The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 737 - A Favor

Chapter 737 - A Favor

As an appointment lorry and Zhao Li Xin visited the Yunmo Imperial Palace. Lory went back to using shapeshifting spells because after Tian Meng Ji's reaction he was worried that it would cause unnecessary suspicion with the imperial family and officials. When they arrived they were immediately greeted by Wu Zhi Xiao, who seemed to have been waiting for them for a while. 

"My lord, young madam, you have been expected" he lowered his head politely. 

"Rise ..." Zhao Li Xin nonchalantly acknowledged his presence.

Wu Zhi Xiao glanced at Lory, just like the other Hei Shen members he knew this was not Lory's real appearance as well and he also saw Lory from afar when he watched during the fight, although he did not look closely, even so the bluish wavy hair and wings on her back were not something that can be easily forgotten.

To be honest, Wu Zhi Xiao was curious to see Lory's true appearance up close, he had heard rumors among Hei Shen sect members, they said that the young mistress had perfect snow-white skin, wavy hair like rose petals, bluish hair that could only be seen under the sunlight, and what made her even more dazzling were her pair of purple eyes that looked like a sapphire gemstone. Just listening to how they describe the appearance of the young mistress. Wu Zhi Xiao was very curious, he even regrets not participating in the fight so that he could see the young mistress's true appearance up close. 

"What are you looking at?" Zhao Li Xin's icy voice startled Wu Zhi Xiao. 

"No – no – no, I just thought they young madam look different today" he flustered when explaining himself.

"My wife always looks lovely…" he states as if it was a fact with a straight face.

"Ye…yes, Milord" Wu Zhi Xiao smiled awkwardly.

Lory felt embarrassed, knowing from the start that Luo Ri Yi's face was nothing special, even though she changed Luo Ri Yi's eyes so it looked more like her but it did not turn her into a heavenly beauty like Lao Min Na or Yang Xi Ying. so when Zhao Li Xin said it without the slightest hesitation, Lory's face turned red.

Suddenly they heard footsteps, suddenly a group of eunuchs in gray uniform approached them hastily. They lowered their heads and saluted Lory and Zhao Li Xin simultaneously, "Welcome to the imperial palace Lord Long Ming and Madame Zhao, the Emperor is waiting for you, please follow me." They greeted them in high-pitched voices that sounded more like a female voice than a man.

Lory nodded politely she wept her gaze to the massive palaces around her and take a deep breath, somehow this reminded her of when she was appointed as the representative of her country. Zhao Li Xin intertwined his fingers with Lory, the warmth of his hands soothes her from her nervousness.

  He thought lory felt uncomfortable visiting the imperial palace, after all, there was never a good experience when she visited the imperial palace no matter what kingdom she visited back then.

"Don't worry, I'm here…" Zhao Li Xin reassured her.

Eunuchs led them to the main hall called the throne room, where the emperor received official worship and held a memorial service, the palace design was almost the same as the kingdoms of Liang Zu and Jiang Wei, the place was painted red and gold, a golden chair engraved with a dragon's head, the golden chair was placed higher than the floor to show the high status of the emperor as a descendant of the heavens.

Lory peeks the throne room from the entrance, they are not allowed to enter the room because according to their palace protocol they had to wait at the entrance until the eunuch announces their arrival, Wu Zhi Xiao looks anxious he worries it would offend Zhao Li Xin since his Lord is not a patient man but luckily he said nothing. 

Instead, he looked like he was in a good mood while Listening to lory comparing Lucient's throne to the Ruler's throne of this world, she told him that the throne in this world was more eye-catching, bright, and vibrant, unlike the Lucient Throne in the cestine palace that didn't use gold or bright colors like red, it could be said that the Lucient throne room had a strong, grand and ancient impression maybe because the room was covered with white and gray marble.

The giant chair was made from the meteor rock that falls on Harland territory as if the god himself blessed the King by giving them the best material for the King's throne, one of King Arkheon's own Archknights carved the chair with the imaged of seven god's sword after that it becomes one of the kind throned that ever exist in the world. 

Throughout the years it inevitably undergoes several restorations but the original form is still preserved. But after Nazareth burned half of the Cestine castle, Lory didn't know if the chair would still intact or if Lucas might need to create a whole new throned for himself, whatever happened just like his father said 'It's only an uncomfortable chair' 

"Lord Long Ming and Madam Zhao have arrived!" the eunuch holler in loud voice.

