The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 593-594

Chapter 593-594: The Dead Thieving Father and Son; Leaving for Sin City

593: The Dead Thieving Father and Son

It was such a strange sound – they couldn’t block out the noise no matter how hard they covered their ears – it was as if the spirits were screaming from a pain imprinted on their very souls. It was scary even to those just listening.

The screams eventually subsided, then disappeared altogether. The undead regained their senses and looked toward Ming Xi’s group blankly at a loss.

One of them wanted to go up and ask, but when he stepped forward, it dawned o n him that he was dead. The spirits behind him realized the same thing. The unpleasant realization turned their faces black.

Despite this, they thanked Feng Wu politely for purifying their souls before disappearing into the sky one by one on their way to being reincarnated. Feng Wu wasn’t a necromancer but she gained a lot of benefits from helping them.

The two undead with the most evil aura remained. They were hesitant to speak up, but it was clear they wanted to say something.

Feng stared at them with a puzzled expression. It was clear they wanted to speak, but they were hesitating.

Upon seeing Feng Wu’s expression, Ming Xi asked her if something happened.

Feng Wu didn’t hide anything and told him about the two undead who were behaving abnormally.

Ming Xi guessed the men probably knew something so he asked Feng Wu to ask them.

Feng Wu obediently asked them why they didn’t want to leave.

The two men gritted their teeth, a little embarrassed to speak, but eventually they pulled up the courage and explained the situation.

The two men, one in his fifties, the other in his early twenties, said they were a father and son team who fished on the island. They were digging on the island one day, when they discovered a cave that didn’t seem to lead out.

They knew they should have reported it to the authorities, but they were a little greedy and wanted to see if there were any valuables hidden inside first.

They weren’t going to hide the existence of the cave; they just wanted to get what they could first before reporting it.

The two didn’t know their greed would harm everyone on the island.

They walked inside for a long time before they finally reached the end of the narrow passage. By that point they were underground, below the island. There, they found an ornate box two meters long inlaid with many gems.

The two were just ordinary fishermen; the sight of so many precious stones left them dumbfounded.

A white seal imbued with red magic spells laid in the center of the box.

If they hadn’t been greedy and reported the discovery directly, Mrs. Normandy would have known it was a high-level seal scroll, the kind generally used to seal terrifying monsters.

But the father and son didn’t have that kind of knowledge. They were blinded by how valuable the box was. Since the exterior was so amazing, then whatever was inside had to be valuable. It only took them three seconds to decide to remove the seal and open the box.

Now, to use the seal to imprison whatever monster inside had taken a great deal of effort, but removing the seal was not so. The two men easily removed the seal covering the box.

They excitedly opened it to see what was inside only to be greeted by black mist. That was the last thing they remembered.

The two got themselves killed before even seeing what was hidden behind the mist. By the time they regained consciousness, they were already part of the undead. They regained their sanity after Feng Wu purified their spirit.

It was a shocking story.

“What?! It turns out those two ruined the entire island!” The men were so angry they wanted to kill the father and son again with their own hands. It was all because the two men were greedy that so many people died and the island became a living nightmare. They had brought disaster to everyone and everything on the island. No one was sad they two men were dead. In fact, if they hadn’t died, they would have been captured and killed in front of everyone to avenge all those who had perished.

The two men desperately apologized, but unfortunately no one other than Feng Wu could hear them or see them.

“Both of them be damned!” Goffman wished he could cut them to pieces, but unfortunately, they were already dead and who knew if their bodies were still whole after being exposed to the black mist.

“Have them take us to the entrance.” Ming Xi was more rational than the other men. He didn’t waste time cursing them but instead focused on finding the entrance and resolving the issue as soon as possible.

They didn’t know what it was that had been sealed away that could make the entire island turn like this. Whatever it was, it was not simple.

The father and son weren’t villains in the truest sense of the word. Their greed had blinded them but they never intended to harm anyone. Once they found out so much blood was on their hands, they desperately tried to think of ways to make up for their mistake. With such a strong regret in their hearts, even after Feng Wu purified them, it was still impossible for them to reincarnate.

