The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 329-330

Chapter 329-330: Separate Spaces; Sailing to Bilou Island Again

329: Separate Spaces

“I’m just a grievance, a grievance that is about to disappear. . . ” The mysterious voice replied.

Grievance? Feng Wu and the others were confused and it showed on their faces.

“If that’s too hard to understand, you can think of me as someone’s obsession. A hundred years ago, a tragedy happened on this island. It was a great tragedy that shocked the world and left everyone dead.

At that time, the only heir to the Gaodun family, Yanaimo Gaodun, invited her entire class to this island for a vacation. Two months passed without any communication from the group.

Mr. and Mrs. Gaodun became worried, so they sent several masters to investigate. Updates from the masters immediately stopped once they reached the island. They would never be heard from again.

At this, the Gaodun’s travelled to the island to personally look for their daughter. They did this against the advice of all their servants. Naturally they were never heard from again either.

With all three Gaodun’s gone, the Gaodun empire, including the industries run by Mrs. Gaodun’s mother in the royal family, fell apart.

It became widespread knowledge that no one who entered the island ever left alive. And so it eventually became known as Death island, a forbidden place no human should set foot on.”

“How did those who came before die? You didn’t kill them, did you?” Jier was curious.

“Of course not. They died under the influence of the strong grievance here.” The voice sounded a little angry at the question. “Yanaimo slaughtered the native inhabitants of the island for her own selfish greed. The grievance from the villagers were originally sealed by the masters sent by Mr. and Mrs. Gaodun.

But later, in order to take revenge, the surviving villager used the sea god’s key to seal everyone’s abilities and turn them into ordinary people. Then she used the secret tunnels in the castle to kill everyone.

After accomplishing that, she tried to use the sea god’s key to rescue the souls of the villagers. Little did she know, they had become fully corrupted by all their resentment and were now evil souls who’s only desire was to destroy.

So when the girl opened the seal, they swarmed out and immediately killed her. The corrupted spirits went on to kill every single living thing on this island.”

“Why have we never seen any of the evil village spirits?” They had been on the island for so long, but the only spirits they saw were the servants and Yanaimo’s school group. If things were as the mysterious voice said, then the island should have been full of evil spirits.

Ink was really curious where all the evil spirits went and why they hadn’t seen any.

“You are not in the same space. Of course you wouldn’t see them,” replied the voice.

“Not in the same space?” Ming Xi raised his eyebrows. That explained it.

“Correct. The Bohai nation invited three powerful magicians shortly after the incident with the Gaodun couple. One was a powerful dual magician specializing in space and necromancy. The other two magicians died upon entering the island because they lost all their abilities. He was the only one who survived.

Through great effort, he was able to separate the island into two parts: one outer part with the evil spirits and one inner part with the castle. He tried to enter the castle, to find out the truth. Little did he know, the castle had become a dangerous place.

Although the souls in the castle weren’t evil, they weren’t much better. They were trapped in a loop, destined to repeat the events before they died, over and over and over again.

The magician was dragged along with them and forced to play one of their roles and was killed later. He has remained trapped on this island ever since. . . 

After he died, his soul tried to enter the castle again but failed to do so. His desire to know what happened created me. From the moment my consciousness formed, I knew my mission was to unravel the mystery of this island, why there so many resentful evil spirits on the outer perimeter and why had everyone in the castle been killed.

I’m just a mass of grievance and obsession, not a real soul, so I couldn’t very well investigate it myself. There was no way for me to interact and understand what happened.

I have encountered many who have landed on this island over the past one hundred years. They all wanted to find out the truth, but every one of them died and turned into the evil spirits you see on the outer part of the island.

You guys though. . .  don’t know if you’d call it good luck or not, but you encountered the black tornado. The tornado has a special field around it that circumvents the energy field of all living things, so your souls ended up here. It was a very weak field because of the sea god’s key, but you ended up here nonetheless. You could be considered lucky because of that, having landed on the island instead of like those unfortunate creatures who perished from the black tornado.

But you can also be considered unlucky because you did end up on the island.

Now that the truth has finally been revealed, all the poor souls trapped here are no longer forced to repeat the tragedy of a hundred years ago. They can reincarnate. No wonder the girl gave you the sea god’s key. If you hadn’t solved the mystery, she would have had to keep reliving the events forever.”

Many masters had died on the island over the past one hundred years. Some died mere steps away from solving the mystery. Ming Xi and his group had entered as souls, but were able to solve the mystery. They really did have exceptionally good luck.

“Now that my mission is complete, I will disappear soon. The island is no longer blanketed by the power of the sea god’s key. You should be able to return to your physical bodies if you close your eyes and imagine returning. But before you do, I hope you can promise me one thing. When you go back, please find a necromancer to purify the grievances of the villagers. Unlike those in the castle, they are confused and are unable to reincarnate.” The sigh that came from the voice was full of melancholy.

“Don’t worry. We’ll find a way to purify the souls.” Jier glanced at Feng Wu. It wouldn’t take her more than a few minutes to do it.

