The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 375., 376, 377, 378

Chapter 375., 376, 377, 378

375: Feng Wu Fights the Two Corpses

Xiao Chun was a weapon first and foremost. She had to learn how to use his powers instead of letting him go out and play freely. Continuing to do so wasn’t good for their development.

Before leaving Xingguang Holy academy, her master had told her she needed to learn to wield Xiao Chun’s power. Xiao Chun was a weapon, and a weapon needed its wielder in order to reach its maximum potential.

Even though Xiao Chun looked extremely powerful, he couldn’t exert his full powers. He needed a master to activate his abilities.

Feng Wu hadn’t had the chance to practice with Xiao Chun, but here was a chance to use him in a fight.

The popcorn munchers across the way were shocked at Feng Wu engaging the two corpses. None of them expected her to survive the fight fighting alone.

It was a pity such a beautiful cutie would be cut down by two corpses.

Just a while ago, the forty of them had tried attacking the corpses. Six of them died just to buy everyone else enough time to escape. Now Feng Wu was fighting the corpses alone; it was a foregone conclusion.

Though Zo was the only one worried about Feng Wu, he believed she would survive. He didn’t think a master of a rui beast would die that easily.

White energy flew out of Xiao Chun at the two corpses, and although they felt the frightening power of the energy being emitted, they were unphased, and remained solely interested in killing. They simply didn’t feel fear.

They roared at the skies, hurting everyone’s ears and stressing their minds.

“Oh my god! Their voices are unbearable!”

“It’s just awful!”

The two people in the middle of crossing the chasm nearly fell off from the shock. They regained their balance and sped up, all the while wishing in their hearts their parents had given them four legs instead of two.

But did Xiao Chun’s energy beam actually hit the two corpses? Of course not! It only hit their afterimages. They had already avoided the attack, but they were so fast, they left an afterimage.

Feng Wu listened to the sounds of their movements and was able to turn around just in time to block a blow from behind, however it forced her to take several steps back.

The two corpses were powerful and had bodies that were strong enough to crack rocks with one blow.

She switched to the Nine Profound sword art style after stabilizing her footing. It was a sword art her master taught her and was one of the strongest she could use. It was comparable to a holy sword art in strength.

In her current world, holy sword arts were trapped inside a person’s cultivation base. And without that base, it was generally difficult to use holy sword arts. Even if someone did manage to use a holy sword art, they would damage their bodies from the force of it.

In essence, it was like dealing one thousand damage to the enemy only to suffer eight hundred damage yourself, so unless it was a life or death situation, no one would voluntarily use a holy sword art if their own level was too far below a holy level.

“She’s going to suffer so much damage from that. I would never have imagined a little girl would have a holy sword art.”

“If you go and save that girl now, maybe she’ll thank you by sharing the art with you.”

“Go to hell. A holy level sword art is awesome, but I want to live for more years still!”

Most of the people already across were sword users, so the holy sword art was hugely tempting to them. The highest level swordmasters on the continent were heavenly swordmasters who used holy level sword arts. There weren’t many holy level arts, but the greater families did have a small collection of them.

Thinking about a little girl like Feng Wu having one set their hearts on fire. But that flame dimmed somewhat when they thought about the odds of her dying. Could they pick it up from her storage ring after she died?

They looked at the two corpses staring at them from across the cliff.

No. . .  better not think about it. Life was more precious.

Feng Wu and the corpses executed hundreds of moves, all within the blink of an eye.

Feng Wu held Xiao Chun in one hand. Xiao Chun was surrounded by his powerful purification aura, so although he wasn’t allowed to eat the miasma, he was allowed to purify the evil spirits released by the corpses. His purification was extremely powerful and left cuts on their bodies wherever they made contact.

Zo, watching from a distance, was surprised by Feng Wu’s strength. He knew she was strong, but he never expected her to be so strong.

On top of that, she also had a powerful sword art and an extraordinary sword in her hand. It was too easy for others to covet. He looked over across the tightrope, and sure enough several sword users were staring at Feng Wu’s sword.

