The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 371, 372, 373, 374

Chapter 371, 372, 373, 374

371: Sarcophagus

The clan’s investigation revealed the kids were from Xingguang Holy academy and though they were able to find out some of the kid’s identities, some remained unknown.

Ming Xi and Tianya’s identities were particularly mysterious. They were unable to find out who the two were despite spending a great deal of money. Because of this, the Lianye clan didn’t dare move too quickly. However the identities of everyone else, like Feng Wu, was easy enough to find out.

They even found out the vesture for Feng house. Though Feng Wu was the first daughter of the direct family line for, the family had disowned her. It didn’t matter how prestigious her identity was, an unmarried and pregnant daughter who brought shame to the family, who would take such a woman into their house? The Lianye clan weren't going to take her seriously.

Bisi had already made up her mind to kill Feng Wu. She would have killed Feng Wu and avenged her father already were it not for the fact she didn’t want to do it in front of so many people.

Ming Xi was on her hit list too, but based on the clan’s investigation, Bisi felt Ming Xi’s identity couldn’t be simple. She wasn’t sure if she would get into unnecessary trouble for killing him. She couldn’t get him yet, so by default, Feng Wu became her prime target.

Everyone was healed after an hour of rest. It was time to enter the burial room.

Beyond the gate was pitch black, much different from the room they currently occupied, which was illuminated by crystals on the walls. Everyone took out their individual light sources and walked in carefully.

Light flared up suddenly upon the first person’s step inside.

Beyond the gate was a spacious stone hall with four columns. There were two sarcophagi in the center.

The rough-hewing process didn’t take away from the elegance of the ancient sarcophagi. Whoever were inside weren’t ordinary people. A seven-star lamp shown from above the columns. Though it wasn’t as bright as the light from the crystals outside, it was nonetheless, sufficient to light the room.

All around the room were huge murals similar to the ones outside. A stone statue of a man stood above them. He had rough features and eyes filled with contempt. In his hand was a scepter.

“Look, is the person in the pictures the sea god?” Someone said in surprise as he pointed to the murals.

“It’s possible. The sea god was worshipped by all the oceanic countries at the time, so the pictures are probably of him.”

A man holding a double-sided ax walked up to one sarcophagus and tried pushing the lid off.

“What are you doing?!”

The group was shocked at his casual attitude.

“Does it need to be said? Open the sarcophagus of course. I want to see what treasures there are. This is the tomb of the sea god, even if these are just the coffins of minor servants, they’re still going to be good stuff in here.” The guy looked disdainfully at the crowd glaring at him.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t touch the contents of the coffins.” Zo spoke up suddenly.

Everyone turned to look at Zo and Feng Wu standing by the gate entrance. Other than Bisi, who was always looking for ways to deal with them, no one else paid them any attention. Zo had been ignored by everyone, probably because he was the weakest. He didn’t usually take the initiative to speak up, so it was surprising that he suddenly opened his mouth.

“Little pansy, you don’t have any right to speak.” The ax guy’s disdain toward Zo was obvious. A little pansy who only survived by hiding behind a skirt, of course he looked down on Zo. He couldn’t stand everyone else’s arrogance either. They were all there for the coffin, so why fuss over opening it? Once the treasure was revealed, they’d be even more excited than him.

“This place was set up to turn the dead into evil puppet spirits, so the corpses in the sarcophagi have turned evil. It will be disastrous if you open that sarcophagus.” Zo said with a serious face.

Unfortunately no one believed him.

What raise the dead to be evil spirits? If there were some, why hadn't they found any already? Yet this ordinary person could? So they couldn’t even compare to an ordinary person now? Yeah right, that’ll be the day.

No one believed Zo – they thought he was just grandstanding – besides they were all confident in their strength.

Bisi’s sneer was on obvious display.

An ordinary person showing off knowledge in front of them, it was too much.

