The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 379, 380, 381, 382

Chapter 379, 380, 381, 382

379: It Doesn’t Hurt Anymore Right?

The young emperor must have had a close relationship with Rui Baby’s aunt. The sadness in his eyes were genuine and reflected the sadness in his heart.

“That is indeed something my aunt would do. The elders all wondered why our beast clan, which is so clever, produced such a foolish idiot like Millie.

Feng Wu quietly listened to the conversation between beast and spirit. She didn’t know who Millie was and she didn’t ask questions. Instead, she contacted Xiao Chun and asked about a way to save the poor souls.

Of course Xiao Chun agreed. It would have been strange for him to let go of an opportunity to eat. But the fire was a problem. He thought about it for a moment, then contacted his friend Pure Flame.

It was the first time Xiao Chun asked his friend for help. Pure Flame, this girl was super lazy and usually hid in his dimensional space and slept. Xiao Chun first met her when she was living on Yuehua mountain. Xiao Chun was an emotionally intelligent guy and soon enough Pure Flame agreed to live inside his dimensional space. Things went smoothly and Pure Flames contributions couldn’t be denied. But this time, in order to help Feng Wu, he had to let his friend out and let her shine.

Pure Flame was the first of the Heavenly Flames. She could devour any fire she wanted to eat and then use its powers herself, but she was too lazy to seek out other regular flames, never mind the labor-intensive act of eating other Heavenly Flames.

But because she and Xiao Chun were good friends, she agreed to help. Her form shifted and she appeared as a human-shaped white flame in front of Feng Wu.

Feng Wu stared curiously at her. Although Pure Flame technically lived inside Feng Wu’s dantian, Feng Wu had never communicated with Pure Flame. They didn’t have a contractual relationship, so if Feng Wu wanted to speak with Pure Flame, she had to do it through Xiao Chun.

The white flames were collected by the sea god so they weren’t ordinary flames. After 10,000 years, they had developed a consciousness, so Pure Flame’s appearance immediately attracted their attention. Even the lowest flame was on the Heaven and Earth flame list. However, when confronted with the sudden appearance of Pure Flame, the white flames felt a deep and profound sense of terror.

They wanted to run away, but in front of such a fierce flame, they wilted and lost all their strength to resist. There was no escape. They could only stare at the human-shaped flame before it swallowed them almost instantly.

Pure Flame wasn’t fooled though. The tiny flames were just offshoots from a main body. She ate and drank her way through the thousands of flames until she reached the main body. The main wanted to run and hide away from the disaster, but Pure Flame wasn’t allowing it.

Just as it was looking for an avenue of escape, Pure Flame came at it and munched it down in one big gulp.

The remaining tiny white flames quickly sputtered out after losing their main power supply.

“This. . .  how is this possible?!” An incredulous look appeared on the king’s face. It was the first time he had lost control of himself and displayed such emotion. josei

The flames had been burning for thousands of years, forcing all of them to endure a hellish existence they could never hope to end. Maintaining his self-identity and not letting resentment turn him into an evil spirit himself was the extent of his abilities.

If someone had told him the white flames could be swallowed by another flame, he would not have believed it. But today, he witnessed a scene he never dared imagine was possible. It felt unreal. If he could move with a physical body, he would have pinched himself to see if he was dreaming.

After Pure Flame ate up the other flames, she immediately flew back into Xiao Chun’s dimensional space to digest.

Now it was Xiao Chun’s turn to take center stage. He came out and surrounded all the evil spirits and resentment with his terrifying pressure and purified them in one fell swoop. This, in turn, destroyed the chains on the souls.

The cave filled with screams as the chained souls roared in agony from the painful process. A few minutes later they were all purified.

“We. . . are we saved?”

“We’re free! Woohoo, finally!”

“Ah. . .  finally.”

Their ecstatic voices filled the cave. The poor things had been tortured for so long, they never expected to ever be free again, so what was happening now felt like a dream. They worried that any moment they would again be chained to the flames and be tortured.

