The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 269-270

Chapter 269-270

269: Concealment

The rejection came firmly, “No, I don’t want to.”

“What are you talking about?” Feng Wu asked as she walked over. She blinked her big eyes at them.

“We’re talking about how to enter Demon Wind island without attracting attention. Xiao Wu, you came at the right time. Let’s think of a way together. We can’t sail over, use magic, or any teleportation scrolls. Not to mention swimming isn’t the best idea.”

Ming Xi: Why don’t we just fly over?

“We can have my friend take us.” Feng Wu offered. Her friend was really good. Just now he had offered to take her to bottom of the sea to play. He would definitely be able to take them to the island.

“Friend?” Ming Xi and Jier didn’t understand.

“New friends. Come, I’ll show you.” She led them to the stern of the boat.

As they approached the stern, both boys realized they were surrounded by sea monsters. So many gathered around the boat but they didn't make a sound, nor did they project any hostility.

Beasts didn’t normally get along with each other, nor were they normally so docile. But here they were, beasts of all sizes and varieties, amiably floating beside the boat . . .

Never mind making noise, the water beasts hadn’t released a single strand of killing intent. They hadn’t released their minds to search the area either. No wonder so many were able to gather around the boat without the boys noticing. It was incredible.

“These are your friends?” Ming Xi knew Feng Wu had an affinity for plants, but he never expected her to have the same affinity for animals as well.

“Yes, they’re all new friends.” Feng Wu looked at her new friends happily.

“Xiao Wu, just now, what you meant by having your friend take us to the island, you meant these guys will let us ride on them?” Jier pointed at the congregation of beasts. They seemed friendly at the moment, but he’d be a fool to think he could treat them like harmless rabbits.

“No.” Feng Wu shook her head. She pointed to a huge gray water beast.

It was a very big beast . . . and looked powerful. Jier and Ming Xi recognized it instantly - it was a deep sea magic lion. It might look like an oversized regular sea lion, but it was an amazingly powerful attacker.

“This is my friend Lion Lion. He has a really big belly. If we hide in his belly, we won’t have to worry about being discovered.”

Feng Wu hooked her fingers in a come hither motion. The lion swam over and carefully rubbed its huge face against Feng Wu’s happily.

Ming Xi and Jier exchanged glances. It looked like a good idea. After agreeing, they found a spot to stop the boat. Then with the help of Feng Wu’s new friends, they entered Lion Lion and made their way to his belly.

Lion Lion happily flicked his tail before swimming toward the island.

While the three were rushing toward Demon Wind island breezily, Oleen and Yanran’s group were having a much harder time. They wanted to sneak on the island, but as soon as they docked their boat at a hidden reef, they were spotted and captured by a large gang of pirates.

In that moment, Oleen realized he’d made a mistake. These weren’t ordinary pirates, but were the infamous Red Skulls. The bodyguards had deceived them.

With a “bang!” Oleen punched one of the princess’s bodyguards hard in the face. The guard spat out a mouthful of blood after slamming into the wall.

“What the hell?! That was uncalled for! Why’d you hit Ogg?” He glared at Oleen angrily. He was itching for a fight, to get justice for Ogg, but the bodyguard named Ogg stopped him.

“Don’t Bancrofth. It won’t do us any good. We shouldn’t have hidden it was the Red Skulls.” Ogg smiled wryly. He wasn’t a fool; he understood why he got punched.

But there was nothing they could have done. They would have faced severe punishment if they returned to Bohai without the princess. On the other hand, if they rescued the princess, not only would they not be punished, they would most likely be promoted.

They had originally wanted to return to Bohai and report the kidnapping. Going to rescue the princess alone, without Bohai aid, wasn’t a possibility before, but they never expected to be rescued by such an outstanding group of youngsters. The kids were all top students from Xingguang Holy Academy. The possibility of rescuing the princess before the royal family got involved suddenly became a viable possibility. Students from Xingguang were not to be underestimated!

The idea of a rescue refused to budge once they discovered their saviors’ identities. That was why they requested the kids save their princess.

They never expected the one in charge of the group would refuse. Instead they were promised nothing more than a boat and sufficient food and water to return to Bohai.

Though their plan was ruined, all was not lost. Amongst the group was a kind girl who wanted to help them. They hadn’t wanted to drag her down with them, but they had no choice. Losing the princess . . . their punishment could be as harsh as death.

They weren’t going to refuse help, even if it was just from one person.

After the girl agreed, another boy also joined in.

It was obvious the boy only cared about the girl’s safety, otherwise there was no way he would have agreed to help them.

Regardless of the boy’s reason, he had agreed to help, and that was good enough.

They knew Oleen wasn’t like Yanran. If he knew they were facing the Red Skulls, he would have immediately taken Yanran back. So in order to save the princess and the rest of their people, they decided to conceal the identity of the pirates.

Unfortunately their rescue ended before it even started.

“Oleen, don’t fight! How can you be so impulsive!” Yanran shouted. She looked at Oleen incredulously.

270: Entering Demon Wind Island

Oleen had followed her to rescue these people so she had thought he was a kind-hearted person. She would never have been able to bear Ming Xi’s laissez-faire attitude towards the life and death of other people otherwise.