Feng Wu looked at the group silently. She could tell they didn’t believe Zo. It was obvious he wasn’t lying so she didn’t understand why they didn’t believe him.

“Stop joking! Evil puppet corpses? What do you think you are, that you can see puppet corpses when we can’t.” The guy didn’t stop his efforts to open the sarcophagus. His heart was bursting with excitement at the prospect of all the treasures sure to be inside. He didn’t have time to pay attention to a waste.

Zo sighed. He knew it would be useless, so he stopped trying to convince them. He hadn’t been hopeful of it anyway, so he wasn’t disappointed when no one listened.

“The sarcophagus is going to be opened. What should we do?” Zo asked Feng Wu. As the only one in their group who had any attack potential, he had to confer with her before making any decisions.

Feng Wu blinked as if asking: Why are you asking me?

No matter who she was with, she was never the one who came up with the ideas. She was used to obeying orders, so to have someone ask her what to do was disconcerting.

“Wait and run to be back of the hall.” The little Rui Baby interjected before Feng Wu could speak.

Zo glanced at the baby and nodded, showing that he knew. . . 

372: Corpse

Feng Wu watched the man open the sarcophagus. He didn’t listen to Zo, so something would definitely happen. Feng Wu bit her lip. She could already see the baleful aura seeping through.

The others gripped their weapons tightly as they watched the guy’s movements. If treasure was revealed, odds were high a battle would erupt.

Even Bisi pointed her staff at the guy. As soon as the treasure was revealed, she would attack him.

Finally the lid was pushed aside. The others rushed in as soon as the sarcophagus was opened. They wanted to see what good things were inside.

Upon stepping forward what greeted them was a beautifully dressed girl in Chinese attire. Her clothes were white and looked like sacrificial attire. A silver bracelet adorned her wrist and a string of copper bells wrapped around her waist. She had no other accessories other than those two things.

She was a natural beauty of seventeen or eighteen with red stained lips. Although she must have died many, many years ago, she looked frozen at her most beautiful, untouched by time.

If it weren’t for a her lack of breathing, it would have looked like she was just sleeping. Who would have thought they were looking at a corpse centuries old.

“This. . . this how is this possible? The sea god’s tomb was created in ancient times. It’s been thousands of years since then. How can this corpse not rot after so long?” cried out someone in alarm.

“That’s right. How can the body remain the same after tens of thousands of years. Even if the sarcophagus is good, it’s no treasure. It’s possible for it to keep the corpse from decaying for so long.” josei

“Could the girl have something on her body that prevents decay?”

The eyes of the man who opened the sarcophagus lit up. The more he thought about that possibility, the more feasible it seemed.

Wasn’t it true? If there was no treasure, how could the body remain unchanged even after so many years?

He immediately reached out to touch the girl’s body in order to grope for whatever treasures possibly hidden on her.

“What are you doing? Even a female corpse isn’t respected?! Are you that starved?!” A brother behind the guy spoke up.

The buddy next to him answered. “You can’t tell? He’s looking for treasure, a treasure that keeps a corpse from rotting.”

The two guys who spoke were very young, probably not more than thirty. They should have been from strong families, so they had no interest treasures that kept a corpse from rotting.

“Don’t let him take all the good stuff for himself. There’s another sarcophagus.” Someone jealous of the man spoke up.

That reminded everyone of the other sarcophagus. They were emboldened after seeing no harm come to the guy who opened the first one.

They got the second one opened in no time with everyone working together.

This one had a very handsome, young man also dressed in similar attire. His skin was alabaster smooth and just as delicate as the girl’s. Like her, he also a string of copper bells around his waist with no other accessories on his body.

They were overjoyed at the sight.

Great! He was also preserved, so there had to be treasure inside. Time to find the treasure!

A group of men began groping the boy’s body trying to find the treasure they imagined had to be on him somewhere. The other group was doing the same to the girl, as if they hadn’t seen a girl in years, their hands groped all over.

