The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 307-308

Chapter 307-308

307: Black Tornado

“The black tornado! What do we do?! It’s a once in a century event! Why did we have to meet it?!”

“I don’t want to die! Oh god, help me!”

“No! No! Don’t come here!”

Panicked shouting erupted on deck. They knew there was no escape from a black tornado. There was only one ending.

The wind made the ship sway and it was difficult to even stand. They had to hold onto something to keep balance when the waves hit. People were toppling all over on deck.

“Everyone in the cabin!” Ming Xi yelled.

Even the siblings, pale faced as they were, went inside. Everyone’s expressions were serious. No one could have predicted something like this would have happened so soon after what happened with Mofei. It had only been one day!

Two more people came in after them. They were Mofei’s companion: Myron and Tang. The waves had hit them hard and they were drenched.

“What do we do?! I knew we shouldn’t go to Biluo; now we’re dead!” One of the guys yelled while clutching his head. It was obvious he was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

“I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!” said the other.

“Can you two quit it already?! We aren’t ordinary people. Even if we get swept away, we won’t die, so stop your screaming and crying.” Jier did not appreciate their theatrics. He slammed the table, glaring at the two cowardly men.

The wind and waves were already annoyingly loud; having these two be so loud was only making his head hurt worse.

Xiao Wu touched the ring on her finger. Both Little Bun and Little White were inside the dimensional space. The black tornado outside made her frown. Why did she feel anxious, panicked, as though something was about to happen?

The two guys listened to Jier, but they looked over with a sneer. “Don’t you know? That’s a black tornado, a rare once-in-a-century thing. It nullifies internal energy.[notes] Basically, no matter how powerful you are, you’re just an ordinary person in front of a black tornado. Otherwise, why do you think those people outside are so frightened? It’s because they know they’re dead.”

Jier’s pupil’s shrank slightly. He had never heard of a black tornado before. It wasn’t just Jier. Ming Xi and the others had never heard of it either. josei

They were all citizens from the main continent so their knowledge of maritime phenomenon was limited. Black tornado? They thought it was a black tornado because it was black. They never thought it was a special tornado that blocked inner energy.

“Are you serious?” Margaret tried to use her qi for magic, but found she couldn’t. She was like an ordinary person.

Jier and the others also tried, but found they had no luck either. It was useless, whether they tried qi for magic or martial arts; they were just ordinary people.

“It’s coming! It’s coming!”

“Oh help! I don’t want to die!”

“Please, someone save me! I don’t care who! Just save me!”

The crew and guards hired by Hart wailed in ragged voices filled with fear.

The black tornado was coming. They knew what to do.

“Everyone! Hold hands! Do not let go!” Ming Xi’s yell brought everyone back to their senses. They formed a circle as they held hands, even Myron and Tang joined in, after all no one wanted to die. As long as there was hope, they would hold on.

Soon enough the merchant ship was swept up in the tornado and everything began spinning all topsy turvy.


Everyone screamed. It felt like they had turned into spinning toy tops. It felt like the ship was being torn apart.

Feng Wu held tight onto Ming Xi and Jier. She couldn’t even open her eyes because the wind was so fierce. A sea creature suddenly smashed into the group. Ming Xi and them were OK, but Byron, Tang, and the siblings were hit hard by the creature. They were hit very hard and involuntarily released their grip.

Ming Xi didn’t have the luxury to worry about them. He was still connected to Feng Wu, Jier, Leo and Ink,m but things were still dangerous.

It wasn’t just one sea creature caught up in the tornado, but thousands. Not to mention there were all the bits and pieces of the broken ship. No matter how these things hit, it would be painful. They would be seriously injured even if they survived the impact.

They would have been fine if they still had their abilities because they could have created a shield, but as ordinary people they couldn’t do anything other than pray not to get hit.

There is a saying: What you most fear is what will come to you. They had, through luck, escaped the first catastrophe, however the second came quickly. This time it wasn’t a sea creature that smacked into them, but rather they were the ones who would hit the sea creature.

A huge fish was struggling in front of them. The wind picked the group up and tossed them in the direction of the fish. Who knew what impact would bring?

“Find a way to get to the middle!” Ming Xi yelled.

A pity the wind was too loud and his voice was lost.

“What did you say?!” The wind blew their voices away as soon as they spoke.

Ming Xi had no choice but to use his eyes to communicate. Fortunately, everyone understood and quickly cooperated.

Moving to the center wasn’t easy. There was also a problem. There was the immediate issue of their oncoming collision with the fish.

It was just an ordinary sea creature and not a magical beast, even still, it wasn’t small. It had really thick skin. They weren’t sure if their thin arms and legs would break upon collision.

No matter how unwilling they were, they still bumped into each other. Luckily it was at the soft underbelly of the fish and not the harder back or head areas. It was painful, but they escaped without internal bleeding.

They weren’t sure what was worse – the fear or the pain.

The faster the wind turned, the more beasts and creatures were ensnared. There was so much marine life enmeshed in the tornado. Several other ships also got caught.

308: The Island

The tornado was still raging but the group couldn’t hold on. Their strength was fading and their grip was weakening. The wind was strong and they couldn’t withstand it for much longer.

