The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 335-336

Chapter 335-336: Hearing About the Auction; Dumbfounded

335: Hearing About the Auction

The incident in front of the clothing store didn’t hamper Margaret’s enthusiasm for shopping at all. She and Feng Wu spent all day shopping and eating snacks. After stuffing themselves with food, they found a shop selling cold drinks.

There is a saying: Don’t underestimate the wisdom of the ancients.

Even though those on the continent couldn’t be considered ancient, their wisdom couldn’t be underestimated either.

Drink shops, like those in modern times, were available here as well. It was easy to make the drinks cold – just find an ice magician to make a bunch of ice cubes.

The flavor varieties were more limited than in modern times, but they did have flower and tea flavors as well as juice and milk, so the cold drink business was pretty good.

The inexpensive drinks attracted lots of lady customers and made for good business. Of course they didn’t just sell drinks, they sold common snacks as well. josei

People often got together there with friends to enjoy good conversation whilst sipping drinks and nibbling on snacks.

Feng Wu and Margaret each ordered a drink, one black plum and one grape. From time to time, snippets of conversation would float over as they sipped on their drinks at their seats.

A young woman’s voice could be heard asking, “Are you going to the auction tomorrow?”

The word “auction” got Margaret’s attention. She pricked her ears to hear more while Feng Wu enjoyed the snack that was just delivered to them. It was delicious.

“Of course. It took a lot for my father to get the admission tickets. I heard it’s the biggest auction in fifty years! There will be countless treasures up for sale. Even if we don’t buy anything, it’ll be worth it just to see what’s available.” Another girl excitedly interjected.

“Me too. I agreed to go with my brother to the auction. I really want to get a picture of a powerful magic beast cub.”

“If you want a picture of one, why not just go to any old store that sells magic beasts? Why wait for the auction?”

The reply was disdainful. “Rare goods can only be purchased at auction. How are you going to get such high-end things at a regular store?!”

Margaret wasn’t interested in the change in topic. She was only interested in the auction. The biggest auction in fifty years? She had to go experience it. . . 

Ming Xi and the group were in fact discussing that very topic – whether they should go or not.

Ink was excited. “Definitely go! I haven’t gone to an auction house since I was little.”

“I second that. Let’s go and see. Maybe we’ll find something good or rare.” Jier was no longer short on money since his return home last time.

“I agree. I heard the auction is really fancy. Plus we’ll get to see what big shots are on the island.” Getting to see which families were trying to enter the tomb would be useful intel.

They weren’t interested in entering the tomb to get the inheritance, after all the inheritance wouldn’t be useful to any of them since it was likely something related to water. But if they were lucky, they could find some useful treasures or weapons.

Too bad not everyone thought like they did. For most people, their first thought was how best to eliminate their opponent.

“So I have to ask, even though we’re seriously discussing whether to go or not, but you know, do we even have tickets?” Matheson quietly interrupted their excitement.

They hadn’t even seen what the admission tickets looked like, but they were already talking about going. Why bother talking about it when they didn’t even have tickets?

The bitter glare Jier, Ink and Leo directed at him made his scalp tingle.

“What do you think, Ming Xi?” Matheson wiped the sweat from his forehead as he turned to ask Ming Xi, who was looking at the scenery outside the window, adamantly ignoring their glances.

As expected, the ploy worked. The other three turned their gazes from Matheson and focused on Ming Xi. As their team captain, he had the final say.

“Senior Ming Xiiiiii~.” The three of them pleaded.

Ming Xi tapped the top of the table with his fingers. The choppy sound was crystal clear in the now silent room.

“I’ll get the admission tickets.” Ming Xi said the words they were hoping for!

“Yea! That’s awesome!” The three of them were exuberant.

Even Matheson cracked a smile. The biggest auction in fifty years? He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to go.

Feng Wu and Margaret immediately went to Ming Xi and the others once they got back to the hotel. Before Margaret could even tell them about the auction, Jier and the others were already excitedly telling the girls they were going.

What?! Going to the auction tomorrow?! Margaret had made up her mind to pester Matheson to get tickets so they could go. She didn’t get to even open her mouth and she was already greeted with the awesome news they were all going. She had a huge, happy smile that stretched from ear to ear.

The auction would start at 2pm. It was the largest auction in fifty years, so the hype and advertisement had been going on for a month. The proprietor of the auction house was really excited and wanted it to be successful.

Margaret became uneasy as she watched the crowd in front of the auction house, “Brother, can Ming Xi really get tickets for all of us?”

Matheson thought about that then said, “He should be able to. We wouldn’t be standing here otherwise.”

In reality Matheson wasn’t so sure. Since their discussion yesterday, he hadn’t seen Ming Xi contact anyone or go outside to do anything. Ming Xi had remained resting in their room the entire time. When would Ming Xi have had the time to get tickets? But he didn’t dare speak his anxiety out loud with Ming Xi there beside him.

“Senior Ming Xi, are the tickets really good to go?” The siblings weren’t the only ones concerned. Ink and Leo were worried as well.