“Thank you, little girl. Thank you for saving my people. Thank you sincerely.” The king who had never shed a tear in all his existence, had tears in his eyes.

He had not acted as a king should when he first took power. He was out of touch with his people and had looked down on everyone, after all he was a king and they were just mere citizens, but as he aged, he grew to understand his responsibilities as king. Unfortunately, he wasn’t given the chance to do much, because he died shortly after during the upheaval from the war between the gods and demons.

His people built a burial tomb and buried all his dead subjects with him so that they could continue to follow him and serve him even in death.

They never expected the sea god would die from his injuries from the war. Nor did they expect him to move human tombs into his own tomb to create a more thief-proof tomb.

The king’s people had been living a hellish existence ever since.

“No need to thank me. It doesn’t hurt anymore right?” Feng Wu asked seriously.

The king’s heart was warmed by her pure, gentle heart. She truly did deserve to be loved by a rui beast.

“It does not hurt anymore.” The king smiled gently.

“Your Highness! Your Highness!”

“Your Highness, are you alright?”

“Damn it! I failed to protect Your Highness and made Your Highness suffer!”

A thousand souls knelt down fiercely in front of the king.

380: The King’s Request

The king sighed as both guilt and relief flashed in his eyes. His heart saddened at the thought of how his loyal soldiers and servants had suffered because of him.

“Everyone get up. I am at fault for making all of you suffer.”

“No, no, no! How can Your Highness take the blame for this? It was that despicable and shameless sea god!” A general in armor stepped forward and spoke out loudly.

Their noses had soured and their eyes reddened upon hearing the king blame himself for their plight.

“Let us not talk any more of this. Come, we must thank our benefactors. If this young lady had not rescued us, I’m afraid we would never have gained our freedom.” The king looked at Feng Wu gratefully.

“Thank you, benefactor!”

“Turns out you are the benefactor. Thank you so much!”

“If there is an afterlife, I will strive to repay benefactor’s kindness.”

“Yes, thank you benefactor!”

“Thank you!”

A chorus of gratitude rose from the souls.

Feng Wu blinked and titled her head to one side as she looked at them thanking her so wholeheartedly.

“Stop, stop! You guys are too loud! Can you stop talking all at once?! So noisy!” Rui Baby yelled out in annoyance.

Such comment from a pet. Well it was the benefactor’s pet so of course they were willing to show deference to it. They immediately quieted.

“Do you want to leave here?” Feng Wu asked after they quieted down.

Everyone turned their eyes to the king. What they wanted didn’t matter; it was up to him.

“Naturally, leave. This place carries too many painful memories.” Despite thousands of years of torture, the king was still regal. He carried himself with the temperament of one who was noble.

“Are you going to reincarnate?” Feng Wu asked. She thought of the spirits she encountered before. Most had been reincarnated as human beings. Only a few were actually annihilated because they were unsalvageable or too problematic.

“Perhaps we have over stayed in the human world. None can leave the natural law that is the cycle of life and death until they’ve reached the divine plane.”

“You should wait if you want to reincarnate. Your souls have weakened considerably after so many years of torture. If you don’t address this first, when you are reincarnated, you’ll definitely be weak and sick. And if it’s serious, you’ll end up back reincarnated again.” Rui Baby said.

The king nodded. He didn’t doubt Rui Baby’s words. There was no question that all their souls were considerably weakened from so many years of torment. There would be issues if they didn’t take care of it.

“By the way, I have to ask, is that sea god really dead?” One of the generals asked Feng Wu nervously.

Feng Wu thought for a moment before answering. “He has been dead for a long time.”

“The sea god is really dead!”

“That’s good. If he wasn’t, I would have killed himself!”

“Wow me too! I didn’t expect the sea god to die early. I would have risked my life to take out that viciously evil sea god!”

“Yeah! He got off too easy!”

“Small-minded and as evil as a demon! That guy did not deserve to be worshipped by so many! Didn’t deserve to be a god at all! If all the gods are like him, I’ll never worship a god again!”

Three big generals talked about the sea god like they were old ladies gossiping at market.

