The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 367, 368, 369, 370

Chapter 367, 368, 369, 370

367: Emperor’s Tomb: Spirit Guardian

The man sat above five others and was wearing a beautiful and elaborate costume from olden times. Several men and women knelt at his feet with eyes filled with worship and humility.

In another, he was on horseback commanding a thousand troops. Another picture had him marrying a beautiful woman. Another depicted people in fear and desperation as countless terrifying meteorites fell from the sky. It was like you could hear their cries for help through the painting.

“Ah! This is. . .  this is. . . That nasty sea god! He’s such a selfish lunatic! No wonder none of the other gods wanted to be around him; he really is a lunatic!” Rui Baby had been dozing on Feng Fu’s head in her hair. He started yelling after seeing the murals.

“Baby?” Feng Wu touched his eggshell, soothing the little guy.

“Is there something wrong with this place?” Zo knew ancient rui beasts were powerful. They didn’t have strong attack, but their wisdom was much higher than humans. They wouldn’t be rui beasts if they weren’t smart.

The little guy slowly quieted after being soothed. His voice was still agitated though.

“Of course there’s a problem. Poseidon, that lunatic, actually created such a tomb! No wonder there’s so much evil miasma here. It’s no wonder; he’s so self-serving!” Rui Baby yelled and cursed more incomprehensible things.

The little guy explained before Zo had to ask. “Poseidon’s been tampering with this place! No wonder it didn’t look like a god’s tomb!” Rui Baby said angrily.

“Tampered with?” It was his tomb to begin with, so what did it matter what he did to it? Zo didn’t understand why Rui Baby was so angry.

“I knew this place didn’t feel like a god’s tomb. It turned out that sea god really did tamper with this place!” Baby said, still very much angry.

“But isn’t this the sea god’s tomb? Isn’t it fine for him to do what he pleases with it?”

“Huh! That guy mixed the tombs of kings from the human world inside his own tomb. He made them his gatekeepers. Their souls are going to be sealed in this place forever. They’ll never be able to find peace or rest.

The greater their pain, the stronger their anger will be and the more dangerous it for those who enter the tomb. And if I’m not mistaken, there’s more than one human king in this tomb. I’m afraid Poseidon brought many of them in here. After so many years, their tombs will be fearsome indeed. Anyone who enters will be lucky to survive.

Poseidon’s tomb is hidden amongst the tomb of these human kings. It’ll be impossible to find it, and even if you did find it, you’ll probably die inside.

The Sea Emperor, as you all call him, is known for his selfishness and ruthlessness amongst the gods. There’s no way he’d let his precious treasures fall into human hands.”

Rui Baby talked badly about Poseidon, obviously looking down on the so-called sea god.

Zo finally believed Ai Lin about Zi Cheng being the world’s daughter of luck and destiny. Zi Cheng’s friends and followers said that although she had met with some dangers in the tomb, she had for the most part escaped unscathed.

There was no mention of her encountering any of the tombs of the human king guardians; so she had to have entered the sea god’s tomb directly. She didn’t just take away various paraphernalia and treasures in the tomb, she also took the Heart of Water.

This time around, the tomb was much easier to open and there were many more people journeying inside, but the difficulty was much greater. These human kings had never been mentioned before.

“Why would the sea god want to do this? Does it make sense to use all these human kings to guard his tomb? He’s a sea god, why consider using humans at all?”

Zo couldn’t figure it out. Why would a god use humans for guardians? And to even imprison their souls for it; it was completely unnecessary.

“Haha, do you think gods are all powerful? I’ll tell you, no matter how powerful a god is, in time, all powers fade. The reason Poseidon used these kinds of methods and brought all these human kings here is to keep his tomb protected after his powers have waned. So that they’ll stop intruders, their tombs have been enveloped in malevolence.

There are a lot of imprisoned souls within each human king’s tomb as well. None of them know or understand that they have been imprisoned inside Poseidon’s tomb either. They will continue to guard the tomb of their king as long as their king remains.

