The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 427-428

Chapter 427-428: All Dead; Extreme Survival Challenge

427: All Dead

Milty’s love for Oleen burned as hot as the sun in the middle of July. No one expected their story to end the way it did.

“Oh my god! Milty really killed Oleen?! Didn’t she love him like crazy? Why would she kill him?”

“Who knows. Could it have been the deep craziness of love?”

“Did Oleen find another girlfriend behind Milty’s back so he wanted to break up with Milty? And Milty couldn’t take it so she killed Oleen?”

“Possible. It’s definitely possible with Milty’s personality.”

A few people who knew Milty and Oleen better than most came up with different scenarios for what could have happened.

“You’re all wrong! Let me tell you what really happened. . . ” A female voice spoke up mysteriously.

“You know?” The crowd was skeptical.

“Ha. Please know that my elder brother, Leo, was in the same group as Oleen. The love-hate relationship between Oleen and Milty, no one knows it better than me. Guaranteed.”

The speaker was Leo’s sister. He had chatted with her a bit after returning to school and had used the ridiculous love triangle between Oleen, Milty, and Yanran as a warning to his sister. If he knew his sister was using his words as gossip, he would have surely beat her behind.

“Oh yes. This kind of thing happens after trips. Hurry up and tell us what happened!”

What she said made sense, so the crowd hurriedly made room for her in the center.

Leo’s sister walked proudly to the center of the crowd and described in vivid detail the triangle between Oleen, Yanran, and Milty. After she finished, the crowd felt like they’d watched a movie.

Yanran went from being a goddess to a shameless third wheel who caused the death of a good man. And the other party? Who knew what would happen to Milty.

Regardless what their relationship was, Oleen was a student at the school, and students killing each other wasn’t allowed. Milty would definitely be expelled. In the meantime, she was being held in the reflection room.

The reflection room wasn’t just for self-reflection. It was dangerous and time passed differently inside – days felt like years.

A senior was once shut in the reflection room for ten years for killing another student out of jealousy. He had to reflect for ten years before being expelled from school. By the time he completed his punishment, he had been tortured to the point of madness. It was terrifying; he didn’t even look human.

Ever since then, no one wanted to enter the reflection room and they all thought of it as a dangerous place.

Because Yanran interfered and took Oleen’s love, Milty lost him, which in turn caused her to kill her scum bag fiancé. Now Milty would suffer a tremendous loss.

Though she was the third wheel that broke the relationship, Yanran wasn’t hurt at all. This was deeply dissatisfying to the student body. The number of students who hated Yanran quickly increased, with more than half the student body hating her.

It was quite a blow to the much sought-after beauty who had boys chasing her as soon as she entered school. Yanran became a detested rat and nearly died under the hateful eyes of the girls. For a moment in time, life was very hard for her.

Not more than two days after Oleen’s death, another major incident shook the school: Milty committed suicide.

The entire school was in an uproar when the news came out. No one thought Milty would kill herself.

How much did she love Oleen that she was willing to commit suicide for him?

It was a huge deal. School only just started and two students were already dead. A teacher was specially assigned to investigate.

The final investigation revealed no foul play; Milty did commit suicide.

The whole affair ended with Milty’s death. The relationship between Milty’s family and Oleen’s family was irretrievably broken and the two became sworn enemies.

“I heard Milty left a suicide note explaining her murder and suicide.” Jier and Feng Wu were in the student restaurant on the third floor enjoying a delicious meal.

“Why did she commit suicide? Oleen didn’t like her. It’s better to find someone who does. Master said you can’t force a relationship. You won’t be happy if you force two people together.” Feng Wu spoke seriously.

“Probably loved too deeply. That Milty woman was extreme. She loved so hard that she had no dignity in front of Oleen. A smart woman would never hold herself so lowly.”

Jier didn’t particularly have good feelings for Milty. A crazy woman in crazy love was nothing but a lunatic.

“Xiao Wu, don’t be like this in the future. No matter how much you love Senior Ming Xi, don’t become like Milty.” Jier took the opportunity to teach.

Feng Wu nodded. She wasn’t Milty so how could be like Milty?

The gossip about Milty and Oleen only circulated for a few days before it died out and was eclipsed by opening registrations for the Extreme Survival challenge. The only division that didn’t need to register was the Sword division. Everyone else had to sign up and boy was there was a rush of people to do so.

They were all vying for the ten spots that would allow them to enter Star Marshall hall. The hall rarely recruited people, so this was an exceptionally rare opportunity. No one with a heart was willing to give up without a fight. josei

The challenge was divided into an individual component and a team component. The team portion was assessed in groups of ten while the individual portion was assessed individually.

The challenge would take place in the virtual world with different courses and levels that changed with time. It would be 100% authentic and true to life.

The red-hot registration easily made everyone forget about Milty and Oleen.

As a member of the Sword division, Feng Wu didn’t need to sign up; she only needed to show up at the competition.

Jier had no interest, so he didn’t sign up.

On the other hand, Zi Cheng, Yifu, and Ai Lin all signed up.

