The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 717 - The Identity Revealed

Chapter 717 - The Identity Revealed

In the Sanguan manor, five people gathered in the same room, the tension couldn't be clearer, Zi Yi Ru squeezes her handkerchief anxiously while Zi Quan Mei sits with cross legs on the chair.

Sanguan Jin Sheng face was red from holding back his rage while Sanguan Liu Wen sat on the chair opposite Zi Quan Mei, the old man stroked his beard as he looked down in regret, however, Sanguan Wu Ci didn't say a word, he sat on the corner watching everyone with a blank expression, unlike everyone he was the only one who looked nonchalant.

Sanguan Jin Sheng slouched on his chair while massaging his forehead "Are you sure about this?" he was still weighted down by shock, never in million years had he expected this.

Zi Yi Ru turned his eyes to Zi Quan Mei for help, she has always been a paper tiger she bullied the weak but feared the strong. All of her life she depended on her family protection when she gets older Zi Yi Ru become more dependent on Zi Quan Mei, even though Zi Quan Mei didn't like her sister too much and thought other than her faces Zi Yi Ru was completely useless but their parents love Zi Yi Ru very much because she has a sweet mouth and knows how to act spoiled in front of their elder, unlike Zi Quan Mei who was more rigid and cold since she was a child.

Zi Quan Mei leaned her back and drew a long breath "At that time, Yi Ru was asking my help to chassed Qin Mu  Yi and her cousin across the continent, even though she just gave birth who would've thought she still has the strength to fight against us." Zi Quan Mei sneered, secretly she admired Qin Mu Yi's perseverance too bad a woman like her should meet a cruel man like Sanguan Jin Sheng.

"Qin Mu Yi and her cousin managed to kill a lot of my people, but then one day we finally able to cornered them and killed Qin Mu Yi cousin but a lost all of my subordinates….anyway, we both terribly injured at that time but Qin Mu Yi condition was much worse than mine, then I saw her stopped a noble carriage, Qin Mu Yi knew he was dying so she had no choice but to entrust his Son to a stranger before she died" Zi Quan Mei sip a cup of tea to moisten her throat.

Sanguan Jin sheng frowned "And that stranger was Jiang Wei noble consort?"

"Yes, and she was also the lady from the Ying clan. At first, I wasn't sure how to approach that woman but thankfully she Just like any other noblewomen inside the harem, she was selfish, devious, and opportunistic so it's not hard to persuade her to poison the baby especially when I promised her that the Zi clan would help his son to get the dragon throne" she curls her lips in mockery. 

"And that boy is Zhao Li Xin the sixth prince of Jiang Wei kingdom?" Sanguan Liu Wen astonished.

"Yes, I know women from aristocrat family can be mean but Ying Xi Lu was beyond my expectation, I never knew she would torture that boy that much as if the poison was not enough, that women really opened my eyes" Zi Quan Mei stifle giggles without a shred of remorse.

"Stupid woman, what you have done, how could you let my son live with a stranger, because of you everything I work has gone to waste" Sanguan Jin Sheng was boiling with anger, he was smoldered by resentment everything he planed, all his dreams went down the drained because of Zi Yi Ru.

Zi Yi Ru refused to admit that is all her fault, she clenched her fist so hard that her nails cut into her skin and she shouted at sanguan Jin Sheng "Why are you mad at me, is it because you still in love with that wench, you still can't forget about her don't you? that's why you so persistent to bring that woman son's home, why, is it because you feel guilty about that woman, you want to compensate her, do you want to give Sanguan family to him? Over my dead body!" fury twisted inside of her as she was burned with jealousy.

Sanguan Wu Ci roll his eyes in disdain, he already told her mother that his father was not a sentimental man, why she kept thinking Sanguan Jin sheng feeling to Qin Mu Yi was genuine, is there something wrong with his mother head, sometimes he wishes he didn't have a mother at all, this woman was too disappointing in fact all women were like that….except her.

"YOU FOOL!" he slapped Zi Yi Ru cheek in anger "Is not Qin Mu Yi that I wanted but her child, MY CHILD!" he was blinded with rage he can't vent his anger to Zi Quan Mei so he hit Zi Yi Ru instead, afterall there was nothing wrong with disciplining his own wife. 

His strong hit throw Zi Yi Ru against the floor and she cried in pain, Zi Quan Mei got up from her seat abruptly "Sanguan Jin Sheng, do you think I'm dead!" she mostly angry because Sanguan Jin Sheng disrespects her rather than he treatment to her sister, in her opinion Zi Yi Ru deserved it, who told her to neglect her cultivation just to chassed a man. Looked what happened now?!