“Everyone, quiet.”

The king was a lofty person and held a high position in the hearts of his servants and soldiers. Even if his voice wasn’t loud, they obeyed.

“Since benefactor was able to come here, then that must mean the sea god’s tomb has opened?” Though it was posed as a question, it was clear from the king’s tone he was already certain.

“That’s right.” Feng Wu answered.

“Can you tell us about the opening of the tomb?” The king said with a smile. It must be noted, his smile, though not as enchanting as Ming Xi’s, was nonetheless unique and beautiful in a noble way.

Feng Wu nodded. She didn’t hide anything and proceeded to tell him all about the opening of the tomb, the sea crossing, and how they entered his tomb.

“Benefactor, I wonder if I may ask you one thing?” The king’s face became serious suddenly.

“You want Xiao Wu to help you save the other kings? You’re giving her too much credit. Her being able to save you, that was just pure luck. The tombs for these other rulers, they will be much more difficult to break into.” Rui Baby was unhappy. He felt that the king was being pushy.

“I know it will be difficult for benefactor to do this, but I cannot bear to see the other rulers suffer under the sea god’s hands. For the sake of the benefactor’s safety, I would not ask benefactor save them directly, but only that benefactor bring us out with you to the next tomb.

We will protect the benefactor during this time, save the benefactor’s life and allow her to escape smoothly should we encounter any danger.” The king pled with his eyes. He would not feel at ease if he did nothing to try to stop the suffering of the other kings in the tomb.

“Are you sure you will protect Xiao Wu?” Rui Baby asked for confirmation.

“Yes, even if we perish, the benefactor will not come to harm,” promised the king.

The soldiers and servants standing to the side had no opinion on the matter. They didn’t feel there was anything wrong with their king decided for them. In their hearts, any decision he made would be the correct one. They were all happy to save the other rulers being tormented and incidentally help destroy that nasty god’s tomb and help these juniors steal his treasures; it was good punishment.

381: The Forgotten Zo

Rui Baby was impressed by the king’s promise to protect Feng Wu.

“Xiao Wu, are you going to save the other spirits? If you want to go, you can bring them with you. These guys were really strong before they died; they’ll be great as on-call thugs.”

The king smiled bitterly. He was a dignified king of the world, but in the eyes of the rui, he was relegated to being a thug. He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry.

“Save them.” Feng Wu made her decision after three seconds of thought. She was acting heroically right?

Master said, for those who practiced martial arts, they needed to eliminate the bad and support the weak when necessary, in other words, be chivalrous.

Who would have the audacity to call themselves chivalrous if they didn’t go out every now and again to save people?

Anyone like that should be embarrassed to mix with in jiānghú

She was doing what Master said, so when she returned, she had to be sure to tell him. That way he could praise her properly!

Unfortunately, Feng Wu didn’t realize this advice was for survival in the martial world.

The world Feng Wu originated from was one with many long-lived masters and were martial arts prospered. It was a world where reputation and strength ranked high in importance. And in fact, the fastest way for a rookie to earn a reputation was through chivalrous deeds. Save a girl from being molested one day and destroy a notorious mountain thief lair the next. To earn fame, these were all must-do routines.

White had intended for Feng Wu to go out into the jiānghú and follow this same routine in order to improve her strength through battling. Unfortunately his little Tian Lan crossed over to another world and became Feng Wu, thus ruining his plan.

In her current world, it wasn’t possible to be chivalrous and use the same routine, but poor Feng Wu didn’t know this.

In the current world, you couldn’t just beg someone for help. No. What you had to do was post the request in one of the guilds. A bunch of people will rush to your aid then. But if you’re broke, and you want someone to help you, then you’ll have to rely on luck, and if you’re lucky, you might find a fool who thinks nothing of money.

Feng Wu didn’t go out and be chivalrous before because she forgot, plus she never had any encounters that warranted it.

She had completely overlooked this when she came to rescue the spirits. She’d only come in the first place because the cry had reminded her of her friend Big Bear. The king’s request for help reminded her she needed to start acting chivalrous!

