The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 425-426

Chapter 425-426: Jasmine the Advisor; Oleen’s Death

425: Jasmine the Advisor

Zi Cheng had asked Yifu several times before why she hated Feng Wu so much. Her answer was always the same: that Feng Wu wasn’t pleasing to her eyes and therefore had to die. Zi Cheng didn’t know what to say to an answer like that.

If it weren’t for Yifu’s 100% favorability rating, Zi Cheng wouldn’t have chosen to deal with her at all. Yifu was extreme. People like her were small minded and difficult to control. If she accidentally hurt Yifu’s glass heart, she knew Yifu wouldn’t hesitate to bite her back like a poisonous snake and kill her.

Luckily for her, because of the favorability system’s effect, Yifu’s craziness wasn’t a problem.

Jasmine, on the other hand, was a problem. Zi Cheng looked at her with a neutral eye. It felt like Jasmine had discovered something about her. Jasmine's favorability rating had gone down from seventy to sixty, despite all Zi Cheng’s efforts.

While she hadn’t been as unreserved with Jasmine as she had been with Yifu, she had been good to her. So why was her favorability so low? Could Jasmine have discovered something?

Zi Cheng’s heart skipped a beat at the thought. If that was the case, then Jasmine had to go. Regardless what Jasmine may have discovered, it was abnormal for a rating to drop so much. Perhaps she should find an opportunity to make Jasmine disappear.

Jasmine, oblivious of Zi Cheng’s plan to murder her, narrowed her eyes slightly as she savored the flavor of red wine spreading across her tongue.

“I have a way for you to kill Feng Wu without being punished by the school.” Jasmine said after casually putting her glass down.

Yifu grabbed Jasmine’s hand in excitement. “You have a way?!” Her mood soared.

“My method is both easy and hard, both complicated and simple.”

“Stop the suspense already! Just say it!” Yifu was nearly on her feet.

“The school metes out punishment for student-on-student issues, but if she’s no longer a student here, then wouldn't the issue be nonexistent?”

Yifu’s eyes lit up. “You mean get her kicked out of school for breaking some kind of school rule?”

But would it be possible? It was unlikely Feng Wu would make such a big mistake.

“What’s so difficult about it? Doesn’t the school have rules about hurting fellow students? The punishment varies based on the severity of the injury. All we have to do is create an incident where she tries to kill another student. Then she’ll definitely be expelled.”

Jasmine sneered. She also hated Feng Wu, but unlike Yifu, she didn’t go around wearing her feelings all over her face. Having someone else who wanted Feng Wu dead so badly was great for Jasmine. It was like a tailor-made weapon.

She still remembered the humiliation she suffered from Jier’s illusion magic because of Feng Wu. Now, if she did it right, she would be able to return all the hurt and humiliation Feng Wu gave her.

“You’re right! This method is really good. Now, we’ll see how she dies.” Yifu was so excited.

Jasmine’s eyes softened. An enemy of an enemy was a friend, and Jasmine would be friendly towards Yifu as long as the other girl could help her with Feng Wu.

Watching the scene made Zi Cheng even more determined to kill Jasmine. The other girl was too smart, and having someone that smart have doubts about her would be problematic. She had to find a way to get rid of Jasmine without it being linked back to her.

Jasmine didn’t know her behavior just then had cemented Zi Cheng’s resolve to kill her. What would her expression be like if she knew?

After dinner, Jasmine returned to her assigned dorm, where upon entering, saw Annika and Xi sharing snacks.

“Jasmine! Why are you back?!” Annika exclaimed in disbelief.

Xi was just as confused.

Jasmine had become closer to Zi Cheng and her group after the humiliating incident she had with Jier’s illusion magic. She moved out of their dorm and usually hung around Zi Cheng and Yifu.

She wasn’t as close to Annika anymore so none of them expected to see her back. Did she have a fight with Zi Cheng?

Annika thought about what could have brought Jasmine back. She still had feelings for her, after all they were very good friends that first semester. They didn’t just share a dorm, they also shared the same classes and the same school worries. They had only drifted apart after Zi Cheng entered the picture.

“Why can't I come back? I’m a part of this dorm too.”

“Didn’t you move to Zi Cheng’s suite?” Xi was curious about Jasmine’s sudden return.

“And now I can’t come back?” Jasmine turned around and went upstairs.

Annika and Xi looked at each, unsure what to say.

“I’ll go check.” Annika was worried and wondered if her friend was having difficulties.

“Yeah, go. Remember to come back down and tell me the deets.” Xi said.

Three lines appeared on Annika’s forehead. This was no time for gossip!

Annika went upstairs and knocked on Jasmine’s door before entering. Jasmine was sitting at her desk lazily doodling in her notebook. . . 

By the time Feng Wu returned to the dorm, it was evening and the sky was dark.

Xi pulled her aside as soon as she entered.

“Xiao Wu. Big news. Jasmine is back.” Xi announced mysteriously.

Feng Wu blinked in confusion. “So what?” What was so surprising about Jasmine’s return? Jasmine lived there, so wasn’t it right she returned? Xi was weird.

“Dummy! You should know, after what happened that time Jier stood up for you, you and Jier are her number one enemies! She moved to Yifu’s suite because she didn’t want to see you. And suddenly she’s back? I think she came for you. It’s definitely nothing good!” Xi’s face was full of disappointment; Feng Wu was not living up to expectations.