It was obvious from a glance the sword was extraordinary, capable as it was of injuring the two corpses. It was probably a holy level sword, and a holy level sword was strong temptation for some.

Even the greater families would be interested and would most likely send people to try to retrieve it.

Zo’s deductions weren’t that surprising. His eyes lit up when he saw that the last two people had finally finished crossing. He immediately shouted, “Feng Wu! Get over! You can cross now!”

Zo could see Feng Wu was strong, but her strength was still a ways away from the two corpses. She couldn’t hope to be their opponents at her current level, so whether she would be injured or killed was still up for debate. The best Zo could do was find an opportunity for her to escape.

Feng Wu bit her lip and spoke without looking over, “You go first!” She couldn’t leave yet, she had to buy more time for Zo.

Rui Baby riding on her head turned to look anxiously over at Zo. Hopefully this kid wouldn’t say something stupid like “Let’s stay together!”

Zo wasn’t a pig teammate. He was a good friend, so of course he wasn’t going to say something as stupid as that. He immediately ran to the rope and tried testing his balance on it before walking to the opposite cliff slowly.

The bottomless swirling white fog made it impossible to tell what was below. . . 

376: Conspiracy

Zo resisted the urge to look down and instead kept walking one foot in front of the other. He was fortunate in that, though he was a waste in the arts, he had always taken the time to train his body, so his balance was good. As long as nothing happened in the middle, he would make it across.

On the other side, Feng Wu was still fighting with the two corpses. All their attacks were being blocked by Xiao Chun.

Even though their bodies had visible deep cuts from Xiao Chun, they didn’t show any pain. They were unaffected because the air was saturated with evil miasma. It was easy for them to use the miasma to heal, so although their wounds looked scary, they were in actuality not very serious at all.

Their attacks didn’t slow.

On the other hand, though Feng Wu had Xiao Chun to protect her, she was still in danger from their attacks. The scratches on her arm had spirit leaches.

The two ancient corpses were full of evil miasma, so the wounds they inflicted were laced with miasma as well. The miasma would seep deep into the body and cut off a person’s life force if the wound wasn’t healed in time.

This wasn’t a problem for Feng Wu because she had Xiao Chun. Any kind of pollution would be purified instantly the moment it tried to enter her body.

Even if she was using a powerful art and a powerful weapon, the people on the other side had to admit, it was a testament to her strength that she managed to survive for so long.

For young geniuses like her, if they didn’t die, then they didn’t live well. There were plenty of perverts in the world who enjoyed killing geniuses before they had the chance to fully blossom into their powers and abilities.

Feng Wu nodded to herself when she saw that Zo had made it halfway across. She released a powerful sword move to distract the corpses before leaping up and jumping onto the tightrope.

She walked fast. Because her body was light and she knew how to light step, she was able to walk on the rope without jiggling it at all.

If it weren’t for the shouts from people across the cliff, Zo would never have known Feng Wu was coming up behind him.

They were afraid the corpses would chase Feng Wu across the tightrope. If the corpses did chase, then they would have to cut the rope to protect themselves.

Fortunately the two corpses did not give chase. Just as everyone was feeling relieved, the rope snapped and broke.

“Ah!” Zo had not expected Bisi to grab the opportunity and move against them. He only managed to make one scream before both he and Feng Wu fell through the swirling fog.

“What did you do?!”

None of them had expected someone would take the opportunity to attack either.

Bisi had frozen part of the rope to weaken it as Feng Wu and Zo were crossing. Unable to bear their weight, the part that was frozen collapsed and broke into icicles.

Bisi had finally gotten her revenge! Her excitement didn’t dim even in the face of the glares of the group.

“I didn’t do anything. What if those two monsters chased after us?” Bisi said arrogantly.

“Please. Don’t think we can’t see through you. You just took the opportunity to retaliate against those two.”

Their eyes were hostile. Bisi had just stabbed Feng Wu in the back. There was no telling when she would do the same to them. A despicable villain like her, it was better to kill her sooner than later.

