The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 283-284

Chapter 283-284

283: The Maiden in the Underground Palace

“So, there are two men involved in it.” Jack surmised as he nodded his head.

Badock yelled out impatiently, “Did anyone find out anything else? Speak up!”

The thirty captains looked at each other. Everyone shook their heads.

“Forget it! All of you get out of here. And find those two!” Demon Wind dismissed all the captains with a wave of his hand.

The atmosphere in the room didn’t get any better after the captains left.

“Big Brother, have you really decided?” Jack was worried.

“Yeah, Big Brother, we only have one water crystal so only one us can go. You going by yourself is too dangerous. The seal is there. Let’s wait until we can get more water crystals from some other places.” Badock was just as worried as Jack.

Demon Wind waved his hand. “We have no time. Our actions already attracted unwanted attention. If we don’t act now, I’m afraid inevitable things will happen soon, so you can stop trying to convince me otherwise. I’ve made my decision.

Make sure to pay attention to the brothers on the island for the next two days. The Bohai family will definitely act.”

Jier and Ming Xi had been crawling for a while but they still hadn’t reached the end. Both wondered where the tunnel led to. The sea? Despite not knowing, they focused on crawling forward, while on the other end of the tunnel, Yanran and her group had finally come out.

The tunnel led to an underground palace. Who could have imagined such an opulent temple was underneath Demon Wind island? Large magical ores covered the walls and pillars.

“Is this the Red Skulls’ treasure hold?!” It was such a magnificent building. If not the Red Skulls, then he didn’t know who could have built it under Demon Wind island.

Yanran looked at the building with a complex expression. She was worried. “Are we going in? If it’s really the Red Skulls’ treasure hold, then there’s probably a master guarding it.”

“Don’t worry. I don’t think this place has anything to do with the Red Skulls.” Zi Cheng was certain.

“Why do you say that?”

It was impossible for Zi Cheng to tell them it was a function of her system. “Do you the Red Skulls would resort to kidnapping Princess Hailin and bother being pirates if they were so rich?”

Yanran and Oleen thought it over. With this much in riches, the Red Skulls could have retired and lived comfortably for several lifetimes.

“Who are you? Get out of here!” A girl in a multicolored dress flew out of the palace. She had red hair. When combined with the six on her dress made seven colors total.

So many colors on a single person would be crazy, or if not crazy then at least not normal. But the colors actually looked good on her.

“Sorry, we didn’t mean to come here.” Yanran thought she was talking to the master of the palace.

Raising her head arrogantly the girl said, “Leave immediately or die.”

Zi Cheng smiled at that. “I’m sorry little girl, but we are not leaving. My little mousy is interested in something here.” Zi Cheng pointed to the treasure hunter.

The treasure hunter had turned humble the moment the girl appeared. It had its paws turned down on the ground. It was behaving this way because of bloodline suppression. Beasts from an inferior bloodline always bowed down to a superior one.

It only worked with magical beasts so Zi Cheng was unaffected.

“A mere treasure hunting mouse is delusional if it thinks it can the get treasures inside. I don’t know who gave you the courage.” The girl glanced down at the treasure hunter disdainfully.

The treasure hunter laid there obediently and didn’t dare say anything.

Zi Cheng mentally connected with her mouse.

“Baby mouse, what’s wrong with you?” She was worried about its condition.

“Master, there is powerful blood suppression coming from her. She may even be from a holy beast bloodline!”

“Holy beast?!” Zi Cheng hadn’t expected she would be so lucky. She only had one holy beast and a few regular beasts under her command. Now in front of her was another holy beast. Her power would increase tremendously if she could capture this one too.

Just thinking about it made her hot. If the beast was useless, she could just sell it to her system. Then she would use the points to buy whatever she wanted.

The girl ignored Zi Cheng’s conversation with the treasure hunter. They were just trivial bugs who couldn’t pose a threat to her.

“Aren’t you leaving? Do you want me to send you out?” The girl smiled. Her attitude was cold and aloof.

“Little girl, whatever treasure is back there, was meant to be shared with everyone.” Zi Cheng opted to persuade the girl. Now that she knew the girl’s identity, she wasn’t afraid at all. On the contrary, Zi Cheng really wanted to own her.

Neither Yanran nor Oleen said anything. It was clear Zi Cheng had made up her mind to fight the girl.

“Since you want to die, I will be happy to oblige. You stupid humans will pay for your ignorance.” The girl flipped her wrist over and a huge phoenix emerged from her hand. The bird flew fiercely toward Zi Cheng.

This only made Zi Cheng shout out, “Good! Come on then!” An elaborate staff appeared in her hand. She had systematically exchanged items that could be used to break the magic-binding bracelet the pirates put on her. Sure enough, it worked.

The girl was surprised at the sight of the staff.

284: The God-Level-Seven-Colored Auspicious Magical Beast

“That’s a sub-divine staff, the Staff of Life! It was used by the elf king before his fall. It’s not nourished by his divine energy anymore so it fell from being a divine weapon to a sub-divine one. Such a treasure shouldn’t be in the hands of a human like you!” The colorfully dressed girl cried out.