Who knew how long it took, but eventually they lost their strength and their grip loosened until their hands eventually parted. The tornado did not relent and more maritime creatures and vegetation, not to mention ships, got pulled into its vortex.

Feng Wu staggered up off the sand. She was on an island she had never seen before. The carcasses of different sea beasts and creatures were piled all around the beach, but she didn’t see anyone else.

“Where is this place? Where is Senior Ming Xi? Where is Jier?” Feng Wu patted her still dizzy head.

She was on an island, but it wasn’t any old island. The sand was black and so was the soil and rocks.

Feng Wu decided to look for Ming Xi first. She stepped carefully around the animal carcasses, checking to make sure there wasn’t anyone underneath.

Luckily it didn’t take her long before she found another person. Feng Wu felt under the person’s nose. There was shallow breathing. What a relief.

“Uh. . . ” groaned the girl as she gradually regained consciousness.

The girl was beautiful, with porcelain skin and excellent clothes. From first glance, it looked like she was a pampered eldest young miss.

The girl slowly opened her eyes. “You! Who are you?!” she uttered as she sat up in panic. But because she had been unconscious for so long, her body was stiff and the sudden action made her wobble. She nearly collapsed back onto the sand.

“Feng Wu,” reported Feng Wu when she heard the question.

“What kind of ominous place is this? Why am I here?” The girl was on guard as she looked at Feng Wu. She lowered her guard once she saw that Feng Wu wasn’t a malicious person and she slowly began looking around at her surroundings.

“You were also involved in the black tornado?” asked the girl. She was unaccustomed to conversing with people while sitting as she was. She was a noble after all.

“Yes. Have you seen my friends Ming Xi, Jier, Ink and Leo?” Feng Wu counted out their names on her fingers. She was in a bad mood because she couldn’t find anyone else.

The girl rolled her eyes. “I just woke up; how could I have seen any of your friends?”

“Oh. . . ” A disappointed Feng Wu didn’t bother saying anything else. She patted the sand off her skirt and turned around, intending to continue her search.

The girl became anxious at the sight. Who knew when she would meet another living person in this inauspicious place? No way was she losing the only other living person around.

“Wait. Let’s go together.” The girl ran after Feng Wu, not caring one bit whether Feng Wu agreed or not. They would just work together until they found more people.

Along the way she shared her name and where she came from. Her name was Liana and she was from the maritime country of Water Cloud, where her father was the left prime minister. It could be said his position was rather important.

Liana had gone to sea because of the sea emperor’s tomb. She had wanted to join in the fun, but she never expected to encounter such misfortune before even reaching the tomb.

She had come with several people in her house, but now she wasn’t sure if they were dead or alive. She had lost contact with all her guards.

The two girls walked along the beach for awhile before they came across one of Liana’s bodyguards and two other guards from Hart’s ship. They didn’t find anyone else though.

“This isn’t working. We should go farther inland,” said one of Hart’s crew. “Maybe the others have walked into the island.”

The other guard shook his head. “You sure you want to venture farther inland? Don’t you think this island is strange? Like a monster with a wide-open mouth just waiting for us to throw ourselves into its trap?” He seemed very frightened of the unknown.

Could you blame him? The island was strange and gave off spooky vibes. The beach was black, the air smelled of blood, but none was in sight. Everything was black.

Just standing on the beach and looking inland, you could see how black everything was: the land, the plants, everything was washed in shades of black.

You could feel the bad aura just standing on the beach. Who knew how many had to have died for such an ominous atmosphere to be created?

The island was definitely dangerous.

Liana’s female bodyguard frowned. She slowly looked around. “We’ve been searching the beach for so many hours already, if there was anyone other than us here, we would have found them. If there is anyone else still alive, then they’re probably farther inland.”

The crew member shook his head desperately. “No way. You’ve seen it; this island is definitely bad. If we go in, we may not get back out.” He wasn’t willing to go in.

“Zha, don’t be like this. It’s more important to find other survivors.” The other Hart guard was for exploring farther. “Going in is the only way to find them.”

“I don’t want to go Oli. I really don’t want to go. I have a bad feeling about it. Let’s not go.” Zha shook his head. He didn’t change his mind at all.

“Don’t force him. Maybe he thinks it’s safer to stay on the beach. I don’t think so though. I pray everyone for everyone’s safety. Mia, let’s go.” Liana, this noble girl, was actually really calm. Once she got over her initial panic she’d been very calm through out the entire ordeal.

“Feng Wu, do you want to go and have a look?” Liana asked.

Feng Wu nodded. She had to find Ming Xi and the others.

“OK, let’s go together then. You guys,” Liana addressed the two Hart crew members, “can follow us farther inland, or you can stay here on the beach. No one will make you do anything you don’t want to do.” Liana turned around and stepped forward deeper into the island with Mia and Feng Wu.

Oli considered his options and ultimately decided to follow them and explore the island. Staying on the beach wasn’t an option. Besides, he had the feeling the beach wouldn’t be any safer.

He really wanted Zha to come with him, but Zha was certain there were monsters on the island and continued to refuse.

Oli had no choice to but catch up to Liana and her group on his own.

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