The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 271

Chapter 271: Disguise and Infiltration

“It’s possible, otherwise how could the captain turn into a monk?”

The three were chatting so animatedly that they didn’t notice danger approaching. By the time they realized something was wrong, it was too late. They saw a brief flash of light, but otherwise felt no pain, before slumping into an eternal slumber.

Ming Xi looked at the three corpses on the ground. “Put on their clothes.” He spoke as he put his sword away.

Jier and Feng Wu nodded. They pulled off the clothes from the dead men before walking behind a bush to change.

Upon coming out of the bushes, Ming Xi and Jier could pass as pirates, but Feng Wu . . . was an exceedingly amusing sight. She looked like a child who’d stolen some adult clothes.

“Xiao Wu, you can’t go like that. One look at you and they’ll know something’s wrong.” Jier snickered at her comical image.

“Ahem.” Ming Xi cleared his throat. “Jier is right. Xiao Wu, please wait here and think of another way to get inside. If you can’t find a way in, just circle back and wait for us in the cave.” He was trying very hard to not laugh at her.

Feng Wu glanced at them unhappily. These were the smallest clothes of the bunch. What was so funny? These guys were being bad.

The pirates on Demon Wind island were all tall men. Even the shortest was a full head taller than Feng Wu. It was a joke for her to disguise herself as a pirate by wearing their clothes, what with her tiny physique. It was too much of a difference, even illusion magic couldn’t fix it.

While Feng Wu was stymied by her size, Jier and Ming Xi successfully used simple illusion to alter their appearance to look exactly like the men they were impersonating.

Jier and Ming Xi walked into the luxurious castle built by the pirates.

“Old A, Old C, you guys went with Old C to pee. How come only the two of you are back?”

How unlucky, they were caught by the originals’ colleagues as soon as they entered the castle.

Jier turned to look at the guy asking them the question. He was a rough looking sort, with a scar across his face. Worse yet, he seemed to be familiar with the original pirates.

They would have to take on the persona of the people they were impersonating. If they couldn’t do it, then they would have to run like the wind.

“Old B said he had a stomach ache. He went to do some business behind a bush. We didn’t want to be smelling it so we came back first.” Jier tried his best to imitate the original’s voice, hoping the guy in front of him wasn’t too perceptive.

“Old B deserves it. Who told him to eat extra meat so late in the evening? It’d be a wonder if he didn’t have diarrhea.” The man gloated as soon as he heard the reason. “Alright, if you two got nothing to do, you can come with me. Captain needs some help. Two of you together should be enough.”

Captain? Ming Xi and Jier exchanged a helpless look. They couldn’t kill the guy and escape; there were too many people around. They had no choice but to follow and see this captain person. Hopefully their captain wasn’t some powerful big shot with the ability to see through their disguise.

They followed behind through a corridor until they reached an inconspicuous room. Once inside, the guy turned a torch. One of the large slates on the floor slowly shifted to reveal a secret staircase.

Ming Xi and Jier carefully hid their surprise. The guy went down the stairs first while Ming Xi and Jier followed behind. Neither boys ever suspected there would be a secret underground on the island. Each had their own thoughts about where it would lead.

Ming Xi and Jier: Is this the way to the dungeon? Did we luck out and find the place already?

They kept their guesses in their hearts and kept walking. The passage was wide enough to allow three people to walk abreast. They occasionally stopped to greet people they knew who were also walking through the tunnel. Fortunately, the disguise fooled them and no one suspected.

They walked for more than ten minutes, meeting many people along the way. They knew there were more people gathered in front of them because they could hear snippets of conversation and the sounds of movement.

It seemed like the island was more mysterious than expected. The public perception was that there were three hundred pirates on the island, but it seemed like those three hundred people were only there for show, as a display for the outside world.

As for how many people were actually on Demon Wind island, who actually knew?

They finally stopped at a stone room after walking around some more. The guy told Jier and Ming Xi to wait outside for a bit while he went in to brief those inside. They agreed.

Shortly afterwards, the guy returned and brought them inside with him.

“Captain, these are the two I was talking about. This is Old A and C. They came to the island ten years ago. Their strength is average but their abilities are good. It shouldn’t be a problem leaving it to them.”

The guy signaled Jier and Ming Xi with his eyes. They immediately went over and copied his attitude, nodding and bowing to the captain.

“Hello Captain, I am Old A and this is Old C. Whatever you need, we can do it for you.” Jier acted like a sycophant in front of the captain.

“Yes.” Ming Xi let Jier take the lead. He wasn’t good with these kinds of situations.

“It’ll just be the two of them then? Ibak, tell them about the situation. Remember to take good care of the captain’s affairs. You’ll be rewarded handsomely once everything is settled.”

The somewhat overweight captain waved his hand like he was shooing at some flies. They were dismissed.

Jier and Ming Xi finally learned the name of the guy they were following – Ibak.

After they left the stone room, Ibak took them aside to start getting things in order. “Alright you two. This is your chance to get in. You’ll definitely benefit if you do things well.” josei

The two of them acted appropriately humble and thanked Ibak for helping them. After being properly praised, Ibak finally told them what their task was.

The task itself wasn’t hard per se, nor was it easy. Turned out the captain was just a lusting slimeball who’d taken a fancy to one of the maids serving the princess.

She was a high-ranking maid who served in the palace as one of Princess Hailin’s personal attendants. Of course she was very beautiful. The captain liked her at first sight, but he couldn’t do anything because the leader gave orders not to harass any of the ladies.

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