336: Dumbfounded

The only ones with confidence in Ming Xi were Jier and Feng Wu. They knew their senior. Jier didn’t think a small auction house would be a problem for the prince of one of the four major kingdoms.

Feng Wu didn’t know anything about a prince of the Ancient Silver Moon Kingdom, but she had an unshakeable confidence in Ming Xi.

“Don’t worry. Just follow me inside.” Ming Xi had his trademark smile on, but this one was unmistakably full of confidence.

Maybe his confidence was contagious, but the others felt buoyed and followed behind him confidently as well.

Ming Xi was in the lead as they walked to the entry area.

The staff respectfully waited for Ming Xi to show his admission ticket.

“I would like to see the manager.” Ming Xi spoke to the service staff with his trademark smile.

The request from the beautiful man surprised the staff member. “Perhaps there is something I could help you with. Today is a big day for the house, and everything must go smoothly.” Although the clerk, Wogh, refused Ming Xi’s request, there was no ill-will in his rejection.

You couldn’t help but admire the professionalism. Even the gatekeeper was well trained in customer service.

Ming Xi wasn’t annoyed with the reply. He simply withdrew a silver token and said, “Take this to your manager. He will see me.”

The token itself was unremarkable, but Wogh saw how confident Ming Xi was. He didn’t want to accidentally offend an influential person, so he agreed. He immediately left to find the manager after handing over door responsibilities to the clerk behind him.

The manager, a thin man in his forties with shrewd eyes who exuded competency, was currently giving a report to two men, one tubby middle-aged and one who was much younger.

“The auction will start in another half an hour. We already have people entering the venue. Aside from the twelve island lords, there are also the aristocracy from the islands here and abroad, as well as many adventurers. I believe this will be a very successful auction.”

“Good, good. Later on, make sure to have people keep an eye out. I don’t want any issues today,” said the older man. He sipped his tea after speaking.

“Yes, I will be sure to have everyone on alert.”

All three men frowned when a knock suddenly sounded at the door. The plump man hesitated a moment before getting up to open it.

“Let them in.” He wasn’t happy to be interrupted in the middle of a report, but he suppressed his annoyance. Whatever it was might be important.

“Yes.” The person at the door turned to summon Wogh.

Wogh did not expect the boss to be in the manager’s room. The auction house was very strict. You didn’t disturb the boss unless it was something extremely important, otherwise you better be prepared to deal with the consequences.

He was worried he’d be reprimanded for interrupting. He sincerely hoped the beautiful man was someone of status. If he wasn’t, then the boss would not likely forgive the intrusion.

“Is there something important you wanted to report?” The boss asked, emphasizing the word important.

Wogh’s heart tightened. That Tang, no wonder the smile on his face was so big when he told Tang he had something to report to the manager.

The auction wasn’t a good place to work. The benefits were good, but the competition between personnel was fierce. He and Tang had never gotten along. They were always doing things to get the attention of the manager. The better the attention, the better their prospects for future promotions would be.

He hadn’t expected the kid to be so malicious. That kid hadn’t said a word even though he knew the manager was in a meeting with the boss. He was going to make sure he returned the favor to Tang once he escaped.

The clerk quickly pulled out the silver token, all the while his heart was beating madly.

He never expected both the boss and the manager to change their expressions so dramatically. Their faces turned red and their breathing quickened. He had hoped the token was good enough to get him off the hook with the two men; he never expected their reaction. They were obviously excited.

“Where is the person who gave this to you?” The boss wanted to know! He stood up from the side of the table so fast, it was hard to believe he was as girthy as he was!

“At. . .  at the entrance!” Poor Wogh was stunned by the explosive reaction.

The boss came around the table and disappeared like lightning.

The young man next to the boss was dumbstruck. What in the world! His father moved like he was ten years younger!

The manager’s response wasn’t any slower. Before Wogh could even react, he had grabbed the token and pulled the clerk out with him. “Hurry! We need you to identify the person!”

They quickly walked downstairs, trying to catch up to the boss in as fast a dignified a pace as they could. The young man quickly followed behind, wanting to see what could have elicited such a strong reaction from his father.

Tang had seen the boss enter the manager’s office earlier. Then Wogh came in asking to see the manager, which of course he would be reprimanded for. There was no way Wogh would be eligible for promotions after that. He’d be stuck as a clerk for sure.

Tang was in a good mood after putting his competition in a bad position. It had been hard to get one over on Wogh, so he grabbed the opportunity. Both of them had been vying for the manager’s attention for ages now.

Tang hummed a tune out of happiness.

Suddenly a plump figure came barreling toward him. Wasn’t that the boss? Could Wogh have been so bad he actually angered the boss? Hahaha!

“Hello Boss!” The boss didn’t normally come to the ground floor so Tang took the opportunity to greet him.

But the boss didn’t even bother to return the greeting. Instead Tang got shoved aside with a brusque, “Move aside!”

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