“Ah!” A sudden scream rang out.

Those picking at the young boy’s clothes turned around to find the people around the girl’s coffin had dispersed.

Standing was a guy with a hole where his heart used to be, scratched out by a hand as pale as alabaster.

The hand belonged to the female corpse. Her eyes, now open, were crimson red. Looking into her eyes was like looking at a scene with boundless mountains covered in dead bodies. It was as if you could hear the whine of dead souls coming from a sea of blood.

They saw the scene through the hole in the guy's chest.

“The corpse is different!”

From the guy being killed to the yell and everyone’s retreat from the female corpse, all of it happened in an instant. Though it was fast, those who were experienced felt it in slow motion.

“Be careful not to touch the string with the bells!”

But the warning came too late. Among the people trying to loot the boy’s corpse, one person had already planned on grabbing the copper bells. He hadn’t felt any magic coming from them, but the bell appeared on both bodies, so come to think of it, it would be a good idea to take it for later to study.

The other fellow was killed just as this guy was about to grab for the bell. The scream surprised him and he involuntarily tore the string and bells off the corpse. Instantly, the male corpse opened his eyes and the man who ripped the bells off followed in the footsteps of the other dead fellow: a hole in his chest, his heart torn out.

“Let’s work together!”

The sudden outburst from the two corpses surprised everyone, but they were all from hardened backgrounds, so they weren’t surprised for long. They quickly raised their weapons to meet the enemy head on.

The sword users slashed at the two corpses but it was no use. Their attacks were swept to the side with just a slight wave of the hand.

“They’re too powerful!”

“What the hell was that?! I know I hit the girl just now, but it felt like I was hitting stone!”

The people who were swept to the ground cried out. They couldn’t believe corpses so strong existed.

They had been thrown to the ground with just a single wave of their hand.

373: The Cliff

Since the sword users were useless, the magician stepped up to battle. Spells hit the corpses and forced them back a few steps, but it didn’t look like any damage was delivered.

The attack only served to increase the killing intent of the two corpses.

Everyone was on guard and fear filled their hearts. Their opponents were very strong.

“Let’s all leave, get out of this hall. We’ll talk about what to do afterwards.”

No one wanted to engage the corpses. They still weren’t sure what the corpses were exactly.

If you can’t beat it, then you have to run. Why stay and fight in a losing battle?

“Let’s go!” Zo grabbed Feng Wu’s hand and rushed to the back of the hall. So while the group attracted the corpses attention, the two escaped without trouble.

“Damn it! That little pansy ran away for fast!”

The people behind Zo cursed him out. While so many of them were dying, he was pulling the dark-haired girl and running away!

Damn beast! Shameful to run away so fast!

Zo didn’t know his reputation in their hearts had dropped another level, but even if he knew, he wouldn’t have cared.

Feng Wu and Zo rushed away. The two corpses were so strong, even Feng Wu didn’t want to face them. Xiao Chun’s ability could have purified evil spirits but there was something strange about the ones in the tomb, so Rui Baby had not recommended she use Xiao Chun.

Even if Feng Wu purified the evil spirits in front of them, more would just stream in to fill the void. They had to find the source if they wanted to resolve the situation.

Rui Baby didn’t want Feng Wu to waste her time doing something useless, so he had telepathically explained that she shouldn’t use Xiao Chun.

Speaking of Xiao Chun, Baby Rui had lots of questions. He knew Xiao Chun was the weapon of the goddess of purity and innocence. Legend had it, the goddess fell in love with someone she shouldn’t have. His identity was actually very unusual; some even said he was a demon.

While her heart was still pure and uncorrupted, she went to the divine realm and gathered materials to create a pure sword using the power of her still innocent heart. This sword was Xiao Chun.

From its knowledge inheritance, Rui Baby remembered some of the gods at the time said it was a demon realm conspiracy, meant to rob the goddess of purity and innocence of her powers. The demon realm would become even more emboldened once the goddess lost her ability to purify.