Upon hearing Ming Xi’s request, the two men didn’t even have to think about it. They agreed immediately. They led the group to the entrance then proceeded to lead them to the box.

The father and son were in the front, followed by Feng Wu and Ming Xi. Ming Xi was afraid Feng Wu would be in danger so he held her hand.

Tian Ya followed them. He was responsible for protecting Ming Xi so he couldn’t be too far away.

It was a narrow passage and only one person could fit through at a time. Ming Xi and the others had to slide through sideways one by one.

The island was filled with black mist, but oddly enough, the passageway was completely clear and the air was clean. This was probably why when Mrs. Normandy sent people to search the island, they failed to find the source.

It was natural to think wherever the source was, it would be the place with the densest amount of black mist. Who would have thought the source was actually the cleanest, clearest place.

The group walked for a long time before reaching the end. There really was a box inlaid with precious gems. And the lid was open slightly.

They could see a steady stream of black mist seeping out from the small gap. But the mist didn’t rise upwards, instead it sunk down into the ground and disappeared. This made everyone frown.

“What should we do now? How about we seal it again?!” No one suggested opening the box all the way. It was already scary enough being partially open.

In reality it was useless to close it back up again. The seal was broken so whatever was inside could come out whenever it wanted to, so it made no difference whether they physically closed the box up again or not.

“I will put a new seal to bind it.” Ming Xi said.

As he spoke, he bit his finger and dripped a drop of blood down. Then he formed a complicated hand sign. Ming Xi inherited the power of the Moon emperor’s seal barrier. In terms of sealing methods, no on could compare to those of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom.

Except for Ming Xi, everyone took a couple of steps back. They waited silently for him to complete the seal.

Tian Ya and Feng Wu stood to the back in order not to disturb Ming Xi’s work.

Who knew what was inside the box, but there was no movement at all. Shouldn’t whatever was inside try to get out and stop the seal process?

They couldn’t understand it. They could never have guessed what was inside was arm. No matter how powerful it was, it wasn’t sentient.

While everyone anxiously waited for the seal to complete, a mysterious man shrouded in black mist suddenly appeared from the ground. He was completely covered in black mist to the point even his eyes weren’t exposed. They could barely even see his figure.

Ming Xi and the others felt he was a formidable enemy. The aura coming off him was so powerful it felt like their innards were being crushed. Those who were able to remain standing lost all the color in their face and blood trickled from the corners of their mouths. It was clear they had internal organ damage.

Feng Wu and Tian Ya were both able to remain up. The corner of Tian Ya’s mouth had a trickle of blood but Feng Wu looked completely fine. This was of course thanks to her having a divine weapon in her body. Xiao Chun had automatically protected his master, so of all the people there, Feng Wu was the most relaxed.

Even Ming Xi, who possessed divine blood couldn’t keep the color in his face. josei

He and the others believed the mysterious man would attack them. They never expected him to take the box with a wave of his hand then leave, disappearing through the ground.

“What?... What was that? Who was that?” Goffman blinked in disbelief. He for sure thought he would die. What good luck, he managed to survive!

“I don’t know. Let’s talk about it after we get out of here.” Ming Xi said.

No one argued with that idea and the group immediately left the cave along the same route they used to enter it.

Once they emerged, they realized the father and son fishermen had disappeared. No one cared though as it had nothing to do with them whether those two reincarnated or not.

Goffman thought he was showing a lot of self-restraint by not getting a necromancer to destroy them.

With the source of the black mist gone, Feng Wu was able to use Xiao Chun to clear out the entire island. The mutated monsters and plants that were eroded by the mist regained their original appearances, however, the people who were mutated, though recovered, were unable to survive. Their human bodies were too weak and their vitality wasn’t as strong as the plants and animals. They were dead the moment the black mist surrounded their bodies.

594: Leaving for Sin City

Under Feng Wu’s purification, Coral Island returned to its original appearance.

Meanwhile on Zi Cheng’s boat, the black shadow returned without anyone noticing.

“Did you get it?” Zi Cheng asked in surprise.

“Of course.” The Demon Ancestor was in a very good mood.