Came for her? What was that? Feng Wu didn’t understand what Jasmine came to the dorm for her for. She blinked her big eyes in confusion.

426: Oleen’s Death

Xi was about to say something but Annika came back down with an odd, somewhat thoughtful expression. Xi took two steps forward and took Annika’s hand.

“How’d it go? Did you ask what’s going on?”

A distracted, but clearly worried Annika replied with, “Jasmine didn’t tell me anything, but she seemed strange, like something was on her mind.”

“Don’t worry. She’s on good terms with Zi Cheng and Yifu. Even if she does have something she’s worried about, I’m sure they’ll help her.” Xi said offhandedly.

If it had anything to do with Feng Wu, then it was high odds it was something bad. josei

“Is that so. . . ” Annika was still worried, but she didn’t say anything else.

“Forget about her. Let’s talk about the competition coming up. For the new semester this year, everyone in the Sword division has to participate in the largescale Extreme Survival challenge. All the grades are jumbled together in the same arena, so our class is at a disadvantage. I don’t understand what the school is thinking; it’s such an unfair way to conduct it.” Xi snorted.

“All of you from the Sword division have to participate?” Annika had also heard about the competition, but participation for those in the Magic division was voluntary. It was the first she heard about mandatory participation for Sword division students.

“Yeah, second years and onward have to participate. It’s so unfair. We just passed freshman year, and we haven’t even started our sophomore year officially yet, but they’re already making us compete against the upper classes.”

“There’s another competition?” Feng Wu asked from behind Xi.

“Yeah. You don’t know because you just got back, but this time the school organized a special competition. I heard the top ten are going to be sent on a special extra dangerous mission.”

Special mission? Feng Wu couldn’t guess what the mission could be so she didn’t bother speculating about it.

The three girls sat on the sofa and talked about the competition.

“I heard the mission is very dangerous and if you want to survive, you’ll need more than just strength. You have to have luck and the ability to survive. They made the competition just to select people for the mission, but no one knows what the mission is. All we know is the benefits are extraordinary – if selected. I heard it’s the chance to join Star Marshall hall.” Annika looked wistful when she talked about Star Marshall hall.

“Why don’t you go to seminary? Those guys either become government officials or saints after they graduate. Some of the really lucky ones get to directly work at Star Marshall hall even.” Xi said.

To which Annika replied angrily. “You don’t think I’ve tried?! I went back when they were recruiting, but the teacher there said I had no divinity and that I couldn’t communicate with the gods, so he couldn’t accept me.”

Speaking of this, Annika was unwilling to concede. She had wanted to join the Star Marshall hall ever since she was a little girl and had worked hard to be a saint to further that goal. But in the end, she was rejected because she lacked divinity. Though she did apply for Xingguang Holy academy and got accepted into the Magician department, she was still bitter about the entire thing.

“Are you going to participate in the Extreme Survival challenge then?”

“Of course! I have to grab this opportunity! It might be the only one I’ll ever get to join Star Marshall hall!” Annika fisted her hands in front of her stomach in determination.

Star Marshall hall? Feng Wu felt like she had a friend there. Was Star Marshall hall that amazing? Why did Annika want to go there so much?

Feng Wu, who wasn’t a native of the world, didn’t understand why people worshiped and yearned to join the hall so much.

News of the challenge spread all over school, so by the time classes resumed a few days later, all the students were looking forward to the event.

In was in this expectant atmosphere that the school issued a notice of punishment to several students: Zi Cheng, Feng Yanran, Milty, and Oleen. All four were given major demerits for disobeying their captain’s orders while traveling abroad, for acting without their captain’s explicit approval and for personally releasing a demon.

Yanran and the other two weren’t so bad. There had always been students who didn’t listen to their captain’s orders, but they generally behaved once they were reprimanded.

But what the hell was “personally releasing a demon” all about? Who would do that?! It was a miracle they didn’t get expelled.

“Say, why do you think Zi Cheng would purposefully release a demon?”

“Who would have thought? She always looked so sweet and gentle. Just goes to show, appearances can be deceiving,” said a chubby girl with freckles.

A group of boys heckled from the side.

Zi Cheng’s face was pale as she walked past the group. Ming Xi had reported her upon returning to campus.

Fortunately, because of the good relationship she had with the teachers, it was easy to convince them she didn’t know the sword was suppressing a demon when she pulled it out.

The school couldn’t prove she knew the sword was suppressing a demon general, so her punishment was just a major demerit. Had they been able to prove it, she would have been expelled immediately.

Yifu wanted to rush up and tear into the people giving her friend a hard time and talking nonsense. But Zi Cheng didn’t want a public display, so she pulled at Yifu and they quickly walked away from the area.

The hoopla over Zi Cheng releasing a general demon hadn’t faded when another unexpected event happened.

A student on campus was murdered, and both the victim and murderer were on the recent demerit list: Milty had killed Oleen.

It only took a day to create a huge stir on campus. Both Milty and Oleen were relatively well known around school. Though both were nobles, Oleen’s family was on the decline. If Milty hadn’t fallen in love with him and asked her family to help, it was unlikely Oleen’s family could have regained their influence.

Any man would have envied the kind of love Milty had for Oleen: a woman willing to do anything to help elevate her man and his family. She was a guy’s dream.

However, because Oleen had such a lukewarm attitude towards her, many of the girls felt Milty wasn’t worth it.

Milty didn’t have many friends and she alienated the few friends she had after she met Oleen because she suspected them of being interested in him.

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