The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 331-332

Chapter 331-332: Ming Xi is Being Watched; Both the Blood and Lianye Clan Are Back

331: Ming Xi is Being Watched

He didn’t like being locked away in such a small dark place for so long. He was super resentful about it. Now that he was out, he liked to make sure no one forgot about him.

“Does Little Yeye also want to break into the god’s tomb?” Jier had a smile on his face as he pinched the child’s cheek affectionately.

“Go. . .  go break.” Little Bun didn’t know what tomb of god was, but he felt like Jier was playing with him, so he happily played along too.

He drooled a bit as he talked, so Ming Xi took out a handkerchief and wiped it away.

“Hug. . .  father. . . hug.” The little guy didn’t understand what “father” meant, but he knew his mother said this person was his “father” so he called him “father” whenever he saw Ming Xi. It didn’t matter if the other party was pleased to hear it or not.

Feng Wu, who was holding her son, reacted in a direct manner. She plopped Little Bun into Ming Xi’s arms. Little Bun had clung tenaciously to her since he was released from her ring. He wouldn’t let anyone hold him, not even Little White.

Ming Xi got a lot of ambiguous looks from the others. He was helpless and had to wonder if the little guy got the idea he wanted him as a father from his mother.

Margaret had made Little Bun her specialty custard dishes to nibble on. He was so adorable that even the fat kitchen chef didn't mind the intrusion in this kitchen. So right now, Little Bun was being fed.

Little Bun sat in a chair while Ming Xi held the pudding in one hand and a spoon in the other. “I’m afraid this trip to the god’s tomb won’t be peaceful. Everyone, be careful.” Ming Xi, the picture of a good father, talked as he fed Little Bun.

It was an unavoidable trip. Several people already knew they had the key. These people would spare no efforts to track the group down if they didn’t show up.

Ming Xi was annoyed; the key was troublesome. He wouldn’t have accepted it if he had known.

“Senior Ming Xi, you’re so serious. We haven’t had fun on the ocean in so long. It just so happens Bilou is famous for their luxurious products. Why don’t we stroll around the islands after we land and take a look at the shops? Maybe Xiao Wu wants to get some new clothes? We can go shopping together.” Jier said, trying to help Feng Wu.

Feng Wu tilted her head. “ I have lots of clothes.” Most had been purchased by Jier, with a few by Mrs. Lan when she’d gone home for the holiday. Even if she switched outfits every day, she could conceivable go for three months before having to re-wear anything. With so many clothes in her inventory, she had no interest in Jier’s suggestion.

“Then how about I take you to eat some delicious food? There are a lot of famous ocean delicacies on the islands of Bilou. I’m sure there’ll be something you’ll like.”

Delicious food! Feng Wu’s eyes lit up. “Let’s go to Biluo.”

Everyone was silent as they thought: Girl you are too easy to kidnap.

They went to rest after they finished discussing the tomb.

None of them knew a merchant ship had just docked on Bilou island. Two men got off the boat. One was a slightly overweight merchant and the other was a guard. They were none other than Hart and Oli.A team of servants and guards followed behind them. They were all people who Hart had recruited after the black tornado. He had no idea if any of his original crew had survived, or if they did, where they were. It was a good idea to buff up his personnel just in case.

Even though Hart lost his ship in the tornado, he had managed to save all his cargo by moving everything into his dimensional ring. Earlier, before the tornado hit, he had emptied it out in order to have enough space for the cargo.

The two men went to a nice hotel. Oli walked behind Hart and closed the hotel door respectfully once both were inside.


“Send someone to the port and have them observe when Ming Xi gets off the boat.” Hart poured some wine for himself. He swirled it around the glass before taking a deep whiff of the aroma.

“Understood,” replied Oli.

“Make sure they do a good job, don’t get discovered.” Hart warned.

Oli nodded resolutely before turning to do as commanded. Not long after, a knock sounded on the door.

Hart opened it to see a woman in a cloak. She wore a wide-brimmed hat with front privacy gauze that fell all the way to her hips. It did a good job of concealing her identity.

Hart invited her in, unphased by her outfit, then checked to make sure the hall was clear before closing the door again. He walked to the windows and pulled all the draperies closed, turning the originally bright room dark. Once that was done, he lit a candle.

Only after this did the woman remove her hat. The movement revealed a delicately refined face that could easily stir feelings of desire in anyone who saw her.

“How are you only here now? You’re too slow.” Her voice was alluring. Under the cloak, she wore a long blue gown that showed off her bosom and she exuded a sense of noble elegance. It was an enticing image when taken all together.

“I was late because I encountered a black tornado on the on the way over.” Hart sat across from her, utterly unphased her by her sexy body.

She toyed with her hair. “Then you must have been really lucky to still be alive.”

“I’m fine, but Emoke and Major are both dead.” His tone was flat, as though he was talking about a neighbor’s dog.

The indifferent and ruthless attitude was contrary to the image he cultivated in front of others.

“Those two guys are dead?!” The woman was at first surprised, but then she shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

“The third key has appeared. It is in the hands of a young man named Ming Xi. At best it should take him two days to get here, provided he doesn’t dilly dally along the way.”

“It’s finally here then. The day the tomb will open is coming closer. Take this key.” The woman casually tossed a key at Hart. “Take it out when it’s time to open the tomb.”

