The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 599-600

Chapter 599-600: Uris; Two Years Later

599: Uris

The purified souls were sent to wherever they were supposed to go no matter how vicious they were in life.

Lydia could remain because she was a contracted spirit. But even so, her abilities were greatly reduced. At least, if she wanted to show herself, she wouldn’t be able to. The ruler of Sin city created such a big, powerful formation that it made Lydia feel stifled.

“A spirit purification array? There is such a formation in Sin city? Are these villains afraid of ghosts?!” Ink snorted. He really couldn’t understand how such a group of black-hearted people could be afraid of ghosts.

“As far as I know, the ruler of Sin city found a necromancer friend to create it because people died so often.

The city lord said he didn’t want his city to have more ghosts than people, so he came up with a formation array that would prevent dead souls from lingering in the city.”

It was rumored the city lord of Sin city was a saint level powerhouse magician. It was likely the city would have been overrun by a bunch of crazies if someone powerful wasn’t at the helm.

Ming Xi and the others didn’t gossip about the city lord too much, but they were curious about this Uris mentioned in Feng Wu’s note.

That Uris thought to use babies to heal his injuries showed he wasn’t a good person. Even in a place like Sin city, he would be considered a high-tiered villain.

No matter how they thought about it, for a villain like that to like Xiao Ye was problematic.

The part about Uris’s attitude was added by Rui Baby. Feng Wu would never had added fuel to the fire; she didn’t include any personal opinions and only wrote what Lydia saw.

It was only natural the boys would go and get Xiao Ye from Uris now that they knew where he was. After that, they would return to school with Feng Wu.

Sin city constantly resounded with screams and cries from people being beaten or killed. Based on how calm the residents were about it all, Ming Xi and the guys guessed it was an every day occurrence.

Fortunately, although law and order was not good and there was always people trying to kill each other on the streets, the sanitation was great. Rumor said the city lord was a clean freak and couldn’t stand a messy city, so whether it was from fighting or murder, whoever was involved always cleaned up after themselves.

The streets were so clean even a stray fruit peel couldn’t be found. And if someone accidentally spat on the street, they would clean up after themselves.

Clean streets and villains who cared about hygiene. Were these the only advantages to living in Sin city?

After finding where Xiao Ye was being held, Ming Xi snuck into Uris’s house with the boys in the night. Uris was a well-known figure in the city. He was ruthless to his enemies, keeping them to torture before sending them off to their maker.

Most of the citizens in Sin city didn’t dare talk too much about this pervert. Those who dared gossip were either on par with him or higher ranked.

Uris’s house was essentially a richly decorated mansion that covered a large area.

As long as you were strong and ruthless enough, you wouldn’t have to worry about being poor in Sin city.

Uris was undoubtedly of the group who lived well. He was cruel and strong, so it was expected he would have a big house.

Ming Xi and the guys spent some money to find out about Uris. The informant saw they were only asking about common knowledge, things every one in the city knew, so he happily sold the information to them.

Ming Xi’s group learned that Uris was an outsider sent to Sin city as a prisoner after killing many people, including law enforcements, from his old city.

But Uris came from a powerful family in the area, so they spent a lot of money to turn what would have been a death penalty into exile in Sin city.

It essentially let Uris live in paradise. There was no law in Sin city, so he could kill without ramifications, provided he was strong enough.

Uris did abuse the people in Sin city a great deal. In fact, he seemed to have a habit of abusing people. The more thoroughly he abused them, the more pleasure he got. He was a powerful, perverted scum.

Knowing this, Ming Xi and the others dared not take him too lightly. After entering Uris’s house, they split up to search for Little Bun.

So where was Little Bun? Well he was in Uris’s room telling the pervert he didn’t want to see him.

The fake couple who brought him to Sin city had moved him around from place to place before finally selling him to the scumbag Uris.

Uris had been laughing like a weirdo every since he set eyes on Little Bun, hugging and squeezing the little guy happily. Little Bun didn’t like being hugged by strange villains and would unceremoniously kick Uris whenever this happened. But Uris wasn’t angry. Such a strange reaction, if anyone else saw, their jaws would have dropped.

