The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 285-286

Chapter 285-286

285: Isn’t This Just Asking Everyone To Die Together?!

It was only usable once and lasted ten minutes though. After which time the target would regain its strength, so you had to subdue the beast in that time or face its wrath afterwards.

The item was effective against all beasts, including holy ones, so it was incredibly expensive. Zi Cheng nearly emptied out her entire cache of points for the purchase. But the thought of having a holy beast under her command more than made up for it.

She took out a high-level contract scroll from her storage ring. With it, she was sure to succeed, but nothing happened after the scroll turned into a purple light and entered the phoenix. josei

The girl had reverted to her true form because of the black smoke. She was so weak she didn’t even have the strength to speak. She hated the situation. If she had known the human was this insidious and vile, she wouldn’t have been so merciful.

Who was she? She was a beast of the greatest auspiciousness. Any master of hers had to be beautiful, with the strongest blood and the best lineage. And yet here was this damn human daring to try and contract with her. She would rather die than be bound to anyone not meeting her criteria. She glanced at Zi Cheng disdainfully.

Zi Cheng looked at the smirk. She would be successful and contract with the beast. The scroll wasn’t just any old scroll after all.

“It’s no use Junior Sister Zi Cheng. This seven-colored phoenix has the freedom to choose its master. If it was just a regular holy beast, then you might have been able forcefully contract with it. But you can’t force this phoenix. Even if it dies, it would rather not submit to someone it doesn’t like.” Oleen spoke up. He understood what Zi Cheng was trying to do, but he didn’t want them to waste time on a hopeless attempt.

Zi Cheng was too focused to reply.

The phoenix screamed in pain when Zi Cheng touched it with a drop of the blood fallen from her lips. A blood contract was far more binding and oppressive than a slave contract. Once fully executed, the master could siphon the contracted beast’s life energy. On top of that, the master could also force any damage he or she suffered onto the beast to bear. The master fully controlled whether the beast lived or died, so life and death was all within the whim of its master. This was the nature of a blood contract.

A slave contract was not as restrictive because it allowed a beast to regain its freedom once its master died. On the other hand, a blood bound beast could never be free. Their death was tied to their master’s. Blood contracts were a living nightmare for magical beasts.

“A blood contract! Zi Cheng, you dare?!” Oleen couldn’t believe his eyes. Blood contracts had been banned on the continent because they were too tyrannical. The magical beast population viewed any sword master or magician who used one as public enemy number one. They chased and killed anyone who used it– and the temple would turn a blind eye to the murder.

Zi Cheng was willing to offend every magical beast on the continent for this one holy beast in front of her.

Yanran covered her mouth in surprise. She couldn’t believe Zi Cheng, who had always treated people so kindly, would use such a cruel method.

A blood contract was an offensive thing to any beast, never mind one as dignified as a holy beast. It wasn’t going to succumb. Yanran had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, a desire for destruction emanated from the phoenix. The bird was going to blow up any second.

Zi Cheng didn’t expect the bird to choose self-destruction. She had used the contract because she was certain it was too weak to do anything. It was surprising the holy beast preferred dying over submitting to a blood contract with her.

A holy beast exploding, it was something that could be felt thousands of miles around. Nothing within the perimeter would survive. Wasn’t this just asking to all die together?!

“Zi Cheng! Stop it!” Oleen was frantic.

“Don’t! Xiao Cheng!” Yanran screamed in horror.

Zi Cheng wanted to stop, but once the contract was initiated, it wouldn’t stop unless it failed. She had to gamble on it working. If it worked, she would get a contracted beast, but if it failed, she would just hide in her dimensional space. She wouldn’t die here.

Zi Cheng approached the task more energetically after making up her mind.

A chaotic atmosphere enveloped Demon Wind island and the surrounding waters. The water monsters fled in panic, swimming as fast as they could away from the vicinity.

Some ships with experienced helmsmen, upon seeing this, turned their helms around and also followed the flow of monster traffic, changing their original course.

It wasn’t just the water monsters that fled, aerial monsters also took flight. They took to the sky and flew at breakneck speed away from the island.

It was quite a wonderous scene to behold.

Pirates on the island had lived there for generations. Such a strange occurrence, they reported it up the line immediately. Up the chain it went until it reached Demon Wind and his deputy commanders.

Demon Wind was just about to leave for the secret location when news reached him of the strange events around the island. The big three gathered and conferred with one another. Had there ever been an event like this before? And how would it affect Demon Wind island?

Feng Wu was sitting amongst the maids as they chatted with each other. The maids didn’t work 24/7; they had ample time to idle, such as now.

“Hey now, did something happen out at sea? Why are all the monsters running away like mad?”

“How would I know? It can’t be anything good.”

“It doesn’t matter. Even if the sky falls down, the guys outside will take care of it. It doesn’t have anything to do with us.”

Feng Wu silently stared out the window as she listened to the girls talk.

286: A Person’s Character

Feng Wu looked at the sea. There was so little life in it. Who was begging for death?

The changes made many above ground nervous. Meanwhile the two closest to Zi Cheng nearly had a heart attack. Yanran and Oleen thought Zi Cheng was crazy to choose death instead of giving up a contract with a holy beast.

Madman! Lunatic!

