The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 305-306

Chapter 305-306

305: Humiliate Her

Peeked at her while she was taking a bath? Really?! She wanted to kill the little kid just for that?

The people there had stupefied expressions on their faces. Her reason was too ridiculous.

“You uneducated woman. Who are you calling perverted? Xiao Ye[notes] is just a baby. So what if he saw you bathe? He’s just one. You worried a one-year-old baby is going to molest you?” Ink had been a temporary dad for so many days, of course he would have special feelings for Little Bun. It was hard to stand anyone scolding the little guy.

Both Mofei’s friends couldn’t help but blush for this reason. Neither of them understood Mofei’s reason for going after the child so fiercely, nor did they have the time to investigate properly. But no matter the reason, Mofei’s reaction was overboard.

“Miss Mofei, you went too far. You not only shouted insults at a one year old, you even tried to kill him. No matter your reason, your actions are unforgiveable.” Not to mention the reason itself was nonsense.

Ming Xi looked at Mofei. His expression was mild yet grave at the same time. It was hard to look him in the eye.

“Don’t scold Xiao Ye.” Feng Wu was more to the point as she glared at Mofei.

She hated people who scolded Little Bun the most. Last time she had slapped Shui[notes] twice because she was scolding about Little Bun.

If it hadn’t been for Ming Xi holding her hand, she would have already rushed over and beat Mofei.

“Who wants your forgiveness? That stinking boy peeped at a girl taking a bath. Why can’t I beat and scold him? You should have taught him better if you didn’t want him to get beaten and scolded. I don’t know how you’re even parents. Can’t even control your own child.”

Mofei wasn’t a fool. If she hadn’t gotten so mad at the little boy, she wouldn’t have chased after him so publicly. She would have punished him where others wouldn’t see. It was just a shame she lost her cool and did it in front of so many people.

She was annoyed at her own impulsiveness, but the words had already been spoken and they couldn’t be taken back. So many had already seen her chasing after the little boy.

“It’s bad that Xiao Ye offended you, but he’s only a little kid. Do you really need to be so heavy handed with a one year old? You were even verbally abusive. Doesn’t Miss Mofei feel that is too much?” Leo joined the fray.

“What are you all doing milling around. Get back to work!” yelled Emoke, the head the mercenary group. He was displeased to see the mercenaries just hanging around.

Even though the group wanted to see Mofei get what was coming, they had to leave.

Emoke waited until the group of people watching the show properly dispersed before walking over. He frowned in displeasure as he looked at Feng Wu and Mofei’s group.

“No matter who you are, please do not make trouble while on board. Resolve your personal vendettas after you disembark.” He turned around, giving them the cold shoulder, and promptly left without waiting for a reply.

Emoke’s attitude wasn’t great. It was obvious he considered the group outsiders and didn’t like having them on the boat.

His attitude was to be expected though. Under normal circumstances, merchant ships shouldn’t casually take in unidentified passengers. There was a possibility they were letting wolves into their midst, which would in turn making guarding the ship more difficult.

It was no wonder the head of the mercenary group didn’t like them.

After Emoke's departure, Mofei snorted then turned and left as well. The abruptness caught Jier and Ink off guard. Who would have thought such a powerful woman would just walk away?

Mofei’s two companions naturally followed her, but before leaving, they apologized repeatedly on her behalf. They were much more reasonable.

Jier and Ink found it hard to swallow that Mofei left without any kind of punishment. They wouldn’t feel better until they taught her a lesson. Even if they weren’t allowed to kill anyone on board, teaching someone a little lesson had to be permissible right?

Later that very night, Feng Wu carefully followed behind Jier. Jier and Ink had knocked on her door a little earlier and had invited her to join them in embarrassing Mofei.

Why would they want to embarrass Mofei? What was embarrassing? Feng Wu wasn’t sure. Understanding dawned on her after Ink explained what it was. They were going to teach Mofei a lesson for Xiao Ye!

Her eyes had lit up. “I’ll go,” was her immediate reply. She followed them to do bad things without hesitation. It was very exciting.

The night was a hot bed of criminal intent. The dark would be perfect cover.

The trio wasn’t going to commit anything serious like murder or arson. They were just going to use some illusion magic to teach Mofei a lesson, much like with Jasmine.[notes]

Jier could have done this kind of simple thing alone. He had only called them all out so they could enjoy the show.

Once his illusion worked, they could just watch the woman make a fool of herself in front of everyone.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he got, and the more wicked the plan became.

The three of them divided into two groups. Feng Wu and Ink would guard outside while Jier would enter alone and cast the spell.

“Xiao Wu, just wait and see how unlucky that woman is going to get.” Ink gloated at the upcoming misfortune of another. He giggled twice before catching himself and covering his mouth with one hand. He didn’t want people to find them there.

“Yep.” Her eyes were bright with expectation.

She did not like people who scolded Little Bun, but Ming Xi said they couldn’t fight while on the ship. They had to wait until they docked, but that would take a long time – five whole days. . .  josei

She couldn’t beat the bad person, but Jier said there was another way. Out of blind trust in Jier, Feng Wu followed him. She wanted to see the bad person be taught a lesson.

They had only waited for five minutes when Jier came back out looking confused.

“What’s the matter? Bad luck? Were you discovered?” Ink asked.