Uris loved Little Bun in every possible way. But Little Bun got goosebumps every time Uris came near.

Little Bun was afraid Uris had bad intentions. He had to be careful. Where was his mama? Come, quickly save your baby!

Little Bun waved a small fist in his heart.

“Little thing, your vitality is the most vigorous I have ever seen. Although I don’t know where those two idiots got you, I should really thank them for sending you my way. With you here, there’s no need for those other garbage to exist.”

Here we go again. Little Bun rolled his eyes. This scum man liked to watch him and say all kinds of weird things. Even though no on ever responded, he would still talk on and on, getting ever more excited with time. Such a lunatic. . . 

Was it time for him to go home? Little Bun wasn’t sure if he should cut his trip short or not, but he didn’t feel like playing with this crazy man anymore.

But he remembered when he was on the boat, he overheard that the people bullying his mama would try to lure his mama out. So, should he stay a little while longer and wait for his mama to come get him or should he have Little White send him back directly? So many choices, so many options. . .  What a hard decision. . . 

Today, the crazy man was even stranger than usual. Instead of going back to sleep after another one-sided conversation, he picked up Little Bun and he walked to an alter in the backyard.

Once he reached it, he placed Little Bun in the center and began to mutter some stuff. His eyes were actually shining with unconcealed excitement.

Although Uris was always excited everytime he saw Little Bun, tonight was a whole other level. He was so excited he was practically delirious.

Did this guy really go crazy? Little Bun seriously wondered.

Turned out Little Bun was overthinking it. As a bad guy, Uris’s mental endurance had to be high. Of course, he wouldn’t go crazy so easily.

600: Two Years Later

After Uris began chanting more, the entire altar became a little eerie.

“It will be fine. Soon I will be reborn. As long as I absorb the vitality in your body, not only will my injuries fully heal, but my strength and lifespan will greatly increase! You really are a treasure, a tiny baby god! The world gives Uris the best things!”

The pervert must have yarn for brains. Little Bun promptly made judgement.

Not far from Uris, Ming Xi and the others were slowly approaching the altar.

When Ming Xi was upstairs earlier, he discovered Uris had come downstairs with Little Bun. He didn’t dare follow too closely behind and risk being discovered, so he followed from a distance to find out what Uris was up to.

Ming Xi could barely contain himself after he heard Uris wanted to sacrifice Little Bun to gain vitality and life. It was unbearable. Such a cruel practice obviously tested Ming Xi’s patience.

He drew his long sword, but Jier, who was rendezvousing with him there, suddenly appeared and attacked Uris without even saying a word.

A magic circle suddenly appeared behind Uris, protecting him. The sneak attack completely failed.

“It turns out some mice slipped in. Don’t worry, I will take care of you after I finish this sacrifice.” Seeing Ming Xi’s group didn’t phase Uris in the slightest. He went right back to work.

It was clear, for Uris, completing the sacrifice was the higher priority.

Wind blew around the altar as Uris’s chant became more and more complicated. It felt like something was about to descend.

Little Bun stared at the changes around him curiously without a hint of fear in his big eyes.

On the other hand, Ming Xi and the others were wildly attacking the altar, their faces were fierce and ugly with determination. Would Little Bun really be sacrificed? Could such a loveable child really die?

Unfortunately, the altar was already activated. josei

Just when the boys were despairing, the wind stopped and whatever was trying to descend ran away.

Uris was hit with a backlash and instantly aged fifty years, going from a thirty-year-old young man to an old man in his eighties. He not only aged, but his energy and spirit also drained away considerably, it really was like he was an old man of eighty. A sense of death and decrepitude exuded from every inch of his body.

Panic and despair filled his eyes.

“It was perfect. How could it have failed?! I found the perfect sacrifice!” Uris, who was now an old man, yelled in disbelief, his voice old and hoarse.

“The problem was, it was too perfect. No one dared accept your sacrifice.” Ming Xi calmly walked to the center of the altar and picked up the curious toddler.

This tiny guy, did he know he was nearly sacrificed? If it wasn’t for his special background, things would have ended horribly.

Ming Xi had no sympathy for the pervert. He turned and stabbed Uris through with his sword, ensuring Uris would never harm another child again.