Her master would definitely praise her!

White: This world doesn’t even know what chivalry is. Remember be righteous, do good deeds, and get paid!

Feng Wu: . . . 

“Wait, it’s OK to save people, but don’t you know good deeds require payment?” Rui Baby wasn’t as dull as Feng Wu. Since he’d already got on Feng Wu’s boat, he might as well try to get her as many benefits as he could.

All these guys were dead for tens of thousands of years. Treasures were all over the place in ancient times, so they had to have some really good items on them.

“Of course, we wouldn’t let the benefactor doing anything in vain.” The king didn’t see anything wrong with what Rui Baby said. It was customary to pay the person helping you. “It’s just that we don’t have any items on us right now. There are a few good things in my tomb however. Benefactor may retrieve those items.”

Baby Rui’s greedy antennae flared up. Indeed, there had to be some really good things there! He nodded his head in satisfaction.

With an agreement reached, the most important thing now was to find a way out.

It was difficult before, but now with the tomb owner’s help, it would be easy.

Feng Wu walked out of the stone room together with the spirits. She’d only taken a few steps when her foot hit a human-shaped object. Her eyes lit up widely with a stupefied expression. No wonder she’d been feeling like she’d forgotten something! It was Zo!

Zo opened his eyes only to find himself back in the middle of a pile of bones under the cliff.

“Feng Wu?” He clearly remembered walking into the cave with her, so how’d he end up here? Had he been dreaming about them entering the cave?

Zo didn't think this was the case, but he wasn’t sure.

“Are you awake? We can leave now.” Feng Wu said. She peeked at him timidly. Was he angry she’d left him alone? She twisted her fingers in her hand worriedly.

Zo had no such thoughts. His attention was focused on the four words she had just said. Leave here? He wasn’t dreaming then? But it felt like he’d just slept and yet so much time had passed. Now they’d found a way out. It seemed like all he did was sleep! He scratched his head in embarrassment as he felt quite useless.

Zo suppressed the emotions in his heart and asked, “Where do we go from here?”

The place was full of bones, and aside from the poisonous insects and flowers, there were only screams filling the air. It was a gloomy place with nothing else.

“This pansy, Xiao Wu, just ditch him!”

The spirits and Feng Wu had chatted quite a bit before Zo woke up. As a result, they stopped calling her benefactor and started calling her Xiao Wu.

“Yeah, Xiao Wu, if you’re looking for a man, you need to find someone stronger!”

“That’s right Xiao Wu! This brat doesn’t deserve you!”

Not far from Feng Wu, many of the spirits were looking at Zo disdainfully.

Unaware he was being observed by scornful eyes, Zo felt a chill run down his spine. He pulled his clothes tighter then rubbed his hands together.

“You, close your eyes.” Feng Wu said.

“Close my eyes?” Zo was confused, but did as told. He knew Feng Wu wouldn’t harm him.

“Wait one minute, and no matter what you feel, don’t open your eyes.” Feng Wu warned anxiously.

“OK.” Zo nodded and promised.

Rui Baby had said Zo wouldn’t be able to see the spirits, so if Zo knew he was suddenly surrounded by a thousand spirits, he would definitely be scared. Feng Wu didn’t want to frighten him by saying anything about them.

In Feng Wu’s heart, Zo was indeed a weak person, so it would have been bad to frighten him.

Zo:. . . 

382: The Self-cleaning Tomb

The wind blew into his ears and the stung his cheeks. It felt like his body was being pulled up by something, as though he was flying higher and higher. He wanted to open his eyes and see what was going on, but he had made a promise, so though he was curious, he kept his eyes shut tight.

Everyone had their secrets and if Feng Wu didn’t want him to open his eyes, then the secret had to have something to do with them leaving. Zo wasn’t one to pry.

Zo’s discreet tact gave the spirits sending him up the cliff change their opinion of him for the better. They had thought he was a clueless little leech, but it didn’t seem to the case. His character wasn’t bad after all.