He ignored Zi Quan Mei shout as he had a certain amount of anger need to be unleashed "You think I do all this because I love Qin Mu Yi, if I truly love Qin Mu Yi so much why would I slaughtered all of the Qin family, do you believe it because I blinded by jealousy…how naive you could be?" Sanguan Jin Sheng scoffed in disdain.

"Hu…husband, I…." fear throbbed inside her, Zi Yi Ru never seen Sanguan Jin Sheng this mad before even when she killed one of his favorite concubines he wasn't this angry, her heart sank to her stomach she scared what would happen with her after this, she turned her head to Sanguan Wu Ci for help but her son was feigned ignorance. Never in her life, Zi Yi Ru felt so alone and desperate.

Zi Quan Mei also dumbfounded "So you killed the whole Qin family on purposed?" although she knew Sanguan Jin Sheng was a heartless man, however, she never thought he would go this far, her blood froze in veins, it seemed Sanguan Jin Sheng was more dangerous than she thought.

Sanguan Jin Sheng took a glance at Sanguan Liu Wen, the old man nodded to give him permission. Sanguan Jin Sheng plopped to the nearest chair while massage his forehead, the situation has become like this he needs Zi Quan Mei helped more than before "For generations, our Sanguan family had been tracking down the descendant of King Lei Yu for decades, it was coincident that I found an old manuscript that shows the Qin family as King Lei Yu descendant"

"Wh…why do you have to marry her if you didn't love her" Zi Yi Ru overwhelmed with grief, how could she not, turn out all these years jealousy and envy were nothing but her own delusion.

'Love' did he ever love Qin Mu Yi, he admitted he was moved by her exquisite beauty but his ambitions were bigger than his sentimental feeling in the end he chose himself and abandoned Qin Mu Yi, is there any love left? No, he never loved anyone but himself. 

"Because I need King Lei Yu descendant who bears my blood, only then I could obtain King Le Yu's Crimson Lightning Sword" he balled his fist with eyes filled with greed, he will not stop until he gets what he wanted.

Zi Quan Mei narrowed her eyes "King Lei Yu was only a myth, what make you think he was real?" Zi Quan Mei didn't think of Sanguan Jin sheng as someone who believed old tales without concrete evidence.josei

This time sanguan Liu Wen chime in "Because Sanguan family was one of King Lei Yu trusted subordinated"

"WHAT?" Zi Quan Mei and Zi Yi Ru muttered at the same time.

"It's true, our family is one of the five people King Lei Yu close subordinated, when King lei yu died they buried him with his sword in a secret location that only they could know, to make sure no one found the King tomb location they made a secret map and later divided the map into five pieces and give each other one piece, that's how the Sanguan family have one piece of the map…but recently we had gathered the other pieces of the map," said sanguan Liu Wen.

"So….so the story is true, the book said the sword could split the sky and cut the mountain if one could have the sword they would become the King amongst king" Zi Quan Mei gasped, her eyes filled with excitement.

"Don't happy too much, only descendant of King Lei Yu could wield the sword…" Sanguan Jin Sheng waves his hand aimlessly.

Zi Quan Mei looked annoyed with the sudden news "Are you sure?"

"That's what the legend said" Sanguan Jin Sheng sighed "If I could control Lu Xin….I mean Zhao Li Xin, I would able to control the sword, it would be easier if I raised him from a baby but then you ruined my plan and now this happens," he glared at Zi Yi Ru. 

Zi Yi Ru shrank her head and muttered quietly "You never told me…."

"Of course I never told you, not even my Mother know about this Only the patriarch of the Sanguan family could know about this!" Sanguan Jin Sheng pounded his fist on the table furiously.

"Master Zi, are you sure you had poisoned Zhao Li Xin before?" Sanguan Liu Wen was much calmer than his son, rather than pointing finger is better to find the solution to their problem.

Zi Quan Mei tilted her head "I'm sure, I saw myself Ying Xi Lu feed Zhao Li Xin with the poisoned and for years Zhao Li Xin was feeding the poisoned until he gets a bit older, only then I stopped giving him the poisoned since the poisoned already seep to his bones and blood it's impossible to be cured" she shook his head confusedly.

"But Zhao Li Xin seems fine" Sanguan Liu Wen shared his confusion as well

"That's what I can't understand, not only he can't cultivate, he shouldn't live this long either!" Zi Quan Mei cannot stop wondering how Zhao Li Xin survives all these years and become one of the most prominent figures in the world, that was unbelievable!

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