The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 333-334

Chapter 333-334: Blackmail; The Ever Quick on Her Feet Barit

333: Blackmail

Just as they did so, Feng Wu collided into another woman and the woman’s recently purchased clothes fell to the floor. The woman took a couple steps back. Her expression changed and her eyes looked bad when she noticed her clothes had fallen.

“I’m sorry.” Feng Wu was a good girl and admitted her mistake when she saw she had knocked into someone. She immediately bent down to pick up the dropped clothes for the other party.

“Sorry?! Those are new. I just bought them. How do you intend to pay for them if they’re dirty huh?” The woman said loudly.

“Help you wash them.” Feng Wu replied seriously.

“Wash?! I haven’t even worn the clothes even once yet, and you want to wash them already?!”

“How much did you pay for the clothes? We’ll just pay you for them.” Margaret couldn’t take the woman any longer.

“Good, let’s get to the point. The clothes aren’t expensive, but they should be at least this much.” The woman held up five fingers.

“Fifty gold coins?” That was acceptable.

“What fifty? Five thousand!” The woman curled her lips in disdain.

“Five thousand?! That’s highway robbery!” Margaret was furious. The woman was the one who ran into Feng Wu just now. She had definitely done it on purpose. Wanting five thousand gold, dream on! She’d rather use five thousand gold to help the poor instead of giving it to the woman.

The chubby maid next to Barit made a face when she heard Margaret’s words. Her eyes widened and her lips curled. As expected, if there was a master, there would be a servant.

“You ruined my clothes and now you refuse to pay?!”

Other residents began crowding around from all the shouting.

“Aye, her again? Isn’t this the third time this month? Every time, she uses the same trick to swindle money from people.”

“I bet that woman is a habitual swindler.”

“Right? Who on this street doesn’t know about her? She specializes in scamming tourists. She gets money every time she does it.”

“Those girls are really unlucky, running into that woman.”

“What are you guys talking about? Who is that woman? This brother wants to know. I don’t want to run into her in the future.” A guy, who’d been listening to them gossip, spoke up. He wanted to know who this scammer was so he wouldn’t get scammed himself. He didn’t want to get scammed before even getting inside the tomb.

“You don’t know? She’s big shot with family connections through her sister. The girl’s a tyrant and a bully. And it’s not just toward tourists either, even us locals have suffered a few times.”

“Oh, is that it? Now I know. I’ll definitely keep a distance from her.” The guy patted his chest. He was a no name guy who wanted to take advantage of the situation, but he wasn’t going to mess with any bigshots.

The woman didn’t care one whit about the whispering crowd. They were all insignificant anyway. Her name was Barit and as they said, her sister was that type of woman and was the vice lord’s favorite girl.

Because of her connections, even if she got in trouble, people would always give her face. Eventually her head got big and she started scamming people for money. She always targeted tourists who came to the island.

“You’re not going to pay up? Do you want to know who I am?! You won’t leave here peacefully if you give me trouble.”

“Oh? Is this young lady the daughter of the lord of this island? Why have I not heard that he had a daughter?” Margaret covered her mouth mock surprise.

It made Barit blush. The crowd wished they had some popcorn to eat as they watched the drama. Of course, the maid immediately spoke up on her lady’s behalf.

“My young miss is the sister of the vice lord’s fiancé. So unless you want to offend Lord Sabuden, the vice lord of this island, you better hand over the money right now!” retorted the maid.

Feng Wu thought for a moment. “I’ve never heard of this person.” While they were disembarking earlier, Sheldon had given them some advice and told them who they needed to pay attention to. This Lord Sabuden was not mentioned, so Feng Wu answered back honestly.

“You dare look down on Lord Sabuden?! You two cheap tarts are looking for trouble!” Barit bit out. She was determined to teach them a lesson for looking down on Lord Sabuden. She had never suffered such a loss in face since her sister had successfully become the vice lord’s fiancé. To suffer such a big loss today in front of these two girls was unbearable for her.

“Are you even listening? We don’t even know who this Sabuden guy is. How can we possible look down on him?!” Margaret rolled her eyes.

“You won’t repent until you see your end. Come! Come then!” Barit screamed. She wouldn’t bother talking to them. Since they weren’t giving her any face, she wouldn’t give them any mercy.

Two wimpy looking adventurers dared insult her? The future sister-in-law to Lord Sabuden? They wouldn’t understand what strength was until they got squished underneath.

She already saw herself as Lord Sabuden’s sister-in-law. It never occurred to her that he could possibly change his mind and not marry her sister.

At her yell, five sturdy swordsmen rushed out. Her sister had assigned them to her and she had gotten into the habit of bringing them along with her wherever she went, to be used as a show of brute force when she felt like displaying some.

A pity, today would be the day she would bite off more than she could chew.

Five big men with swords rushed out, but before they could do anything, Feng Wu stepped forward with feather steps and tapped each of them. They froze in place and were unable to move anything except for their eyes.

“You! What did you do to them?!” The display shocked and scared Barit. She dared intimidate and bully those she considered small fries, but she knew better than to provoke a master or any big shots.

“Did you see how that girl moved?” The people eating popcorn asked.

“No, she was moving too fast. Low-level ordinary adventurers wouldn’t be able to move that fast. She has to be at least intermediate or above!”

