The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 530

Chapter 530: no pardon

Chapter 530 Unpardoned

"I'm just a skin trauma..."

Yuan Jia pressed Xie Zhiwei on the bed, "Sister Wei, you have nothing to say about this matter. You are now a patient and should follow the doctor's advice..."

Linghua said from the side, "Sister Wei, what happened yesterday? Why did you suddenly run out to find the second girl? She was with us, we were together from the beginning to the end, how could Da Huangjie and I take her away?" Lost it?"

Xie Zhiwei didn't say much about this matter, but she noticed that the Du Yuan sisters were not there. After Yuan Jia and the others left, she asked Zimo to go to Yunshan Residence and brought the Du Yuan sisters back.

The two of them narrowly escaped death, knelt in front of Xie Zhiwei's bed and swore that they would never let the girl be in danger again.

"Okay, you are not greedy for life and afraid of death. This matter has already passed, so there is no need to talk about it."

As for the enemy, the eldest brother had already burned that person to death, and Xie Zhiwei, who set up the trap in the middle, would naturally not let her go.

On the white grass depression to the west of the Yuluan River, about 30 miles away from the Xinggong Palace, the bonfire has been completely extinguished, and the sun shines on the dewdrops on the grass leaves, each of which is crystal clear.

The missions who came with Tuoba Lichang are waking up from their sleep. Last night, they waited for a long time, but Tuoba Lichang did not come. Some people even joked, what can a little girl like a bean sprout do? head?

Someone said that the maidservants around the little girl are all very good looking.

As they spoke, they drank some wine, and they were not afraid that Dayong's people would find them, so they all fell asleep.

"Kill without mercy!"

A soft voice came, and all the envoys from Xiliang scrambled to their feet, everyone held the weapons in their hands, but it was too late, the cold light of the sharp arrows enveloped them like a net, and everyone's ears There were bursts of puffing sounds of sharp arrows entering the body, and blood permeated the land.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Yan did not show up. He glanced coldly at the piled up corpses and said casually, "Burn it!"

Thick smoke billowed, bursts of burnt smell scattered, not far away, a group of wild wolves howled towards this side, and a few Dongchang fanzi who stayed behind were burned to nothing, stomped out the sparks, and walked towards the wild The wolves looked at it with contempt, and rode away.

In the Palace of Yuxiong, Han Zhen knelt on the ground and shivered. The news came from Beijing that Marquis Yiwu had recruited him, and he was also involved, saying that he asked Marquis Yiwu to do something to kill Xiao Xun. .

The emperor was so angry that he threw a pastel teacup towards Han Zhen, rubbed his forehead and fell to the ground. Han Zhen's forehead became red and swollen immediately. He closed his eyes and said hoarsely, "Your Majesty, I want Chen What is the order of the county king?"

At this moment, Li Baozhen came in on tiptoe, and he whispered, "Your Majesty, please see me, Governor!"

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said, "Let him in quickly!"

Lu Yan was dressed in a red embroidered unicorn robe, and walked in quickly. He didn't even look at Han Zhen on the ground, and bowed to the emperor, "Your Majesty, the people from Xiliang have escaped!"

In an instant, the entire hall was silent, the windows were wide open, and the mountain wind outside seemed to be unable to blow in, and time stood still.

After a long time, the emperor asked, "What did you say?"

"Your Majesty!" Lu Yan looked a little nervous, with a bead of sweat rolling on his forehead, and his voice was a little hoarse, "The people from Xiliang escaped last night, I think Xiliang should have known the plot was exposed, so they fled overnight. I thought that the war on the Xiliang border needs to be arranged quickly, and I am willing to lead the order to supervise the battle!"

Only then did the emperor become alert, that's right, Ah Xun is gone, and although there are military generals guarding all the guards in Xiliang, there is no one trustworthy there, Lian Yiwuhou, who is deeply favored by the emperor Everyone will betray him. At the critical moment, how many people can stick to the bottom line in front of interests?

"Your Majesty, I object!" Marquis Huaiyuan took a deep look at Lu Yan, "People from Xiliang won't leave for no reason, and Marquis Yiwu has no position to take the life of Prince Chen..."

"Your Majesty!" Lu Yan directly interrupted Han Zhen's words, "It is true that Xiliang people will not leave for no reason. The news came from the capital today. Last night, Xiliang people ran away. Your Majesty, I think this is the case. There must be something strange in it!"

"Lu Yan, you eunuch, are you saying that the Marquis and the people of Xiliang tipped off the news?" Marquis Huaiyuan was so angry that he stiffened his neck, and said angrily, "Did you frame Yiwuhou? The emperor informed you that you are the son of Marquis Dingyuan, that's why you framed Marquis Yiwu as an enemy, right?"

Lu Yan seemed to see Marquis Huaiyuan who was kneeling on the ground at this time, he was not in a hurry nor angry, his face was calm and calm, "Master Hou, the evidence of Marquis Yiwu's collusion with the enemy was found from Yongxin Bo's mansion, At that time, Marquis Yiwu hadn't informed the emperor yet, and besides, how could there be Marquis Dingyuan in this world? I'm afraid Marquis has forgotten?"

Lu Yan looked too lazy to argue with Marquis Huaiyuan, and continued to the emperor, "Your Majesty, I am willing to go to the western border to supervise the war, please allow me!"

The emperor was very moved. He looked at Lu Yan with a heavy voice, "Ah Yan, do you know that on the battlefield, either you die or I live? How many people went to the battlefield, and maybe they never returned?"

Lu Yan smiled and showed great respect to the emperor, "Your Majesty, Xijiang is a gateway to the capital. If Xijiang is gone, the people of Xiliang will drive straight in, and the capital will not be guaranteed. I have no other ability, only one life, use it to Guarding the western frontier for the emperor, I will spare no expense!"josei

The emperor was obviously moved, and said, "A Xun's life and death are uncertain, if he is here, you don't have to leave Beijing."

Huaiyuanhou was stunned. He looked at Lu Yan in disbelief. When did the emperor trust this **** to such an extent? With Lu Yan around, sooner or later, they will all die, and they all ended up like Hong Jizhong.

The emperor was obviously still hesitating whether to send Lu Yan to supervise the battle in the western Xinjiang battlefield, and Lu Yan didn't seem to care. He served the emperor as usual and showed the prepared memorial to the emperor. He was loyal and respectful.

The emperor was exhausted. When the first snow fell, the emperor accidentally caught a cold and was sick in bed.

Lu Yan obeyed the order and invited Xie Zhiwei to use needles for the emperor to take care of his body.

In Lingzhou, thousands of miles away from here, Pei Ji has been defending Lingzhou for two months. In the city, there is a lot of starvation. The naked bodies of the peasants who help guard the city are exposed to the ice and snow cold wind. From time to time, the sound of hungry children crying .

Pei Ji stood guard on the city wall, and a cold arrow shot towards him. A personal guard rushed up and threw him down. The arrow hit the beam behind him, stuck on it, and the arrow feathers swayed in the cold wind.

On a very cold day, Pei Ji was so cold that his hands and feet were stiff. At this moment, he broke out in a cold sweat. He wiped the fine beads of sweat from his forehead, and was about to scold his mother when suddenly he saw, The densely packed Xiliang army outside Lingzhou City suddenly withdrew.

Today's update!

Thank you for your support, I love you guys!

(end of this chapter)

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