The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 736 - Epiphany

Chapter 736 - Epiphany

Lory didn't realize how different it was to ride another bird other than Girsha, when she thought again she realized that she had never ridden beasts other than Girsha. after all, jumping on the back of the beast's and stabbing his sword into the beast's body couldn't be said riding right? the difference between riding a Girsha and a docile crane is like the difference between riding a jet plane and a kite, in short, it was a very relaxing journey, Lory leaned her back against Zhao Li Xin's chest and began to fall asleep.

However, not long after, Zhao Li Xin's gentle voice awoke her "We arrived," he said, then the crane land smoothly on the ground, Lory then yawn while stretching her limbs, then Zhao Li Xin jump down and help Lory to descend from the beast. 

"Enjoy your nap?" Zhao Li Xin teased.

Lory nodded with misty eyes "I never thought riding a beast can be so…calm"

"Oh, what happens when you ride Girsha?"josei

Lory tilted her head as she recalled her past "Uhm…."


___In a certain small city____

"HELLLLP!" people running in a frenzy.

"Call for aide, no military, no National Guard!" a cop yell to his communicator.

"Everyone Run to safety, we are under attack!"  another cop waved his hands wildly.


In the middle of chaos, Girsha and Lory froze "...…."

Lory blew her cheeks tiredly "Maybe, we should explain to them!"

"Whatever, let's order first!" Girsha scoffed, humans always make a fuss over nothing.

Lory pondered for a moment, is not like she couldn't explain anything to them in this situation, anyway and she's very hungry right now, Lory looked at the menu machine next to her, then she awkwardly leaned against the loudspeaker, "Can I have a favor, one extra-large cheeseburger, big French fries, apple pie, and a strawberry sizzling soda. Lory stuck her hand in her front pocket to take out her money. 

"Ehm!"Girsha clears his throat.

Lory realizes she forgot something, "Oh, and extra Large grape pie please…" 

"AAHHHHHH, Helpppp Mee!" all the waiters running from the restaurant in frenzy including the man who supposed to accept her order.

"WAIT, can I have the cheese bugger at least!" Lory waved her money desperately "I'll pay CASH!"


Lory shook the image from her head, then smiled wryly at Zhao Li Xin "It can be noisy sometimes…" 

"Oh…." Zhao Li Xin didn't understand but he didn't ask further since Lory reluctant to explain.

That probably the reason why she always travels by car, even though she can just fly of course the other reason is wasted of her mana but most of all it's because Girsha was too intimidating. 

"Lory, what should we do now?"

Zhao Li Xin voice startled her "Oh right, let's go to the place we fight before"

"Okay" Zhao Li Xin pulled Lory's hand and they walk hand in hand as they walk.

Just as Lory thought, the closer they were to the goal, the clearer the dark aura would become. On his way to the forest, he ran into several Hei Shen members who were guarding around the forest to make sure no one got in. when they arrived, Lory could feel a transparent barrier covering the place. 

"Your array?" Lory ask.

"Yes," Zhao Li Xin answer briefly.

Lory placed her hand on the transparent array, a wave of energy shocking her fingertips "This is a strong array, thanks black poison didn't spread too far" even though she knew Zhao Li Xin's array was strong but she didn't expect it would be strong enough to withstand Lazarus' dark mana, perhaps because Zhao Li Xin was a descendant of this world's first king, that's why his power was much stronger than normal people, just like her. Nonetheless, this is good news for Lory because it means Zhao Li Xin might actually be able to fight against Lazarus. 

"Not strong enough…" Zhao Li Xin feel a bit pessimist with his current ability, he has to admit he still far away to match Lazarus power, he worries even with the crimson lightning he couldn't win against Lazarus, but he refused to be discouraged, he believes as long he increased his cultivation he would able to take down Lazarus. 

"You will be…" Lory looks at him without a hint of doubt.

Once they entered the array, Lory and Zhao Li Xin were hit by black miasma, luckily it was only a residue so it didn't affect Lory who had powerful gifts, or Zhao Li Xin who had strong cultivation but still it gave them discomfort feeling. 

"Is it supposed to be this bad?" Zhao Li Xin saw black smoke leaked from within the ground.

Lory looks around her and sighed "Normally no, but this is Lazarus we are talking about" Lory said with forbidding thought.

