The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 263

Chapter 263: Very Simple

“I like Ming Xi a lot.” Feng Wu had always liked him. Although she didn’t understand why he said what he said, she spoke with certainty.

Ming Xi sighed. “Is there a difference between how you like me and how you like Jier or Ink?” Using the opportunity to teach her the difference between friendship and love would be good too.

Those playing cards stopped what they were doing and curiously looked at Feng Wu, waiting for her reply.

Ming Xi wasn’t the only one who noticed Feng Wu had this problem. Jier noticed it too. Feng Wu didn’t know what love was. The only reason she proposed to Ming Xi was because he was a good man, like her master. She hoped this good man would be her baby’s father.

Ming Xi was a good man, but he hoped Feng Wu would find someone she loved. He hoped she wouldn’t remain so ignorant.

If Ink didn’t understand Feng Wu’s feelings for Ming Xi before, he did now. There were so many incidents with this girl: the confession, the love letter, marriage proposal . . . And that was just the beginning.

Leo was interested in the drama; it seemed like something fun.

Ming Xi’s question made Feng Wu think deeply. After a while she said, “They’re the same.”

Jier and Ink nearly choked. Don’t be so honest girl. It would be weird for anyone to agree to marriage proposal after hearing something like that.

Ming Xi sighed. He thought as much, but hearing it was still disappointing.

“When your feelings of like are different, then let’s talk about it then. OK?”

Feng Wu nodded as if she actually understood.

Jier and Ink exchanged glances. Turns out something was in the air. It wasn’t like Ming Xi had no feelings for her.

The topic was tacitly dropped by everyone and the games resumed.

After two rounds of Mahjong, Jier gave way to Feng Wu.

“Xiao Wu, don’t be afraid. I’ll be merciful.” Ink was full of cheer.

“I’m not afraid.” She wasn’t afraid. The game wasn’t that scary.

After shuffling the tiles and throwing the dice, Ink drew is first sets of tiles. Except for a few minor mistakes in the beginning, Feng Wu didn’t miss any tiles. She had Jier to guide her. The more she played, the better she became. It only took three rounds before she started winning.

“Huh . . . all matches.”

“Huh . . . yeah.”

“Huh . . .”

“Huh . . .”

No one could stand it after she won seven games in a row. It was fun to play when there was a chance of winning and losing, but was she really a beginner? Was she just playing dumb?

“Stop, Xiao Wu, are you sure you’re a beginner? You really haven’t played this before?” Ink said weakly, his body nearly prone on the table, cheeks pressed flat and arms spread out.

“Yeah, Feng Wu is too good. She’s not like a beginner at all,” said an annoyed Leo. He had only won one hand all day.

Jier was distressed over his dwindling money pouch. Children cut off from their families for disobedience couldn’t afford to be poor.

Ming Xi smiled. Rich people never worried about money.

“I can prove she’s a beginner. I’ve taught her solitaire, but I’ve never taught her Mahjong before.” Even though he didn’t want to admit it, it was a sad fact that he was beaten by a beginner.

“Xiao Wu, come on spill it. Is there some kind of trick to how you’re winning?” Ink asked. If there was a trick, he might be able to use it and win in the future. His eyes sparkled as though envisioning gold coins before him.

Upon hearing the question, the other three immediately focused their attention on Feng Wu. There were very interested.

“There’s no trick.” Feng Wu shook her head.

“No way. Then you’re saying you won through luck every time?” Ink, who thought he would hear a good trick, was disappointed. josei

If there was a trick, then it would be fine, but if it was luck, then there was nothing he could do.

“It wasn’t luck.” Feng Wu shook her head again. “It was easy, just know the tiles already played. Then you’ll know the ones that haven’t been played yet. You know the cards you are holding so it’s easy to win.” Did there need to be a trick for something so simple?

The group fell silent. Was that how it worked? That was so simple. To make it a fair game, none of them used any magic or other extraordinary skills to peek at an opponent’s hand. They had to rely only on memory, but it wasn’t easy with so many cards.

They would have thought Feng Wu was cheating were it not for the fact they knew she couldn’t use magic to check on their hand.

Feng Wu was so good that every one lost interest in playing. They handed her over to the card table and Oleen gave up his seat so she could play.

Fortunately for everyone else, playing cards wasn’t just about having a good memory. Luck was also important. She didn’t win every game, but she didn’t do badly at all - three out of five wins. This was still enough to make Yanran and Milty cry.

They were rescued by the crew coming in to tell them it was time to eat. Milty and Yanran couldn’t run away fast enough.

Feng Wu blinked and walked out after them after putting the cards away.

The chef had prepared fresh fish and fluffy white rice.

Most people in the western countries didn’t like rice, but Feng Wu loved it, so Ming Xi had purchased a lot for the trip. There was enough for many more meals to come.

The crew was great at grilling fish. Feng Wu ate several large bowls of grilled fish and rice. It was hard to believe she could eat so much. She was so small; where did she put it all?!

Eating grilled fish while the sea breeze blew by, sea life wasn’t bad at all.

“What’s that up ahead? It looks like someone is in the water!” cried out a crew member on the bow.

Startled, Ming Xi and the others put down their bowls and walked to the bow of the boat. Sure enough, they saw several people in the water clinging to some wooden boards.

“Senior Ming Xi, what do we do? Should we save them?” Leo asked. He didn’t think they would, after all this was the sea. It was no peaceful than land. If the people were pirate decoys, then saving them would mean leading the wolf to their doors.

“They’re too pitiful. Senior Ming Xi, we have to save them.” Yanran couldn’t stand to watch them suffer.

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