Several officers present immediately turned their heads, they were all curious to take a close look at 'Demon Lord' Long Ming and his mysterious wife. Within the Throne Room, there were only two generals one is quite old and the other is a middle-aged man with a thick beard, there were also two other officials, one of whom was Wu Zhi Xiao's father, Wu Han Chen.

Wu Han Chen had heard about Long Ming from his eldest son Wu Zhi Xiao, he knew that it was Long Ming who had cleared his family's good name and helped them escape the clutches of the Sanguan family clan, Long Ming also helped Wu Zhi Xiao's career in the court by giving Wu Zhi Xiao valuable information so that they could finally back to their former glory, because of that Wu Han Chen felt indebted to Long Ming and didn't know how to repay Zhao Li Xin's kindness.

However Zhao Li Xin oblivious to this since he gives the task to Bei Li Yan and Wu San Bo, the truth is he completely forgot about Wu Zhi Xiao's matters until he arrived at Yun Dao city.

The emperor sits on his throne remain calm and indifferent but secretly he scrutinized Lory and Zhao Li Xin, at first he was blown away by Zhao Li Xin's heavenly defying appearance, he looks like an immortal that emerged from painting, only know he understands why Zhao Li Xin chose to wear a mask for such a long time, the emperor also relieved that there are no wives or concubines present in the room right now, otherwise, he wouldn't know how many of his women swoon by Zhao Li Xin's impeccable appearance.

realized the emperor had been watching him and Lory, Zhao Li Xin raised his gaze, his cold dark eyes stare at the emperor without the slightest trace of fear, vigilance, or even curiosity.

The emperor frowned, Zhao Li Xin's beautiful onyx eyes were like a black abyss that sucked his soul into endless darkness, it gives an indescribable feeling for The Emperor. As a monarch, the emperor has never been intimidated, but right now he felt his body go numb as the blood in his veins runs cold.josei

The emperor could hear his heart pounding against his chest, he subconsciously clenched his fists then shocked knowing his palms were wet and clammy, he knew exactly what is this feeling mean, because he had instilled this feeling to his subordinates and enemy, it was 'Fear'

The emperor was shaken by this revelation, he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves then shifted his gaze to Lory, The emperor was astonished at how different her aura compared to Zhao Li Xin.

Although she was not considered a dazzling beauty like Lao Min Na and her daughter princess Youya, however, she was engulfed with gentleness, serenity, and soothing aura, her beautiful eyes brimmed with grace, and dignity beyond her age, it's no wonder her daughter Princess Youya praised Long Ming wife a lot. 

'Don't believe the rumors outside, this woman is more than meets the eyes.' The emperor recalled his daughter's words.

In front of the emperor, Zhao Li Xin only gave a small nod to the emperor and Lory as a wife could only follow him even though he knew it was impolite. Normally that would not be allowed but because he was Long Ming who could say otherwise. 

The emperor does not feel offended, after all the world belongs to the strong, and he knows he is weaker than Zhao Li Xin. "Welcome to our kingdom, Mister Long Ming and Madame Zhao, I hope you don't mind of my late greetings," said the emperor kindly.

Lory knew Zhao Li Xin wasn't someone who cared about pleasantries nor he cared, she decided to speak up for him, Lory bow her head slightly and smiled warmly "How come, it's an honor to be invited to your majestic palace, Your Majesty." Lory replied humble but graceful tone.

The Emperor's eyebrows lifted slightly, the woman in front of him was definitely not someone that born from common birth, she was humble but not timid, smart but not arrogant, she was also exuded elegance and dignity, this kind of attitude was not something that could be taught. It seems all the rumors about her are wrong. 

"Madame Zhao. It's nice to have you and Lord Long Ming in our palace "the crown prince stepped forward then saluted them politely" I feel bad for bothering you, but if you don't mind, I would like to ask for help. "

Lory likes his straightforward attitude "Please speak up, Your Highness" Lory said. 

"As you may have heard, the queen dowager's condition worsened after she received Lao Min Na's treatment, I hope you have a way to help the Queen Dowager condition," said the Crown Prince express his anxiety.

Obviously, the words were aimed at Zhao Li Xin but the crown prince knew better to beg Lory first than Zhao Li Xin. Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin's face reminded indifferently, normally he would immediately reject the Crown Prince but since it involved Lazarus, Zhao Li Xin left the decision to Lory. 

"Of course, I'll be happy to help" Lory smiled sweetly. 

'Eh, really?' The emperor and the crown prince stunned at the same time. They thought Lory would ask Zhao Li Xin for help but she said casually as if she was the one who is going to help Queen Dowager, but they never heard that Long Ming's wife was a physician or even an alchemist.

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