“How can a god do something so evil! How is he any different from a demon?!” Imprisoning another’s soul for eternity just so they become angry spirits. How inhumane!”

It was unbelievable that a god, never mind an innate god, would do something so heinous. It turned Zo’s world view upside down.

“What about gods? Who told you gods are supposed to be kind? That’s a myth. Gods are like people; there are goods ones and there are bad ones.

If all gods are good, then how do you explain what happened with the demon realm? Before the lord of the demon realm became the lord of the demon realm, he was a master of gods in the god realm. And amongst the master gods, he was a strong one too! But he still fell to the demon realm didn’t he?” Rui Baby rolled his eyes before giving Zo a disdainful look.

Was a beast looking down on him? Zo recognized Rui Baby was a god level magical beast, but it still made him uncomfortable and he suddenly felt the urge to beat the puppy!

“Then this entrance is to a king’s tomb?” Zo decisively changed the topic, having no wish to be despised by an eggshell wearing puppy. josei

“Ah forget it, you’re too stupid.”

“Haha. . . ” was Zo’s awkward reply back.

“How do we get in?” Feng Wu pushed at the gate but it refused to budge despite only being three meters high.

“There’s a mechanism that unlocks it. You should be able to enter if you find it. But are you sure about going in with only two people? It will be dangerous. The king’s corpse is probably a monster corpse by now!”

A captive corpse would already be brimming with malevolent fury, but when combined with years of evil miasma immersion, odds were high a new evil consciousness bent on killing would have formed.

368: The Door Opened

It would have no free will and it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say it was a killing machine.

“D, this passage is so long. It’s taking forever to exit out of it.” An approaching voice complained.

Feng Wu and Zo looked back to see a man with a sword approaching.

He was the brother who made the decision to follow them. Based on the voices coming up behind him, those who followed him were nearing as well.

Zo breathed a sigh of relief. There were so many more people coming, the more the better really. He thought he and Feng Wu would probably die immediately upon entering the tomb after hearing everything Rui Baby said about the place.

“I finally caught up to you guys! I didn’t see you all along the way; I thought something had happened.” The brother smiled when he saw Feng Wu and Zo.

“Thank you for your concern, but we are fine.”

“Where is this place? Could the sea god’s burial room be behind that gate?!” The brother looked at the gate with excitement in his eyes. He would have rushed in already if the gate wasn’t there.

“What?! The burial room is here?!”

“We got here so soon! I thought it would take several more levels.”

“Is it really the burial room though? It doesn’t feel like it.”

“Man, forget you! Isn’t this the sea god’s tomb? What’s so strange about finding it here?”

The group discussed as they looked at the gate. The only one not looking at it was the woman who was beaten by Feng Wu. She was glaring at Feng Wu hatefully. If looks could kill, Feng Wu would have died countless times already.

Zo felt the animosity from a certain direction. Upon looking over, he found a malicious person.

Wasn’t she the one Feng Wu schooled? Zo could see the woman hated both of them, but she especially hated Feng Wu. She would doubtless kill them the first chance she got.

Zo shifted his body to block Feng Wu from her gaze. This made the woman snort and turn away.

“Strange! Why can’t we get the gate open?!”

Some people attempted to open it with brute force, but to no avail. They tried magic, but that didn’t work either.

The inconspicuous gate didn’t budge.

They stood staring at it unsure what to do. They wouldn’t be able to progress if they couldn’t open it.

“Everyone, take a look at these murals. Does it seem like something’s wrong with them?” A magician raised his wand and cried out.

At his cry, the group surrounded him. The murals were strange. Could they be the key to opening the gate? They gathered round and touched the murals, trying to find a way to open the gate.

Zo and Feng Wu knew it was a just a king’s grave room, and not the sea god’s room, but they had to try. There was no other exit.

To get to the sea god’s room, they would have to pass through the tomb of many other kings.

“Feng Wu, come here. Look at this wall.” Zo had been knocking along the wall when he came upon a section that sounded hollow.

