The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 595-596

Chapter 595-596: On the Road; Sin City

595: On the Road

Feng Wu sincerely thanked them for their concern, but she needed to pick up Little Bun so she was still going to Sin city.

How could there be a teleportation array in a city filled with criminals? Anyone exiting the array would instantly be cheated and killed by the vicious men guarding it.

Feng Wu would have to teleport to the nearest big city to Sin city that had an array, then use a flying beast carriage from there to get to the closest small city to Sin City, then finally travel by land to Sin city itself.

People from all walks of life were on the beast car. Feng Wu had money so she purchased a private room but she didn’t sleep.

Feng Wu was well-dressed and traveling alone. Of course, there were people who wanted to take advantage of her, but she easily dealt with every one of them. After that they didn’t display any of the arrogance they displayed when they first got on board.

Lydia and Rui Baby weren’t worried about Little Bun at all after learning about the abduction. Baby Rui had already guessed Little Bun was the reincarnation of the elf king so he knew no one would be able to kill him. Lydia didn’t know Little Bun’s previous identity but she could tell Little Bun wasn’t an ordinary child. Staying by his side helped her cultivation a lot. Lydia expressed condemnation and anger at the ones who kidnapped her master’s child.

One spirit and one beast talked for a long time before finally agreeing that the kidnappers were people who hated Feng Wu.

Yifu certainly wanted to kill Feng Wu, but she didn’t have the strength or the power. Jasmine also hated Feng Wu, but she wasn’t the kind of woman to attack children. Neither of them had any connections to Sin city.

Rui Baby and Lydia had been away for a long time, so they had not interacted with Hua Jin, but they did know who she was.

To be able to kidnap Little Bun, send him out of the city in secret, and deliver him to a place like Sin city, no matter how you looked at it, among Feng Wu’s enemies, the only one who had the resources was Hua Jin. But she was rich and powerful and bent on being the next Moon empress. It was impossible for her to provoke the people of Sin city. If her connections with the city became public, it would be impossible for her to be the next Moon empress. She was the best suspect, but because of this, they couldn’t be sure she was the kidnapper.

Even though they didn’t know for certain, they decided to focus on the most suspicious candidate first.

“So, it’s Hua Jin. It has to be her.” Lydia grabbed Feng Wu’s arm excitedly.

“She is the most suspicious.” Rui Baby agreed.

“Why did she kidnap Xiao Ye?” Feng Wu was confused.

“It’s to see you of course! She wants to lure you out!” This was the explanation Rui Baby came up with.

“We see each other often. Why does she want to see me this way?” Feng Wu was even more puzzled.

What a strange person. They obviously met every day. Why did this person need to use Xiao Ye to lure her out? Feng Wu really did not understand.

“She wants to lure you out to kill you. You meet every day at school, but she can’t kill you in front of so many people. If she doesn’t lure you out, how can she kill you?!” Rui Baby rolled his eyes, disappointed Feng Wu was not living up to expectations. It had been a while since they saw each other. Why was this girl not making any progress at all?

“Kill me?” Feng Wu thought about that for a while. She didn’t seem to have offended Hua Jin though.

Rui Baby rolled his eyes again. This was too unbearable! He explained how Hua Jin liked Ming Xi and how she wanted to be the next Moon empress. Finally, Feng Wu understood.

“She wants to kill me because Ming Xi doesn’t like her!” Feng Wu pursed her lips.

“That should be about right.” Rui Baby and Lydia both nodded their heads at the same time.

The three didn’t stop discussing Hua Jin until they landed at their terminal.

After getting off the flying beast car, Feng Wu bought a horse and used a map to navigate to Sin city.

Feng Wu didn’t know that when she set off for Sin city, Ming Xi and the others were looking everywhere for her after finding her note. They learned from the gatekeeper that she left in a hurry after receiving a letter.

None of them could figure out where she could have gone, so they defaulted to investigating around the city.

Fortunately Jier was lucky. He met Wind and Rain. After the siblings heard about Feng Wu’s disappearance, they started asking around. They found out Feng Wu had been looking for information on Sin city.

What the hell? Sin city?! Was that a place a good girl should go?

Ming Xi and the others were very anxious. Ming Xi took Tian Ya and immediately chased her. Jier and Ink left after asking for a leave of absence.

Xi and the others wanted to help too, but Ming Xi politely refused.

Sin city was a very bad place and it would be inconvenient to bring the girls with them. It was likely they would have conflicts with the city residents before they could find Feng Wu and it would be difficult to protect the girls.

This would only hinder the rescue.

Xi and the others reluctantly agreed to stay behind and wait for news once they realized they could delay the rescue.

Although Ming Xi and Jier were chasing as fast as they could, they were still a step behind Feng Wu and didn’t get to fly on the same beast car. josei

596: Sin City

Feng Wu didn’t know people were desperately trying to catch up to her. At the moment, she was riding a horse towards the city with map in hand.

After ten days on the road, she finally saw the outline of the city from a distance against the sky. Two words were written on top of the gate: Sin City.

“Sin city...” Finally.