Bisi was quick to speak when she saw their intentions. “Don’t worry. I acted against those two because I have a grudge against them. That girl, along with her teammates, killed my father. I have no grudge against the rest of you, so be assured, as long as no one treats me unfairly, I can guarantee that this will probably be the first and only time I’ll move my hand against someone.”

The group looked at each other. So that was why Bisi was so hostile toward Feng Wu and Zo. It turned out there was such a reason behind it. Surprisingly, no one questioned her or suspected her of lying. After all, who would use their father to lie?

The group’s reason for wanting to murder her dropped a lot after hearing that. They wouldn’t kill her, but they wouldn’t trust her and lower their guard around her either.

Bisi was relieved to have dispelled their murderous intentions. She wasn’t sure if she would have been able to escape from so many people. Plus, it would have been too dangerous to move through the tomb alone.

If they had insisted on trying to kill her, she would have had escape and travel alone. But fortunately the group changed their mind about killing her.

Feng Wu and Zo’s death didn’t disturb the group. None of them had extra pity to spare on strangers. It was acknowledged that adventurers faced dangers every day, with death constantly around the corner.

Unknown poisonous small things crawled through the white hill made of bones. There was no grass, only a few poisonous flowers leaning against the wind in the blood colored ground.

Shrill screams whipped through the air while the wind cut like a knife through skin. The whole thing made you feel cold despair.

Living creatures wouldn’t survive in the white shrouded land.

Zo felt someone patting his cheek so he struggled to open his eyes. Once he did, he saw a vague figure in front of him.

“Feng Wu?” Zo called out uncertainly.

“You’re awake. Do you feel better?” Feng Wu wrinkled her button nose. The worry was clear in her black-crystalline eyes.

“Are we at the bottom of the cliff?” Zo shivered as he looked at their surroundings. “We’re still alive! I thought we were dead.” At that time, his unwillingness had been so palpable, he nearly drowned in it. He carried the life and death of all those in the future on his back.

Dying before accomplishing anything, how could he face everyone who had sent him back?

But fortunately he was still alive, and as long as he stayed alive there was always hope. He would complete his mission to save the world from destruction. Zo reaffirmed the oath in his heart.

377: Bottom of the Cliff

Shrill screams came in bursts, and being at the bottom of a cliff like this, it sounded like ghosts wailing.

“Thank me. If it weren’t for me, you’d be dead.” Rui Baby gave Zo a proud look. It seemed to say: I’m amazing! Amazing! Amazing! Great things must be repeated three times.

“You saved me?” Zo was surprised. He thought Feng Wu had used some special ability. He never expected it was Rui Baby that saved him.

It wasn’t that Zo looked down on the little guy, but he was so small, you could practically fit him in your pocket. It was hard to believe such a little guy could save anyone.

Besides, he knew rui beasts had no offensive abilities. Aside from its own innate skills, it really had no powers at all. So Zo had a difficult time associating Rui Baby with his savior.

“Of course, it was this baby! If you don’t believe, you can ask Feng Wu!” Rui Baby said angrily.

Feng Wu nodded. It was indeed Rui Baby that saved them.

As the two of them fell off the cliff, Rui Baby had jumped out and sent Feng Wu to the bottom safely. Zo wasn’t as fortunate.

“You can do that?!” Zo was shocked. He had never heard of a rui having such an ability before.

“What’s so weird about that? I have the power to protect myself, even if I am weak. This kind of enchantment is just a form of self-protection. There’s no offensive capabilities to it.”

The wise little guy was so sad; he didn’t have any attack abilities at all. If he couldn’t do something as simple as create a barrier, then any ordinary beasts would be able to bully him.

“When did rui beasts have this kind of power?!” Most importantly, Zi Cheng’s friend never said anything about it. What was going on?

Zo was confused. He wasn’t sure if his world’s Zi Cheng had kept the ability secret or if the rui beast she controlled never had it.

“You know I’m a rui beast?!” Rui Baby froze before immediately retreating into Feng Wu’s arms. The expression on his face clearly said he did not want to be kidnapped. He was on high alert as he looked at Zo.

