The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 597-598

Chapter 597-598: More People Coming to Court Disaster; Finding Ming Xi and Little Bun

597: More People Coming to Court Disaster

“Why did you all come to this place? Could it be that those guys called you over too?” asked the boss suspiciously. josei

“Same as you. We get paid to take care of other people’s problems. Since everyone is here for the same job, why not work together. We can arrange the order of who gets to play first after we go in!”

Since they were doing to do same job, there was no other way to work it out. Who knew who the woman offended that so many men were hired to play with her.

But that wasn’t their concern. How could anyone with power in Sin city have a conscience?

After a short discussion, several big guys opened the door and walked into Feng Wu’s room...

Fifteen minutes later, seven big men were sprawled haphazardly in Feng Wu’s room. All of them had their special buddies crippled. Feng Wu did not hold back. Bad guys who wanted to take advantage of her like that needed to have their members directly maimed.

Feng Wu struck so quickly and precisely the men had no chance to react. Before they knew what was happening, Feng Wu had already turned them into eunuchs.

They were in excruciating pain when they woke up. In front of them was a little beast with an eggshell floating on its head. The little beast was very cute, but its eyes were filled with glee at their suffering

“Tell me who sent you.” Upon seeing the men wake up, Rui Baby flew over to begin interrogating them.

The men looked at each other in dismay, and for a while, no one spoke. They were all strong men recruited for a job. How were they going to remain in the city if they confessed?

Rui Baby sneered. “If you don’t talk, then there’s no reason for us to keep you alive.” After saying this, he winked at Feng Wu, who then nodded and walked over with a dagger in hand. There wasn’t a trace of hesitation in her calm eyes. The hair on the men’s body raised all over.

Was this really same girl from the intel? Wasn’t she supposed to be an ordinary student? A sophomore.

Look at those calm eyes staring at them. Look at that steady hand holding the sword. Not an ounce of tremor. No matter how they looked at it, she was an old hand at murder! If they’d known earlier they were dealing with a pervert, no matter what the patron said, they never would have accepted the job!

The men scolded the guy who hired them and gave them misleading information.

“Don’t! Stop! I’ll talk. We came here after accepting a job. We don’t know who sent it!” The boss talked first. Just because he killed countless people didn’t mean he wanted to die himself. They didn’t say they would let him go if he talked, but if he didn’t talk, he would 100% die!

“You too?” Rui Baby turned his gaze to the other men. Then signaled Feng Wu to hold off on doing anything for now.

Feng Wu stood behind Rui Baby with her sword in her hand without advancing any farther.

The men were relieved. They immediately nodded their heads like bobble heads, afraid that if they were too slow, the girl and beast would kill them.

“What was the job exactly?” Rui Baby asked again.

The men didn’t dare hide anything and obediently told Feng Wu and Rui Baby everything they knew.

It turned out Sin city had a black-market with a dedicated classified section reserved for jobs and requests. There was no such thing as a job too strange. People didn’t care and took what they could. There was a job posted for ruining, but not killing, Feng Wu. It was a simple enough job so a few people accepted it.

Generally, simple jobs with high pay couldn’t be taken by small fries. There were a lot of people who wanted to take the job, but they weren’t qualified to compete for it. These men had some weight to their names and were all famous figures in the black market.

If they had known what they weren’t facing a lamb but a monster under sheepskin, they wouldn’t have rushed in with so few people.

They thought they were going in to rape a young school girl; they never expected to be imprisoned and beaten to a pulp. Even if they could get out alive, the cost to heal their injuries would be very high. No matter how they looked at it, the job was a bad one!

After Rui Baby finished asking everything he wanted to know, Feng Wu walked over with her sword. There was no killing intent in her eyes but her actions spoke volumes.

“Wait! You’re not keeping your word?! Weren’t you going to let us go if we told you everything we knew?!” A few of the men shouted madly.

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t talk nonsense. When did this baby say I’d spare your lives if you spilled the beans? This baby can’t be blamed for anything.” Rui Baby glared at the men.

The men thought about it and it seemed like what the beast said was true. The weird beast and weird, silent girl never said they would go free if they talked. They had assumed this on their own.

Feng Wu stabbed them through the hearts and sent them all to hell. She would never be merciful toward these kinds of villains. Master said letting people like them go would only let them harm more people. It was best to kill them and note give them the opportunity to hurt others.

Feng Wu was an obedient girl, especially when it came to listening to her master. She remembered everything her master said and would review them from time to time.

After killing the men, Feng Wu dealt with the little guys guarding outside the door. Fortunately the men had silenced the area with a sound proof spell before entering, so those outside had no idea what happened inside.

Once all her enemies were taken cared of, Feng Wu destroyed the corpses. There were so many of them that came into her room last night; so destroying the bodies wouldn’t have done anything to hide the matter.

Feng Wu and Riu Baby decided to destroy the bodies anyway simply because the sight was too ugly.

Naturally after this, Feng Wu couldn’t stay in the room. She went down to the front desk to change rooms.

Seeing her walk down in the middle of the night, the desk staff looked at her differently.

598: Finding Ming Xi and Little Bun

How difficult was it to find a little baby in a place like Sin city? Feng Wu stayed in the small hotel for several days but hadn’t seen a shadow or heard a whisper of her little baby.

Rui Baby was thinking where Little Bun could be hidden. They came to rescue Little Bun so they couldn’t return emptyhanded.

After three days, another letter arrived telling Feng Wu to go directly to the black market.

Feng Wu obediently did as told and drank the wine prepared for her in a certain restaurant. Not long after drinking the wine, a few wretched looking men came in. They took their clothes off as they walked, all of them bursting with laughter. It was obvious they were thinking filthy thoughts.