The area was small so everyone heard him. Those who heard immediately gave up on the mural they were studying and ran over to where Zo was. A few with bad attitudes even pushed Zo out of the way, making him lose his balance.

Feng Wu instantly stepped up and supported him so he wouldn’t fall over. A flash of anger appeared in her eyes at the guy bullying Zo. She lifted her foot, intending to teach the guy a lesson for nearly making Zo fall to the ground, but Zo stopped her.

He shook his head. “Don’t, I’m fine.”

Feng Wu bit her lip but ultimately nodded. She wouldn’t give the guy trouble.

“This stone wall is empty!”

“Knock on it! Maybe the switch is behind it!”

The person standing at the front spat on his hands and rubbed them together before grabbing his sword and slashing at the stone wall.

After a few cuts, the wall broke to reveal a hole. A disc shaped thing was embedded into the wall inside the hole. Maybe it was the switch they were looking for.

Someone tried to turn it. And it did turn! The creaking, squealing sound was deafening in the silent passage, but amidst the ear-piercing noise, the gate did open.

Meanwhile adventurers in other parts of the tomb were also encountering their own challenges.

Zi Cheng and Ceasar were one step ahead of Feng Wu and were already inside the sea god’s burial room and were currently engaged in a desperate fight against a horde of animated corpses.

Ming Xi burned many of the corpses with the fire from Little SevenThe people who came with him were left in awe at the sheer force of his attack. It was like he was a god of war.

Ai Lin had gotten much stronger since getting the god’s inheritance in the realm battlegrounds. Knowing the plot allowed her to take advantage of other people’s opportunities, so few could beat her. Obviously, it wasn’t a problem for her to protect herself.

Eliza was a young miss with many good items on her body. She was also a strong magician.

Though many of the people who entered with them had died, things had been going well for the two girls. At worse, they suffered some minor injuries.

369: Greed

Margaret and Matheson weren’t as lucky and didn’t end up in the same area.

Margaret had to kick a man who tried to sexually harass her against a wall. She clapped her hands and looked at the burial chamber she had just entered.

She would write her name upside down if it was the chamber for the sea god.

Speaking of which, where were the others?

The door had been closed for many years, so when it did open a huge amount of dust flew out.

Feng Wu waved her hand and use a qi shield to protect her and Zo from all the dust.

“The door is open!”

“All the good stuff in there is Z’s! No one better compete with me for them!”

“Artifact! There must be an artifact in there!”

The light that shone out was like a switch serving to pull out all their human greed.

“The Heart of Water! It must be inside. I’m going to find it! It’s all mine. No one better steal it from me!” Madness sparked in Zo’s eyes. Feng Wu was in his way, so he shoved her aside.

Feng Wu frowned at this and she sent a spark of Xiao Chun’s power into Zo’s forehead.

Zo was confused. What just happened?

“Are you OK?” Feng Wu patted his face in concern.

“What’s going on?” There was a hint of horror in Zo’s eyes when he noticed the crazed crowd around them.

“You were controlled by the greed in your heart. You are indeed a human with fish lips. Except for Feng Wu, the silly girl has no greed in her heart, everyone else here was affected. It’s no wonder, you’ve all got greed in your hearts,” Rui Baby said, disdainful of the crazed crowd. He bit Feng Wu’s hair as he remained seated atop her head.

“Greed! There was a problem with the light just now!”

There had been a light that shone on everyone after the door was opened. Zo remembered it felt like he’d fallen into a trance and lost his mind for a moment.

“Of course. That light can magnify the greed in people’s hearts. That is to say, the light would have magnified your greed a hundredfold. With you, there was greed, but there wasn’t any malice, so the impact wasn’t as bad.

But those other people, you see them? It’s not just the greed in their hearts that’s been magnified, their malice is magnified as well. Their thoughts are violent. They’re already thinking about killing other people to get the treasure.”

A bunch of people were in a scuffle at the entrance trying to block each other from entering. Each one of them felt the treasure belonged to them alone. Therefore anyone who entered it was trying to steal their treasure so they had to die.

