The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 261-262

Chapter 261-262

“Ha. Don’t dare spout nonsense again!” Mido gave Cecilia a cold glare before turning to Méi Luó. “Go and invite Miss Feng Wu for dinner.”

“Of course, I’ll leave now.” Méi Luó happily responded without expressing any kind of dissatisfaction.

Mido nodded. He liked obedient women. Méi Luó was much better than Cecilia in that regard.

Cecilia cursed in her heart, but outwardly presented an obedient image. She stood up and carefully sat back down at the table, not daring to say a word.

Mido was confident Feng Wu would come over immediately after hearing his name. Anyone with any sense would. Even if she was a top ten in her freshman class, it was impossible for her to challenge a third-year top ten.

The result was unexpected though.

“What do you mean she won’t come?!” It was the first time anyone had refused to give him face since he’d entered the academy. He was furious.

Méi Luó had a complicated expression. She didn’t believe anyone would dare refuse Mido either. “Yes, she was very firm. I tried to convince her, but she wouldn’t listen,” complained Méi Luó.

“Damn it!” Mido slammed the table angrily. “She thinks she's hot stuff just because she’s from Feng house? I wouldn’t care who she is if it weren’t for Yanran!” He’d wanted to use her to get close to Yanran, but he never expected Feng Wu to be such a bitch - so ignorant and full of herself.

Mido wanted to teach her a lesson, but considering their location, he decided against it. He glanced at her sinisterly before snorting and leaving with his two girls.

Feng Wu had no idea she had just offended a big shot; she was too busy eating the food on her plate. The food here was definitely better than what was served on the first floor. It was a bit more expensive, but the deliciousness was worth it.[notes]

After Feng Wu finished her dinner, she said farewell to Tian Yue and took Little Bun back to the dorm. She completely ignored Grace’s malicious glare.

A mission that involved excursions outside the school was offered at the end of each semester. The missions were drawn by team captains and whatever was drawn had to be completed.

Feng Wu and the others in her class were freshmen, so they weren’t qualified to participate last semester, but now they were required to participate, and would have to do so every semester going forward. They had to find a senior to lead their group. It would be a test of their social skills and popularity.

Not everyone in the senior class was rich, so there were those willing to do the job in exchange for a negotiated fee.

Any student who didn’t have enough money or popularity to snag a leader on their own would have to wait for the teacher to assign one to them.

Any senior arranged by the teacher would be of average strength, so the choice wouldn’t be as good or reassuring as if they picked one themselves.

Jier asked Ming Xi to be his team captain after he formed a team with Feng Wu and Ink. Ming Xi agreed, but they had a problem. Excluding the team captain, each team needed at least six members.

The school randomly added additional members to any team with less than six members. Jier’s team only had three, so they needed three more.

Feng Wu stood by the school gate with Little White,[notes] with Jier and Ink flanking her on either side. They were waiting for the rest of their team to show up.

Ming Xi was greeted by the sight of them waiting when he arrived. Feng Wu was rubbing her eyes like she was still sleep. Little Bun ws drinking from a bottle while Little White carried him in its pouch. Jier and Ink were stretching as they looked around.

Seeing all of them reminded Ming Xi what happened a few days ago.

“Ming Xi, are you sure you want to take these guys out?” Luis asked.

Ming Xi nodded with a small smile. “Yes.”

“Ming Xi, tell the truth. Have you finally been tempted by Little Sister Feng Wu? Otherwise why would you agree to by their team captain for the excursion?” This came from Elena.

“Yeah. It’s not easy you know, taking out the lower grades on an excursion. You’re responsible for ensuring their safety.” Gerasi added.

Ming Xi couldn’t help but laugh. “What are you guys talking about?!” His friends were too interested in gossiping!

“Ming Xi, you left us hanging so you could go out on a date with Little Sister Feng Wu. You’re not concerned about us at all. Girls before friends . . .” Luis sighed as he gave Ming Xi an ambiguous look.

Ming Xi helplessly rubbed his forehead. Honestly, these guys . . .

“Be careful. The place you’re going to is unusual.” Tian Ya interrupted.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t they going to Sanye island? The island is surrounded by strong undercurrents and some water monsters, but it isn’t dangerous otherwise.”

The school always kept the strength of the students in mind. New students wouldn’t be sent anywhere too dangerous or too far beyond their abilities, as it would put everyone at risk, even if they were accompanied by a senior student.

So then what was so dangerous about Sanye island?

“I heard the seas haven’t been peaceful lately. Many who have gone out failed to return. The temple even sent several people to investigate, but thus far they haven’t discovered any clues. Tian Ya, are you worried about them having bad luck and encountering some kind of danger?” After some consideration, Elena understood Tian Ya’s worry.

“It’s not just that. Something about Sanye island feels ominous,” replied Tian Ya. “Ming Xi, you have to be careful.” He frowned. He had a feeling Ming Xi’s trip wouldn’t be peaceful, but would instead be full of danger. His instincts were normally right.

Ming Xi’s eyes looked thoughtful. Then with a faint smile he said, “Don’t worry. I will be careful.” He had a foreboding feeling as well. The feeling had grown as the day for the excursion got closer. It seemed that something big would happen on this mission.

