The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 256

Chapter 256: Let’s Go See the New Beauty!

The guy talking didn’t believe it. The continent was full of beauties, the school even more so. There were so many, one was practically inured to it.

“Well, whatever. I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful before. If you don’t believe me, then let’s go look together! There are a bunch of students at the gate entrance watching already,” shrugged the other boy, his expression clearly saying: If you don’t believe me then let’s go see.

“For real?”

“Yeah, if you don’t believe, just go see for yourself.”

“OK, sure.”

It wasn’t just the two boys who were curious about the new beauty. In a short period of time, several students from the Sword division also decided to go over and see for themselves.

“Xiao Wu, let’s go take a look too. I’m really curious what kind of beauty can get these animals so excited.” Ink touched his chin in thought as his eyes drifted to the school gate.

Xi joined in. “I’ll go too. I want to see how beautiful this beauty is.”

“Me too!”

“Yeah me too!”

Many of the others also quipped in. Interest wasn’t limited to just boys, plenty girls were also curious.

Feng Wu blinked and was dragged along by her classmates before she could express an opinion. Many of the students in Feng Wu’s class had come out to see.

The girl in question stood by the gate like an ethereal out of this world beauty. She exuded a strong independent aura even in a simple white dress. That body combined with that perfect face, all the beauties at school instantly dropped in rank.

In their hearts, the boys were howling: Beauty! Beauty! Peerless beauty!

“So beautiful! I’m in love!” josei

“She must be my future wife!”

“No way! A beauty of this caliber, this has to be an illusion!”

“Get out! With your attitude, there’s no way you’ll get her! Just take a picture and piss off!”

Such a lively scene. The beauty hadn’t even entered the school and the boys were already fighting over her.

How could the girls not have an opinion upon witnessing so much adoration, especially those with boyfriends – a boyfriend looking at another girl who is more beautiful than she is.

“What’s going on in your head?! If you think she’s prettier than I am, then we can just break up!”

“What are you ogling at? Stop that!”

“Hurry up and move on! What’s so good about that girl?!”

Some boys were dragged away while others were severely scolded.

Just as everyone was wondering who the beauty was, a teacher brought her in. There were so many people around. She ducked her head, her face slightly blushing. It was a shy gesture.

A shy, gentle beauty bowing her head. The boys recited poetry in their hearts at the sight.

Unfortunately the beauty was whisked away by the teacher and the boys were left bereft. They spent the rest of the day in a daze with stupid smirks on their faces. There wasn’t a single class that didn’t have at least one male student forced to stand outside the classroom door as punishment for not paying attention.

For her part, Feng Wu had only given the beauty a quick glance; she had recognized her immediately.

The girl was none other than Feng Yanran of course. Feng Wu's brother had told her a few days ago that Aunt Xing had been hired as a teacher by Xingguang Holy Academy. If she had any problems she couldn’t resolve on her own, she could go to their aunt for help.

Feng Wu had agreed, but didn’t think she would have anything to do with Aunt Xing.

Yanran and Xing’s arrival cast a dark cloud over the once calm academy. No one noticed though. The students were all innocent and only interested in gossiping about Yanran’s beauty and who she was.

It didn’t take long for people to discover she was from Feng house. Yanran wasn’t just beautiful and outstanding, she also came from an illustrious house.

Her immediate popularity came as no surprise. Zi Cheng and Ai Lin, who had been rather popular with the boys before, were now reduced to background noise.

Of course they weren’t the only ones to be ignored. Many of the other class beauties also paled in comparison.

Yanran was incredibly popular with the boys, but her popularity with the girls had sunk rock bottom – attracting all the boys’ attention as soon as she appeared, it would have been weird for any of the girls to like her.

Yanran had missed the enrollment window for the year, so was she the daughter of a teacher? Teachers were given preferential treatment and their children could enroll without taking the entrance exams, however if they performed poorly, they would be kicked out.

Yanran was a smart girl, plus Xing had always paid attention to her daughter’s education, thus the possibility of Yanran being kicked out for poor performance was nil.

Yanran didn’t go for the Magic or Sword division, instead she entered the Pharmacy division, probably due to her poor health.

Pharmacy required a lot of money and strong skills, so few were admitted. Those in Pharmacy didn’t have high combat abilities, but they befriended and formed alliances with those who were stronger. Because of this, Pharmacy students were the worse students to provoke.

That Yanran was able to enter Pharmacy meant her skills were definitely strong, otherwise those old coots in the division would never have let her in. They didn’t care about background or privilege, only if a person had the skills. They would never have allowed her into their division if she wasn’t qualified.

Yanran coming to school had nothing to do with Feng Wu, but by next morning Feng Wu was the center of attention again.

“Classmate, can you call Feng Wu for me?” Yanran asked the blushing male sword user in front of her. The smile she gave was as dazzling as the stars. She really was a fascinating character!

“O . . . OK, I’ll go now.” The boy turned around to do as bidden, but he smacked into the door frame in his rush.

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