A fierce battle was underway by the gate. People were injured and bleeding, yet no one cried out in pain.

“Xiao Chun!” The pure white, ancient sword appeared in Feng Wu’s hand.

Xiao Chun was already drooling, having felt the suffocation air in the place. If it weren’t for Feng Wu, he would have already rushed out.

“Go and wake them.” Feng Wu said to Xiao Chun.

Zo looked curiously at the spirit sword. It had such a strong intelligent, spiritual aura. Was it a holy level weapon?

Zo’s family wasn’t without holy artifacts, so he wasn’t a stranger to them, but this was the first time he saw one so full of spiritual energy and intelligence.

Obviously swords didn’t possess emotions, but despite this Zo felt the disappointment coming from the sword, as though it wanted to enjoy a big meal but was only told it could have a light snack.

Did a sword need to eat? Zo shook his head, thinking he must surely be hallucinating.

In fact Xiao Chun did want to eat a big meal, but he didn’t dare disobey Feng Wu, so he could only go about releasing his energy in bits and pieces, just enough so the people could awaken from their dream of greed and malice.

Xiao Chun deserved his reputation as the most pure and flawless artifact. With just a tiny bit of effort, he was able to release the group from their insanity.

“What was wrong with me?!”

“Wha?! Who attacked me?!”

“Whoever injured me better fess up! I promise not to kill you!”

“Ouch! What asshole dared stab me in the butt?!”

Of the ten people there, eight were injured. They didn’t remember how they got injured, but they were horrified. Any later and they would have been halfway to death!

“There has to be something wrong with the light from earlier!”

Not being stupid, they quickly figured out the connection.

“I think so too. I don’t know what it is, but I got dizzy after I saw it. I don’t remember what happened afterwards.”

“Me too! That light is really is insidious!”

“That’s strange. Why are you two uninjured?”

In a group of bloodied and injured people, it was hard not to notice the only two people unaffected. They didn’t have a spot of blood on them. Heck, their clothes weren’t even wrinkled. It was obvious something was up with them.

Zo and Feng Wu caught everyone’s attention.

“Did you do this? The two of you were fine while the rest of us lost consciousness. Is it because you want the treasures for yourselves so you deliberately harmed us?!” The female magician who confronted Feng Wu earlier yelled out.

She had wanted to kill Feng Wu since the incident earlier, so of course she wasn’t going to let the current opportunity go to waste. This girl had embarrassed her in front of so many people.

“Huh. You actually dare.” Zo wanted to laugh in her face. The woman was so annoying. He didn’t want to live in hatred, so he rarely hated anyone, but this woman tested his limits. He would wholeheartedly agree with Feng Wu if she wanted to kill the woman.

“I did not. . . ” Feng Wu replied back seriously.

370: Bisi

Why did this person say she and Zo did it? Clearly she and Zo hadn’t done anything. Feng Wu bit her lip, aggrieved. The people she asked Xiao Chun to save where wronging her. She suddenly wanted to beat them up.

“Don’t think just because you deny it, it’s OK. You said you didn’t do it, but why are you the only two who weren’t affected? How does that make any sense?”

“If Feng Wu hadn’t saved you, you would have killed each other ages ago. The moment after you’re saved, you start attacking your savior. Really shameless.” Zo was angry. It was a waste of Feng Wu’s time to save them. Especially this woman; it would have been better to let her go crazy and get killed so she wouldn’t bother them again.

The others were shocked by Zo’s words. It was hard to imagine it was the black-haired girl who saved them. Doubt clouded their eyes.

This made Zo angry. These people were white eyed wolves, it would have been better to not save them.

“Do you know what that light just now was?” Zo asked with a cold smile.

“What was it?” Someone couldn’t help but ask.

“It was a light that magnified the negative aspects of a person’s heart, such as greed and malice. All of these things inside us were magnified because of the light. Just now, everyone lost their senses and began fighting to keep the treasure for themselves.