330: Sailing to Bilou Island Again

Though Jier was ruthless when it came to killing people, he had a good side and knew the souls of the villagers deserved to be saved.

“Then I can rest easy. Go now. Try not to be so unlucky in the future.” The voice disappeared completely after speaking and the only sounds left were the faint crash of the waves against the shore.

“Goodbye everyone. We will go first.” Lianna smiled slightly as she waved her hand in farewell to everyone. Her body disappeared in the blink of an eye. Lianna’s bodyguard, Mia, disappeared next.

“Goodbye.” Ming Xi turned to Feng Wu and his other group members. He nodded his head, and just like Lianna and Mia, he disappeared as well.

Loud cheers erupted on Sheldon’s boat.

“Xiao Wu! You’re awake!” Margaret nearly burst out in tears of happiness. She had been worried sick the last few days and had even considered contacting Xingguang Holy Academy to resolve the situation, but fortunately, Feng Wu woke up.

A cry of surprise also burst out in another room. MathesonMargaret’s brother. never expected to see Ming Xi and the others wake up again either.This contradicts c315 about Ming Xi not being in the group, but it is what the raws say.

“You guys woke up! Margaret and I were going to contact your school teachers.” Matheson was both happy and distressed at the same time.

Sheldon was incredulous after hearing the news. He had never heard of anyone surviving Death island. And these guys even entered with their souls – the most dangerous form of entry! It really was incredible. He had never expected them to return alive.

Matheson introduced Ming Xi and the others to Sheldon. Sheldon couldn’t wait to ask them what happened on Death island.

The guys told him everything that happened; Sheldon had saved them after all. If he hadn’t kept their physical bodies safe, they would have had nothing to return to even if they had survived the island. However, they kept the part about the sea god’s key to themselves.

Sheldon could never have imagined the truth from a hundred years ago was like this.

Mofei’s two companions lost their souls on the island, so they did not awaken. When they died, their physical bodies also stopped functioning; their hearts stopped beating and their lungs stopped breathing. That was two days ago.

Sheldon knew their souls must have shattered on the island. He ordered their relatives be notified after they bodies were moved.

The first thing Feng Wu did when she awoke was to contact Xiao Chun

Xiao Chun’s cute voice immediately replied with, “What is it Master?”

“Xiao Chun, go purify the resentful spirits on the island.” Her face was still frozen like a block of ice, but her voice was as sweet as candy.

“Really Master?! That’s great. I get to eat!” Xiao Chun cheered excitedly before flying out of her dantian in a flash of white light heading toward the island.

Xiao Chun’s spiritual intelligence had risen since his upgrade He could talk to Feng Wu normally, although realistically his intelligence was only at four or five year old level.

He returned shortly after with an even brighter white body. He flew around Feng Wu excitedly before diving back into her dantian to continue his digestion.

Sheldon noticed the disappearance of the grievances. He was a necromancer, so it was only natural. Though he was curious who had done it, he didn’t ask around. Surely it was another necromancer like himself. It was good to cleanse the spirit and not let the dead suffer from their resentment.

Ming Xi and the others recuperated for another two days after getting their souls back into their bodies.

Sheldon’s ship had remained in the vicinity of the island the entire time. Sheldon liked to stand at the helm of the ship and reminisce as he gazed at the island. Maragret had thought it was because of Ming Xi and the others, but after considering it some more, she realized it was because he was remembering an old friend.

Basil said his grandfather’s friend never returned from the island a hundred years ago. His grandfather liked to sail by the island around this time to remember his old friend.

Ming Xi and the others were just lucky they met at the same time his grandfather decided to do this.

There had been recent news about trouble with the sea emperor’s tomb near Bilou. Who knew how many masters were already rushing over there?

Sheldon’s ship was also heading to Bilou, but they weren’t in a hurry. They had spent several days anchored near Death island.

Ming Xi was looking at the key in his hand when a thought flashed across his mind.

“Senior Ming Xi, now we have to go to the tomb of the sea god.” Ink smiled. He was quite happy to get to go. josei

Originally, Ming Xi had not allowed them to go, but now they had the key, so if they didn’t go, the tomb would never get opened.

Ming Xi glanced at Ink indifferently but didn’t argue the matter. They really could not not go. He had not wanted them to get involved with the tomb, but being in possession of one of the keys meant they were now obligated. It was so difficult; it felt like they were being pushed into doing something beyond their abilities.

Jier and Leo didn’t mind too much, especially Jier, which was surprising considering Jier was a naturally belligerent rascal who liked a good fight any day of the week.

“Ya, ya, ya. . . ” Little Bun was quite a chatter box since being released from his mother’s dimensional ring. He liked reminding people he was there. It didn’t matter what anyone said, he would follow up with, “ya, ya, ya”.

The little guy was quite aggrieved at being locked away for so long; he had unleashed howls of tears and snot the moment he was let out. The crying lasted for hours. If you didn’t know better, you would have though he was being abused.

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