Feng Wu nodded and aimed for the gate. There wasn’t even a gatekeeper, only a sign.

Enter at your own risk, it said.

As soon as she entered the city, a child ran up to her trying to sell guide services. He was about five or six and was dressed in rags. His mouth was as sweet as honey as he called her sister this and sister that.

“Sister, sister, do you need a guide? I grew up here; no matter where you want to go, I can guide you!” The innocent smile on his face was very winsome but contrasted sharply with the distressing poverty.

Feng Wu glanced at the child. “No need.” She promptly jumped over and kept moving.

“Sister, don’t go! We can negotiate the price!” The child chased after Feng Wu, following behind her step by step, his small mouth never relenting for a second.

When Feng wu suddenly stopped, the boy ran forward and fell to the ground. He immediately burst into tears and cried like his heart was breaking.

Other pedestrians on the road didn’t react to the crying child at all and continued on about their business as if nothing happened.

Suddenly, a couple in ordinary clothes appeared and picked the child up. They wailed like the world was ending.

“Oh my god! How could you bully my child? Is it easy for our family of three to make a living in this city?! Even if you didn’t want to hire my baby to guide you, you didn’t have to beat him so severely!” The woman pointed accusingly at Feng Wu while scolding her.

The man wasn’t idle either. As soon as the woman finished speaking, he jumped in with, “You hurt my child like this; don’t even think about leaving without compensating my family!”

What were they talking about? Feng Wu didn’t understand.

The family of three hugged each other and cried miserably while Feng Wu stood watching silently.

The family weren’t sure, but after thinking about it, they felt there was something wrong with her brain. Was she crazy or something? Why wasn’t she reacting?

Feng Wu watched the drama for a full twenty minutes before feeling that she’d seen enough and turned around to walk away.

The family of three, upon seeing this, immediately stopped howling. The husband and wife flanked Feng Wu.

“You hit my son and you want to leave just like that?! Let me tell you, no way is that happening! If you don’t compensate us today, don’t even think about going anywhere!” The man pulled out a knife and his face turned ugly. It didn’t look like he would let her leave unscathed unless she paid.

“That’s right, don’t even think about leaving without paying!” The woman also pulled out a weapon and her face was just as vicious as her husband’s.

“I didn’t hit your child. He fell by himself.” Feng Wu said seriously.

She hadn’t touched the child just now. She had avoided him just as he was about to hit her, so in fact, she had nothing to do with him falling down. Feng Wu wasn’t about to take blame for something that wasn’t her fault.

“Just because you say so, you think we’ll believe you?! Prove it with witnesses!” The couple’s faces were shifty when they said this.

Pedestrians passing by didn’t even bother to stop to watch the farce play out. They didn’t even give the group a glance.

Feng Wu felt a lot of malice from the couple, and she didn’t like that.

As the couple were thinking of extorting money from her, she made her move. No one saw how she did it, but the couple lost their weapons and were moaning in pain on the ground.

“It’s wrong to scam people with fake injuries. Don’t do this kind of thing again.” Feng Wu left without looking back.

Of course, the concept of an injury scam was something Ai Lin taught her. She had given her many short examples of the scam, so Feng Wu understood what the couple was doing within seconds.

She didn’t say anything early on out of curiosity. She’d never witnessed a live-action injury scam before so she wanted to watch.

After Feng Wu showed her abilities, other than those who were confident in their strength and personal means, no one dared attack her.

According to the letter, Feng Wu was supposed to stay at a hotel called Rose Night. Feng Wu easily found it since there were only two hotels in the city. There were a lot of people in the lobby sitting and drinking together. They didn’t take a second look at Feng Wu coming in.

Feng Wu didn’t care what they were doing either. She registered, got herself a room, then went up and stayed there, waiting for the people who had Little Bun to come to her.

“Xiao Wu, something is wrong with this place. I feel something might happen tonight.” Rui Baby said from Feng Wu’s skirt.

“I feel the same.” Lydia agreed.

Feng Wu didn’t have any special feelings about the place but since both Rui Baby and Lydia said so, then it had to be true.

Feng Wu decided to take advantage of the daylight and sleep well. She would wait until after dark to see what the kidnappers wanted.

“Boss, this is the room.”

“What are you waiting for? Hurry up and do it.” A fat man said.

The little brother next to him immediately responded by pulling out a blowpipe and blowing something into Feng Wu’s room through the crack under the door.

“It’s done, boss,” said the younger brother with a triumphant face.

“Good. After I’m done, you can go in and play with her.” The boss said generously as he patted the younger man’s shoulders.

The little brother looked like he was moved, but in reality he was complaining endlessly in his heart. By the time you finish playing who knows if the person will still be alive. Maybe the boss wanted him to play with a corpse! He wasn’t a good person, but his tastes weren’t that extreme.

The boss was about to open the door and go in when several people suddenly appeared next to him.

“It’s not good to play alone!”

“When did you guys get here?!” Taken aback, the boss cursed silently in his heart.

“We were just one step behind you.” The newcomers said with a cold smile.

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