I had also been controlled by the greed in my heart, but Feng Wu was next to me and she rescued me in time. Otherwise I’d be like everyone else, trying to fight and kill anyone in my way. Considering my strength, had I rushed in, I would have surely died.”

“You say she saved you; how did she do it? What did she use to?” The woman spoke proudly with a face full of suspicion.

“Why should I tell you?” Zo looked at her disdainfully.

“You. . . .” She was so angry. An ordinary person dared give her such a look? She needed to kill him.

“Everyone, let’s hurry and heal our injuries. Now that the burial gate is open, we should proceed forward, not argue about someone’s guess,” spoke up a guy holding a long sword.

They came for treasure. Who had the time to listen to people argue?

The others nodded their heads in agreement. They took out healing potions for their injuries.

The woman glared and screamed in disbelief. “You want to let these two despicable people off the hook just like that?!”

Everyone else ignored her and focused on healing their wounds instead. But the man who had spoken up wasn’t patient.

“Please settle your personal agendas on your own, and don’t treat others like they’re fools to be used.”

The people watching the scene sneered as they watched the woman’s face turn from red to white. This woman, did she really think they couldn’t see through her charade? She couldn’t deal with the little girl on her own, so she wanted everyone to side with her and crush the girl.

It wasn’t a bad idea, but it relied on everyone willing to cooperate with her. However there were few idiots who made it as far who were willing to make enemies of strangers for another stranger’s benefit.

Zo was delighted to see her defeated. He found a place to sit with Feng Wu and together they enjoyed a meat bun. It tasted more delicious than usual.

The woman lowered her eyes, which were now filled with hate, once she saw no one was paying her any attention.

Go ahead, be proud of yourselves. But just you wait. Once I find my chance, you’ll all die, she thought to herself. She had been a member of the Lianye clan and Shaya, the elder Tianya killed, was her father.

In her mind, no one was allowed to kill a member of the clan and get away with it.

She was Bisi and she never had to walk behind anyone. The only ones she had to give face to were the clan’s direct descendants and the children of some of the elders.

However, all that came to an end with Shaya’s death. Without his presence, those who she’d bullied were finally given the opportunity to get revenge. They got together with the daughter of the ninth elder and surrounded her, but she was fortunate to have resources on her person.

Her father loved her a great deal and had left her with a variety of items to keep her safe. Using these, she managed to kill the ninth elder’s daughter along with the girl’s sidekick. Bisi was classified as a traitor ever since.

Bisi had no regrets though. What was the point of staying with a clan that couldn’t protect her? They wouldn’t have allowed the ninth’s daughter to give her so much trouble if they had taken any of her father’s achievements to heart. Her position had plummeted since her father died.

In reality, the Lianye clan did give her consideration. Even if her father was dead, she herself, was a rare ice magician. Not to mention she was a genius. They were willing to keep training her.

Her classes continued without disruption and her monthly allotment of potions remained the same, but she no longer received the potions and funds from her father’s personal inventory.

The whole thing about her being bullied by those seeking revenge was nonsense though. The only exception was the daughter of the ninth elder, who had wanted to take the opportunity to teach her a lesson because of a past grievance. The others, at worst, just had a bad attitude towards her. Those who used to suck up to her were gone, having no reason to do so anymore.

The main reason for her leaving was her inability to accept the gap in her position. She had never suffered slights before; it was always other people who changed their attitude to suit her. Though some talked, no one dared offend her.

They knew her potential as an ice magician was high. As long as she didn’t do anything stupid and offend anyone high up too terribly, it was possible the elders would have a position for her in the future.

But her feelings were too delicate; she couldn’t bear even a tiny bit of grievance. This led her to killing the ninth elder’s daughter, which in turn caused her to be branded a traitor and was forced to flee.

After her escape from the clan, Bisi traveled alone trying to find her father’s killer, but unfortunately she couldn’t find Tianya, instead she found Feng Wu and Ming Xi.

The Lianye clan had thoroughly investigated the people with Tianya and had created portraits of every one, so Bisi recognized Feng Wu without difficulty.

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