The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 280-282

Chapter 280-282

280: Being Left Behind

“Princess Hailin . . . that’s not so good . . .” Ilis was uneasy.

She felt sorry for Yanran because Yanran had been so quick to help them, but now that they had a chance to help her, they weren’t able to do so.

“What’s wrong? It’s not like I asked them to save me. Even if they hadn’t come, I would have found a way out myself.” The princess was completely unmoved. “Uncle Duo, let’s go. Father will be anxious.”

General Duo nodded. “Let’s go.” The group turned and left without a backward glance, leaving Yanran, Oleen, and Zi Cheng standing in the main hall.

“Lock them all together. I’ll take a good look at the two girls later. Once everything is settled, the leader and I will be sure to enjoy them.” Jack eyed the girls wolfishly. Both girls were first-class beauties; but Yanran especially so.

Had it not been the wrong time, he would have done both of them right there.

“Shameless!” Oleen was so agitated that he rushed out at Jack, intent on killing him.

But unfortunately, equipped with the magic-binding bracelet as he was, he couldn’t even touch a strand of Jack’s hair.

Jack didn’t even have to do a thing; his subordinates easily subdued Oleen.

“Stop it! Please, for me, stop!” Yanran screamed out in shock, but it was no use, the pirates refused to let Oleen go.

“OK, that’s enough.” Jack finally spoke up after he felt Oleen had been punished sufficiently.

The pirates immediately retreated to the side.

Yanran and Zi Cheng rushed over to check on Oleen’s injuries.

“Take them away.”

Ming Xi and Jier had heard the news about Princess Hailin being rescued, but they did not know Zi Cheng was also on the island. The room they had been guarding was now empty, so they abandoned guard duty and went in searching for Yanran and Oleen.

As for Feng Wu, she was busy eating. There was nothing wrong with being a maid; she got plenty to eat. Na was a tyrant but she was generous when it came to feeding her maids. As a result, the maids always ate well.

Na had also been the daughter of a fisherman. She was the eldest of four daughters and three sons. She wasn’t the favorite though, otherwise how could she have been sacrificed?

After ten years living on Demon Wind island, Na wasn’t the same ignorant, naïve girl anymore, but despite this, she didn’t mind treating her maids well as long as they behaved appropriately.

Feng Wu was assigned to the prisoners. Even for prisoners, the food was very good: lobster, fish, and other meats.

“It’s just three prisoners! Do you have to prepare such extravagant items?” Na said disapprovingly after she saw the dishes on the tray.

“Sister Na, you don’t understand. Deputy Commander Jack came in person and told us what dishes to make. We have to pamper them a little with good food. There are two petite beauties the commander wants to enjoy. But before he can enjoy them, their bodies have to be well nourished!” said the cook with a smile on her face.

“Oh, so that’s why . . .” Na shook out her handkerchief. “The deputy commander’s eye is very discerning. How beautiful are these women to be able to catch his attention?”

Jack was different from Badock, who Na was attached to. Jack had high standards; if you weren’t an incredible beauty, he wouldn’t look at you. That two girls caught his eye, well now even Na was curious.

“I heard the men outside say both of them are lookers. One of them will even make you drool, a goddess that one is.” High compliment indeed.

“That pretty?” Na couldn’t believe it.

“Sister Na-er! Who’s going to deliver the meals?! I’m still waiting to escort them!”

Na thought of Feng Wu, probably because she had made Princess Hailin suffer. So that was how Feng Wu ended up with delivery duty.

After organizing the tray properly, Feng Wu was escorted to the prisoners’ cell. It was a winding path that went down the basement, through several hallways, and passages.

The two guards at the door opened it to let Feng Wu enter. Yanran was using a cloth soaked in water to clean Oleen’s wounds, while Zi Cheng sat beside them. At the sound of footsteps, they turned around to find an ordinary maid had entered their cell.

“Dinner.” Feng Wu out the tray of dishes down.

“Let’s eat. Even if these pirates have no humanity, they won’t stoop to poisoning our food.” Zi Cheng smiled as she walked over to lift the lid for the dishes.

The tray was filled with hearty dishes of lamb, lobster, and other fish.

“Let’s go over and eat.” Yanran helped Oleen up to the table.

“Oleen is wounded. These kinds of foods aren’t appropriate for him. Don’t you have anything lighter?” Zi Cheng asked Feng Wu.

They hadn’t seen through Feng Wu’s disguise. To them, she just looked like an ordinary maid.

“These foods were personally ordered by Deputy Commander Jack for the young ladies.”

Oleen was just incidental.

Yanran angrily glared at Feng Wu. “But Oleen is injured! How can he eat these things?!”

“What does that have to do with me? I can take it away if you don’t want to eat it.” It just so happened Feng Wu was very interested in the dishes.

“You!” Yanran’s face flushed in anger, but there wasn’t anything she could say.