She’s crazy!

But was Zi Cheng really out of her mind? Of course not. She had a means of escape so she had no reason to be concerned.

Just when Yanran and Oleen were going to declare they wanted to leave, two figures appeared.

Ming Xi and Jier had finally managed to crawl to the end of the tunnel. They felt an incredibly destructive force coming from ahead of them

The force was so strong, Ming Xi reacted immediately. It was the kind of force created when a holy magical beast was in the midst of self-destruction.

Ming Xi and Jier were dumbfounded. They had been chasing after Yanran and the others; they never thought they’d encounter a beast self-destructing!

How powerful was the explosion from a holy beast? Neither had experienced it before, but they didn’t need to experience to know it would be powerful! A single explosion could destroy an entire country!

Even if both of them were extraordinary, with their own means to survive, neither of them wanted to experience a holy magical beast going through self-destruction!

Needless to say, by the time they pulled themselves out of the tunnel, neither of them were of a frame of mind to marvel at the temple’s architecture.

Jier shot a fireball at Zi Cheng while Ming Xi scooped up the phoenix. He used his internal aura to keep the explosion from bursting forth.

“Ah!” screamed out Zi Cheng. She spat out a mouthful of blood after being hit with the fireball.

While Yanran and Oleen were shocked at the turn of events, they were also very happy!

“Senior Ming Xi!” The had never been happier to see their senior.

“The two of you, I will report your actions to the vice principal once we get back. I hope this is the last time you act without proper authorization on this trip.” Ming Xi’s mouth curved in a smile when he said this, but you couldn’t classify it as a smile.

Where would they have the guts to have an opinion on the matter? They thought they were goners just a second ago. They nodded their heads like a floating bob, ready to agree to the blame.

It wasn’t like they hadn’t wanted to break Zi Cheng’s contract, but they knew they didn’t have enough power. They didn’t know how Zi Cheng was able to use her magic; their own magic was still sealed by the bracelet. They would have escaped long ago if they could use their abilities. Who would stand there and wait for death?

“Senior Ming Xi, I’m sorry. This is my fault. I proposed helping Princess Hailin to the others. It had nothing to do with Yanran.” Oleen didn’t want Yanran to be punished for it.

“No, no! It was me! It was all my fault! I shouldn’t have been so capricious. Oleen only came because of me.”

“Yanran, it’s not your fault. You don’t have to take the blame for me.” Oleen would rather take the fall than let the girl he liked be hurt.

Yanran shook her head desperately while tears streamed down her face. “No! It’s my fault. You don’t have to cover for me Oleen.”

Ming Xi and Jier didn’t bother watching them confess their guilt. It didn’t matter who confessed, the matter still stood. Both of them left against the explicit orders of their team captain. It wasn’t like one of them wouldn’t be punished just because the other confessed.

The seven-colored phoenix had had no plans to live; she fully expected to die. Her dignity and pride as a holy beast wouldn’t allow her to be contracted against her will, never mind through such a vile contract like a blood one.

Her consciousness had blurred but she could feel the culminating power inside her body become increasingly violent. The tendrils of the blood contract swiped at her. She barely had any power to resist it. She was only free from sheer willpower.

But all of a sudden, she felt more comfortable as another power coursed through her. Her own powers began to return.

Surprised, she opened her eyes. A stunningly beautiful face came into view. The face’s owner had a body that radiated the blood of gods.

“Little One, are you OK?” Ming Xi asked when he saw her open her eyes. He gently placed her on the ground, a real smile on his lips.

He knew holy beasts were born with a consciousness and spiritual intelligence. He was certain the seven-colored phoenix was a high-level magical beast.

“Of course, of course.” She yelled twice in excitement before flying up. She stared at Ming Xi, completely forgetting about Zi Cheng.

“Come here.” Ming Xi said as he raised an arm out to her.

“Of course.” After a moment the bird flew to Ming Xi’s upraised arm.

“You have seven colors. I will call you Little Seven from now on.” Ming Xi said as he softly touched her head.

“Of course.” Little Seven was content. At last, she finally found a human worthy to be her master. This human was gentle, had noble blood, and had a divine physical appearance. He was positively ideal!

Little Seven drew a contract array with her wing. It was the strongest mutually symbiotic contract a beast could form.

Symbiotic contracts were contracts signed under a magical beast’s own initiative. Once formed, both parties could share each other’s life energy. So if a magical beast had a natural life span of one hundred thousand years, then the master would have the same life span. Both parties could also tap into each other’s powers. This meant Ming Xi could tap into Little Seven’s beast abilities while Little Seven could tap into the power in Ming Xi’s god bloodline.

The benefits don’t stop there. Each party could tap into the contract to heal each other. It wasn’t possible to heal injuries one hundred percent, but it was possible to heal about fifty percent.

Oleen and Yanran stopped rushing to assume blame, stunned as they were by the change.

Was this the same phoenix that would rather die than surrender and form a contract? It had preferred suicide over contracting with Zi Cheng just a moment ago, but now it was voluntarily forming a contract with Senior Ming Xi. And he hadn’t coerced it at all. It was a most enviable contract too!

Was this because Zi Cheng’s character was bad or was Senior Ming Xi’s character good? This was a serious question; they would have to think about it

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