To make it work, someone in the demon realm had to disguise himself as a god to make the goddess of purity and innocence fall in love with him.

The goddess found out about the conspiracy and so she created Xiao Chun, a sword that could never be corrupted and would always have the power to purify all sins.

The goddess then took the sword to find the man she loved. They fought for three days and three nights across the god and demon realms. The outcome was a mystery.

Some say the two perished. Others say she died in his arms, leaving the whereabouts of the pure sword unknown.

Rui Baby never expected something like the pure sword, only ever seen in legends, to appear in the possession of a girl like Feng Wu. It was incredible.

To top it off, the pure sword loved Feng Wu a great deal. Rui Baby knew the sword couldn’t be used by anyone impure. Only someone pure could wield it. Since Feng Wu was its master, then she had to have a pure heart and mind.

Even Rui Baby liked being with her. There was a secret inside her, but he didn’t know what it was. Rui Baby’s ability was foresight, but because his strength wasn’t fully matured, he couldn’t accurately predict the future of the things he wanted to see.

Feng Wu, Zo and Rui Baby quickly made it to the end of the path. Who could have imagined the end of the path was a cliff?

It looked like the road continued on the other side of the cliff and the only way to get over to it was to jump.

“I’ll take you over.” Feng Wu took Zo’s hand, intending to carry him over.

Though the distance between the two cliffs was great, there were several stone pillars in between that they could use to hopscotch over. Zo was about to nod his head when Rui Baby spoke up.

“No! You think that Poseidon guy will let you cross over that easily? If I’m reading this correctly, there’s a formation between the cliffs. It will block anyone who tries to use their powers to fly over. With your abilities sealed midflight, what do you think will happen?”

Baby Rui was a rui beast so he was both smart and clever. Combine that with his inherited knowledge passed on from one generation to the next, and he was just better than a girl who transmigrated and a homebody boy time traveler.

Feng Wu and Zo imagined falling down pass the stone pillars halfway through their flight. They gulped. The picture was just too terrifying!

“Baby is so smart.” Feng Wu touched the eggshell on Rui Baby’s head. Her eyes were bright with admiration.

“Of course. You know who I am? I am the wisest in the world. Nothing can slip pass me.” If he wasn’t scrupulous and if Zo wasn’t there, Rui Baby would have totally shown off his wisdom abilities.

Unfortunately, no matter how smart Rui Baby was, it was impossible for him to know his cover had already been blown. Zo wouldn’t take the initiative to reveal this though, after all it related to the secret of his time travel.

“What should I do? There’s no bridge so it’s not like I can cross!” He could only rely on his own physical strength since he didn’t have magic or qi. But no matter how strong he was, it was impossible for him to cross the gulf. There was no bridge and he couldn’t fly.

374: Fighting

“Come on!” came a shout from nearby.

“Damn! It’s a dead end ahead.”

“Move! Two monsters are coming this way!”

“I hope the binding scroll lasts for a bit more! Please let us get out of here before they break free!”

A long line of figures ran out, talking as they ran, the panic clear in their speed and voice.

“Damn! There’s no way out!”

The cliff successfully blocked the people who were running away from the two corpses.

“Fortunately I still have a flying scroll!”

Many took out their own scrolls, obviously intending to fly over.

“Stop! You shouldn’t do that unless you want to die!” Zo warned them.

“What are you doing kid! Blocking our escape! Those monsters are about to catch up!”

They shouted out their dissatisfaction at Zo’s figure blocking the way.

“There is a formation below the cliff. If anyone tries to fly over using magic or qi, their powers will immediately be sealed and they’ll fall to their deaths!”

Zo wasn’t the kind of person who wouldn’t warn people of imminent danger. Though the group hadn’t been friendly towards him, he had no interest in seeing them all die either.

“For real?!”