“It seems like this trip went very well.” Zi Cheng smiled softly. She never doubted the Demon Ancestor’s strength even though he only had a third of his original strength with his body gone.

“I met two very interesting people on this trip. One seems to be a descendant of the four great emperors while the other is also very special. . . ”

Ai Lin and Juntian were about to find a way to land on Coral Island through the teleportation array when a series of changes took place before their eyes.

The black mist that originally shrouded the island disappeared and the mutated plants also reverted back to their original appearances.

The black sea water around the island faded away and returned to blue again. They were able to dock normally.

Once Juntian got on Coral Island he saw his sister, Feng Wu.

The two siblings hadn’t seen each other in a while so they naturally sat together and chatted.

Ai Lin was shocked to see Feng Wu alive and well. She never thought Feng Wu could have escaped Blue Moon alive.

The Duke of Blue Moon was the second biggest boss in the book, second only to the Demon Ancestor. This boss was not easy to deal with. On top of that, Blue Moon was its own realm, so to escape was amazing. Really, the only way to escape was to be blessed by the world like the heroine.

If Ai Lin hadn’t hitchhiked along with Zi Cheng, she would never have been able to escape herself.

Feng Wu didn’t have the heroine aura for protection nor did she get a free ride, so how did she escape? Puzzled, Ai Lin made up her mind to ask Feng Wu about it later. What happened after she and Zi Cheng left?

As for the matter with Coral Island, though no one knew what was inside the missing box, it was essentially considered resolved.

Even if they did want to pursue the box, none of them knew who the mysterious man was or where to find him, but most importantly, none of them had the confidence they could take the box back anyway.

Mrs. Normandy didn’t think too much about it; she was satisfied that Coral Island was back to its normal state.

With the island issue resolved, Feng Wu and Ming Xi decided to return to the academy. This time there would also be Ai Lin with them.

Ai Lin had the same idea about returning to school; in fact she had wanted to do so a long time ago. She hadn’t gone back earlier because of her injuries, then after that, she was worried about Juntian possibly dying on Coral Island. She didn’t return to school and instead had come to the island.

Mrs. Normandy and her son entertained their guests well. Juntian felt too embarrassed to accept the hospitality because he didn’t think he helped much, but when he thought about how his sister was here and how he didn’t want to leave her company so soon, he decided to be cheeky and stay after all. He didn’t forget to send a letter to Star Marshall hall reporting everything that happened on Coral Island.

How the higher ups would react, he did not care. He just wanted to spend the next few days with his sister.

Feng Wu, was of course, very pleased to see her brother.

The next two days saw the two siblings playing everyday by the beach catching fish and crabs. Feng Wu wrought disaster to all kinds of fish on the island. She enjoyed everything very much, but she didn’t forget to pack some of the island’s specialty back home.

Juntian couldn’t stay too long. He was one of the generals and had a lot of responsibilities, so after three days, he had to say farewell to his sister and return to Star Marshall hall.

Feng Wu, Ming Xi and Ai Lin set off the same day. They chose to return to Zhongyang by boat in order to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Feng Wu was still unaware her precious son had been missing for several days and that the entire school was going crazy trying to find him. She lived a leisurely life on the boat and ate good seafood every day.

Ai Lin found an opportunity to talk to Feng Wu alone and ask about what happened on Blue Moon.

Once Feng Wu narrated everything, Ai Lin understood. She was a little envious. Speaking of the girls, Feng Wu and Zi Cheng were time traveling girls like her. Zi Cheng had an endless stream of hotties hanging onto her, not to mention the most excellent male protagonist who strove to take care of her every whim.

Feng Wu wasn’t the heroine but she caught the attention of the future Moon emperor. She did even better than Zi Cheng, who was the heroine of the story.

Then there was the reborn Zo. Ai Lin heard he had a crush, a girl he liked from his previous life.

It seemed like everyone had someone. She was the only single dog! It was heartbreaking!

Ai Lin took out a compact mirror and looked at her reflection from several angles. It was really impossible. She was clearly good looking! Why were there no hotties hanging around her?! It made no sense!