Zi Cheng wasn’t interested in joining Star Marshall hall, but she was interested in the secret mission. She wanted to know what about it made the school spend so much time and energy just to prepare for it.

As for Ai Lin, it was a given she’d grab any chance to hinder the female protagonist. She knew the secret mission had to do with the Heart of Wood, and since she was a wood magician, it would be perfect for elevating her skills.

428: Extreme Survival Challenge

She had to get into the top ten in order to get the chance to get it.

It was a test of adaptability and survivability and wouldn’t be easy, but she had confidence in herself.

There were many who were just as determined as Ai Lin. For them, it wasn’t so much for the special mission, as it was for the opportunity to enter Star Marshall hall.

“Tian Ya, here’s your chance to show off your skills. No one can rival you in the Sword division. Eh? Eh?” Luis elbowed Tian Ya as he smiled teasingly.

Tian Ya focused on wiping his sword with a cloth and didn’t even bother looking at Luis.

“Stop making trouble. Did you sign up already? I plan on showing off.” Gerasi said eagerly.

“That goes without saying!” Luis patted his chest proudly.

Suddenly Gerasi asked, “Are you going Ming Xi?”

“Of course; we’re all going. Everyone’s registered already. Our entire team, even Elena, is going. Let’s see who can stop us from entering the top ten. Hahaha!” Luis had no doubts about their strength as a team.

Though the teams were randomly generated, those lucky enough ended up together. So aside from Ming Xi’s team, there were several other teams that were not split up as well.

Finally, the long-awaited survival challenge started!

“Good morning dear classmates! The time is 8:00am and I am your seventh-year senior sister, Tamansha! I will be your host for the Extreme Survival challenge! The person next to me, I’m sure you all recognize, is the vice president! Let’s all give him a big welcome!”

Thunderous applause broke out.

“Fuck! It’s really the vice.

“The vice president is actually co-hosting?! Am I dreaming?”

The vice president waved from the stage.

At the same time, the vice president and Tamansha appeared on a green magic screen, midair in the virtual world. The image was so crisp and clear that the corners of the vice president’s mouth could be seen even through his mustache.

A large group of people, not affiliated with the school, were spread out all around on top of the walls and gates. They weren’t students, but were there to watch the fun and were very interested in the activities.

“. . . The Extreme Survival Challenge will be divided into a team section and an individual section. Teachers from each respective division will send their students out into the arena. Please memorize the rules as soon as you enter the arena. Fouls will be grounds for immediate disqualification.” Tamansha’s playful wink made many of boys in the audience howl in delight.

In the virtual world, after passing through the light gate, the students participating found themselves in a large square, which had a variety of tools they could use for survival.

A teacher explained the rules for the team competition from the stage.

There were ten people per team, and for a team to win, every one in the team had to reach the finish line. If even a single person failed to cross the line, the entire team would be eliminated.

The team formations were random and generated by the god of the virtual world, so they were fair and unbiased. But that wasn’t to say there wouldn't be outliers; luck was a kind of strength too. So those unlucky and placed in weak teams only had themselves to blame.

Before getting into their assigned teams, each person had to pick five things out of the items in the square. They could choose to take less than five, but they weren’t allowed to take more than five.

Feng Wu picked a flint, dagger, an metal pot and a water purification item. Water purification items were valuable in the outside world, and were only mass produceable in the virtual world.

While most of the other people were indecisive about what to pick, Feng Wu picked hers quickly.

Most people also chose flint, a few chose tents, and a bunch chose weapons. Because magic and qi were banned, items like magic tents and magic weapon could not be summoned.

The weapons in the square were all ordinary items that included knives, daggers, bows, axes, and even plain wooden sticks.

Some picked swords or daggers, but no one picked the wooden sticks.

After everyone made their choices, the god of the space announced the team rosters.

Feng Wu ended up in a group of several boys and girls who were strangers to her. The team was a mix ranging from as high as fifth-year seniors and as low as second-year juniors. It was quite skewed. The seniors looked at the juniors like they were going to drag them down.

There were six boys and four girls. The boys were made up of one fifth, two fourth, and three third years. The girls were made up of a fourth, a third, and two second years, of which Feng Wu was one. The other second year was a magician.

Aside from the Sword division they also had people three other people from Music, Alchemy and Pharmacy. Their combat potential was so low, would they survive combat with another team?

Ober, the only fifth year present, scratched his head. It was hard to feel confident with a group makeup like theirs.

Well no matter how unwilling they were, this was the team they had so they began introductions.

“I’m Xinda, fourth-year Sword division.”

“I’m Luo, fourth-year Alchemy division.”

“I’m Meijen. I’m a third year in the Sword division. My hobby is cooking, so you can leave the cooking to me.” Meijin said cheerfully with a smile on his face.

“I’m Kaibu, third-year Sword.

“I’m Sandy, third-year Music.” The girl named Sandy spoke shyly.

“I’m Anma, fourth-year Pharmacy.”

“Hello seniors and sisters. I’m Camille, a second-year in the Magic division.”

“I’m Feng Wu. Second-year Sword division.”

“I’m Bowen, a third-year magician.”

“I’m Ober. I’m a fifth year in the Sword division.”

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