The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 718 - Vicious Plan

Chapter 718 - Vicious Plan

"Enough, it's no used wondering how that child survives, the problem is how do we control him?" Sanguan Jin Sheng leaned his back against the chair tiredly "If that boy is really Long Ming then we should cease that idea" Irritation surged inside him again when he recalled how foolish Zi Yi Ru was.

Zi Yi Ru looked down in forlorn she knows this time he was very angry with her, she doesn't know what would happen to her if she spoils his planed, that man will blame her for everything that went wrong, when that happened how could she survive inside the Sanguan manor?

"Don't be so sure" Sanguan Liu Wen suddenly raised his voice "I was prepared for this situation, even before I knew that boy is Long Ming, judging from his character I knew he wasn't easy to control, that boy was stubborn and arrogant, he didn't  look like a man who would take order so I met with Lao Min Na and ask her for that thing…." He takes out a jade bottle from his spatial ring and places it on the table.

Sanguan Jin Sheng's eyes widened "Fa…father, you mean that thing is inside it?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"Are you sure about this, we don't know what that thing could do… besides, it gives me creeps" Sanguan Jin Sheng scrunched up his face in disgust.

Sanguan Liu Wen sighed heavily "We have no other choice…."

"What is inside the bottle" she walks to the table but before she touched the bottle Sanguan Jin Sheng and Sanguan Liu Wen shouted simultaneously.


Zi Quan Mei's movement came to a halt, she was stunned by their strong reaction rather than scaring her it only made her more curious "What inside the bottle?" she asked curiously.

"It's a weird creature, according to miss Lao it can't control human and beast mind but where she got this 'things' I had no idea" Sanguan Jin Sheng show his vexed expression, everything about Lao Min Na was suspicious but unfortunately he needed her, he needed her alchemist skill to help his family raised their cultivation.

"Miss Lao, you mean Lao Min Na?" Zi Quan Mei tilted her head.

Sanguan Jin Sheng narrows his eyes "You know her?"

"No, I just heard about her" she brush it off.

He didn't ask any further because they had more important issues "How do we get closed enough to infect Zhao Li Xin with that things?"Sanguan Jin Sheng rubbed his chin while immersed in deep thought.

"We must find someone that could make him lose his guard down" Sanguan Liu Wen's suggestion wasn't bad but who can't make Zhao Li Xin like that?

They looked at each other then fell silent, who doesn't know Long Ming's temperament, that man is too cold and merciless other than his closed subordinated no one could approach him, who had the ability to approach him.

"What about Bai Xue?" Sanguan Wu Ci was sitting in the corner all along without giving a comment, he was sat quietly without making a sound and almost make everyone forget he was there.josei

Zi Quan Mei stared at the pale looking man in the corner somehow she feel that Sanguan Wu Ci was very different from what she remembers when he was little, in the past even though he was a bit taciturn but he still had a radiant and charming smiled that would make any women heart melt but know his face look dark without a spark in his eyes. There something eerie about him that made her didn't want to get close to her, she wonders what happened to Sanguan Wu Ci?

"Didn't Bai Xue have a good relationship with Zhao Li Xin when he was here, why not used her to get close to him?" Sanguan Wu Ci smirked while looking down at the winecup in his hand.

He believed Zhao Li Xin and Bai Xue had some kinda relationship, no matter how much Zhao Li Xin professed his devotion towards his wife there were always cynical people like sanguan Wu ci he refused to believe that, especially after he heard several maids and servant had caught them together a few times, even if Zhao Li Xin truly loved his wife but that didn't mean he wouldn't falter in front of a beautiful woman like Bai Xue, isn't it? Sanguan Wu Ci refused to believe Zhao Li Xin didn't have the slightest idea about Bai Xue.

Sanguan Wu Ci not only wanted to frame Zhao Li Xin he also wanted to take off his good husband's mask and let her see who he really was, Sanguan Wu Ci wanted to let her know that Zhao Li Xin didn't better than any men.

And when Zhao Li Xin broke her heart it would be easy for him to snatched coaxed her to follow him, he wanted to know what kinda expression Long Ming would make when he realizes he got his wife.

"Ah you right, there still Bai Xue!" sanguan Jin Sheng slammed the table excitedly.

"Did my disciple have a relationship with Long Ming?" Zi Quan Mei stunned but she was not surprised if a man fancies her disciple, Bai Xue was indeed a very beautiful woman.

"If we can use Bai Xue to infected Long Ming with this thing then our problem will be settled" Sanguan Wu Ci's eyes flickered with malice.

"But…what if Bai Xue unwilling, what if she genuinely in love with Lu Xin?" Sanguan Liu Wen shows his doubt.

Sanguan  Jin Sheng waved his hand casually "Just called her and see what she would say" 


The monotone sounds of the wave hit the Clift give a sense of tranquillity, the pink and red sky made like she was in internal sunset. Lory watches the volcano mountain in a distance quietly.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Huo Long appears from behind her and covers her shoulder with a fur cloak.

"Lory look over her shoulder and smile "I'm fine…"

"The boy seemed busy, but fret not he would come sooner than later beside he always checking your condition every day" Huo Long comfort her with a big smiled.

"I made him worry again, did I?" she make helpless smiled.

Huo Long sighed while patting her shoulder gently "When you care about someone you can't help but always feel worry"

Lory didn't say a word, her circumstances were special if she remembers since the first time she met Zhao Li Xin she always gives him trouble and dragged him to her whimsical although sometimes he complains or reluctant, albeit at the end of the day he followed her whim.

Lory shook her head and stifles a chuckle, until to this day Lory still not understand why he stayed with her. Zhao Li Xin could have any women he wanted but yet he chose her, an outsider who infected with terrible curses and hunted by the real Demon. The chance for her survival was small, even if she could kill Lazarus and save the world but she's not sure she would come alive from it, she doesn't know if she could survive.

"You want an armor right" Huo Long voice awake her from her daze.

"Yes.." she nodded.

"I just got a special thing for you, follow me!" he grinned mischievously.

His enthusiast lightens her mood, Lory smile while sashaying behind Huo Long. The old azure dragon took her to the golden pagoda again, as expected once she enters the pagoda Lory's sight was hits by glimmering shines of gold and gemstone she subconsciously squints her eyes.

  She didn't know if this was just her feeling or what but why did she feel the treasures increase, the number of caskets seemed multiply than before and some of the casket was left open because it couldn't contain the amount of gold and gems inside so everything was scattered in the floor like trash, Lory winced her fast whenever she accidentally steps on the gemstones and jewels on the floor, on the other hands, Huo Long didn't seem to mind her as he prances across the room carelessly.

"It's on the seventh floor, hurry up!" he pointed his finger upstairs.

Lory struggle to find a safe footing on the floor, it took a while but she finally able to reach the stairs but Huo Long already on the second floor when she beckoned Lory to walk faster, Lory sighed then quickened her pace to chased Huo Long.

When she arrived on the seventh floor Lory was out of breath, she coughs a little while maintained her breathing. Huo Long watched her and laugh, Lory leans her back to the railing while catching her breath before she follows Huo Long.

Once she entered the chamber Lory was surprised the chamber was empty without any treasures clutter on the floor or gaudy wall decoration. There's was nothing inside but a conspicuous rectangle golden vault in the middle of the room.

Lory stare at the vault in amaze "What is this thing?"

"Something that my….friend told me to made for you?" he puffed his chest proudly.

"For me – Your friend knew me?" Lory widens her eyes in surprise.

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