They expected Feng Wu to be docile after drinking the wine. But they were in for a surprise. Not only was she fine, but she was alert and stood up easily when they entered. She became a killing god and killed all of them, only leaving two for questioning.

After the two people answered Rui Baby’s questions, Feng Wu sent them of to hell. She walked breezily out of the black market restaurant easily.

“Xiao Wu, we can’t go on like this anymore. It looks like the person who kidnapped Xiao Ye is not ready to return him to you. It looks like they want to use Xiao Ye to destroy you.

If Xiao Chun wasn’t protecting your body from all the posions, I’m afraid no matter how strong you are, you would have fallen victim to them already,” said Rui Baby unhappily.

Obviously, anyone who was led around by the nose wouldn’t be happy.

“But where do we find Xiao Ye?” Lydia rubbed her chin, thinking hard.

“That’s a good question. It’s not easy to find a child in such a big city like this. We have to find another way.” Rui Baby said.

Probably because they had been schemed against twice already, Feng Wu, Rui Baby and Lydia decided it was best to search for Little Bun themselves.

They didn’t find news about Little Bun, but did find news about something useful. There was a master in Sin city who collected babies. His name was Master Uris.

Apparently, Master Uris was injured in a fight and the injuries he sustained couldn’t be healed through ordinary methods, so now he was looking to use forbidden magic. By sacrificing the flesh and blood of a hundred babies and using them as his own, he could return his body back to its peak.

Sacrificing a hundred babies wouldn’t be hard in any other city, but considering it was Sin city, it how rare it was for babies to survive; getting a hundred would be difficult. At most there were twenty babies. It would be impossible to make up the rest.

In order to heal his injuries, Master Uris posted a job on the black market for babies. The reward was mediocre but that was because kidnapping babies was easy. Any one could steal a baby.

Such a simple task was welcomed by ordinary workers in the black market.

A pervert who collected babies. . .  this person was definitely suspicious. Could Little Bun be in his hands?

To test the theory out, they would have to go to Master Uris’s house and see the kidnapped children for themselves.

It was easier said than done however. They were too conspicuous. Who knew how many people in the city were secretly keeping watching on Feng Wu? Someone might come out to attack her just be them approaching.

In the end, they decided to have Lydia, a spirit, do it.

Lydia obediently ran to Master Uris’s house, did some snooping, and returned several hours later.

“How did it go?” Rui Baby asked as soon as Lydia came back.

“Xiao Ye is really there. But he looks like. . . ” Lydia wasn’t sure how to say it.

“Could it be Xiao Ye was mistreated and is hurt?!” Rui Baby yelled in disbelief.

It was impossible though. Xiao Ye was the reincarnation of the elf king and with his hidden abilities, there was no way someoen could take advantage of him!

Feng Wu also looked all Lydia. Although she didn’t think anything would happen to her baby, as a mother, Feng Wu instinctively worried.

Lydia violently shook her head. “No, no, in fact, it’s just the opposite. I saw Xiao Ye being treated very well at Uris’s place. They treat him like he’s a treasure. If he wanted the stars and moon, I’m sure they would try to get it for him. His treatment is better than all the other babies combined.

But, it’s just strange. Uris’s attitude, the way he looks at Xiao Ye is not normal.”

Uris’s attitude toward Xiao Ye at the time was definitely good. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought he was Xiao Ye’s father. Especially they way he looked at Xiao Ye, all excited and crazy. It gave her the heebie jeebies just seeing it.

After asking what happened, Feng Wu decided to find an opportunity to enter to Uris’s house and check in on Xiao Ye.

Lydia said, “There is one more thing I forgot to mention just now. I saw Ming Xi, Jier and Ink. They’re all inside Sin city. And they were asking about you.”

It was an accidental discovery on Lydia’s part. After the three of them entered Sin city, they had stayed in the room and rarely went out, so they had no idea that the second day they were there, the boys had entered and were asking about Feng Wu.

Feng Wu had stayed in her room every day, so that was why they couldn’t find news about her even after so many days.

Probably because Feng Wu was such a force to be reckoned with, no one dared tell the boys about Feng Wu.

“You mean Ming Xi and the others are here?!” Both Rui Baby and Feng Wu’s eyes lit up at the same time.

“That’s great! Things will be much easier now! Go to Ming Xi right now and have him sneak into Uris’s place and have him get Xiao Ye out.” Rui Baby fluttered excitedly around Lydia.

There were so many people keeping an eye on Feng Wu; they couldn’t make a move even if they wanted to. If they weren’t careful, they would be caught by those outside just waiting for an opportunity. But Ming Xi and those other guys were different. Even if people attacked them, after showing their strength, those willing to keep attacking wouldn’t be many. Letting Ming Xi and the others go was for the best.

Rui Baby had Feng Wu write a letter to the boys so they would know what to do.

The boys only they knew for certain was that Feng Wu had entered Sin city some number of days ago. Where she went and what she did after that, they had no idea. The boys were understandable anxious, and growing more so as the days passed without news. They wondered every day if something happened to Feng Wu.

She was so simple minded. Had she been tricked. . .  or worse?

“Come and see! It’s a letter from Xiao Wu!” Jier called out.

Ming Xi and Ink immediately gathered round. From the tone and content of the letter, they were sure it was Feng Wu. But how did she know they were there? And since she knew, why send a letter instead of coming directly to them?

“Could it be Lydia delivered this? Why didn’t she materialize so we could see her?” Ink scratched his head.

“It should be because of the spirit purification array in the city.” Ming Xi explained that the powers that be in Sin city had created an array targeting spirits so that as long as someone died in Sin city, their spirits would be forcibly purified and sent away.

In this way, there were no ghosts in Sin city. Even if there was one, it never lingered for more than a quarter of an hour before the array purified it.

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