As a single dog, Ai Lin felt she’d been stabbed ten thousand times.

Once they got back to the academy, Ai Lin was about to go out and comfort her heart with some delicious food when she heard the news about Feng Wu’s son. Someone actually dared kidnap the kid!

No one knew who did it even after so many days.

Feng Wu was extremely anxious when she found out. She immediately wanted to go and look for him, but after reading the note Little Bun left behind, she decided not to do anything.

She sat down calmly and went back to eating and drinking like normal.

Her reaction was too abnormal! Was she having a mental breakdown? Jier and the others were worried she was overstimulated.

“Xiao Wu, are you OK?” Ink looked carefully at Feng Wu as she bit a chicken leg.

“Xiao Wu, don’t worry too much. Xiao Ye will definitely come back safely.” Xi quickly reassured.

“Yeah, Xiao Wu, you have to trust everyone. With all of us helping, Xiao Ye will definitely come back.” Annika said with a face that said trust me.

Jasmine was annoyed and her heart was conflicted when she saw how everyone was fumbling. She looked at Feng Wu but refrained from saying anything unpleasant. She sat and drank her tea quietly.

“I believe Xiao Ye will come back. Didn’t he write a letter?” Feng Wu said with a straight face after swallowing her bite of chicken.

No way, did she really believe what the little guy wrote? He wasn’t even two!

Such a little kid, are you sure you should believe his words so readily? Everyone was silent. . . 

Hahaha. . .  Suddenly, they didn’t now what to do. It was a conundrum. Should they persuade her not to believe the letter or should they persuade her everything would be all right? Both choices left them conflicted. Her reaction was too hard to handle!

In the days following that, many senior brothers and sisters familiar with Little Bun came to comfort her. They promised they would find Xiao Ye.

They wouldn’t give up until they found him. He was the school’s mascot! Whoever kidnapped him clearly didn’t want to live anymore!

Wait, what was a mascot?

On the third day, Feng Wu came back, she received a sealed letter. There was no sender address, but her name was clearly written on the envelope. When the old man at the door handed her the letter, Feng Wu had no idea who could have sent it.

The letter answered everything.

The letter, written by the kidnapper, said that if Feng Wu wanted Feng Ye back then she had to go to Sin city alone. If she brought anyone else, then Feng Ye would be killed immediately.

Feng Wu thought for a few seconds before deciding to go to Sin city alone and picking up Little Bun. Children shouldn’t play for too long outside.

Master said good children should return home after playing.

What was Sin city? It was paradise for villains and criminals. There were no laws or restrictions and the only rule was respect for the strong.

While other major cities restricted the use of magic and martial arts and made murder a crime, Sin city had no such restrictions. If someone wanted to kill another person in Sin city, no one would stop it. As long as you were strong enough to do it, you could kill whoever you wanted.

Crimes happened every day; things like theft and abduction were trivial matters. Sin city had its own set of rules and it always revolved around strength. Outsiders going in would be eaten alive if they didn’t know how to fend for themselves.

Sin city took in criminals from other cities who committed serious crimes but for whatever reason could not be killed. Such criminals were not allowed to leave the city. Like everyone else, whether they survived or not, depended on their abilities.

Because Sin city amplified the darkest part of human nature, even little children learned how to get by. Don’t be fooled by their youth; some were as ruthless as adults.

In short, Sin city was an extremely dangerous place. For those too weak, the danger was tremendous.

This was the city Feng Wu would go to alone. Before leaving for Sin city, Feng Wu called back the irresponsible Lydia and Rui Baby.

The two contracts were living a life of leisure, wandering around all day and playing around all night, never having to answer to their master.

After getting her contracts back, Feng Wu left a note saying she was leaving to go and pick up Little Bun. . .  and that was it.

After leaving campus, Rui Baby suggested Feng Wu go to the Adventurer’s guild to learn more about Sin city.

A delicate girl asking about such a nasty city caused many of the adventurers there to stare at her. Some even tried to persuade Feng Wu to think twice about it. Once a cute girl like her entered, with all the scum in the city, she’d be eaten alive.

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