This was incredible information. Though the group looked down on Zo for his almost non-existing strength, they didn’t dare take his warning lightly.

If he was lying, then it would be fine, but if he was telling the truth, then wouldn’t they be flying to their deaths?

Some were doubtful while some weren’t. The believers immediately put down their scroll.

“You’re talking nonsense! I think the two of you can’t cross so you want the rest of us to die here with you.” Bisi came out to cause trouble again. She wasn’t going to let a chance to provoke Feng Wu go to waste.

She looked down on Zo, any man who relied on a girl to protect him, of course she would. She didn’t believe Zo. The biggest reason was just that she didn’t believe anyone associated with Feng Wu.

“If you don’t believe me, then try launching a flight scroll.” Zo didn’t want to watch them die, but he wasn’t going stop anyone who wanted to rush to their deaths either. Not to mention this woman was still trying to give them trouble.

Bisi shifted her eyes away. She wanted to take her scroll out and hit him in the face with its success, but Zo looked so confident. Could he be telling the truth? she wondered.

Activating a scroll and testing it out, she wasn’t going to take a risk like that herself.

The group looked at one another in dismay, uncertain about what to do. A bold guy, who looked down on Zo, said, “I don’t believe. I’m gonna try it.”

He took out a long rope and tied it to his waist just as everyone thought he would activate a scroll. Then he walked to a large rock and tied the other end to it.

The safety measures made them blink. Here they thought he was just a big, dumb guy. Huh, apparently you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

So there was the guy, heroically activating his scroll. Majestically launching himself off the cliff. . .  only to drop straight down into the precipice.

“Don’t just stare down, help me up!” came the man’s voice from below.

“Hurry! Pull him up!”

After being pulled up, the guy unfastened the rope from around his waist then patted his bottom dust free. With confidence he declared, “According to the results of my test, this kid did not lie!”

We saw you drop; you don’t have to say it. The crowd groaned in their hearts.

“What do we do now? How do we cross over?”

The same question was on everyone’s mind. If they didn’t cross, then they were sitting ducks waiting to get killed. The two corpses were definitely going to kill them!

Fortunately it wasn’t a problem for too long; some smart person came up with a solution.

The other female magician, who had been quiet the entire time, never speaking up, was the one who had the solution.

She had an eagle monster. Her plan was to have the eagle fly over and tie a rope to the cliff on the other side. Though they couldn’t use magic or qi, they could tight walk across the rope.

Everyone praised the plan. They found an especially thick rope for its strength. It could hold two people at a time, any more than that and the balance would be compromised. It was quickly secured thanks to the magician’s eagle.

She was the first to go, easily crossing over with her good balance.

Her success proved it was possible, so everyone else lined up for their turn.

Zo and Feng Wu didn’t fight to be in front, so as a result the were at the end of the line.

It didn’t take long before nearly everyone had crossed; they were walking as fast as they could. The second to last couple were in the process of crossing over when a burst of noise sounded.

The two corpses had arrived. The people standing on the other side of the cliff looked terrified. Though the people in the midst of crossing hadn’t gotten far, Feng Wu was the only one on the ground who could fight.

“Stand back and hide.” Feng Wu stepped back and put the short dagger away. A different sword, an ancient looking one, appeared in her hand.

It was Xiao Chun of course. She slowly pulled him out his sheath as she faced the two corpses.

“Be careful.” Zo said worriedly as he nodded.

Feng Wu responded with a, “Yes,” as she raised her sword, taking the initiative to attack.

The qi that surrounded the sword was like a rainbow. The sword intent Feng Wu projected was a sword intent of the natural world.

It was natural for death to follow life. Some would say this was reincarnation. In fact Feng Wu’s sword intent was exactly like reincarnation.

Feng Wu rarely used Xiao Chun to attack directly; the gap between her strength and Xiao Chun’s strength was too great.

Her strength was still too low. If she used him to attack now, his purification powers would be affected by her attack. . . 

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