The Staff of Life was indeed worthy of being wielded by the elf king. It easily blocked her attack and made the phoenix cry out before slowly dissipating completely. josei

Zi Cheng had blocked the attack, but that didn’t mean she didn’t suffer. Wielding the staff took a tremendous amount of energy, so her magic reserves were now half empty.

The girl sneered at Zi Cheng. “Stupid human! Do you think a sub-divine item can be used by just anyone?! How foolish!” The girl had seen how awkwardly Zi Cheng had used the staff and how much physical and magical energy it required.

The girl summoned a huge flame with a wave of her flawless hand. That one flame split and turned into hundreds of phoenixes that all flew toward Zi Cheng.

Zi Cheng’s face changed. She muttered a spell quickly under her breath. An aura came out of the Staff of Life and surrounded her, nullifying the birds’ attack, but more birds circled above her. The progressive attacks gradually weakened her shield until it eventually cracked with a loud bang. The pieces of the shield disappeared after shattering. The Staff of Life dimmed as it loss its magical support from Zi Cheng.

Without the staff’s protection, Zi Cheng was open to the attacks from the birds. They rushed at her hard, knocking her several feet in the air. Huge mouthfuls of blood gushed out of her mouth after she landed. Her entire complexion paled.

“A mere human dared to provoke me.” The girl slowly flew over to Zi Cheng and landed by her feet. The look on her face hadn’t changed; it was still as condescending as before. Zi Cheng, on the other hand, looked very embarrassed.

Yanran wanted to go to Zi Cheng and see to her injuries, but Oleen held her back. He thought the girl would target Yanran if she rushed out.

The girl had really strong attack abilities. Defeating Zi Cheng was child’s play for her. If the two of them went out there, wouldn’t they just be asking for death?!

Oleen mentally complained about Zi Cheng. The girl said they could leave, but Zi Cheng rushed toward death instead. Even if she wanted to die, she could have done it without involving him and Yanran.

He mentally labelled her a selfish person. He had to keep Yanran away from her so she wouldn’t take advantage of Yanran.

Ai Lin would have nodded her head in agreement with his assessment. The protagonist of the story looked like a soft-spoken and kind-hearted person, but she was a cold-blooded schemer in reality.

Both Zi Cheng and Yanran gave off the same kind of feeling: feminine and sweet. But they came from fundamentally different motives. Zi Cheng was only kind to those who she could use, such as those who had reached 100% favorability with her.

On the other hand, Yanran was a genuinely good person. She was a schemer, but she only schemed to teach people who she felt needed to be taught a lesson. In general, her objective was to be kind. It didn’t matter if she was right or wrong, only that she was kind.

From Ai Lin’s perspective, neither of these types of women were good people: the type that was kind without regard to situation and the type who was kind only for selfish reasons. She rejoiced when other people disliked them.

Anyways, let’s get back to the story.

Zi Cheng lay feebly on the ground with blood flowing out of her mouth. Her face was deathly pale. It was clear her injury was serious.

The girl looked at Yanran and Oleen. “The two of you over there, take this insolent human and leave this place. You do not belong here.” She wasn’t interested in killing anyone, but the moment she had turned her head to speak to Yanran and Oleen, something happened.

Zi Cheng, who had looked like she was seriously wounded, suddenly moved. Black smoke surrounded her. Some of it stained the girl’s multicolored outfit, but her expression didn’t change. She waved her sleeve up only to realize she couldn’t move very well. Her strength waned and she became weaker until she eventually she lost her human form.

“Despicable human! What have you done to me?!” Though she screamed bitterly, she couldn’t stop the change. Finally she transformed into a seven-colored bird the size of a pheasant. If it weren’t for the multitude of colors, she would have easily been confused with a regular bird, but her colors were so vibrant and magnificent she was anything but ordinary.

“A mythical-seven-colored phoenix!” Zi Cheng was beyond pleased. She changed points for an extreme healing potion and recovered quickly after drinking it.

She jumped to a standing position and looked down condescendingly at the girl now reverted to her original form.

The magical beast was so tall! No. It wasn’t just a magical beast, it was the seven-colored phoenix!

“A seven-colored phoenix! The most auspicious amongst legendary magical beasts!” Both Yanran and Oleen were confused. How did this girl turn into the seven-colored phoenix all of a sudden?!

“How incredible! How was she able to transform? Is it because of the power of her bloodline? But now that ability has been taken away from her!” Oleen stared at the girl, no the mythical magical beast. If this beast wasn’t the exact duplicate of the image he had seen in the books, then his eyes were blind.

Zi Cheng didn’t pay any attention to them. Her focus was on the bird. She had exchanged points with her system for the black smoke earlier. It was a secret medicine that could be safely used on all types of magical beasts. It worked by sapping their strength.

Once caught in the smoke, all beasts, no matter how powerful, would be completely at the mercy of others.

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