If Ming Xi was there, he would have recognized the key as an exact duplicate of the one he had.

332: Both the Asura and Lianye Are Back

Hart toyed with the key for a bit before putting it in his dimensional ring. “The inheritance is useless to your clan; why are you so interested in it?”

She looked at him coldly as she spoke. “You don’t need to know, just do as you are told.”

Hart stopped asking and turned his head away at her words. It was impossible to tell what he was really thinking.

Two days later Sheldon’s ship docked at Bilou. Ming Xi had no idea someone was watching for him even before he arrived.

Unlike Sanye island, which boasted beautiful scenery but no minerals, Bilou was rich in mineral resources and even had a big city. There were many businessmen from other islands who came specifically to the Bilou islands to buy property and open businesses.

Sheldon and his grandson had been personally invited by the lord of Bilou island, so they would most likely stay with him while on the island.

Ming Xi and the others didn’t intend to meet the lord of the island, instead his group, plus Margaret and her brother, went into the city to find an inn to rest.

The sea god’s tomb had brought a lot of people to the island, so many of the hotels were full. After some time they eventually found three rooms in a tiny run-down hotel.

There weren’t many rooms, so everyone had to squeeze in and make do.

There were even more people who came after them. Those people had to spend the night camped outside in tents. Compared to them, Ming Xi’s group were really lucky.

There were seven of them. Since Feng Wu and Margaret were the only girls, they got their own room to share. The guys had to split between the two other rooms.

Margaret didn’t care how the guys divided the rooms. She was more interested in shopping with Feng Wu. She had always wanted to visit the shops at Bilou, but now that there were so many people on the island, she was afraid all the good stuff would be taken before she would get a chance to look at them.

Ming Xi and the others didn’t stop them, just told them to be careful and to stay out of trouble.

Margaret pulled Feng Wu along with her out the hotel. There was a constant stream of people on the streets and the air was filled with vendors hawking their wares loudly.

There were a few booths that sold minerals only found on Bilou.

“Take a look! Take a look! Bilou’s specialty, yellow spring stones. They're the best materials for practicing magic. Don’t miss out!”

“Heaven grass! Ocean mushrooms! Water ginseng! The best quality materials right here! It would be a pity to not snatch some up!”

“Pearl powder! Pearl powder! Use it daily for beautiful, youthful skin!”

“Clothes, right here! Bilou’s unique styles! Don’t buy just one, be sure to buy them all. Otherwise you’ll kick yourself once you get home!”

It was dizzying, the number of vendors that were hawking their wares.

Margaret looked left and right, from one stall to another. She already purchased a bunch of things. Luckily she had a space ring to put everything in, otherwise she would have had to lug a bunch of bags around.

Feng Wu stayed with Margaret the entire time but didn’t buy anything.

Unbeknownst to the girls, a group of people were gnashing their teeth as they glared at the girls from a second-floor hotel room across the street.

“Big Brother, it was the blond-haired kid with that girl that killed Elder Shaya!”

“We must kill that girl to let him know the might of our Lianye clan! We’ll get that guy and take care of him too!”

“Yes! Yes! Just killing her won’t be enough!”

It was a group of young men and woman, with the oldest being around thirty and the youngest being around Feng Wu’s age. The group belonged to the Lianye clan. The clan wanted to get a piece of the tomb treasure, so they had sent a master over to the island. None of these people in the room was that master; they were just juniors there to gain experience. The real master wasn’t with them currently.

Tian Ya had killed Shaya outside the god’s tomb in the realm battlegrounds. In doing so, he managed to forge a life and death feud with the Lianye clan. It was obvious Tian Ya and Feng Wu were from the same group. Since they couldn’t find Tian Ya, they would use Feng Wu to lure him out.

In fact both the Lianye and Yiduo clan had issued huge rewards in all the big guilds.

Though many took the mission, no one succeeded in injuring Tian Ya, never mind killing him. In fact just the opposite, anyone who tried were either killed or maimed themselves. Low-level adventurers who took the mission may as well just ask for a death wish.

The major guilds listed it above an S class task. Maybe if higher-level adventurers tried, there would be a chance of success, but it was impossible for low-level adventurers.

Members of the Lianye clan hadn’t made an appearance since Shaya’s death. Had it not been for the mission posted at the major guilds, Ming Xi and the others would have forgotten about them entirely.

Feng Wu was following Margaret obediently and didn’t know any of this. The two girls were currently eating snacks as they navigated the streets.

Feng Wu had a grilled fish in one hand and a grilled squid in the other. The grilled seafood was a must try and many adventurers took the opportunity to try the local specialty dish.

Once they were done eating, the girls decided to go to a local clothing store to buy an outfit to commemorate their trip. The shop they walked into was bustling with a dozen shoppers who were keeping all the clerks busy. josei

“Young ladies, please, these are the latest styles for the island. We just got them last night. Just tell me which ones you want to try and I’ll be happy to get them down for you.” Even though the clerk was busy, he still took a moment to greet the girls.

“OK. We’ll look around on our own. You can go ahead and do what you need to do.” Margaret nodded to the clerk.

The clerk left relieved. He wouldn’t refuse a customer who could take care of things themselves. Honestly, he didn’t think he could keep up even if he sprouted two more arms.

Feng Wu and Margaret paid for the two outfits they had settled on. They stored them in their dimension rings before leaving the shop.

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