.

Despite knowing a loss was inevitable, the 4th seat challenged Ming Xi next. The challenge was just a way for him to gauge the distance between them.

It turned out the gap was huge. He would need to work harder in the future.

Ming Xi easily won all the challenges directed his way. The challenge came to a close and in the end no one in the top ten shifted positions.

The 4th years ended before the 5th years so Tian Ya and the others had been watching Ming Xi fight in the audience.[notes]

“Hey, have you heard? There’s a beauty in school?”

“Beauty? Even more beautiful than Zi Cheng and Ai Lin from the Magic division?”

“Yes, I heard she’s more beautiful than the two of them put together. She’s like a goddess.”

“That’s an exaggeration. There are lots of beautiful girls at our school. Never mind the Magic division, the Sword division also has lots of beauties. Can you say this new girl is more beautiful than all of them?”

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