Who knew how long it took? Maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours, but Zo finally made it back up the cliff onto solid ground.

“You can open your eyes now.” Feng Wu’s voice came out sweet and adorable. Even if her face was as stiff as a brick, it didn’t affect her cuteness. Unfortunately, Zo wasn’t in the frame of mind to appreciate such cuteness. His head was spinning and his body was heavy.

“Are you OK?” Feng Wu had also been sent up by the spirits. They had used their powers to block the yin wind for her, so she hadn’t felt any discomfort coming up.

Zo didn’t get the same treatment. The spirits listened to Feng Wu and sent him up the cliff, but they weren’t inclined to block the wind for him and since he was an ordinary person, the impact was quite rough on him.

Zo coughed twice as he shook his head to indicate he was fine; she didn’t have to worry.

They were standing on the opposite cliff, the one the others had crossed over to. The group were nowhere in sight.

After Zo settled down, he asked about exploring the area some more. He had caught Feng Wu up in his troubles, so he wanted them to find a way out as soon as possible.

They walked through the tomb with all the spirits trailing around.

“Never expected to walk around my own tomb in this lifetime.” The king sighed as he lamented the vicissitudes of life and the changes wrought by time.

“It’s my first time here! It turns out Your Highness’s tomb is like this.”

“There is dust everywhere! Let’s clean up quickly!” The maids went to work like little worker bees using their spiritual powers to clean the tomb.

These were the maids responsible for taking care of the king’s daily needs. How could they, after seeing such a thick layer of dust everywhere, not immediately set to work? This was where the king lived. The conditions were unacceptable!

The spirit who took the lead was the owner of the corpse body from the sarcophagus. She was the highest ranked maid, and based on her clothes, it was obvious she was a person some standing.

Zo wondered if he somehow opened his eyes wrong. Why did it feel like the entire tomb got cleaner all of a sudden? The thick layer of dust, that could have easily left imprints, seemed to disappear. Was this a self-cleaning tomb?!

Unlike Zo, Feng Wu was able to see the spirits. She watched as they busily moved about, cleaning diligently, and working hard to make the tomb a suitable place for their king.

Rui Baby looked at the scene speechlessly. They were all going to be reincarnated! Even if they turned it into a palace, it wouldn’t matter because they wouldn’t live there that long.

Feng Wu: So clean!

The tomb became cleaned as they walked. The air even became delightfully fragrant, which made the time fly by. Why did the feel this way? Well that’s because there was a dainty garden at the end of the passage.

Butterflies fluttered in the air while plentiful plants sprouted from the ground. So many plants and butterflies were attracted to the garden because the orb acted like the Sun. The people outside would have gone crazy if they saw what was growing in the garden.

Well in fact there were already crazy people in the garden.

“That’s mine! I found it first! Give it here!”

“Fuck off! Says who?!”

“You better drop that ten-thousand-year-old medicine or you won’t leave this tomb alive!”

“Shit! I’d rather throw it down the toilet than give it to you!”

“You bitch! If I knew you were like this, I would have killed earlier! I knew you were plotting something!”

“Humph! Losers always talk big. You think you’re so amazing? Don’t act like you didn’t steal this from someone else!”

“I stole this fair and square! Unlike you, you bitch! I didn’t use any dirty tricks!”

The people fighting were Bisi and the others from their group earlier. When Feng Wu and Zo fell, they had felt she was vicious, but after she explained it was revenge, they let it be.

If her motive for doing it had been unreasonable, they would have found a way to ditch her, but after she explained it was for revenge, the group decided not to pursue the matter.

Aside from her actions against Feng Wu, Bisi kept to herself. Her behavior was acceptable so the group didn’t try to drive her away or kill her.

That was until the garden came into view, then everyone’s friendly attitude ended. They had moved forward together amicable when encountering danger, but now there were valuable items to be had. Their cooperation shattered in the face of their conflict of interests.

They were fighting in order to grab ten-thousand-year-old medicinal herbs and other such spiritual fruits. Some had already perished in the melee.

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