Zo rubbed his nose, embarrassed. He accidentally revealed something he shouldn’t have. How to handle the situation?

Even Feng Wu was looking at him suspiciously now. She was simple, but she wasn’t stupid. She knew the rui could make people behave badly. Plus, she never told Zo about Rui Baby, so how did he know?

Feng Wu blinked her big, confused eyes at Zo, her questions clearly there to see.

“Well -cough-. . .  Actually my family has written records of rui beasts so I was able to guess the baby’s identity a few days ago.” Zo had no choice but to lie shamefully.

“You could tell the rock was a rui egg? Others thought it was only an ore. How did you know it was me inside?”

Unlike Feng Wu, who was sweet and easy to deceive, Rui Baby was a wise beast with an IQ higher than the stratosphere.

Such a simple lie, how could it fool Rui Baby?

The question had been so sharp, it left Zo speechless. josei

The shrill screams around them increased and were now coming almost one after the another in succession. It was horrifying to hear.

“Let’s look around and try to find something to eat.” Zo bluntly changed the topic. He didn’t dare let Rui Baby ask any more questions. Any more and his reborn disguise would be torn off.

No one could know. He only shared his identity with Ai Lin because both of them had secret identities and they shared a common enemy, thus it was good for them to cooperate. He wasn’t worried about Ai Lin revealing his secret because she had a secret of her own.

Besides, someone reborn like him wasn’t as conspicuous as an alien soul like Ai Lin. She had a lot more to lose if her secret was revealed than he did if his was revealed. So he knew Ai Lin would stay quiet about his secret.

With Feng Wu, well, he just didn’t want to involve her. There were a lot of things he had to do, most of which were dangerous. He didn’t want to involve Feng Wu in any of it. He just hoped she could live a long and happy life.

Of course he wanted to protect himself as well. The intense look Rui Baby gave him made him sick to his stomach.

“There is a lot of grievance and miasma here. We may have reached a forbidden place.” Rui Baby rose up and flew back to Feng Wu’s hair to continue making his nest.

Feng Wu nodded in agreement. The entire place was colored red and black to her, very strange.

Feng Wu raised her head to look around. The screams felt even closer, which was confusing. Who was calling out? Whoever it was, had to be in a lot of pain. She remembered when she was on Yuehua mountain and one of her bear friends stepped into a bear trap. It had been incredibly painful for him.

How pitiful. Whoever it was, had to be injured like the big bear.

“The sound is really hard on the ears.”

The heartfelt cries of pain was really difficult to listen to.

Zo followed behind Feng Wu as she walked all around the base of the cliff. There were a lot of white bones and poisonous bugs and flowers. They also found the entrance to a cave, which was where the screaming cries originated from.

“Do you want to go in?” Zo looked into the opening, wondering if they should go in or not. It didn’t look like anything good. It was probably a dead end, but there was a possibility it was the exit out of the haunting place.

“Do we have a choice? Do you want to stay and retire here with a bunch of bones?” Rui Baby rolled his eyes.

He had some something stupid Zo realized.

“Let’s go!” Master said if there were difficulties, then you had to overcome them. If you couldn’t overcome them, then you had to work hard to improve your strength and then over come them. Feng Wu always listened to Master’s words. She wasn’t afraid at all. What she was more concerned about was whether or not she was strong enough to overcome the danger inside.

If it was too dangerous, then she would bring Zo back out and go back inside again later after improving her strength.

That was an easy decision.

Zo would definitely have complained if he knew Feng Wu’s thinking process.

Zo: Didn’t you think about what to do if we can’t get out?

Feng Wu: I didn’t think about it.

378: Pain of the Soul

The cave looked dark from the outside, but now that they were walking into it, it wasn’t completely dark. A few green flames gave off light as they fluttered through the air, but their presence was frightening.

Dark caves, floating ghost flames, this was standard fare for horror movies!

Zo swallowed and followed closely behind Feng Wu.

There was only one passage through the cave. “Ah!” The cries felt closer and clearer now that they were inside.

“Let’s go!” Feng Wu walked directly through the green ghost flames.