[Let's not waste more time, girl]  Girsha said.

Lory took a deep breath then slowly closed her eyes, she gathered her hands above her chest then purple light gathered within her hands, in one swift motion, Lory then threw the light into the sky, as the light reached the sky the light exploded into small brilliant light then drop Like snow in winter and seeped onto the ground. The dark smoke slowly swallows by the light and gradually disappeared as the light continues to penetrate the dark soil, suddenly sprouts appeared, and the charred soil suddenly covers with green sprouts, and the whole land was healed.

Zhao Li Xin mouth slightly open as he watched the change with awed, the land that was burned to scorched by him now healed by Lory, he understands the distinctive difference with their power, although they are both powerful, his power is meant to destroy everything that he touches while Lory meant to healed everything that broken…including him.

Lory opened her eyes and felt relieved that the spell was working so well, she turned around and saw Zhao Li Xin standing behind her with an admiring gaze towards her, Lory gave her a bright smile that could overpower the brilliance around her. Zhao Li Xin's heart was shaken with an indescribable feeling 'It's for her' he thought without the slightest hesitation in his mind, he was born in this world to meet him, there is no other reason for his existence. 

"It's done!" Lory smiles from ear to ear.

"It's good" Zhao Li Xin wrapped his arms around her waist as he hugged her tightly.

Lory didn't know what happened with Zhao Li Xin, still, she reciprocated his hug nonetheless, "Are you okay?"

"I'm happy?" he smiled with complete joy.

All human who walk in this world searching a reason for their existance, some figure it out in their twilight day some don't have s clue until they die, but Zhao Li Xin feel he is one of the lucky ones because he realized early, it's funny because he never considers himself as lucky, when he rethinking the journey of his life he discovers that not everything was bad.

Even though she was abused since she was young, tortured, and beaten like a dog almost every day not to mention the excruciating pain he had to endure from the cold poison, but despite everything that happened to him, look how he becomes today.

He grew stronger, thicker, and wiser than people his age, he was also surrounded by loyal people such as Mong Ki, Mong Yi, and the King's palace. He has no crown or status as Emperor but he lives like one, he has no one controlling him and he lives freely like a cloud in the sky without restraint and finally, and then he meets Lory, a woman who makes all her hardships worth it.

He is a lucky man, he finally understand that.

Lory then cupped Zhao Li Xin face and scrutinized his expression "Hmm, you look very happy" 

"I am" he smiled warmly.

Lory got curious, she didn't know why he looks…peaceful "Care to share?"

"I'm thinking to held a grand wedding for you," 

"A we…wedding?!" Lory's eyes bulged in shock.

"Yup, I want to make it as grand as possible so no one question my love for you, let them see, hear and amaze" Zhao Li Xin smile wickedly

Lory's mouth open and closed as she bewildered by Zhao Li Xin's words, however, she didn't stop him since Zhao Li Xin look very eager "Well, whatever you said then, where we held the wedding anyway?"

"Liang Zu kingdom" he firmly said.

"So we are going to the Liang Zu Kingdom, what about the Crimson Lightning sword, I thought we are going to Hwang Wu continent?" They got so much to do, it's almost no time to breathe so how could she think about a wedding.

Zhao Li Xin held her hand, "Lory, there always something happened in our world, another enemy to face another dangerous situation to come, but that exactly why we must hold a wedding, we only have one life Lory, so don't delay important things anymore, no more waiting for the right time or right moment, okay… After all, if I didn't marry you properly, I wouldn't have a face if I met your parents and brother." he looked into her eyes deeply. After he was nearly killed by Lazarus that day, something crossed her mind that she hasn't seen Lory in her wedding dress and how beautiful she would be. 

"Well, if you said so….okay," Lory thought is not a bad idea "But we only invite people that closed to us!"


"But, I design my own wedding dress!" Lory said again.


"I do all your world custom but I want to add a few of my custom too!" she added more.

Zhao Li Xin chuckled "Okay – okay, whatever you want as long you came to the wedding!" he pressed his forehead against her and whisper softly "My Bride…"

  [So we would have a wedding, huh] Girsha was also overjoyed for Lory.

[Yes, and you will be my flower girl!~] Lory squel in delight.


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