The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 337-338

Chapter 337-338: The Overly Enthusiastic Boss; Identity

337: The Overly Enthusiastic Boss

This was because he was in the way!

Tang had a dazed expression after being shoved out of the way. The staff who saw the scene were gloating as they pointed at him.

Yeah, that’ll teach him, they thought. Always making trouble for others instead of being a good example. This time the bad karma returned to him.

Tang had wanted to witness Wogh suffer, but instead he was the one suffering! What bad luck!

This was work, so he didn’t dare give voice to the curses in his heart. There were plenty of people who wanted to take his position. Besides, the boss was way too high of a figure for him to dare complain about.

Tang got up and wondered at the cause for the boss’s behavior, but before he could figure it out, the manager and Wogh came rushing out, following the same path as the boss.

The manager didn’t even bother looking at him. Wogh, though, gave him a fierce glare. Tang was even more confused. Why were both the boss and the manager in such an obvious hurry, running so crazily in the building?

Wait, wasn’t that also Master Henry? The boss’s son?

What was going on?! This was highly out of character for a place as highly regarded as theirs.

All kinds of possibilities ran through the minds of the staff present, but the auction house was strict, so although they were shocked by the boss’s mad sprint, they didn’t dare ask, never mind go over and see.

The boss was out of breath, but he finally reached the entrance. It was when he was craning his head looking around the crowd that he realized he didn’t know what his target looked like!

Dang it! Why didn’t he bring the clerk with him? Now how was he going to recognize the guest? At the same time, he blamed the clerk for not being insightful enough to follow behind.

He didn’t have to worry long though. The manager had brought the clerk with him. The boss immediately grabbed the clerk by the collar and asked him to be taken over to the person. He didn’t even let Wogh catch his breath.

Where would Wogh have the courage to say no? He immediately brought the boss over to Ming Xi, but before he could even make introductions, the boss beat him to it and was already greeting Ming Xi.

Master Henry found it hard to believe his eyes. Was this the same wise and calm father he knew? He was even more curious about the identity of this person with the token.

“Greetings! Greetings!” The chub on the boss’s face was practically shaking; he was that excited. He had wanted to kneel and properly pay respects to Ming Xi the moment he saw him.

Where was this place? Who owned it?

Ancient Moon Auction House was the only auction house in all of Bilou. It was one of the most famous on the continent! There were branches in every corner of the world!

Rumor had it, Ancient Moon Auction was owned by royalty. It was such a big company and yet it was rare anyone dared cause trouble in any of the facilities.

Now the boss of one such branch was so enthusiastic about a young man, so much so he was bowing and certainly on his way to kowtowing.

Ming Xi saw where it was going, so he stepped forward and grabbed onto the boss before he knelt down. It stopped the boss, but he was still so flustered and respectful.

Who was that young man?

All the aristocrats there had the same question. Those with connections had already sent out inquiries, while those without connections were already planning on secretly asking the boss. Everyone wanted to know if there was any possibility of buttering up and earning favors from the young man.

To have such an enthusiastic and respectful reception from the boss of the branch, his identity had to be special. Why would the boss, who never bothered to flatter anyone, personally meet this young man?

But it didn’t matter what the audience thought. The boss could tell Ming Xi was trying to keep a low profile, so he quickly ushered the group into the auction house. He immediately took them to a VIP box after Ming Xi expressed interest in participating in the auction.

Did the clerk dare ask the group for admission tickets? Obviously not!

An auction house like Ancient Moon would certainly have a couple VIP boxes reserved for special guests only, however guests who fit the admission criteria were rare. The Bilou branch had been open for several hundred years and yet had never had a guest who fit the criteria for use. Ming Xi was the first person to use it.

“Young Master, is this box satisfactory?” The boss, Claude, was smiling so hard, his eyes were practically tiny slits. Master Henry, watching the scene, was scared by how much his father was smiling.

The boss wisely referred to Ming Xi as Young Master and not Your Royal Highness, because Ming Xi had said he wanted to keep a low profile. The people behind him were curious, so clearly they didn’t know Ming Xi’s identity. What if the prince wanted his identity kept secret to the end? He was being too low-key!

“It is not bad; I am satisfied.” Ming Xi nodded. The boss’s excessive enthusiasm didn’t seem to faze him.

It was contrary to what Margaret, Matheson, Leo and Ink felt though. Who was Ming Xi exactly? Why did the boss of the venue come to greet them in person? Weren’t people not allowed to enter without tickets? All Ming Xi did was show a small token and their attitudes completely changed. It wasn’t just a personal greeting either, the boss even gave them use of such a luxurious box!

It’s important to remember, to get a box seat, you had to have status. Just money alone wouldn’t cut it.

But Ming Xi got them in so easily, and their treatment was so good. It felt like a dream.

It was only yesterday that they were trying to figure out if they should steal tickets or buy floor tickets from scalpers. Even if they were floor tickets only, they were still better than nothing.