“Wait!” Zo grabbed Feng Wu before taking out a light item from his space ring.

The cave immediately became brighter, but their backs would be chilled every time a cold breeze blew in from behind them into the cave.

Unexpectedly, there were no bones inside, only a bunch of green flames. The number of green flames increased as they walked farther in. It was scalp tingling. Those faint of heart would have fainted already.

Feng Wu considered the ones screaming to be like her friend Big Bear, so she kept walking forward even though both Zo and Rui Baby both felt they were heading toward danger. It was like the voices were telling her they were in a great deal of pain and they needed someone to save them.

Feng Wu felt she could save them, so she kept walking without hesitating.

At the end of the passage they came upon a stone gate two meters high. The sounds were coming from behind the gate. The closer they got, the clearer it became and they more painful it was to listen to.

Zo felt like scum. Such a painful cry made his heart hurt and brain feel like it was going to explode.

Feng Wu saw the blood vessels in his eyes pulsing red so she immediately closed off his five senses and put him to sleep. She found a place and laid him down before proceeding.

She knew the person she wanted to find was behind the gate, so she reached out to open it.

Rui Baby knew he couldn’t stop Feng Wu. He had already decided to go with the flow; if worse came to worse, he’d just run away.

That was the only way he could comfort himself.

Feng Wu opened the door and the scene she saw imprinted itself in her mind. Thousands of nimble souls were chained together as a wicked white flame burned them, causing them unspeakable pain without harming their spirit form.

Many had already turned into resentful spirits that only harbored hatred inside. Only a few still clung to human reason. Perhaps, this was its own kind of pain for them.

The cries she and the others heard were from these spirits. They roared and screamed in agony at a pain that seemed never ending.

“Is this the place that creates the evil spirits? Good if so. We can solve the problem right here.” Rui Baby didn’t expect they would be so lucky. The spirits that would turn into evil spirits were right here.

“Strangers, little girl, you are lucky to make it to this place alive.”

Feng Wu looked to the source of the voice that had floated to her ears. She found a man dressed in gorgeous Chinese clothes, even more beautifully made than the ones on the corpses from earlier. He wore a crown, symbolizing his right to rule, on his head. He was different from the souls around him who had lost their ego.

Although his soul had evil spirit and resentment, he was still cognizant of himself.

“You are the owner of this tomb?” Though it was a question, Rui Baby spoke in the affirmative.

“Oh? Even a rui beast has come. I never thought I’d see a rui beast after dying.” The man looked in surprise at Rui Baby.

“You’ve seen other rui beasts?” Rui Baby asked curiously.

“I have. I have seen one. That rui had powerful healing abilities. Any injury, he would be able to heal it. He was a kind thing. He helped our nation a lot.”

The man had been speaking while being burned by the fire, however he didn’t make a single sound of pain. Even Rui Baby was impressed. This was the first guy he ever met who could endure that kind of spiritual pain and still retain his ego.

“You’re talking about my aunt!” Rui beasts clan members were a small bunch. They had gone into hiding deep in the spiritual world ever since humans got the idea of using rui beasts in contracts. Only a few magical beasts could even locate them.

“Millie is your aunt?” The king was surprised to meet a descendent of his friend.

“That was my aunt. I never expected the friend my aunt never forgot was you. She still thought of you even upon her death.” Thinking about his aunt made Rui Baby a little sad.

His aunt Millie was kind and sweet. Amongst all the rui beasts, she was not the smartest, but she was the kindest. She wouldn’t have died at the hands of the Shura in order to save a bunch of weak humans otherwise.

According to their people’s age, she had been very young, just barely an adult. Everyone in the rui clan felt her death was a great pity, probably because it was such an unworthy death.

Because ruis were smarter than others, they saw things very clearly. But even then you didn’t have to think that hard to realize there was only one life. She could have returned to the spirit world but chose to die with the humans. As smart and wise as she was, it was hard to understand why she did it.

“Is Millie dead? I didn’t expect her to be. That fool, I told her to return to the spiritual world, but she never listens. . . ” Upon hearing his friend was dead, the young king grew sad.

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