“Yanran, she’s just a maid. Don’t make things hard for her.” Zi Cheng was familiar with the maids’ situation. She had experienced it before, so she was sympathetic to their plight at having to serve the monstrous pirates.

281: Rendevous

Zi Cheng felt a trace of guilt when she thought about the maids she killed earlier when her identity was nearly revealed. She hadn’t wanted to hurt them, but she couldn’t risk it.

Besides letting them live as though they were zombies, that wasn’t great either. Letting them pass onto the next life was better. Zi Cheng felt better when she thought about it that way.

“But Oleen is injured and we have no medicine. What should we do?” Yanran was worried.

It wasn’t that Yanran felt differently towards Oleen, she just felt guilty. After all Oleen was only like this because of her.

On the other hand, Oleen’s heart warmed at the sight of his goddess being so worried over him. He didn’t feel any pain from the wounds.

“It’s OK, don’t worry. I’ve checked his injuries already. They’re just superficial wounds, nothing serious. He’ll recover as long as he rests for a few days.”

Zi Cheng wasn’t lying. Oleen’s wounds looked bad, but they weren’t deep or life-threatening, just broken skin and lots of bruising.

Even if the foods sent weren’t appropriate for injured people, it was still food. They had to accept it.

“Yanran, don’t worry. My wounds will heal fine in a few days.” Oleen couldn’t bear to see his goddess worried. A trace of gentleness appeared on his face as he tried to soothe her.

“I’m sorry Oleen. This is all my fault. If it hadn’t been for me pitying the princess and her people, you wouldn’t have come with me to save them. My willfulness didn’t just hurt me, it hurt you too!” Yanran felt horrible.

Her beautiful face looked like she’d been thoroughly wronged. Tears threatened to cascade down her cheeks. With such a sight, how could Oleen bear to blame her?

Zi Cheng sighed. “Stop talking and start eating. The dishes will get cold.”

The three of them began to eat the meal. Oleen refrained from the seafood and stuck with the barbequed meats. Once they finished, Feng Wu took away the empty plates, and left the room.

[notes] “Wait. Let’s keep her here with us for a while. We can play with her for a bit,” said one of the pirates. “We’ll help you send her back later.”

Luck was with Feng Wu though. Their way was blocked by two pirates before they made it halfway through the corridor. She gave the two pirates a mysterious wink.

“You dare try this on such an important day? You’re not afraid of being reprimanded by the captains?!”

“What’s there to be afraid of? The leader isn’t going to care about us unimportant people,” said the pirate dismissively.

The maids were basically considered slave girls and expected to service the men on the island. It didn’t matter if they wanted to or not.

“If you’re not afraid, then that’s good. Remember to send the person back when you’re done. But you aren’t picky at all are you? This girl isn’t that great looking . . .” The man said as he glanced at Feng Wu’s super ordinary face.

“Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder. Besides those other pretty girls wouldn’t give us brothers the time of day,” sighed out the two pirates.

“Fine, fine. I’m leaving her to you then. Make sure you send her back properly, otherwise Sister Na will scold you out in front of the higher ups.” He waved his hand and left after saying that.

The two pirates took Feng Wu’s hand and led her to an isolated room, shutting the door tightly behind them afterwards.

“Xiao Wu, is it you?” It turned out the two pirates were actually Jier and Ming Xi. They had returned to their original team after leaving guard duty.

Many pirates had been killed because of the fight with the female magician. Old B, who had not been seen since, was considered a casualty. No one had discovered Ming Xi and Jier’s disguise as Old A and C. As minor characters, most of their encounters were with other minor characters, so they had been safe and didn’t have to worry about being discovered. They used it to their advantage to move around the island, trying to familiarize themselves with the terrain.

They had heard about what happened to Yanran and Oleen and knew Princess Hailin had refused to help those two. The appearance of the Bohai people did nothing to lighten their workload. In fact, it only increased their chances of being discovered. Now, not only did they have to deal with the rescue on their own, they had to investigate the island as well.

Ming Xi and Jier had been investigating the island when they came upon a maid in the corridor. The wink she gave them made them wonder who she was, thus the scene where they whisked Feng Wu away.

“Jier, Senior Ming Xi.” Feng Wu hadn’t expected to meet them either. She winked at Jier and Ming Xi secretly when the person leading her wasn’t paying attention. They had understood.

She mentally praised Jier and Ming Xi for being smart.

“Xiao Wu, how did you end up being a maid? How long have you been a maid? No one suspects?” Jier looked worriedly at the face of the maid in front of him. She didn’t look like Feng Wu at all.

Feng Wu was so dumb. Was she really able to stay in disguise without anyone suspecting?

Feng Wu shook her head. “I’ve been a maid for three days and no one has suspected.”

“Xiao Wu, have you noticed anything?” Ming Xi asked.