That was yesterday. Suddenly today, they were honored guests with the best seats! It was like buying something for cheap and having it multiply insanely in value overnight. josei

338: Identity

The boss’s smile was so big, you couldn’t even see his eyes.

“This is fine. I’m sure you must be busy since it’s the big auction day.”

The boss could see Ming Xi didn’t want them to stay, so he immediately excused himself and led all the staff out, but before he left, he told Ming Xi he could purchase anything he liked. The funds from the house were at his discretion.

This, of course, shocked Henry. His own spending accounts were strictly monitored by his father. His father wasn’t a scrooge, but he wasn’t a generous person either. But here his father was telling this beautiful young man that he was free to buy whatever he wanted. It was unheard of!

Understand, none of the goods up for auction in the house were cheap. His father had wanted to capitalize on the sea emperor’s tomb, so he’d spent over two months preparing for the auction. Extra was even spent on advertising; so you can imagine how high the turn out would be. They stood to make a fortune, but his dad was throwing money away! Henry wanted to yell at his crazy father.

Henry could barely wait to ask who the young man was as they walked back to the office.

“Father! Who was that person just now?! You were so respectful toward him. Is he some super rich young master? But no, that can’t be. With our reputation, even a super rich young master wouldn’t make you get like this. Is he. . .  a royal family member of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom?”

Henry excitedly started speculating out loud. He had had so many guesses through out the day. The most likely was that the person was a high-ranking member in the kingdom, possibly even someone in the royal family.

Boss looked at his son with satisfaction. This boy’s IQ was not bad.

“You’re not stupid. The young man just now was the prince.”

“A son of the Moon emperor? What is his rank? Is it high up? Is he favored?”

Henry was very curious. He had returned to the kingdom only a few times in his life. He was the son of the boss of one of the kingdom’s auction houses, but he wasn’t a person of any consequence in the kingdom, so the few times he returned, he didn’t really get on with the aristocratic ladies. He never mentioned wanting to visit again after that.

He rarely ever went back and instead remained on Bilou island and would occasionally help his father with the business. He never imagined he would ever be able to meet a prince, so this whole situation was a shocker to him.

“You ask so many questions. How am I supposed to answer them? All I know is that he is the youngest prince of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom and his father is the current king. As long as there are no accidents, the prince should be next in line to rule.”

“That can’t be right. You said he was the youngest prince, then isn’t there an older prince ahead of him? Would that older brother really give up his position to the youngest?” Henry didn’t believe the princes of the kingdom would be that friendly toward each other. No way would the older brother have nothing to say about a younger sibling stepping in front of him for the throne. Never mind the throne, even on the small islands of Bilou, there were siblings who gladly betrayed each other to snatch family position. For something as grand as the throne for the kingdom, the princes would definitely use troops to fight each other.

“Stupid child. What did I have you study the kingdom’s history for? Look at you. You don’t even know something as basic as this. Successors for our kingdom aren’t chosen by their birth order, they’re chosen by the strength of their blood.

Whoever has the most potent blood is the chosen king. This is how our kingdom has chosen our rulers for generations. Don’t ask such foolish questions again. I won’t be so inclined to answer next time.”

The boss rolled his eyes at his son. Kids these days, they didn’t study. All they did was think about business.

Henry gave a goofy smile and scratched his head. He wanted to know more about the silver token, but he was afraid the answer would be something commonsense, thereby exposing his own ignorance on the matter. His father was obviously dissatisfied and would likely cuss him out a blue streak, so he didn’t dare ask anything else.

Forget it. He’d just wait until the auction was over then ask the manager about the token.

Ming Xi’s group were oblivious about the conversations going on about them. They felt a lot more comfortable after the boss and the rest of the staff left.

“Big Brother Xi, I had no idea. You really are a bigshot. Even the boss of the Moon Auction House will give you face.” Margaret never dreamed she had a local bigshot next to her.

“Senior Ming Xi, did you get your item back?” Ink’s thigh holding was smooth as silk.

Ming Xi’s mouth twitched. He could feel a headache coming on. “Stop making trouble.”

“Senior Ming Xi, what was that token? Was it a family crest?” Leo was also interested. There were so many rumors about Ming Xi at school. Some said he was an ordinary citizen, others said he was a nobleman, while others suggested he was a prince. There were so many rumors though, it was impossible to tell which ones were actually true.

The girls who adored Ming Xi declared he was a prince and anyone who disagreed would be in their bad graces.

The boys who looked down on Ming Xi for being a pretty boy said he was of low birth, an illegitimate child of some untouchable aristocrat. These guys were unbearable.

Leo had heard all the rumors, but had never participated in any gossip spreading. They had nothing to do with him, so he had always ignored them. But after seeing Ming Xi in action, he had to admit that he was curious.

“This is a gift from an elder in my family. All us brothers have one. With this token, we can go to any Ancient Moon Auction house and enjoy the best treatment with a thirty percent discount on all items.”

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