Two boys and two girls arrived soon after Ming Xi. Both boys were second-year students; one was in the Magic division while the other was in the Sword division. Of the two girls, one was a second-year[notes] while the other was a first-year Pharmacy. The Pharmacy student was none other than recently enrolled Yanran. All four students failed to join a team on their own.

The boys were named Oleen and Leo; one was grave and stern while the other was calm and proper. Milty,[notes] was in a romantic relationship with Oleen, but it was obvious from his eyes that he wasn’t committed to her.

After introductions, everyone rushed to the dock to rent a boat. Their destination was on a small island in the sea, which could only be reached by boat. Travel between Zhongyang to Sanye island would take one full month. The group stayed on the beach overnight in order to prepare enough fresh water and food for the month-long journey.

Everything was prepared by next morning. The group boarded a boat and set out on their trip.

It was a small ship with a crew of four ordinary skilled swordsmen. Though they were only ordinary folk, they were quite competent with the sword. Yearlong exposure to the sea had made their bodies tan and strong.

Everyone went to rest after dividing the rooms up.

Life at sea was boring, but fortunately Jier and Ink came prepared, having brought games and cards.

Speaking of cards, the game they brought was a popular card game created by Zi Cheng. Another good game she created was called Mahjong. The game was so popular it even had clubs dedicated to it. Everyone from nobles to commoners enjoyed the game in Zhongyang.

This put Zi Cheng in the limelight and the number of suitors pursuing her increased dramatically.

“Ha! Matched sets!” Ink said excitedly as he pushed his tiles forward.

“Again?! Are you cheating?” Jier bitterly took out his coins and handed them to Ink.

Ming Xi didn’t say anything, just handed the money over.

“Ink is really lucky!” Leo was jealous. He’d played eight games but hadn’t won a single one. He wanted to try winning one! josei

“Good game, good game.” Ink smiled arrogantly. He was surprised he had been so lucky.

It was much quieter at the table nearby so the sounds of shuffling cards could be heard loudly.

“Four types! I win!” Milty declared proudly as she raised her eyebrows at her fiancé, Oleen.

Oleen and Yanran paid up good-naturedly without saying anything. The admiration in Oleen’s eyes became more apparently as he secretly watched Yanran.

What Feng Wu saw after coming out of her room from her nap was a friendly scene of two tables, one playing Mahjong and the other cards.

Jier stopped shuffling the tiles for a moment to wave at Feng Wu. “Xiao Wu, you’re awake. Do you want to play Mahjong? It’s pretty fun.”

Feng Wu blinked as she looked at the table of tiles. “Can’t play.”

“It’s OK. Sit down and I’ll teach you. It’s easy to pick up.” Jier was hoping his luck with turn around with Feng Wu in the game, so he immediately went and brought her over.

He sat her next to him so she could watch how the game was played.

“Xiao Wu, where’s Xiao Ye? Still sleeping?” Ming Xi was concerned when he didn’t see Little Bun with Feng Wu.

Ming Xi thought Little Bun was really cute. Not everyone at school believed the story about Little Bun coming from a fruit, so there were a lot of speculation about who his father was.

Sucessful pregnancy from the Motherhood fruit was exceptionally rare.[notes] How many people would mistake the Motherhood fruit for an ordinary fruit and eat it? Who would have that kind of luck?

Where could Feng Wu have come across the Motherhood fruit, never mind accidentally eat it? Some believed she had no luck because she got pregnant so young, some believed she had incredible luck because she encountered the fruit. It was a rare occurrence that happened once a century.

Those who didn’t believe the fruit story made up their own. The stories about Little Bun could have filled an entire book.

Feng Wu didn’t have a man’s scent on her so Ming Xi knew Little Bun wasn’t born from a physical male and female relationship. As a descendent of the gods, Ming Xi had the ability to detect virginity in that he could detect the breath of man in another person.

Feng Wu’s breath was very clean, without a trace of male breath in her. So her pregnancy had to be caused by something spiritual.

Ming Xi had liked Little Bun from the first moment they met. The feeling was mutual; Little Bun also liked him. In fact, it was a little embarassing because Little Bun would call him father.

“Sleeping still.” Feng Wu replied.

“It is OK to leave Xiao Ye alone in the room? He won’t be afraid when he wakes up?” Ming Xi was worried.

“Senior Ming Xi, Xiao Wu likes you so much. She’s asked you to marry so many times already. If you’re so worried about Xiao Ye, you can just be his daddy. Why not just marry Xiao Wu? You’ll have a cute, adorable son if you do!” Ink tried to help Feng Wu chase after Ming Xi whenever he could. They were good friends after all.

Ming Xi wasn’t going to answer the question. He’d gotten used to the teasing so the smile on his face didn’t budge.

But Feng Wu stared at him with her big eyes, as if really expecting him to answer the question. He couldn’t pretend that he didn’t see. She wouldn’t stop staring!

“Marriage isn’t about only about wanting to marry, it’s also about loving each other.” Ming Xi didn’t sense any feelings of love radiating from Feng Wu, so he knew she didn’t love him, either that or she didn’t understand what love was yet. He hoped that one day, she would understand what it was and realize a marriage without love was doomed to be an unhappy one.

“Love?” Feng Wu tilted her head in confusion. Why did you need love to get married? Master never said anything about love.

“Love is similar to liking someone a lot. So once you know you really like someone a lot, you can talk about marriage.”

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