“No, no one was inside.” Jier was disappointed. He had been ready to go with his best illusion magic yet. It was one he got as a successor of the four seasons.

306: Mofei’s Death

“Not there? Where could she have gone off to so late at night.” Ink cursed their bad luck, his face showed his unwillingness to give up. He didn’t want to let her get off scot free.

Feng Wu’s eyes were also filled with disappointment. She wouldn’t get to see Mofei suffer misfortune.

“I don’t know where she went. Let’s leave for now and come back tomorrow night.”

Ink was reluctant to leave, but they couldn’t find her, and they couldn’t very well just stand around her door all night. They had come in high spirits but returned to their respective rooms in disappointment. They went to sleep, unaware the night was destined to be a restless night.

A scream rang out early the next morning.

One by one, people ran toward the sound.

Ming Xi and Jier were eating breakfast when they heard the scream. Jier nearly sprayed fresh milk in Ink’s face.

Chaotic footsteps rang out on deck as many people rushed over. The core mercenary group shouted at everyone to return to their posts. Only a small number of people were sent over to investigate.

“What’s the matter?” Margaret had just sat down with her brother for their meal when the scream rang out.

“I don’t know.” Margaret’s brother stood up and looked outside the door.

Margaret nodded. She was a fan of excitement. Something had to have happened and she wanted to see if it would be interesting. “Xiao Wu, it looks like something is wrong outside. Do you want to take a look together?” There were only a few girls on board the ship, and she and Feng Wu were about the same age, so by default, Feng Wu was her favorite girl passenger.

There was also Mofei of course. They weren’t too far apart in age or grade, but unfortunately the girl had a personality that made it hard to get along with her. Naturally, Margaret wouldn’t look for her as a companion.

Feng Wu shook her head to the invitation. She continued to eat the bread in her hand, obviously uninterested in the events outside.

Margaret was disappointed, but she didn’t force the issue, instead she invited Jier and Ink. This time her luck was better -- both of them were game, so together all three went outside to check things out.

The only ones left in the dining cabin now were Feng Wu, Ming Xi, and Leo. They ignored the noise outside and ate their meal quietly. They didn’t expect their leisurely meal to be interrupted when Jier and the siblings ran back in, not ten minutes later.

“Bad news! Bad news! Mofei is dead!” cried out Margaret while panting.

Ming Xi, Leo, and Feng Wu: . . . 

“Who killed her?” Leo asked after getting over his surprise.

Jier and the siblings all pulled up chairs and sat down around the table before pouring a glass of water.

Jier drank a glass of water then started. “I don’t know. They haven’t found the murderer yet. The whole thing is a mess. Boss Hart has already ordered a full investigation.”

“We don’t know the murderer yet? Then who found the body?” Ming Xi frowned.

“The two guys who were with her. They said they were going to ask her to come to breakfast with them. Her door looked closed when they went over, so they pushed it open, only to find that it wasn't so much closed as just blocked. They pushed it open and there she was. . .  dead."

“She died pretty badly. Her body looked really strange. It was really scary. Good thing Xiao Wu didn’t go. Xiao Wu, if you’d seen it, you would have puked breakfast out.” Margaret drank more water as the pressure sensation in her stomach rolled around. She had vomited her breakfast earlier. She didn’t want to vomit last night’s dinner as well.

“That scary? Is it because you’ve never seen a dead body before and you were scared because it was your first time.” Leo asked suspiciously. He didn’t believe a dead body could be that scary. Only those who’d never seen one before would be so affected that they would vomit.

Ink waved his hand. “No I can vouch. The corpse was definitely scary and way too abnormal.”

“What do you mean?” Even Ming Xi was interested.

“Her body was dried and withered. She didn’t have a single drop of blood left. Her clothes were a mess, all old and crumbly. It broke apart on contact, like it was hundreds of years old. There were large maggots crawling all over her body too. Basically, it didn’t look the body of someone who just died. It really looked like she’d been dead for a long time. You say, don’t you think that's strange?” Ink couldn’t help but feel a chill run up his spine just thinking about it.

“Ergh. Don’t remind me. I get the heebiegeebies whenever anyone talks about bugs. I think I’m gonna puke again. . . ” Margaret couldn’t take it. She covered her mouth and rushed outside.

“That is really strange.” Even if they hadn’t seen the body, it was obvious from Ink’s description that something was wrong with it. They didn’t know how Hart or Emoke was going to handle the matter though.

“Yeah it is really strange. Everyone, be careful. Don’t go anywhere alone. Xiao Wu, make sure you don’t go out by yourself at night. Remember to call us if you have any problems. . . ” Jier was a bit longwinded.

As a result of the murder, security on board was much tighter. Feng Wu and the others were pulled in for questioning by Emoke because of what happened earlier between them and Mofei.

They weren’t convicted of anything, but from the number of patrols around Feng Wu and her group, it was obvious Emoke suspected them.

They were on Hart’s ship and he was in charge. They couldn’t go to him to protest. What could they do other than keep their heads down and stay out of trouble?

They could only hope to reach Biluo soon. Once they got there, they would be able to buy a boat and sail back to Zhongyang themselves.

But things changed the next day. A black tornado appeared on the waters without any warning. It was a huge tornado with powerful winds.

The sea raged with rolling waves while sea creatures were swept up into the chaos. The air was filled with the sounds of distress.

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