“Yanran, do you not understand what they did? They deliberately concealed the identity of the Red Skulls and deliberately brought us here with them to die!” Oleen’s originally handsome face distorted. He was uncomfortable Yanran was still protecting them despite what had happened.

The words startled Yanran. “What?! No! That’s impossible. Why would they do that?”

They had no quarrel, so in her mind there was no reason for them to do something like that. What good would it do them to harm her and Oleen?

“Yanran, you are too kind. You don’t understand how sinister a heart can be.” Oleen smiled coldly. “Isn’t it obvious? They did this because they wanted free help to rescue the princess in order to atone for their mistakes.”

Oleen grew up in a big family, so he had experience with plenty of intrigue. He hadn’t thought much about the bodyguards because he had been more worried about Yanran, but with the appearance of the Red Skulls, he had no choice but to consider it.

The two bodyguards flushed in embarrassment now that their plan was revealed.

Yanran turned around in disbelief and saw the embarrassed faces of the two men behind her. As stupid as she was, even she realized she’d been manipulated.

“You . . . you guys went too far!” Yanran yelled. She’d lived in a simple environment all her life, so she never thought there could be such bad people in the world.

Her mother, Xing, had protected from such things. Apart from teaching Yanran swords skills to improve her health, she never allowed Yanran to come into contact with anything foul. As a result, Yanran was a very simple-minded girl. It never crossed her mind that there could be people who would purposefully harm others without reason. josei

Yanran’s eyes turned red at being deceived for the first time.

The two bodyguards bowed their heads at Yanran’s sad face. They genuinely liked Yanran. She was as beautiful as a goddess and incredibly kind-hearted. They had never wanted to cause such a sad expression to come to her face.

“Yanran, don’t worry about them anymore. Senior Ming Xi should be coming to rescue us soon. We’ll leave with him, and these guys can solve their own problems. They can rescue the princess on their own.”

Oleen wasn’t so virtuous that he would answer a wrong with forgiveness. He was calculating. The only reason he didn’t punish the two bodyguards for what they had done was because he didn’t want to kill them in front of Yanran. If not for her presence, they would have been dead ages ago.

“But . . .but Princess Hailin is innocent. We can’t leave her to die.” Yanran shook her head. She just couldn’t convince herself to leave when she thought about the poor princess.

Oleen felt helpless. “Yanran! You’re too kind. They schemed against you like this and you still want to help them?!”

Experiencing Yanran’s kindness only reminded him of Milty. Milty was too jealous and narrowminded. She violently warned off any girl who showed the slightest sign of interest in him. Her brutality and unruliness repulsed him. He had never loved her, in fact he hated her. If she had half the gentle, kindness Yanran had, perhaps he wouldn’t have hated her so much.

“I’m sorry Miss Yanran. We should not have deceived you for our own selfish gains. We are indeed bad men. That you would still consider saving the princess despite everything, we are truly ashamed of ourselves.”

The two men looked at Yanran with shame in their eyes, but it wasn’t just shame. There was a tint of infatuation and admiration as well.

Yanran replied with a soft and gentle smile. “Don’t do this sort of thing again. No matter your reason, it’s wrong to deceive people.”

Oleen stood to the side gazing at Yanran with admiration and pride as she completely forgave the two men. This was the woman he fell in love with. She was so special, so kind, so utterly fascinating . . .

It was impossible for them to know what was going in the central prison on the island. Ming Xi, Jier and Feng Wu didn’t know that Yanran and Oleen were waiting for rescue. Had they known, they may have just turned around and left the two ridiculous people behind.

With Lion Lion's help, they were able to reach shore without disturbing anyone.

Night fell quietly on the island as three watchmen were peeing into the bushes.

“Old A, what do you think the captain wants to do? He actually kidnapped a princess of Bohai. Was the princess that good? If a master from Bohai were to come for her, we’d be cannon fodder for sure.”

“Who said that? Old B? The captain . . .we don’t know what he’s thinking. Things have gotten strange since he came back from his last trip. He was really clear about us not hitting any royal ships, so how come he personally made an exception to this one?”

“Do you think Captain encountered something outside? Otherwise how could there be such a drastic change?” Old C wondered.

“Well one thing’s for sure, if Captain did encounter something outside, he’s not going to tell us grunts.”

“I heard four more people came in today.”

“Yeah, it’s true. I was there when we captured them. There was this one incredibly beautiful girl with them, way more beautiful than the princesses of Bohai. Say, do you think the captain will let us play with her once he’s done with her?”

“Dream on. The captain’s going to keep that kind of beauty exclusively for himself. Us grunts aren’t going to get any of it.”

“Yeah, that kind of beauty isn’t for us. Now the maids around the princess . . . they aren’t sky shatteringly beautiful, but they are elegant and pretty in their own way. Why can’t Captain let us have the maids?”

“Don’t think about it too much. But listening to you talk just reminded me of something,” Old B said as he raised his pants back up.

“What is it?” Old A and C asked. They also hurriedly yanked their pants up and belted their waists properly.

“The captain didn’t have the stunning beauty brought to him. Isn’t that strange? If this was before, catching someone this excellent, the captain would have already had his way with her. But the beauty has been in custody for a while now, and he still hasn’t called for her. Don’t you think that’s weird?”

“Could it be Captain suffered some unspeakable injury the last time he went outside?”

The three exchanged meaningful glances all men understood.

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