They had walked the basement floor and checked all the unrestricted areas, but still failed to find Yanran or Oleen.

Feng Wu nodded. A the gesture, Ming Xi and Jier’s eyes lit up. They hadn’t found them after searching for so long, so they were surprised Feng Wu had discovered the two people already.

“I just delivered their food. Zi Cheng is also with them.” She had been a little surprised to see Zi Cheng earlier, but she was stone faced, so none of the three noticed.

282: The Hole

“Zi Cheng is here too?! But her assignment isn’t on this route. She’s here by herself, the other people on her team aren’t with her?” Ming Xi asked.

“Yes, she is by herself.” Feng Wu confirmed.

“Don’t worry about how she got here. The important thing is that they’re all locked up together. Our task just changed from saving two people to three people.” Jier was very dissatisfied with the workload increase. He cursed Yanran out in his heart.

They would never have fallen in a den of pirates if it weren’t for that witch woman. He would have slapped her and cussed her out for it if she’d been in front of him just then.

“Xiao Wu, do you remember how to get there?” Ming Xi asked.

“I do. I’ll draw it for you.” Feng Wu had a good memory, so it wasn’t an issue for her to draw a map for them. She immediately drew it out on a piece of cloth.

Jier wanted to make sure Feng Wu was kept out of danger so he said, “Great, we finally have a map. You can go up first. We’ll send you a signal once we’ve rescued everyone. Go to the cave and wait when you get the signal. We’ll all leave together.”

Feng Wu nodded obediently and didn’t clamor to follow them.

Very good. Both Ming Xi and Jier were satisfied. Ming Xi patted her head before sending her back to the kitchen.

Ming Xi and Jier immediately set out with the map to find Yanran and the others. Little did they know a situation was brewing.

Zi Cheng’s pet mouse had dug a hole in the floor of their cell.

The mouse treasure hunter was a rare animal, so though she had heard of it, it was the first time Yanran had seen it in person. She observed it curiously.

“Zi Cheng, why did the little guy dig a hole here? Is it because you want to use it as an escape hole?” josei

Once a treasure hunter locked onto a treasure, it automatically dug a path to it. The mouse was unmatched in its ability to dig holes.

“I don’t know. The little guy probably found something.” Zi Cheng wasn’t going to tell Yanran her baby had found a treasure underground, and that it was digging holes because he was hunting for treasure.

“Let’s follow it and have a look. Anything a treasure hunter finds won’t be ordinary.” Oleen was interested.

A treasure hunter was discerning. Nothing less than a fantastic treasure would catch its eye.

The three of them crawled into the freshly dug hole. They were surprised the treasure hunter had made such a deep hole in such a short period of time. It was so deep, they couldn’t make out the end at all.

The room was empty by the time Ming Xi and Jier took cared of the guards and got the keys half an hour later.

“They dug a hole and ran away!” Jier was shocked. He had to say he was impressed they managed to dig a hole without using magic.

“No, you’re giving them too much credit. They didn’t dig this. There’s magical aura beast in that hole. Turns out they still had a trick up their sleeve.” Ming Xi shook his head.

“Magical beast?! The three of the had a magical beast?!” And here he thought they were so strong.

The two exchanged glances. “Let’s go in.”

Jier took the lead while Ming Xi took the rear and used magic to restore the opening to its original appearance. No one would be able to tell a hole had been there.

The treasure hunter was small, so naturally his hole would also be small. At best it could accommodate a single crawling person. There was no way anyone could stand up.

Yanran, Oleen, and Zi Cheng crawled on their elbows and knees for an hour.

Meanwhile, the pirates were arguing above ground. The guards outside were killed; the room was empty; and the captives were assumed rescued. The three big bosses were naturally angry.

“What’s going on? How’d the island get invaded again? What am I keeping you all for?!” cried out a furious Demon Wind.

How could he not be angry? Three people disappeared and no one knew how.

“Big Brother calm down. The people earlier didn’t do a good job. Me and Jack will personally catch the intruders who dared rescue the prisoners.” Deputy Commander Badock said.[notes]

“Yeah Big Brother, we’ll definitely catch the three prisoners.”

The captains kneeling on the ground were silent. None of them dared say a word, lest they become venting victims of the big bosses.

“Any news? Have we got any identification on them? How many, what gender, what class, who sent them? Did you find out anything?!” Jack stared coldly at the thirty captains kneeling on the ground.

In addition to the three big bosses (the leader and two deputy commanders) there were also thirty captains and vice captains who managed the hundreds of pirates. The thirty captains were the strongest under the big three bosses.

“Reporting in sir! We have some news. Two minor pirates went missing after the three prisoners disappeared. They weren’t anything exceptional so their disappearance wasn’t noticed until now.

Had Ming Xi and Jier been there, they would have recognized the captain speaking was the same one they first met.

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