The Power of the First Daughter, Doctor and Concubine Dominates the World

Chapter 531

Chapter 531: heroic soul

Chapter 531 Heroic Soul

"What happened?" Pei Ji was terrified, Lingzhou was already at the end of its strength, if there was another wave of attacks, he might be destroyed.


A soldier ran over out of breath, panting, but excited, "Report, the king of Chenjun has an order, ordering Lord Wang to hand over all the military defenses of Lingzhou City to Meng Shaoqing, the general soldier of Qingzhou, from today onwards." , Mr. Wang is only in charge of Lingzhou government affairs."

Pei Ji heaved a sigh of relief. When he returned to the state government office, a young general was standing under the eaves with his hands behind his back. Seeing him coming, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute, "My lord, Meng Shaoqing, under the order of the prince of the county, We will take over the military affairs of Lingzhou from today onwards, and please help Master Wang a lot!"

"General Meng is serious. You and I are both serving the court, so we should work together! General Meng, please come in. Let's sit and chat while drinking tea."

Pei Ji was really tired, he drank a cup of tea in one gulp, and said, "Master Meng came just in time, I was thinking that today I'm going to take a last look at the rivers and mountains of Dayong, unexpectedly, Meng Your Excellency has come, and Xiliang's soldiers have also retreated."

Meng Shaoqing smiled, he didn't speak, he just looked at the sky above the courtyard outside, thinking in his heart, Liangzhou is a hundred miles away at this time.

Tuoba Baoji led an army of 80,000 troops towards Liangzhou. When they reached Mount Jiazi, it was already dark, and Tuoba Baoji ordered them to set up camp.

The bonfire was extinguished in the middle of the night, and the howling north wind rolled up ice slag, blowing across the top of Chaizi Mountain, and a few stones rolled down from time to time.

At this moment, more than a hundred riders rushed over from the south, and the scouts in front were left far behind. Behind the scouts was a roaring army. Shaking, going upside down.

The gate of the camp was broken open, the horse-rejection formation was overturned, and the soldiers guarding the gate were shot dead before they could shout "Report".

Tuoba Baoji quickly put on his battle armor and rushed out on horseback, just in time to face the chasing soldiers. Before he could speak, a cold arrow came from nowhere and shot Tuoba Baoji to death.

The war has already started. Soldiers from the two sides rushed together. The sound of fire, fighting, and roaring sounded from the south of Mount Chazi, and lasted all night.

It was dawn, and more than a hundred horses were standing on the hillside. The young general in silver armor who was the leader was only fifteen years old. His handsome face was stained with a little blood, as if a rouge had been put on it, and his bright eyes shone brightly. Looking at the battlefield at the foot of Nanshan, he said, "Order to clean up the battlefield. All the horse rations will be transported to Lingzhou and let Meng Shaoqing take over. Pass on the king's order, no matter whether Pei Shaoqing robs or goes out to hunt, from today, Lingzhou The city does not allow a single person to starve to death!"

"Yes, the county prince!"

The young man was Xiao Xun, who was said to have died a long time ago. He was riding on Feiyun Zou, wearing a silver armor and a black-faced cloak on a red ground, fluttering in the north wind.

The gate of Lingzhou City was opened, and cartloads of supplies were brought in. It was almost the Chinese New Year, and crowds of ragged people, dragging their children and their daughters, were preparing to flee the famine. At this moment, they all stopped , standing on the side of the street, watching obsessively.

After a while, dozens of large pots were set up on the street in front of the state capital, and bags of rice and beans were poured into the pot. Soldiers in thick cotton clothes stirred the pot with big sticks The rice or beans, bursts of fragrance permeated the sky over Lingzhou City.

"Folks, line up, don't grab, don't squeeze, everyone has a share. The county prince said, don't starve to death. If you starve to death, this general will be buried with you, so it won't be short Alone, take your time!"

Pei Ji stood in front of a large pot with a spoon in his hand. He took a sip first, and drank it before it was cold. The elderly and children come first, and the men stand behind, and no snatching is allowed, and whoever snatches it will not be given to anyone.”

Tuoba Baoji's head was cut off and kept in a golden box.

At nightfall, Xiao Xun held the box in both hands, walked through the mountains, and walked to the Wuding River step by step.

The Wuding River under the moonlit night is astonishingly beautiful, like a beautiful woman with a jade body, exuding fatal temptation, sparkling, but full of **** smell that lingers for years, like a bridge connecting the world and **** space door.

Xiao Xun knelt down, lifted the box over his head, and crawled down again. After he put the box on the ground, he took the shovel from the lieutenant general and dug up on the ground.

After a while, a bone was exposed. He put down the shovel, picked up the bone carefully, put it aside, and buried the box in it.

The bones were restrained and a mound was piled up.

"Uncle, soldiers of the Han Yu Army, I, Xiao Xun, will definitely destroy Xiliang with my elder brother in this life, and avenge the 70,000 soldiers, uncle, aunt, and cousin!"

More than a month ago, Xiao Xun came out of the Red Maple Paddock. Instead of coming to Xijiang, he went to Uighur. The war between Liang and Uyghur.

He heard that Tuoba Baoji from Xiliang personally led troops to attack Lingzhou, so he had a plan, shot and killed the Uighur leader, and led the people to attack this way, finally on a dark and windy night of one month , At the foot of Mount Chiazi, they confronted the Xiliang army. After fighting for a whole night, the two armies suffered heavy losses.

Tuoba Baoji died, and the envoys led by Tuoba Lichang were buried in Dayong. Not to mention, Dayong actually sent a letter of credence, accusing Tuoba Lichang of colluding with Dayong's dignitaries in order to rebel. Xiliang can bear it or can't bear it!

In November, Tuoba Sigong personally led an army of 100,000 from Xiliang to attack Raofeng Pass. General Xiao Xun set up his tent in Lingzhou. He stood on the city wall of Lingzhou and looked to the west. The flag, the mighty army, Xiao Xun's blood seemed to be ignited.josei

"Bring the arrow!" Xiao Xun roared in high spirits, and the heavy bow was delivered to him. He held the bow in his left hand, and the arrow in his right hand. As soon as it was released, there was only a buzzing sound, and the arrow flew out towards Xiliang's army like a shooting star chasing the moon.


In the Xiliang barracks, the commander-in-chief flag in the middle dangled twice in the air, folded in half, and the flag fluttering in the wind crashed to the ground.

Tuoba Sigong rushed out of the handsome tent, and what he saw was the scene in front of him. His no longer young face was full of disbelief. He suddenly turned his head and looked towards Lingzhou. He saw the boy's silver armor on the city wall under the sunlight There was light flowing like water, and a handsome and impeccable face was full of vigor and vitality, as dazzling as the morning sun.

The young man has not yet reached the crown, his crow-like hair is tied into a ponytail, blowing up in the wind, his pair of phoenix eyes are towering, and the invisible coercion, like a mountain, is pressing towards Tuoba Sigong head-on.

The first update!

(end of this chapter)

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