Thus was Little Bun was saved and Uris killed. Feng Wu immediately rushed to meet everyone upon getting the news and the group promptly left Sin city, to the resentment of certain people.

“Failed again! Didn’t Feng Yi say it was foolproof? Why did it fail again?!” Hua Jin screamed in disbelief. Their plan, despite being so well planned, failed.

“That girl is a bit unusual; it seems I won’t be able to deal with her using traditional means. I will think of another way.” Feng Yi said calmly.

Feng Yi originally thought it would be easy to deal with a little girl. He never expected Feng Wu to come out of Sin city unharmed after rescuing her child.

Now they were on the alert and wouldn’t be as easy to fool in the future. But this was good too. It wasn’t any fun killing people who were easy.

Feng Wu and the rest of the group returned to school safely. Theresa blamed herself and was sad Little Bun had to go through such an ordeal. To make it up to him, she brought all kinds of exquisite food as an apology.

Little Bun was like his mother, a complete foodie! He generously forgave Theresa after receiving so many gifts.

On the other side, Hua Jin felt ill all over. Ming Xi visited her earlier, but it wasn’t a pleasant visit. He came to warn her against harming Feng Wu. He would attack her if she tried again.

Ming Xi’s ruthlessness made Hua Jin desperate. The two of the had grown up together; they were a perfect match. Why did Ming Xi want a used woman? Why?! How was she worse than Feng Wu?!

Of course, Ming Xi didn’t bother to answer her.

Ming Xi said that if she didn’t return to the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom, he would use forces under his command to move her. Faced with such a threat, Hua Jin had no choice but to voluntarily go back home.

She couldn’t allow Ming Xi to hate her more. Besides, she knew perfectly well she didn’t have the ability to defend against Ming Xi if he chose to attack. He was ruthless and didn’t show mercy to his enemies.

Heartbroken, Hua Jin left Xingguang Holy academy with a firmer hatred for Feng Wu.

She hadn’t tried to kill Feng Ye or was the one responsible for kidnapping him. She wasn’t even the one who asked Feng Wu to go to Sin city, but Ming Xi didn’t care about the technicality. He insisted it was her doing and he would deal with her if she refused to leave.

Hua Jin understood. She left, but it didn’t mean she was giving up. She would continue, just not at school. It would make things more difficult but she was dedicated.

Hua Jin’s departure didn’t attract much attention. The future Moon empress was only at school to experience life. It was natural for her to return home after doing so.

She wasn’t like them who had to attend classes everyday, practicing their magic and martial arts to have a bright future.

The days continued to move forward.

Soon enough Feng Wu became a third year. During her first semester, the Heart of Earth appeared in the world. This time, Feng Wu wasn’t involved in the matter; she obediently took cared of Little Bun and didn’t go out anywhere.

In her fourth year, the Heart of Gold and Heart of Fire appeared. Feng Wu was still not part of the fun.

The same couldn’t be said of the other students at school.

Zi Cheng and Ai Lin were involved in all three matters. Zo, of course, also tried to make trouble for Zi Cheng whenever he could. As a result, the heroine, Zi Cheng, lost out on all the elements.

With the world’s destruction resolved, Zo only needed to protect his family wholeheartedly.

And at this point, Ai Lin and Zi Cheng were in a bona fide feud. Ai Lin had a grand old time fighting with Zi Cheng every day. With all the sabotaging she did, it was no wonder Zi Cheng hated her.

Jasmine became completely estranged from Zi Cheng’s group. She didn’t even contact Yifu, who she used to be on good terms with. Her mind was a mystery and no one knew what she was thinking.

Another major event that happened in the last two years involved Yifu’s brother.

Even though Ai Lin changed the plot of the original storyline and forced events to be postponed, Yifu’s brother still couldn’t escape his fate and died honorably saving Zi Cheng.

Not long after that, Yifu also died in order to save Zi Cheng. Apparently, the heroine cried for several days, shedding her crocodile tears for everyone to see.

It was a good thing the plot changed so much. Except for Yifu, all the people who should have been brainwashed by Zi Cheng into doing all kinds of foolish and stupid things, were saved.

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