“It’s over. This time Barit picked on someone bigger than her. That little girl looks so frail, completely didn’t expect she’d be a master.” This came from a gloating voice.

“Yeah, finally someone who can teach that woman a lesson. Last time, she came into my shop and ordered a table full of dishes, then refused to pay. She refuses to pay for meals even though she gets so much money from the tourists she scams. How’s that for rich?” This came from the owner of the restaurant across the street. He was tired of Barit eating like a king and not paying.

334: The Ever Quick on Her Feet Barit

Don’t be fooled by Barit’s tyrannical attitude. Although she enjoyed taking advantage of others, she wasn't stupid. She had enough self-awareness to only bully the small shops and restaurants of people who had no backgrounds. She wouldn’t dare dine and dash at the bigger more upscale hotels. Those kinds of places had big backers; people she wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of.

It was this self-awareness that allowed her to run rampant on the island, doing as she pleased for the last two years, without repercussions.

“That’s nothing. Do you know what happened the last time she went to my noodle shop? She said there weren’t enough side dishes, so she insisted I add more to her order. In the end, her bowl had more sides than noodles! Who eats noodles like that?! The worse of it is, she left right after finishing. It’s been over a month and I still haven’t seen a penny.”

The noodle shop owner was also bitter. It was rare to see a woman so stingy, but Barit took the cake.

“That’s not bad. You just lost a bit of food. I came back with a sea beast from a trip two months ago. I was going to sell it for a bit of a profit. But that damn woman forced me to sell it to her for half the going rate!

I mean, I didn’t agree at first, but she sat outside my shop and drove all my customers away. She even had someone harass me. I ended up selling it to her at a huge discount just so I wouldn’t offend Lord Sabuden. I lost so much money on the deal!”

The guy became more excited as he talked. He was so excited that spittle came out of his mouth and hit the guy in front of him.

“Yeah, it’s been hard on everyone. I hope Lord Sabuden dumps her sister soon. She won’t be so intolerable once she loses her backer,” said an innkeeper.

“Never mind that right now. We should enjoy the show. See how those fellows can’t move? Why is that?” Someone on the side stared curiously at the five men who were now effectively turned into statues.

“Could the girl be a magician?” speculated another who was unfamiliar with magicians and the abilities magicians possessed.

“No! She definitely used sword mastery skills.”

The ever growing number of people guessing Feng Wu’s class didn’t affect Feng Wu at all. She had her head tilted slightly to the side as she stared at Barit. What was Feng Wu she thinking?

“You’re real pleased with yourself huh? Trying to scam money out of us using some bits of cloth? You really are a reckless person!” Margaret said triumphantly.

Barit was miserable. Why was she so unlucky? She picked on these two because she thought they were loners without any abilities or backing. She was going to just take a bit of coin from them; that was all, but instead, she was losing both money and face!

“Ah, actually this is all just a misunderstanding. My clothes are barely dirty at all. I’ll just wash them at home. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I must have lost my head for a moment.” Typical. The instant she knew she was outgunned, Barit backed a hasty retreat.

Margaret looked at Barit. She had not expected the other woman to flip at the drop of a hat. Such a fast and believable attitude change was impressive! This was talent. It wasn’t something just anyone could do.

“Alright. You said it yourself. Don’t come looking for us later for compensation.” Margaret lazily waved her hand. She wasn’t interested in giving the woman a hard time over it.

Barit was a great actress. “Of course, of course. It was my fault for not paying attention to where I was walking. How could I ask the two of you for money?!”

“Xiao Wu, let’s go keep shopping.” As long as Barit wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it, Margaret didn’t care. She took Feng Wu’s hand and walked through the crowd side by side.

“Wait! What about them?” Barit pointed to the frozen men. It wasn’t like she personally cared what happened to them, but they were men her sister had assigned to her, plus they were useful muscle. Without them, how was she going to keep bullying other people?

Margaret didn’t know so she looked to Feng Wu.

Feng Wu turned to look at Barit before speaking. “They will be able to move again in an hour.”

Margaret immediately took Feng Wu away, leaving a disappointed crowd behind.

What was that? You guys didn’t even fight!

All that anticipation and this is all we get?!

We just wanted to see you teach that stinking woman a lesson. But all you did was take care of her minions!

This woman’s fortune is too good. There really is no limit to how shameless she can be. That shamelessness really is like her invincible shield.

It didn’t matter what the crowd thought because Barit survived unscathed. The crowd of pointing onlookers were getting on her nerves though. So what if she couldn’t take care of the two masters, she could certainly take care of these small-fry shop owners!

“What are you looking at?! You better be careful with those eyes!”

None of them wanted to be her next target so they quickly dispersed.

The chubby maid asked, “Miss, what about them?” as she looked at the frozen men. Don’t have her carry them. With her small frame, there was no way she could carry them. josei

Oh you are too humble dear maid; your body is not that small.

Barit thought about it for a moment. “I’m going home first. You’ll stay here and wait for them to recover.”

So with her mind at ease, Barit left to go home while the five men stood frozen in front of the clothes shop and her maid waited beside them.

The owner of the shop bit his knuckles as he lamented. Five fierce guys standing in front of his shop and blocking the entryway; this was bad for business. Who would dare come in to shop?! He wished they would hurry and leave!

His employees were also uncomfortable with it, but they whispered comfortingly to him, saying it would only be an hour. One hour! Things would be OK!

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